


Part A:考点解读与技巧解密

Section 1: 考点解读


答: 完形填空中常考的逻辑关系主要有以下三种:

Section 2:技巧解密

1. 同义并列逻辑



My mum thought that I should develop and improve ( 提高 ) my Chinese language skills. I seemed to know it would do me good in future, but at that time I couldn't realize the 1 of learning a second language. [安徽卷]

1. A. mistakes B. excuses C. fears D. advantages


本题虽然有but,但后半句中有表示否定的couldn't,故其实考查的是一个同义并列关系。根据上文线索 it would do me good in future可知,作者知道学中文有好处,但是在当时作者没有意识到学习第二门语言的优势,所以本题答案为 ______。注意advantages与good同义。


People my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days. All of a sudden I was a part of that , and it felt good to be so 2 . [北京卷]

2. A. loved B. missed C. needed D. included


本题考查同义并列逻辑,根据上文线索All of a sudden I was a part of that可知,作者和同事们坐在一起感受到了被接纳为其中一员的氛围,a part of that和included属于同义并列关系,所以正确答案选 ______。

2. 反义转折逻辑



After entering high school, you may face some new challenges. The schoolwork may become more difficult and require greater skills. Most students need support. Teachers and parents may give you a hand. However, you can't 3 others all the time. [上海卷]

3. A. care for B. depend on C. compete with D. worry about


本题的解题关键就是要了解However表示转折对比关系。根据上文线索Most students need support. Teachers and parents may give you a hand可知,大多数学生需要支持,老师和家长可能会给你帮助,但However一出现,说明前后语义就相反了,言外之意就是你不能总是依赖别人,所以正确答案选 ______。


As the summer came, the “grass” really flowered. The flowers looked like those forest orchids ( 兰花 ), 4 they were yellow, unlike those purple or brown red forest orchids. [新疆卷]

4. A. so B. but C. then D. all


本题考查转折逻辑。根据上文线索“looked like(像)”和下文线索“unlike(不像)”可知,前后是转折关系。那些花看起来像森林兰花,但是它们是黄色的,不像那些紫色或棕红色的森林兰花,前后的语义是相反的,属于转折逻辑,所以正确答案是 ______。

3. 因果逻辑

上下文是因果关系,有时给出原因,求结果;有时给出结果,求原因。此类题型常伴随for, because, reason等词出现。


Sometimes Mum is not very 5 with Matt because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class.

Martin, on the other hand ( 另一方面 ), is the quiet one. He is less active than Matt, but he has a really close group of friends. He also does well in his 6 because he works very hard on his studies. Mum never has to worry about Martin. [天津卷]

5. A. nervous B. honest C. happy D. angry

6. A. exams B. hobbies C. interviews D. adventures


5. 本题考查因果逻辑。解题关键是文中的because。根据下句because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class可知,他很贪玩,上课时不听老师的话,所以妈妈应该是不开心的,故答案是 ______。

6. 本题考查因果逻辑。根据下文线索because he works very hard on his studies可知,他学习非常努力,因此考试成绩应该非常好,故答案是 ______。


1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A

Part B:线索定位训练法

Section 1: 线索定位训练


A [北京卷]

At the end of my first year of high school, I realized I needed to find a summer job. I was tired of having to ask my parents for 1 . I wanted to go to the shopping center or movies with friends without having to ask for $20 from my parents. I imagined having a job at a store or at a summer camp where I could play games with children . But what actually happened was 2 . The only job I managed to find was cleaning up tables at a local restaurant .

At first, the idea of clearing tables upset me. The thought of getting up at dawn 黎明 to go clean up after people made me 3 ever asking for a job. The first day was terribly busy . I was running around, racing to get a table ready for the waiting customers. I'll never forget how 4 I felt that day, but I'll also never forget sitting down for lunch with my co﹣workers for the first time. People my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days. All of a sudden I was a part of that , and it felt good to be so 5 .

I've now worked at the restaurant for almost one year. I've learned to be happy about getting up so early, because I know there're going to be a few good 6 every day there.

From starting there as a shy student, I've been able to grow into a person that can go up and 7 anyone, at work or anywhere else. I'm also not as sensitive ( 敏感的 ) as I used to be—getting an impolite customer might make me feel bad, but very soon I can laugh it off with my co-workers. The little job has given me so much, and I can't wait to go back and continue to 8 from my experience.

1. A. food B. money C. attention D. advice

2. A. exciting B. encouraging C. confusing D. disappointing

3. A. forget B. enjoy C. regret D. imagine

4. A. tired B. happy C. curious D. relaxed

5. A. loved B. missed C. needed D. included

6. A. dishes B. choices C. moments D. customers

7. A. find B. greet C. push D. stop

8. A. grow B. stand C. rest D. hide

B [天津卷]

I have two older brothers, Matt and Martin. They love me very much. Perhaps it is because I am the 1 child and the only sister they have .

Both Matt and Martin have thick and dark hair. They look alike ( 相像 ) with 2 short hairdos ( 发型 ) and big eyes. They are also very tan ( 晒黑的 ) because they enjoy outdoor 3 . For example, Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player. They are much taller than me and I always have to look up when I 4 to them. They both love to 5 , so Mum often says that they could eat a horse .

Their personalities ( 性格 ) are very 6 . Matt is very active and lively . He often takes part in club activities and gets along 7 with people. He also likes to play jokes on others, especially Martin! Sometimes Mum is not very 8 with Matt because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class .

Martin, on the other hand 另一方面 , is the quiet one . He is less active than Matt, 9 he has a really close group of friends. He also does well in his 10 because he works very hard on his studies . Mum never has to worry about Martin.

1. A. fattest B. youngest C. rudest D. strongest

2. A. their B. our C. your D. her

3. A. trips B. picnics C. sports D. risks

4. A. talk B. write C. bow D. fly

5. A. sing B. eat C. laugh D. drive

6. A. important B. difficult C. dangerous D. different

7. A. loudly B. easily C. suddenly D. recently

8. A. nervous B. honest C. happy D. angry

9. A. whether B. if C. or D. but

10. A. exams B. hobbies C. interviews D. adventures

Section 2: 答案详解




选项翻译: A. 食物 B. 金钱 C. 注意力 D. 建议

解题分析: 根据下文线索I wanted to go to the shopping center or movies with friends without having to ask for $20 from my parents可知,作者已经厌倦了找父母要钱,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 兴奋的 B. 鼓舞人心的 C. 令人困惑的 D. 令人失望的

解题分析: 根据上文线索I imagined having a job at a store or at a summer camp where I could play games with children和下文线索The only job I managed to find was cleaning up tables at a local restaurant可知,作者本来想象自己应该找一个在商店或夏令营跟孩子们玩游戏的工作,但是最终他只找到一个在餐厅收拾桌子的工作,因此这令他很失望,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 忘记 B. 喜欢 C. 后悔 D. 想象

解题分析: 根据上文线索The thought of getting up at dawn to go clean up可知,想到黎明就要起床去收拾桌子,这让作者后悔曾经想找工作,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 疲惫的 B. 高兴的 C. 好奇的 D. 放松的

解题分析: 根据上文线索The first day was terribly busy可知,第一天非常忙,作者感到很疲惫,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 喜爱 B. 想念;错过 C. 需要 D. 包括

解题分析: 本题考查同义并列逻辑,根据上文线索All of a sudden I was a part of that可知,作者和同事们坐在一起感受到了被接纳为其中一员的氛围,a part of that和included属于同义并列关系,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 盘子;菜肴 B. 选择 C. 时刻 D. 顾客

解题分析: 根据上文线索People my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days以及I've learned to be happy about getting up so early可知,作者想到每天都会跟同事坐在一起谈论他们的每一天,他认为这是最美妙的时刻,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 找寻 B. 问候 C. 推动 D. 停止

解题分析: 根据上文线索From starting there as a shy student可知,作者曾经很害羞,而现在成长了,可以上前问候每一位客人,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 长大 B. 站立 C. 休息 D. 隐藏

解题分析: 本题考查原词重现。根据上文线索I've been able to grow into a person that can go up中的重现词grow和The little job has given me so much可知,作者从这个经历里学着长大了,故选A。




选项翻译: A. 最胖的 B. 最年轻的 C. 最无礼的 D. 最强壮的

解题分析: 根据上文线索I have two older brothers和下文线索the only sister they have可知,我是最小的,所以答案选B。


选项翻译: A. 他们的 B. 我们的 C. 你们的 D. 她的

解题分析: 本题考查代词用法。根据前面主语They可知,此处要用形容词性物主代词their,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 旅行 B. 野餐 C. 运动 D. 风险

解题分析: 根据下文线索 Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player可知,他们喜欢户外运动,故答案是C。


选项翻译: A. 说话 B. 写 C. 鞠躬;点头 D.飞

解题分析: 根据上文线索They are much taller than me和上下文语义可知,当我和他们说话时,我得仰着头,talk to sb.意为“和某人说话”,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 唱歌 B. 吃 C. 大笑 D. 开车

解题分析: 根据下文线索so Mum often says that they could eat a horse可知,他们喜欢吃,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 重要的 B. 困难的 C. 危险的 D. 不同的

解题分析: 根据本段下文线索Matt is very active and lively和最后一段线索Martin, on the other hand, is the quiet one可知,他们俩性格不同,故答案是D。


选项翻译: A. 大声地 B. 容易地 C. 突然 D. 目前,最近

解题分析: 本题考查因果逻辑。根据上文线索Matt is very active and lively可知,Matt很活跃、很活泼,所以他应该是很容易与人相处,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 紧张的 B. 诚实的 C. 开心的 D. 生气的

解题分析: 根据下文线索because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class可知,他很贪玩,上课时不听老师的话,因此妈妈应该是不开心的,故答案是C。


选项翻译: A. 是否 B. 是否;如果 C. 或者 D. 但是

解题分析: 本题考查转折逻辑。根据上文线索He is less active than Matt“他没有Matt活跃”和下文线索he has a really close group of friends“他有一群非常亲密的朋友”可知,前后语义包含转折逻辑,故答案是D。


选项翻译: A. 考试 B. 爱好 C. 面试 D. 冒险

解题分析: 本题考查因果逻辑。根据下文线索because he works very hard on his studies可知,他学习非常努力,因此应该是考试成绩非常好,故答案是A。

Part C:专项强化训练

Section 1: 真题精练


C [新疆卷]

My friend Richard went far to work, so he asked me to take care of his yard in the mountains. He worked hard and often kept the yard 1 without any grass. But I was too lazy to sweep the fallen leaves, and I 2 pluck ( ) grass, allowing it to grow rapidly. In the early 3 , in March, the leaves were green and soft. A month later, when the leaves spread quickly, I discovered they were like wild orchids ( 兰花 ) in the forest.

As the summer came, the “grass” really flowered. The flowers looked like those forest orchids, 4 they were yellow, unlike those purple or brown red forest orchids. I picked one flower, then went to find a friend who studied 5 . As soon as my friend saw it he asked me 6 I picked it. “It's amazing!” He 7 explained, “This kind of orchid is hard to find. Now it is worth at least 10,000 dollars each.”

I told the good news to Richard. He was 8 . After a while he said gently, he saw the orchid in the yard every year, but he thought it was common grass, so he always plucked it. He said, “If I could 9 , it would flower a few years before.” Yes, all of us might miss some rare ( 稀有的 ) orchids in our own lives. We don't give them the time to flower to prove their value.

Give the “grass” time to flower and give everybody a 10 to prove his value. Don't pluck a leave of any “grass” or negate ( 否定 ) a person rudely and how many “rare orchids” we will get in our lives!

1. A. wild B. clean C. dry D. dirty

2. A. sometimes B. often C. never D. always

3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

4. A. so B. but C. then D.or

5. A. colors B. rivers C. seasons D. plants

6. A. that B. why C. where D. who

7. A. proudly B. successfully C. carelessly D. excitedly

8. A. worried B. surprised C. scared D. relaxed

9. A. wait B. get C. take D. make

10. A. tree B. yard C. flower D. chance

Section 2: 答案详解




选项翻译: A. 荒凉的 B. 干净的 C. 干燥的 D. 脏的

解题分析: 根据下文线索without any grass可知,院子被打理得很干净,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 有时 B. 经常 C. 从不 D. 总是

解题分析: 根据上文转折线索But I was too lazy to sweep the fallen leaves和下文线索allowing it to grow rapidly可知,作者懒得扫落叶,让它快速长,因此应该是从不拔草,故答案是C。


选项翻译: A. 春天 B. 夏天 C. 秋天 D. 冬天

解题分析: 根据下文线索in March可知是早春,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 所以 B. 但是 C. 然后 D. 或者

解题分析: 本题考查反义逻辑。根据上文线索looked like和下文线索unlike可知,前后是转折关系。那些花看起来像森林兰花,但是它们是黄色的,不像那些紫色或棕红色的森林兰花,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 颜色 B. 河流 C. 季节 D. 植物

解题分析: 根据上文线索I picked one flower, then went to find a friend who studied可知,作者摘了一朵花,由此推测作者一定是去找研究植物的朋友,故答案是D。


选项翻译: A. 引导词that B. 引导词why C. 引导词where D. 引导词who

解题分析: 根据上下文语义可知,作者的朋友应该是问作者在哪儿摘的,从句中缺地点状语,用where引导,故答案是C。


选项翻译: A. 自豪地 B. 成功地 C. 粗心地 D. 兴奋地

解题分析: 本题考查同义重现。根据上文线索It's amazing可知,下文应该是说朋友很兴奋,故答案是D。


选项翻译: A. 担心的 B. 惊讶的 C. 害怕的 D. 放松的

解题分析: 根据下文转折线索 but he thought it was common grass可知,他之前认为它是普通的草,所以应该也很惊讶,故答案是B。


选项翻译: A. 等待 B. 得到 C. 拿 D. 制造

解题分析: 根据上文线索so he always plucked it和下文线索it would flower a few years before可知,他过去总是把草拔掉,如果他多等等的话,兰花几年前就开了,故答案是A。


选项翻译: A. 树 B. 院子 C. 花 D. 机会

解题分析: 根据下文线索 prove his value可知,上文应该是说要给所有人机会证明自己的价值,故答案是D。 82MtLu1+k98g1kF7bdXu+brCfa6CeS0/wk5l6YOB3JCWLHqsrV6pWz5swbX7qdAW
