
Part 1

第一部分: 考官会介绍自己并确认考生身份,然后打开录音机/笔,报出考试名称、时间、地点等考试信息。考官接下来会围绕考生的学习、工作、住宿或其他相关话题展开提问。


International food

1 Can you find food from many different countries where you live? [Why/Why not?]

Oh, definitely! The city I currently live in is a real economic and cultural hub with a large population of foreigners, which is likely the reason why we ’re spoiled for choice when it comes to international food. What I mean is that you can find a wide range of restaurants serving Italian, American, Japanese, and even Mexican cuisines. So, I would say it's like a paradise for foodies .

economic and cultural hub 经济文化中心

likely 可能的,似乎合适的

be spoiled for choice 难以抉择的

a wide range of 多种多样的

a paradise for foodies 美食爱好者的天堂

2 How often do you eat typical food from other countries? [Why/Why not?]

Well, in my case , it's pretty rare, basically because I ’m more used to the taste of Chinese cuisine or homemade dishes . Yet I would check out local snacks known for their exotic flavours when I go on a trip, as it makes an important part of travelling.

in my case 就我而言

be used to sth. 习惯于某事

cuisine 美食

homemade dishes 家常菜

check out local snacks 尝试当地小吃

exotic flavours 异国风味

3 Have you ever tried making food from another country? [Why/Why not?]

Yeah, I've tried my hand at making some foreign dishes. In fact, during my vacation in Chiang Mai, I had the opportunity to attend a cooking class where a local chef demonstrated how to prepare authentic Thai dishes such as green curry chicken and mango sticky rice . But I rarely attempt to do this at home, as I don't want to end up with a disaster in my kitchen, with burned pots and inedible meals . In a word, it's too much effort .

try one's hand at doing sth. 尝试做某事

authentic 正宗的

green curry chicken 青咖喱鸡

mango sticky rice 芒果糯米饭

attempt to do sth. 尝试做某事

end up with a disaster 以灾难告终

burned pots 烧焦的锅

inedible meals 不能吃的食物

too much effort 太费力

4 What food from your country would you recommend to people from other countries? [Why?]

Oh, that's really tough to pick just one or two types of food, as there are countless must-try dishes out there in China. But the one on the top of my list would be Dim Sum , especially when you travel to southern China. Believe it or not, it's like a party on a plate , with all these palatable bite-sized goodies like dumplings, buns , and rolls. Yet it's more than just the taste. What I mean is that it's the hustle and bustle vibes of the dim sum restaurants that you shouldn't miss.

countless must-try dishes 数不尽的必尝美食

on the top of my list 我的首选

Dim Sum 中式点心

a party on a plate 一盘丰盛的美食

palatable 美味可口的

goodies 美味佳肴,好吃的东西

buns 包子

hustle and bustle vibes 熙熙攘攘的氛围 ragz9cjOBonuTbP6rRqQQD42z22DyjHl/GzEBfJb2+qmpn4nwEff1ouEKI5UxCrY
