
6 2021全国乙卷

Simply saying thank you doesn't seem enough in certain situations. I was considering this while working as a (41) just a few weeks ago. And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different (42) of gratitude ( 感谢 ).

My thoughts were soon (43) . We had a woman patient who was (44) from a knee replacement operation. One afternoon, while (45) to get into bed she collapsed ( 倒下 ) from what was (46) discovered to be a heart attack. The collapse was disastrous, (47) the emergency medical team and good teamwork. But she recovered, though (48) , and was ready for discharge ( 出院 ) after four weeks.

She was (49) for everything that the medical and nursing team had done for her. On her day of discharge, we shared in her (50) at her recovery. As she was (51) she was eager to say (52) to each of us in the nursing team. When she (53) one nurse, she tried to press a five-pound note into her hand. My colleague (54) to accept it, saying that we were all just (55) our job. The patient looked puzzled, and then (56) : “Oh, this isn't for the (57) I had. I take that as a (58) . No, this is for setting my hair yesterday.”

And there you have it. To many people, (59) lives is part of the job; styling hair is an (60) and should be rewarded.

41. A. cleaner B. chemist C. nurse D. doctor

42. A. grades B. meanings C. needs D. expectations

43. A. brushed aside B. put to the test C. brought under discussion D. taken into account

44. A. departing B. escaping C. retiring D. recovering

45. A. attempting B. choosing C. pausing D. promising

46. A. eventually B. fortunately C. casually D. secretly

47. A. assessing B. requiring C. forming D. proving

48. A. slightly B. accidentally C. slowly D. happily

49. A. grateful B. thoughtful C. sorrowful D. fearful

50. A. surprise B. delight C. curiosity D. disappointment

51. A. operating B. thinking C. hesitating D. leaving

52. A. sorry B. hello C. goodbye D. yes

53. A. reached B. consulted C. introduced D. persuaded

54. A. wished B. pretended C. failed D. refused

55. A. enjoying B. doing C. securing D. starting

56. A. repeated B. recited C. replied D. reported

57. A. courage B. patience C. duty D. care

58. A. goal B. given C. push D. greeting

59. A. risking B. changing C. saving D. building

60. A. honor B. ability C. opening D. extra


1. certain adj. 某种,一定的

2. situation n. 情况

3. range n. 系列

4. express v. 表达

5. grade n. 年级; 等级

例: Low quality is always a problem but low grade may not be. 质量低总是个问题,但等级低则未必。

6. gratitude n. 感恩

7. thought n. 想法

8. patient n. 病人 adj. 耐心的

9. recover v. 恢复

10. knee n. 膝盖

11. replacement n. 替换

12. operation n. 手术

13. attempt v. 试图

14. discover v. 发现

15. disastrous adj. 灾难性的

16. require v. 需要

17. emergency n. 紧急救助

18. teamwork n. 团队合作

19. discharge v. 排出; 获准离开

例: She has a broken nose and may be discharged a month later. 她鼻梁断了,或许一个月后能出院。

20. share v. 分享;分担

21. delight n. 高兴

22. reach v. 到达

23. press v. 按;将…塞进

24. colleague n. 同事

25. refuse v. 拒绝

26. puzzled adj. 困惑的

27. reply v. 回复

28. care n. 照顾

29. set v. 设置; 做头发

例: Linda had her hair washed and set last night. 琳达昨天晚上去洗了头,做了发型。

30. style n. 风格 v. 把…设计成某种式样

例: This range of jackets is styled to look good whatever the occasion. 这种类型的夹克设计精致,各种场合穿都很好看。

31. reward v. 奖励


1. in certain situations 在某些情况下;在特定条件下

例: These approaches has advantages and disadvantages in certain situations . 这些方法在特定条件下都有其优点和缺点。

2. work as 担当;充当

例: My niece is working as a teacher. 我侄女是当老师的。

3. come to sb. 被想出

例: It suddenly came to him that he had been wrong all along. 他突然意识到他从一开始就错了。

4. a range of 一系列

例: [2016北京] As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. 因此,人类发展出了一系列至今尚存的性格类型。

5. brush aside 不理会

例: Stay firmly committed to what you know and brush aside uncomfortable ideas. 坚守你所知道的世界,不要理会那些令你感到不适的观点。

6. be put to the test 经受考验,接受…的考验

例: The team will be put to the test in the coming competition. 那个队伍在即将到来的比赛中将接受考验。

7. bring...under discussion …在讨论中

例: Soon, public crisis management will be brought under discussion . 很快,公共危机管理将会被讨论。

8. take...into account 将…考虑在内

例: [2017江苏] They now need to take into account the extent of firms’ data assets when assessing the impact of deals. 在评估交易的影响时,他们现在需要考虑公司数据资产的规模。


在某些情况下,仅仅说声谢谢似乎是不够的。几周前我当 (41) 护士 的时候就在考虑这个问题。我突然想到,如果我们有一系列的 词语用来 表达不同 (42) 等级 的感激之情,那将容易得多。

我的想法很快就 (43) 受到了考验 。我们有一个女病人,她做了膝盖置换手术,正在 (44) 康复 。一天下午,她在 (45) 试图 上床睡觉时晕倒了,(46) 最终 发现是心脏病发作了。这次摔倒是灾难性的, (47) 需要 紧急医疗队和良好的团队合作。但是她康复了,不过比较 (48) ,而且四周后准备出院了。

她对医护团队为她所做的一切表示 (49) 感谢 。在她出院那天,我们分享了她 康复 的 (50) 喜悦 。当她要 (51) 离开 时,她急切地想和我们护理队的每一个人说 (52) 再见 。当她 (53) 到达 一个护士的身边时,她试图把一张五英镑的钞票塞进那个护士手里。我的同事 (54) 拒绝 接受,说我们都只是在 (55) 自己的工作而已。那位病人似乎很困惑,然后 (56) 回复说 :“噢,这不是因为我受到的 (57) 照顾 。我认为那是 (58) 理所应当的 。不,这是感谢你昨天给我做头发的。”

就是这样。对许多人来说, (59) 拯救 生命是工作的一部分,但做头发是 (60) 额外的工作 ,值得奖励。 A7TPGbmXPKqXM49E2w2q9Mms08gdCgjAHvgUYmiuFamdrmpZoGN/ltNfRcvGAqDg
