


Part A:考点解读与技巧解密

Section 1: 考点解读


答: 完形填空中常考的重现考点主要有以下三种:

Section 2:技巧解密

1. 原词重现


答: 原词重现是指答案通常就是原文中出现过的原词。在完形填空中要特别注意,有的重现词在上文中出现, 有的重现词在下文中出现。如果重现词在下文中出现,同学们在解题时一定不要急于做题,必须要等到下文的词汇线索出现后再返回去解答,否则会容易出现错误。


Yu and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to be a customer without thinking a lot until she saw a video about “zero-waste”.

The 1 is about a family of four, and the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar.

After watching the video , Yu wanted to experience this zero-waste lifestyle with her boyfriend. Yu says that a zero-waste life 2 the 6R principle—Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot ( 腐烂 ) .

Over August-October when Yu followed the principle of zero-waste 6R, she and her boyfriend Joe Harvey both 3 only two cans of rubbish. [山东卷]

1. A. video B. film C. article D. newspaper

2. A. accepts B. receives C. follows D. believes

3. A. saved B. produced C. kept D. wasted



1. 由上文线索中提到的she saw a video about “zero-waste”和下文线索After watching the video可知答案选 ______,即这是一个关于零浪费的视频。

2. 由下文线索中提到的Over August-October when Yu followed the principle of zero-waste 6R可知答案选 ______,即零浪费需要遵循6R原则。

3. 由上文线索中提到的the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar可知答案为 ______,即Yu和她的男朋友遵循零浪费的6R原则后,像视频里的那家人一样,3个月内只产生了2罐垃圾。

2. 同义重现


答: 同义重现是指答案与原文中出现过的某个词意思相近或相同,我们要注意有时候是在感情色彩上相近或相同,如excited和happy,heart-broken和sad等。


Now, the couple have opened a small 4 called The Bulk House in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, to support a zero-waste life.

At the store they use environmentally friendly products. [山东卷]

4. A. shop B. factory C. hotel D. company


本题考查同义重现,根据At the store they use environmentally friendly products可知本题答案是 ______。本题答案与store同义。


Understand what kind of learner you are. Do you need silence to focus? Then make sure the TV is not on when you are studying. Provide yourself with a 5 learning environment at home. [上海卷]

5. A. warm B. clean C. quiet D. safe


本题考查同义重现,根据Do you need silence to focus? Then make sure the TV is not on when you are studying可知,你需要一个安静的环境, 所以答案选 ______。本题答案与silence同义。

3. 同类重现


答: 同类重现是原词不出现,而是出现同一类别的词,比如都是饮食类、体育类等词,或者属于同类感情色彩,如褒义类、贬义类等词。


I knew Jack's now adult son, Bill. He is one of the kindest, most caring , most 6 men I have ever known. I saw the love between Bill and his children . [湖北卷]

6. A. careful B. loving C. humorous D. hard-working


根据上文线索kindest、most caring以及下文线索I saw the love between Bill and his children可知,这里指的是“有爱的”,所以正确答案选 ______。文中kindest、caring、loving属于同类感情色彩之褒义词。


Some students focus better in the morning; others at night . Find the right 7 so that your efforts will work well. [上海卷]

7. A. time B. place C. habit D. skill


根据上文线索Some students focus better in the morning; others at night可知,不同的学生在不同时间段的注意力不一样,有的在早晨精力比较集中,有的则在晚上比较集中,所以下文应该是说每个学生应该找到自己合适的时间,所以正确答案选 ______。注意morning和night都属于时间类别。


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A

Part B:线索定位训练法

Section 1: 线索定位训练

下面真题已将已知线索加粗标出, 主要目标是训练同学们养成寻找已知线索的习惯。

A [青海卷]

Blue whales are the largest animals in the world. But they are amazing 1 because of their huge size, but their slow heartbeat .

For the first time, scientists have researched the 2 of a blue whale. They found 3 when blue whales dive ( 潜水 ) for food, their heart rates ( 心率 ) are as 4 as 2 beats per minute (bpm) . Scientists used to 5 that their diving heart rate was 15 bpm . When the whales go to the ocean's 6 to breathe , their heart rate is between 25 and 37 bpm.

Usually, the larger an animal is, 7 its heart beats, since it takes more time to pump 输送 blood around 8 body . Shrews, the smallest mammals 哺乳动物 , have a heart rate of up to 1, 000 bpm. Humans usually stay between 60 and 100 bpm.

9 slowing their heart rate, blue whales can send more blood to the muscles ( 肌肉 ) that they use 10 . These muscles become stronger, allowing the whales to dive for longer periods of time .

1. A. neither B. either C. not only D. although

2. A. heartbeat B. body size C. diving D. food

3. A. it B. that C. once D. if

4. A. many B. little C. fast D. slow

5. A. regard B. expect C. think D. doubt

6. A. bottom B. surface C. center D. side

7. A. the slower B. slower C. the faster D. faster

8. A. it's B. its C. his D. her

9. A. By B. In C. On D. At

10. A. to pump blood B. to eat C. to breathe D. to dive

B [河北卷]

Whenever the exam season comes, stress ( 焦虑 ) may come along. Here are some 1 that have helped me and my friends through this season .

When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk . I usually borrow my neighbor's dog and 2 for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games . Having some 3 drives away your stress easily most of the time.

And 4 you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you 5 . The best thing about this is that you don't have to go 6 .

But if you are a book lover just like me, 7 a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you've 8 been. Putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.

For sure, there's nothing better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep 9 off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we 10 our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.

Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.

1. A. ways B. reasons C. habits D. results

2. A. walk B. jump C. stand D. sit

3. A. jokes B. sports C. tasks D. lessons

4. A. before B. until C. since D. if

5. A. lovely B. friendly C. happy D. sleepy

6. A. somewhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. nowhere

7. A. copy B. write C. print D. read

8. A. ever B. never C. seldom D. always

9. A. worry B. pity C. surprise D. pain

10. A. think about B. talk about C. care about D. hear about

Section 2: 答案详解




选项翻译: A. 两者都不 B. 两者任其一 C. 不仅 D. 虽然

解题分析: 本题考查固定搭配not only...but (also)...“不仅……而且……”,句意为:它们如此惊人,不仅是因为它们体型巨大,而且因为它们心跳缓慢,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 心跳 B. 体型 C. 潜水 D. 食物

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据上文线索but their slow heartbeat可知,此处说的是蓝鲸的心跳,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 它 B. 引导词that C. 一旦;一次 D. 是否;如果

解题分析: 根据题干线索They found可知,本题考查宾语从句引导词。选项B和D都可以引导宾语从句,但if引导宾语从句时,意为“是否”,代入句中不符合语境,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 很多 B. 小的;少的 C. 快的 D. 慢的

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据上文线索but their slow heartbeat和下文线索2 beats per minute (bpm)可知,心跳每分钟两下是慢的,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 看待 B. 期待 C. 认为 D. 怀疑

解题分析: 根据used to do的语义和上文线索2 beats per minute (bpm)以及下文线索their diving heart rate was 15 bpm可知,科学家过去认为它们潜水时的心率是每分钟15次,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 底部 B. 表面 C. 中心 D. 旁边

解题分析: 根据下文线索to breathe和常识,可知它们是到水的表面呼吸,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 更慢(the slower) B. 更慢(slower)

C. 更快(the faster) D. 更快(faster)

解题分析: 本题考查重现词和语法“the+比较级,the+比较级(越……就越……)”。根据上文线索but their slow heartbeat中的重现词slow,以及下文线索takes more time to pump blood和the smallest mammals, have a heart rate of up to 1,000 bpm可知,动物越大,心跳越慢,根据“the+比较级,the+比较级”可知选A。


选项翻译: A. 它是 B. 它的 C. 他的 D. 她的

解题分析: 本题考查代词用法。根据分句中的主语it和空格后面的名词body可知,前面用形容词性物主代词its,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 通过 B. 在……里面 C. 在……上面 D. 在……

解题分析: 本题考查上下文语义逻辑和“介词+doing”的用法。根据句意可知,通过减慢心率,蓝鲸可以向肌肉输送更多的血液,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 输送血液 B. 吃 C. 呼吸 D. 潜水

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据下文线索These muscles become stronger, allowing the whales to dive for longer periods of time和重现词dive可知答案选D。


本文主要介绍了通过散步 、 遛狗 、 打球 、 听音乐 、 看书 、 大笑等方法来解决考试焦虑问题。


选项翻译: A. 方法 B. 原因 C. 习惯 D. 结果

解题分析: 根据下文线索 helped me and my friends through this season可知,应该是这里有些方法能解决我们的考试焦虑,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 走 B. 跳 C. 站 D. 坐

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据上文线索I stop and take a walk可知,此处是大约散步15分钟,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 笑话 B. 运动 C. 任务 D. 课程

解题分析: 根据上文线索Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games可知,做些运动可以轻松地消除你的压力,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 在……之前 B. 直到……才 C. 自从 D. 如果

解题分析: 根据下文you find music helpful, give it a go可知,此处用if最符合句意。本句句意为“如果你觉得音乐对你有帮助,那就试试吧。” 其他几个选项都不符合语义逻辑,故答案是D。


选项翻译: A. 可爱的 B. 友好的 C. 开心的 D. 困倦的

解题分析: 根据上文线索Listening to your favorite songs可知,听到最喜欢的歌应该是很开心的,故答案是C。


选项翻译: A. 某个地方 B. 各个地方 C. 任何地方 D. 无处

解题分析: 根据上文可知,听音乐的好处就是你不用去任何地方,再根据否定句,此处用anywhere,故答案是C。


选项翻译: A. 复制 B. 写 C. 打印 D. 读

解题分析: 根据上文线索you are a book lover just like me和下文重现词Reading可知是读书,故答案是D。


选项翻译: A. 曾经 B. 从不 C. 很少 D 总是

解题分析: 根据下文线索Putting yourself into a new world可知,读书可以把你带到一个从未去过的地方,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 担心 B. 同情 C. 惊喜 D. 疼痛

解题分析: 文章主旨是“解决考试焦虑”,根据上文线索Laughing is the best medicine可知,笑是最好的药,它真的可以让你忘掉忧虑,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 考虑 B. 谈论 C. 关心 D. 听说

解题分析: 根据上文线索Very often I call my best friend 可知,“我”经常给最好的朋友打电话,而打电话就要说一些有趣的事情,所以故答案是B。

Part C:专项强化训练

Section 1: 真题精练


C [安徽卷]

In recent years, with more and more cars on the road, flying robots are used to deliver ( 递送 ) mails. Flying robots can 1 mails to people's houses without having to deal with heavy 2 . But they will spend too much time in returning. A research center is trying to improve its flying robots with the 3 of homing pigeons ( 信鸽 ) .

Homing pigeons are pigeons that are 4 trained to fly home from some-where else. In tests, researchers 5 that homing pigeons were 6 efficient ( 高效的 ) than flying robots at returning to their home. So the research center is trying to use a flying robot, together with a 7 , to deliver mails. After the robot finishes its tasks, it can 8 the pigeon back in the shortest possible time.

Although it will cost more money to 9 pigeons, the research center says that it can 10 time. And the time it saves will make up for the cost.

1. A. invite B. carry C. blow D. kick

2. A. traffic B. rain C. fire D. pollution

3. A. help B. luck C. treat D. interest

4. A. poorly B. carelessly C. specially D. musically

5. A. promised B. joked C. planned D. found

6. A. less B. more C. little D. much

7. A. homing pigeon B. big house C. leading person D. heavy car

8. A. train B. knock C. follow D. steal

9. A. dress B. paint C. clean D. raise

10. A. expect B. show C. kill D. save

Section 2: 答案详解




选项翻译: A. 邀请 B. 运送 C. 吹 D. 敲

解题分析: 本题考查同义重现。根据上文线索deliver mails可知飞行机器人是把信送到人们的房子里,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 交通 B. 雨 C. 火 D. 污染

解题分析: 根据上文线索with more and more cars on the road, flying robots are used to deliver mails可知,路上车多才使用飞行机器人,因此,飞行机器人不需要担心交通拥堵的问题,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 帮助 B. 幸运 C. 对待 D. 兴趣

解题分析: 根据上文线索they will spend too much time in returning和improve its flying robots可知,由于飞行机器人返回时间太长,所以需要信鸽的帮助,来改进飞行机器人,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 贫穷地 B. 粗心地 C. 专门地 D. 音乐上

解题分析: 根据下文线索trained to fly home from somewhere else可知,信鸽是经过专门训练,可以从某个地方飞回家里的鸽子,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 承诺 B. 开玩笑 C. 计划 D. 发现

解题分析: 根据下文句意可知,研究者发现在返回家这件事情上,信鸽比飞行机器人更有效率,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 更少的 B. 更多的 C. 几乎没有 D. 许多

解题分析: 根据上文线索 they will spend too much time in returning和下文线索the pigeon back in the shortest possible time可知,飞行机器人返回需要更多时间,而信鸽花费最短时间回来,因此,研究者发现信鸽比飞行机器人在返回家这件事情上更有效率,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 信鸽 B. 大房子 C. 领导人 D. 重型汽车

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据上下文句意可知,研究者发现信鸽返回家时比飞行机器人更有效率,所以使用飞行机器人和信鸽一起去传送信件,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 训练 B. 敲 C. 跟随 D. 偷

解题分析: 根据上下文句意可知,要想提高飞行机器人的效率,可以让飞行机器人跟着信鸽,从而在最短的时间内返回家,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 穿衣 B. 绘画 C. 打扫 D. 饲养

解题分析: 根据上文线索cost more money可知,饲养信鸽要花费更多的钱,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 期待 B. 展示 C. 杀死 D. 节省

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据下文线索And the time it saves will make up for the cost可知,信鸽可以帮助节约时间,saves是重现词,故选D。 ljWJd1IpBNdIjh0LNlbC+o/Z5jycafXnhiuU0KqwJAj0tA1VSx9wAkPgvpoXQoRi
