


Part A:考点解读与技巧解密

Section 1:考点解读


答: 逻辑推理法的核心就是利用已知线索来推断未知线索。切记,在解答完形填空的过程中要少依赖自我想象,一定要借助已知推断未知。

Section 2:技巧解密


答: 记住,完形填空中空格左右两边的句子就是宝贵的已知线索,所以一定要好好地研读每一个空格周围的线索。它们就是宝贵的已知条件,也就是解题的关键所在。


A.朋友 B.学生


A.朋友 B.学生


我们会发现例1中没有已知线索,因此它无解,答案可以是A,也可以是B。而例2有一个宝贵的已知条件“而不是我的敌人”,据此就能解答出唯一的答案A,因为 “朋友”与“敌人”是一对反义逻辑词。因此解题的关键在于寻找已知条件。


We are now in the 22nd century. With the development of science and technology, people can change their bodies in the way they want.

As years went by, Mr. Smith 1 his look. Several months ago, Mr. Smith went to a body engineering shop and 2 a small nose. Small noses were very 3 these years. After the operation, he looked at himself in the mirror ( 镜子 ) and found that his 4 hair no longer fit his new look. Then he wanted a change to long hair. [广东卷]

1. A. was bored of B. was relaxed about C. was excited about D. was pleased with

2. A. cared for B. waited for C. asked for D. sent for

3. A. popular B. similar C. strange D. useful

4. A. long B. short C. think D. thin


1. 从下文线索Mr. Smith went to a body engineering shop可知,Mr. Smith去了美容店。那为什么要去美容店呢?因为他对自己的长相不满意,所以答案为 ______。

2. 从上文线索Mr. Smith went to a body engineering shop可知,Mr. Smith去美容店是想要一个小鼻子,所以答案为 ______。

3. 从上文线索Mr. Smith went to a body engineering shop和“想要a small nose”可知,小鼻子应该很受欢迎,所以答案为 ______。

4. 从下文线索Then he wanted a change to long hair可知,Mr. Smith想要长头发,那么之前应该是短头发才对,所以答案为 ______。


A group of boys stood around a tree. “What a tall tree!” they said to each other, “It would be 5 to climb to the top!”

The group of boys then decided to play a game to 6 who could climb to the top of the tree first. Their mothers were sitting not far away, looking on at their 7 as they played.

One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the shortest child in the group. 8 thought he would win.

Then the game started. All of the boys tried their best to climb as high as they could. Although the other boys climbed faster than David in the beginning, he 9 the top of the tree fastest in the end. [广东卷]

5. A. boring B. exciting C. dangerous

6. A. believe B. think C. see

7. A. students B. children C. teachers

8. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Everybody

9. A. got up B. got on C. got to


5. 根据下文线索decided to play a game和who could climb to the top of the tree first可知,他们要玩一个爬树的游戏,而游戏当然是exciting,所以答案为 ______。

注意本题有一个干扰信息What a tall tree,很多同学会误以为选dangerous,但如果是dangerous的话,下文就不会出现去爬树了。

6. 根据下文线索who could climb to the top of the tree first可知,孩子们是想看谁能最先爬到树顶,所以答案为 ______。

7. 根据上文线索Their mothers可知,妈妈们当然是看自己的孩子玩耍,所以答案为 ______。

8. 根据上文线索He was the shortest child in the group可知,因为David是最矮的,因此没人相信他会获胜,所以答案为 ______。

9. 根据上文线索Although the other boys climbed faster than David in the beginning可知,下文应该是表达转折含义,即David是最快爬到树顶的,所以答案为 ______。


Tony's father has been a snake handler ( 驯蛇师 ) for twenty years and he has taught his son a lot about them . Now Tony is 10 to make money from snakes. In order to 11 the venom ( 毒液 ), he has to find rattlesnakes in the western part of the United States. He sends the venom to a 12 where they make it into something called “antivenin.” Antivenin is what they give people 13 they have been bitten by a poisonous 有毒的 snake . This antivenin is really helpful in 14 the person who has been bitten. [湖北卷]

10. A. honest B. lucky C. able D. careful

11. A. discover B. collect C. produce D. taste

12. A. library B. museum C. hospital D. laboratory

13. A. before B. though C. after D. unless

14. A. calming B. testing C. saving D. protecting


10. 根据上文线索he has taught his son a lot about them可知,他父亲已经教给了他很多关于蛇的知识,由此可推测出现在托尼能够靠蛇赚钱了。be able to do sth.意为“能够做某事”,所以答案为 ______。

11. 根据下文线索he has to find rattlesnakes和He sends the venom可知,他去找蛇和送毒液,那么肯定就要收集毒液,所以答案为 ______。

12. 根据下文线索they make it into something called “antivenin”可知,毒液要制成抗蛇毒素,那能够把毒液制成抗蛇毒素的地方应该是实验室,所以答案为 ______。

13. 根据上文线索Antivenin is what they give people和下文线索they have been bitten by a poisonous snake可知,抗蛇毒素应该是在人们被有毒的蛇咬了之后才使用的,所以答案为 ______。

14. 根据上文线索helpful和下文线索the person who has been bitten可知,抗蛇毒素的用处是挽救被有毒的蛇咬了的人,所以答案为 ______。


1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. C

Part B:线索定位训练法

Section 1: 线索定位训练


A [河南卷]

Last night, Frank had a dream about the coming math test, which troubled him very much these days. So he was in a 1 mood ( 心情 ) when he woke up.

Uncle Robin once told Frank about “white noise” noise made by a fan or soft rain is a(n) 2 of white noise. Frank had tried it and it really worked! After that, whenever he felt worried about something, he would 3 white noise with his headphones .

With the 4 of the math test still in his mind, Frank went to get his headphones. He 5 he had left them on his desk, but they were gone . His little brother Andy was always 6 his things without asking . He ran into his brother's room and started shouting at him in 7 . “Where are my headphones? You can't just take my things! Or I'll take yours!” He grabbed 抓起 one of his brother's toys and 8 it on the ground, breaking it into two pieces . Andy started to 9 , and Frank stormed out, feeling better.

Frank's mom heard the shouting and went into Andy's room. “Hey,” she said 10 , “stop for a second and tell me how you're feeling.” Mom never shouted. Frank knew that she thought it was better to talk about 11 instead of getting angry.

“He always does this, Mom!” Frank 12 shouted. “I'll have a math test…and…and I had a bad dream…” Frank shouting. In a calm 平静的 voice, he said, “I 13 what I did was bad. I'm sorry, Andy. I really get mad 14 you take things without asking, but breaking your toy wasn't 15 . I will buy you a new one.

Frank's mom said, “Well done, Frank, and, Andy, ask first next time, OK?”

“OK, I'm sorry too,” said Andy and they all smiled.

1. A. bad B. cheerful C. playful D. strange

2. A. list B. gift C. example D. introduction

3. A. talk about B. listen to C. turn down D. wait for

4. A. results B. thoughts C. prizes D. purposes

5. A. expected B. decided C. discovered D. remembered

6. A. repairing B. cleaning C. breaking D. borrowing

7. A. anger B. fear C. shame D. surprise

8. A. tied B. burnt C. threw D. placed

9. A. cry B. rest C. help D. share

10. A. sadly B. shyly C. softly D. bravely

11. A. dreams B. habits C. choices D. feelings

12. A. kept B. stopped C. enjoyed D. practiced

13. A. wish B. know C. hear D. promise

14 A. unless B. before C. when D. though

15. A. right B. easy C. enough D. crazy

B [天津卷]

Some artists are often not famous during their lifetime. Vincent van Gogh ( ) was such an artist. People did not pay much attention to his 1 . He began to think he was not a very good painter. But he did not give up painting. He was so 2 in what he was painting that he did not want to stop . He would even 3 to eat!

4 , his paintings were dark . He used pencils or charcoal sticks ( 炭条 ) to make them. Then he 5 colour. He used lots of brown and dark green.

Later, Vincent moved to France. He wanted to learn from the artists who 6 there. They were trying new 7 of painting. In France, Vincent began using bright colours. He used oil paints 油画颜料 to create his art. He painted both the countryside and people. He 8 painted self-portraits ( 自画像 ). He created more than 20 portraits of himself!

Vincent completed more than 2,000 paintings in his life. 9 people did not buy his paintings during his lifetime, his paintings sell for a lot of money today. People think his paintings are masterpieces 杰作 ) . For example, the painting Sunflowers is very 10 all over the world.

1. A. trips B. paintings C. villages D. music

2. A. wrong B. lucky C. interested D. tired

3. A. forget B. start C. hope D. agree

4. A. At last B. Once again C. At least D. At first

5. A. helped B. added C. missed D. guessed

6. A. worked B. sang C. danced D. cooked

7. A. facts B. stories C. ways D. reports

8. A. never B. hardly C. perhaps D. also

9. A. Before B. Though C. If D. When

10. A. humorous B. polite C. famous D. quiet

Section 2: 答案详解




选项翻译: A. 糟糕的 B. 振奋的 C. 爱玩的 D. 奇怪的;陌生的

解题分析: 根据上文线索Frank had a dream about the coming math test, which troubled him very much these days可知,Frank做了一个关于即将到来的数学考试的梦,这让他这些天非常困扰,所以醒来时心情不好,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 清单 B. 礼物 C. 例子 D. 介绍

解题分析: 根据上文线索Uncle Robin once told Frank about “white noise”—noise made by a fan or soft rain可知,风扇或细雨发出的噪音就是白噪音的例子,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 谈论 B. 听 C. 拒绝;调小 D. 等待

解题分析: 根据下文线索with his headphones可知,他用耳机听白噪音,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 结果 B. 想法 C. 奖品 D. 目的

解题分析: 本题最好用排除法,此处指数学考试的事还在Frank的脑海里,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 期待 B. 决定 C. 发现 D. 记得

解题分析: 根据下文线索he had left them on his desk, but they were gone可知,他记得把耳机放在桌上了,但是没找到,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 修理 B. 打扫 C. 打破 D. 借

解题分析: 根据下文线索without asking可知,他的弟弟Andy总是不问他就借走他的东西,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 生气 B. 害怕 C. 羞愧 D. 惊讶

解题分析: 根据上文线索His little brother Andy was always borrowing his things—without asking和He ran into his brother's room and started shouting at him可知,弟弟Andy总是不问就借他的东西,这会儿耳机不见了,所以Frank跑进他弟弟的房间,愤怒地对他大喊大叫,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 系 B. 燃烧 C. 扔 D. 放置

解题分析: 根据上文线索He grabbed one of his brother's toys和下文线索breaking it into two pieces可知,Frank抓起弟弟的一个玩具扔在地上,把它摔成了两半,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 哭 B. 休息 C. 帮助 D. 分享

解题分析: 根据上文线索breaking it into two pieces可知,Frank把Andy的玩具扔在地上,把它摔成了两半,所以Andy哭了起来,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 悲伤地 B. 害羞地 C. 温柔地 D. 勇敢地

解题分析: 根据下文线索Mom never shouted可知,妈妈从不大叫,因此此处是妈妈温柔地说,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 梦想 B. 习惯 C. 选择 D. 感觉

解题分析: 根据上下文语义逻辑可知,Frank知道妈妈认为与其生气,不如谈谈自己的感受,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 保持 B. 停止 C. 享受 D. 练习

解题分析: 根据下文线索In a calm voice可知,Frank停止了大喊大叫,开始平静地说,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 希望 B. 知道 C. 听见 D. 承诺

解题分析: 根据下文线索I'm sorry, Andy可知,Frank知道自己做错了,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 除非 B. 在……之前 C. 当……时 D. 虽然

解题分析: 根据上文线索I really get mad和下文线索you take things without asking可知,当弟弟不问我,就拿走我的东西时,我很生气,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 正确的 B. 容易的 C. 足够的 D. 疯狂的

解题分析: 根据下文线索I will buy you a new one可知,弄坏弟弟的玩具是不对的,故选A。




选项翻译: A. 旅行 B. 画作 C. 乡村 D. 音乐

解题分析: 根据下文线索He began to think he was not a very good painter. But he did not give up painting可知,此处指人们还未注意到他的画作,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 错误的 B. 幸运的 C. 感兴趣的 D. 累的

解题分析: 根据上文线索But he did not give up painting和下文线索he did not want to stop可知,此处用be interested in表示“对……感兴趣”,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 忘记 B. 开始 C. 希望 D. 同意

解题分析: 根据上文线索he did not want to stop可知,为了画画,他甚至会忘记吃饭,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 最后 B. 再一次 C. 至少 D. 起初;首先

解题分析: 根据下文线索Then he _______ colour. He used lots of brown and dark green可知,上文应该填At first,起初他的画是黑色的,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 帮助 B. 添加 C. 错过 D. 猜测

解题分析: 根据下文线索He used lots of brown and dark green可知,他之后给画作加上了颜色,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 工作 B. 唱歌 C. 跳舞 D. 做饭

解题分析: 根据上下文语义逻辑可知,他搬到法国是想向在那里工作的艺术家学习,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 事实 B. 故事 C. 方法 D. 报道

解题分析: 根据下文线索In France, Vincent began using bright colours. He used oil paints to create his art可知,那些艺术家在尝试新的绘画方法,梵高想向他们学习,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 从不 B. 几乎不 C. 也许 D. 还

解题分析: 根据下文线索He created more than 20 portraits of himself可知,他还画了自画像,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 在……之前 B. 虽然 C. 如果 D. 当……时

解题分析: 根据下文线索people did not buy his paintings during his lifetime, his paintings sell for a lot of money today可知,前后语义为让步关系,因此用Though引导让步状语从句,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 幽默的 B. 礼貌的 C. 著名的 D. 安静的

解题分析: 根据上文线索People think his paintings are masterpieces以及常识可知,《向日葵》这幅画在全世界都很有名,故选C。

Part C:专项强化训练

Section 1: 真题精练


C [安徽卷]

Pets aren't just a fun member of the family. They are also good for your health and happiness.

People with pets are more likely ( 可能的 ) to be 1 . Playing with a cat or taking a dog for daily 2 around the garden gets you moving your body, and out in the fresh air too.

Spending time with your pet helps you get 3 . Talking to your pet about your worries can make you feel comfortable and helps you feel 4 . When you're with your pet, you can let go of problems 5 you give them your full attention.

Having an animal in the family helps you learn new 6 , like how to teach them to understand orders, such as “Sit” or “Lie down”. 7 games to play with them allows you to practice being creative. Learning how to 8 pets, understanding what they want and making sure that they live 9 , teaches you to understand others' feelings. Pets can also help you get to know other dog owners on walks, or help you become 10 with them when you tell funny stories about your pets.

1. A. active B. careful C. useful D. modern

2. A. tests B. talks C. showers D. walks

3. A. tired B. touched C. relaxed D. bored

4. A. prouder B. better C. wiser D. cuter

5. A. even if B. as C. as if D. unless

6. A. skills B. languages C. cultures D. spirits

7. A. Watching B. Attending C. Inventing D. Winning

8. A. wake up B. search for C. depend on D. look after

9. A. quietly B. happily C. lazily D. busily

10. A. friends B. relatives C. trainers D. members

Section 2: 答案详解




选项翻译: A. 活跃的 B. 认真的 C. 有用的 D. 现代的

解题分析: 根据下文线索Playing with a cat or taking a dog...gets you moving your body可知,和猫玩耍或者遛狗可以帮助你活动身体,因此养宠物的人会更活跃,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 测试 B. 谈话 C. 淋浴 D. 散步

解题分析: taking a dog for daily walks为常见用法,表示“每天遛狗”,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 累的 B. 感动的 C. 放松的 D. 无聊的

解题分析: 本题考查同义关系,根据下文线索Talking to your pet about your worries can make you feel comfortable中的comfortable可知,和宠物在一起会让你感到舒服放松,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 更骄傲的 B. 更好的 C. 更明智的 D. 更可爱的

解题分析: 本题考查并列逻辑关系。根据上文线索make you feel comfortable可知,和宠物在一起会让你感到舒服,让你感觉更好,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 即使 B. 因为;当……时 C. 好像 D. 除非

解题分析: 根据下文线索you give them your full attention可知,和宠物在一起时,因为你把注意力都给了它们,所以你可以把自己的问题全部放下,因此用as引导原因状语从句,故选B。温馨提示:as还有“当……时候;一边……一边;随着……”等常考意思。


选项翻译: A. 技能 B. 语言 C. 文化 D. 精神

解题分析: 根据下文线索like how to teach them to understand orders, such as “Sit” or “Lie down”可知,养宠物可以帮助你学习新技能,下文介绍了一些技能,故选A。


选项翻译: A. 观看 B. 参加 C. 发明 D. 赢得

解题分析: 根据下文线索to play with them allows you to practice being creative中的creative(有创造力的)可知,发明一些可以和宠物玩的游戏可以让你锻炼创造力,故选C。


选项翻译: A. 醒来 B. 搜寻 C. 依靠 D. 照顾

解题分析: 根据下文线索understanding what they want可知,此处指学习如何照顾宠物,了解它们想要什么,故选D。


选项翻译: A. 安静地 B. 快乐地 C. 懒惰地 D. 忙碌地

解题分析: 根据上文线索understanding what they want可知,了解宠物的需求,目的是确保宠物能够快乐生活,故选B。


选项翻译: A. 朋友 B. 亲戚 C. 教练 D. 成员

解题分析: 根据上文线索Pets can also help you get to know other dog owners可知,养宠物能帮助你与其他宠物狗主人相识,成为朋友,故选A。 ziCxI3xxkW2VNQkyqScYLBkqL75+ytGxFQZPir4YM9z+iP5h7pLGn6DHs52mRNIh
