


Part A [考点解析与技巧解密]


高考考点12: 面试场景



1 工作时间; 2 工作地点; 3 工作薪酬; 4 工作经历; 5 教育背景; 6 面试印象。


面试场景题型常出现job interview、salary、education background、work experience、good impression等标志性词汇。该类题型常出现在长对话考题中。选择该公司或该工作的原因通常如下:离家近、交通便捷、喜欢公司的企业文化、弹性办公、能获得提升和进步。



1.What is the woman doing now?

A.She is serving a customer.

B.She is conducting an interview.

C.She is doing some recording.

2.When does the man go to the nursing home?




3.Where will the man probably be working next Monday?

A.At the airport nearby.

B.In the studio next door.

C.At the store downtown.


4.Who is the speaker?

A.A guide.

B.A teacher.

C.A graduate.

5.What does the speaker think of her job?

A.It's easy.

B.It's challenging.

C.It's interesting.

6.What matters most to the speaker?




7.How does the speaker feel about the future?




高考考点13: 工作场景



1 工作内容与能力; 2 工作培训。


1 工作内容方面主要考查开会、给老板准备报告或信件内容、工作出差、常出现business、company、office、meeting、report、project、program、letter、work等标志性词汇;工作能力如打字速度的快慢等。

2 工作培训主要考查培训的内容、培训多久时间、参与人数有多少。



8.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a shop.

B.In a canteen.

C.In an office.

9.What bothers the woman?

A.Her computer is down.

B.Her paper is missing.

C.Her hand is aching.

10.When is the woman's report due?



C.Next Monday.


11.What is the aim of the program?

A.To keep trainees in shape.

B.To improve public relations.

C.To develop leadership skills.

12.Which of the following will the trainees be doing during the program?

A.Attending lectures on management.

B.Preparing reports for the company.

C.Making plans for a journey.

13.How long will the program last?

A.8 days.

B.12 days.

C.20 days.

14.If people want to join the program, what should they do after the meeting?

A.Take a pre-test.

B.Pay for the program.

C.Sign on a piece of paper.

高考考点14: 工作与生活场景



1 上班交通是否便利; 2 工作与家庭事务冲突; 3 与朋友或同事谈论工作或熟悉的前同事。




15.Where are the speakers?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a theater.

C.In an office.

16.Why does the man plan to leave early?

A.He is going on vacation.

B.He is going to a performance.

C.He is going to the post office.

17.What does the woman offer to do?

A.Clean the office.

B.Pick up the man's son.

C.Finish the man's work.


18.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Salesperson and customer.

B.Old school friends.

C.Fellow workers.

19.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is fond of her work.

B.She is tired of traveling.

C.She is interested in law.

20.What is the man?

A.A company manager.

B.A salesperson.

C.A lawyer.

21.Why does the woman ask for the man's address?

A.To send him a book.

B.To get together with him.

C.To repair something at his home.


22.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Fellow clerks.

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Customer and salesperson.

23.What does the man like about his job?

A.Living close to the office.

B.Chances to go abroad.

C.Nice people to work with.

24.What do we know about the woman?

A.She likes traveling.

B.She is new to the company.

C.She works in public relations.

Part B [原文创新与听写挑战]


请重听Part A录音,将Part A听力原文中的空格内容补充完整。

Text 1

M: Do you have any job experience?

W: Only a little.I helped out at my father's office last year.And I worked in a ________ last month.

M: That's good.Can you work every day?

W: Yes, I can work any day of the week.Oh, no, except Thursday.I work at a nursing home in the ________ that day.

M: When would you be able to start?

W: Next Monday.

M: OK.That's great.We have two stores, a very busy one downtown and one near the airport with almost no customers even on weekends.

W: I want to work near the airport.

M: Good.Everyone now hates it.There are few customers, so you will most likely be doing jobs such as carrying big ________ and cleaning.

W: Oh, no.Er, wait.Er, I like the store downtown.

M: OK.That's ________.See you next Monday.

Text 2

Thank Mr.Williams for inviting me back.I'd love to share with you my life experiences after graduation.Well, I graduated from here in 2001.When I was thrown into the job market, finding a job was not difficult.Most of my classmates found good jobs in big cities.If I were born a decade later, things might have been totally different.I finally accepted a job with my current employer, and now work as a ________.I won't say my job is not demanding.Sometimes I'm kept very busy working late into the night.And I also have to travel to other cities to attend some ________ several times a year.But I must admit, I'm happy with what I'm doing, which is related to what I learned at university.That's why I haven't changed jobs for the last decade and a half.In recent years, I have been thinking about trying other things, such as running a coffee shop or a bookstore.But I haven't really set out to do that because any decision I make might create ________ for my family.I got married five years after I left college.For me, family comes first.Today, you college students are facing a totally different time from what we were presented with ten years ago.Obviously, there are difficulties, but chances exist, and you'll have hope of leading a successful life.

Text 3

M: Shall we sit here?

W: Sure!

M: Why didn't you have anything on your ________?

W: Well, I am not even a bit hungry.

M: Is there anything wrong? Do you feel well?

W: I've been really worried.It's my computer.It's in the shop again.

M: Really? What's wrong this time?

W: I don't know exactly.There seems to be something wrong with the system.It restarts several times within an hour.And I can't save what I have typed.

M: That's too bad.

W: Yeah.I need to ________ a sales report next Monday, and it's already Wednesday today.Besides, I was only halfway through my report, and everything is in the computer.

M: I see.Perhaps you should ask them to get it fixed in just one or two days, then at least you still have the weekend to work on the report.

W: Yes, I guess you're right.Thanks.

Text 4

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I want to take a little of your time to let you know about a short training program the company is now planning.The program is called Learning from Adventure and it is designed to develop leadership skills.There will be lectures on public relations and management, as well as outdoor ________ such as climbing mountains, long distance running and ________.You don't need any past experience.There will be no end of program test.However, the company will receive a full report on your ________.You'll surely improve your ability to help others to realize their ________ and to deal with difficult tasks under difficult conditions.The 12-day program will be in ________.If you like, you can use part of your 20-day paid holidays.There is no ________ for this program.If you're interested, please write your name on this piece of paper after the meeting.Thank you.

Text 5

W: John, I thought you were going to leave early today to take your son to the ________.

M: I'm still planning to.But I can't leave until I finish typing all the ________.

W: Can't you leave that until tomorrow?

M: No.The boss wants them first thing tomorrow morning.

W: How many have you got left?

M: About five.

W: Why don't you just go ahead, John? I'll do the letters for you.

M: Thank you very much, Janet.You're so kind.

Text 6

M: Hello, it's, it is Carol, isn't it?

W: Oh.Mike? Oh, my goodness! I haven't seen you for ages.

M: Nice to see you again after all these years.What've you been doing?

W: Well, I've tried many things after we left school.I'm now working for a large ________ company, er...in charge of ________ mainly.So I travel a lot.

M: Oh, that's great.You must really enjoy that.

W: Oh, I do.Yeh, yeh, it's lovely.It's quite tiring though, but en...what about you, Mike? What do you do?

M: I'm working in a law firm.I'm practicing business law, you know.

W: Oh, that's interesting.

M: Yeah.I'm happy doing what I do.

W: Good.

M: Anyway, it's great to see you.We must get together some time.

W: Yes, we should.Look, give me your address and phone number.Em...I got my book here.OK, and then I'll give you a ring and we can ________.

M: Right.Well.

Text 7

M: Hi, you must be that new ________.Welcome! I'm Tom Robison from ________.

W: Hi, Mr.Robison.Thanks.My name is Lisa Jones, working in sales now.

M: Please call me Tom, Lisa.

W: OK.Tom, have you worked here long?

M: Yes, over ________ years.

W: Wow, that is a long time.Do you enjoy working here?

M: Well, yes.I suppose I took the job because, err...well, the money is good, and it's a good place to work in, but to be honest, what I really enjoy is the chance to go abroad, just visiting other countries.That's the best thing.

W: That's nice.For me the best thing about working here is that I live ________ to the office.I can go home for lunch, and I don't have to worry about the traffic.

Part C [历年真题与专项突破]

Section 1:真题选择填空



Text 1

1.When does the woman usually get home from work?

A.About 6∶30.

B.About 7∶30.

C.About 8∶30.

2.What did the woman do last night?

A.She watched TV.

B.She recorded a program.

C.She prepared for a lecture.

Text 2

3.How many members are there in Alice's group now?




Text 3

4.What is the man doing?

A.Getting dressed.

B.Having an interview.

C.Celebrating a birthday.

5.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Parent and child.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Customer and saleswoman.

Text 4

6.What will the project focus on?

A.A dog.

B.A fish.

C.A cat.

7.What can we know about John?

A.He has conducted the survey.

B.He is making cards now.

C.He will do the introduction.

8.Who can handle the summarizing?




Text 5

9.How does the woman think about her work?

A.It is very good.

B.It is hard to say now.

C.It keeps her very busy.

10.Where does the woman live now?

A.In her workplace.

B.In the city center.

C.In a big apartment.

11.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The woman's life in a new city.

B.The woman's travel experience.

C.The woman's co-workers.

Text 6

12.What does the woman like doing?

A.Working as a teacher.

B.Working as a lawyer.

C.Working as a headmaster.

Text 7

13.What does the woman need?

A.Some ink.

B.A printer.

C.Some paper.

14.What problem does the man have?

A.He can't send a text message.

B.He can't hear the woman clearly.

C.He can't be back to the office soon.

Text 8

15.How is the man feeling?




16.What will the man probably do tonight?

A.Have a meeting.

B.Go to a party.

C.Fly to the US.

Text 9

17.What are the speakers talking about?

A.An interview.

B.A meal.

C.A job.

18.What time of the day is it now?




19.How is the man feeling?




Text 10

20.Why would the woman like to have a Chinese name?

A.She is taking a Chinese class.

B.She will be working in China.

C.She has made some Chinese friends.

Section 2:真题原文填空


请重听Part C Section 1录音,将以下听力原文中的空格内容补充完整。

Text 1

M: What time do you usually get home from work?

W: Oh, about 6∶30, but if there's a lot of ________, it will be around ________.Last night, I got home very late.It was almost 8∶30.

M: That's too bad.By the way, did you watch that special TV program last night?

W: No, I didn't have the time, and I forgot to ________ it.You know, I had to prepare for a lecture.

Text 2

M: How big is your ________ group, Alice?

W: Well, there were six of us to begin with.Then two people left.

Text 3

M: I don't know what to ________ today, dear.

W: Why do you care so much about your ________ today?

M: I'm going to have an important interview.

W: Well, I'm sure you'll do well, dear.

M: Thanks.Do you like this ________?

W: Yes.You look very smart in that blue one.

M: How about the ________? Do you think this will ________?

W: No, not really.Why don't you wear your new one?

M: Which one?

W: The one the kids gave you for your birthday.

M: That one.I'll get it.

Text 4

M: Hi, Carol.Are you ready to start our project about keeping ________?

W: Yes, John.What kind of pets should we focus on?

M: Tom and I are thinking of a cat or a dog.Which do you prefer?

W: Well, I don't know much about either of them.What about fish?

M: That's a good idea.I'll ask Tom to help.You do the ________.

W: Sure.What else should we discuss, John?

M: I think we should make some cards so we don't forget what we're saying during the ________.

W: Sounds great, but I hate speaking in public so I prefer not to do the introduction.

M: I don't mind at all.I'll do that.

W: I'm sure Mary can handle the summarizing.

M: That's ________.

Text 5

M: Hello?

W: Dad, it's me, Kirsty.

M: Kirsty! How are you?

W: I'm fine but still a little ________.

M: I can imagine.What's work like?

W: It's still too early to say.But I think it's going to be really good.It's a big company but everybody's been so kind and helpful.

M: And how about the city? Have you seen much of it yet?

W: I've seen a bit.It just seems such a big, busy city.I don't see how I'll ever find my way around.

M: I know.Big cities can seem really strange and ________ at first.Where are you living?

W: Well, I find a ________ apartment.But it's in the ________ area and it's close to work.

M: It all sounds really interesting.Hope you'll enjoy yourself there.

Text 6

M: What would you want to do if you were not working as a ________?

W: I don't know.Teaching, probably.I like to work with kids.

M: Me, too.

Text 7

M: Hello, hi, Stephanie?

W: Hi, Tom? How are things going with you?

M: Great.I've signed the ________ with ABC Company.How are things with the office? Is everything OK?

W: Yes.When will you be back?

M: I'm on the way now.I will be back soon.

W: Um...Can you pick up some paper for the ________? We have run out of paper.

M: Hello? Hello? What did you say?

W: Can you hear me now? I mean I need some paper.

M: What? Did you say to pick up some ink for the printer? Sorry, the ________ isn't very good here.Can you repeat that, please?

W: Well, I'll send you a text message to tell you exactly what I need.

M: What?

Text 8

W: So you are leaving for the U.S.tonight?

M: Don't ask.I'm not going.

W: Why?

M: Because I have to stay here for a meeting with my ________.

W: Oh, well, never mind.Now you can come to Helen's party tonight.

Text 9

W: Do you know what time you will be back this evening, Arek?

M: I'm not sure.It depends on how long the interview lasts.Oh dear, I hope things go OK.I know I can do the job.It's just getting that across to them.

W: Just relax.Everyone has his first time.Don't get yourself ________.Remember, you've got to make them believe that they need you and you are not going to do that if you are in a state.Have some more ________.It will make you feel much better.And pass me the milk, will you? What time is your appointment?

M: ________.

W: Make sure you have a ________ lunch, more coffee.And don't get there too early, or you have to hang around.And it's nothing worth.You'll manage.OK? I'm sure.

Text 10

W: Brad, I've got this list of Chinese names here.Could you help me ________ one?

M: So you are serious about having a Chinese name for your job in China?

W: Yes, two of my friends in the team have already got theirs. SnmJ/B+Ro1KJ/7jIE2z6Dov01NA4Cd3sKJqWdkD515Qo8KZkKX4g066Dn8zigGDz
