
Part 3




process n. 过程,步骤

straightforward adj. 简单的,不复杂的

biscuit n. 饼干,烤饼

pattern n. 图案,花样

pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的

sensor n. 传感器

label n. 标签

package n. 包装盒,包装袋

visually impaired 视力受损的

solid adj. 固体的,固态的

drug n. 药,药物

proactive adj. 积极主动的

motivate v. 激励,驱使

absolutely adv. (强调同意)当然

branded adj. 名牌的

celebrity n. 名人

chef n. 厨师,主厨

takeaway n. 外卖食物

mushroom n. 蘑菇

satisfying adj. 令人满意的

apply v. 应用

medical adj. 医疗的,医学的

blind adj. 失明的,盲的

weight n. 重量,分量

relevant adj. 相关的

disappointing adj. 令人失望的

strict adj. 严格的

regulation n. 规章制度


chickpea n. 鹰嘴豆

paste n. 面团

3-D printing 三维打印,立体印刷

appetising adj. 开胃的,引起食欲的

touch-sensitive adj. 触摸感应的

bump n. 凸起,隆起

pharmacy n. 药房,药店

import v. 进口,引进

allergy n. 过敏反应

intolerance n. (对食物、药物等)不耐受

spice mix 混合香辛料

gluten-free adj. 无麸质的

lactose-free adj. 无乳糖的


1 Yeah, I'd used that before, but in this project, I had time to play around with different patterns for the biscuits and finding how I could add fruit and vegetables to make them a more appetising colour, and I was really pleased with what I managed to produce. 是的,我以前用过(三维打印),不过在这次的项目中,我有时间反复尝试不同的饼干图案,并想办法添加水果和蔬菜,让饼干的颜色看起来更加美味可口,最后的成品我非常满意。 'd为had的缩写形式,此处用过去完成时,表示说话者在做这个项目之前,已经使用过3D打印了。play around with意为“反复琢磨,自由尝试……的排布”。be pleased with意为“对……满意”。manage to do指“成功做成(困难的事)”。该句中的how和what都引导宾语从句。

2 It must've been a great feeling to make something appetising out of bits of old bread that would've been thrown away otherwise. 用一些本来会被扔掉的陈面包做成美味佳肴,这种感觉一定很棒。 must have done表示对过去发生的事的肯定推测。otherwise意为“否则,要不然”,这里使用would have done结构,表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,即实际上陈面包被回收利用了,没有被扔掉。

3 When the label's smooth, the food is fresh and then when you can feel bumps on the label, that means the food's gone bad. It started off as a project to help visually impaired people know whether food was fit to eat or not. 标签表面光滑,说明食物新鲜;如果感觉到标签有凹凸不平的地方,说明食物已经变质。这种标签源于一个项目,用于帮助有视觉障碍的人士分辨食物是否适合食用。 go bad指“(食物)变质”。whether在know之后引导宾语从句。fit在这里是形容词,意为“适合的”。

4 And coming back to food, maybe it'd be possible to use it for other things besides freshness. Like how many kilograms a joint of meat is, for example. 回到食品的话题,除了新鲜程度之外,或许还可以用这种标签来显示其他内容。比如一块肉重多少千克。 joint在这里是“一大块肉”的意思。

5 Lots of people I know have been buying that type of food for years now. 很多我认识的人多年来一直 在购买这类食物。 I know为省略了关系代词who的定语从句,修饰主语people。句子谓语动词用了现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,并可能仍要继续下去。

6 One thing I've noticed is the number of branded products related to celebrity chefs – people watch them cooking on TV and then buy things like spice mixes or frozen foods with the chef's name on ... I bought something like that once, but I won't again. 我发现与明星厨师有关的品牌商品越来越多——人们在电视上看到他们做菜,然后就会购买印有厨师名字的混合调味料或冷冻食品……我买过一次这样的食品,但以后再也不会买了。 branded products指“名牌商品”。celebrity chef指的是通过电视、广播或者书籍等来展示烹饪技术的厨师。I won't again即I won't buy something like that again,won't之后的动作和前半句动作相同,因此被省略了。

7 Yeah – I bought a ready-made spice mix for chicken which was supposed to be used by a chef I'd seen on television, and it didn't actually taste of anything. 是啊,我买了一种现成的鸡肉混合调料,据说是电视上看过的一位大厨用过的,但实际上一点味道都没有。 ready-made是形容词“已经做好的,现成的”。which引导定语从句,修饰spice mix。be supposed to do的意思是“被(人们)认为是……”。chef后面的I'd seen on television为省略了关系代词who的定语从句。taste of指“有……味道”。

8 Well, they might have the name of a restaurant, but actually they're a cooking facility just for delivery meals – the public don't ever go there. But people aren't aware of that – it's all kept very quiet. 嗯,它们可能挂着餐厅的名头,但实际上是一个仅提供外送餐饮的烹饪场所,顾客无法去那里(堂食)。但人们并不知道这一点,一切都是秘密进行的。 might这里并非may的过去式,而是表示不太肯定的推测。be aware of sth.指“意识到某事”。keep sth. quiet指“不声张,将某事保密”,这里使用了被动语态。


答案速查:21~22. B D 23~24. A E 25. D 26. G 27. C 28. B 29. F 30. H


21~22 本题需选出男生Colin对于自己的陈面包回收项目最满意的两个方面。原文首先提到basic process,为C选项的原词重现,考生需了解straightforward的意思是“简单的,不复杂的”,和C选项中overcoming problems表达的含义不符。接着女生提到E选项的3-D printing,男生很快回答I'd used that before,可否定E选项。后文提到patterns,对应D选项的designs,colours则为原词重现。根据最后表明态度的语句“I was really pleased with ...”可确定D项为正确答案之一。随后女生提到“It must've been a great feeling ...”,提示下一个答案可能出现。后文“make something appetising out of ... would've been thrown away otherwise”为B选项中prevent waste的同义替换,需要考生充分理解句意。之后根据男生肯定的回答“It was.”可确定B选项为另一个正确答案。最后男生提到A选项中的restaurants,但只是希望餐馆能对此项目感兴趣,没有提到receiving support。

23~24 本题需要选出两人对于触摸感应式食品标签未来发展趋势一致认同的两方面。考生需要留意future这一时态考点。题干中的touch-sensitive sensors for food labels原词重现。女生首先提到了“It started off ... help visually impaired people know whether food was fit to eat or not.”,visually impaired对应D选项的blind,需要考生对此处同义替换和单词发音都比较敏感。同时这里也提到了B选项的内容。但是,原文中的started off和题干中的future不符,因而否定B、D两项。接着男生提问是否仅仅用于solid food,女生回答还有milk和juice,为C选项drinks的下义词替换,但这仍不是对未来的推测。转折词But actually之后出现“I thought it might be really good for drug storage ...”,might表示推测可能性,和题干的future一致,drug替换A选项的medical products。接着男生回答Right,表达认同,因此可确定A选项为正确答案之一。随后男生还提到“it'd be possible ...”,提示下一个未来可能的应用即将出现,kilograms替换E选项的weight。之后女生回答Yes,因此E选项为另一个正确答案。


25 选项D中的should do more替换为need to be more proactive;encourage替换为motivate。

26 选项G中的stricter regulations对应原文中的government needs to do something。替换较为抽象,考生读到regulations时,需要联想到政府等设立制度或者法律的机构。

27 选项C中的“already ... widespread”对应原文“have been buying ... for years”。widespread替换为lots of people。虽然后文提到even if they haven't been diagnosed with an allergy,但二人并未对此做法的利弊发表看法,因此不能选择B或者H选项。

28 选项B中的disappointing在二人语言中均有体现。女生说的but I won't again和男生所说的it didn't actually taste of anything均表达了对名厨代言食品的不满。考生需识别这两句话中包含的态度信息。此处请参照“文本解析”第六句和第七句的翻译。

29 选项F中的 know little about this在原文中有多次替换:女生所说的people aren't aware of that和it's all kept very quiet,以及男生在下一句中提到的people don't realise。

30 选项H中的dangerous对应原文a big risk,以及下一句中的“it's hard to know ... safe to eat”。 kLNC1BDjhoaWgVvYa9QKeljao2nsSuFBwaJFaO2dZIyIWBdiLDPs4zCzhsZL4Gaf
