
5 2021全国甲卷

It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.

Burchill was (41) at the hotel on business and planning to (42) some friends in the area. They had asked him to (43) some pepperoni( 辣香肠 )from back east. So he (44) a suitcase full of pepperoni. As he was (45) that it would be too warm, he (46) it out on the table near an open window. He thought his pepperoni was (47) and well chilled( 冷却 )and he (48) .

That's when things went (49) . “I remember walking down the long (50) and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls,” Burchill said in a recent letter of (51) to the 4-star hotel. “The seagulls immediately went (52) . They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to (53) at the same time, and pepperoni—everywhere. The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down. It was a real (54) .”

Older and wiser now, Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion( 莽撞 ).

“I have (55) and I admit responsibility for my (56) ,” he said in the letter. “I come to you, (57) , to apologize for the damage I had (58) caused and to ask you to (59) my lifetime ban from the hotel.”

His letter (60) . Banned from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.

41. A. studying B. staying C. looking D. packing

42. A. visit B. help C. follow D. make

43. A. sell B. have C. bring D. taste

44. A. filled B. locked C. abandoned D. lost

45. A. surprised B. pleased C. excited D. worried

46. A. dug B. cleared C. cut D. laid

47. A. delicious B. safe C. soft D. ready

48. A. left B. nodded C. waited D. regretted

49. A. far B. funny C. wrong D. blind

50. A. beach B. driveway C. hall D. table

51. A. application B. apology C. request D. invitation

52. A. hungry B. dead C. missing D. wild

53. A. wake up B. get out C. take off D. break in

54. A. mess B. puzzle C. fight D. challenge

55. A. recovered B. retired C. escaped D. matured

56. A. suffering B. plans C. madness D. actions

57. A. hands in pocket B. nose in the air

C. hat in hand D. feet on the ground

58. A. indirectly B. deliberately C. cautiously D. secretly

59. A. replace B. remember C. reconsider D. renew

60. A. arrived B. worked C. ended D. disappeared


1. blacklist v. 把…列入黑名单

2. pack v. 把(行李)装进箱子

3. abandon v. 抛弃

4. nod v. 点头

5. regret v. 后悔

6. application n. 申请

7. request n. 请求

8. flock n. 一大群 (~ of)

9. rush v.

10. curtain n. 窗帘

11. mess n. 混乱,杂乱

12. puzzle n. 谜,难题

13. incident n. 发生的事情

14. recover v. 恢复

15. mature v. 成熟

16. suffering n. 痛苦

17. deliberately adv. 故意地

18. cautiously adv. 谨慎地

19. replace v. 替代

20. reconsider v. 重新考虑

21. renew v. 重新开始;延长…的期限

22. ban v. 禁止 n. 禁令

23. work v. 起作用

例: The new medicine has been tested and it appears to work well in treating the disease. 这种新药已经测试过了,看起来对治疗这种疾病非常有效。


1. deserve the blame for 应该为…负责

例: The company deserves the blame for the environmental damage caused by their actions. 该公司应为其行为造成的环境破坏负责。

2. dig out 找出,翻出(很久没看到或很难找到的东西)

例: I need to dig out my old textbooks to find the information. 我需要找出我的旧教科书以寻找信息。

3. clear out 把…清空

例: We need to clear out all the old equipment from the storage room. 我们需要清理掉储藏室里的所有旧设备。

4. cut out 删除;剪掉;戒除

例: If you want to succeed, you need to cut out all distractions and focus on your goals. 如果你想成功,你需要排除一切干扰,专注于你的目标。

5. lay out 摆开,摊开

例: In preparation for the dinner party, his father laid out all the ingredients to ensure he had everything he needed. 为了准备晚宴,他的父亲把所有食材都摆开来,以确保他有(做菜)所需的一切。

6. go wrong 出错

例: Things can easily go wrong if you don't follow the instructions carefully. 如果你不认真按照说明做,很容易出错。

7. go wild 变得疯狂;变得兴奋

例: The children went wild when they saw the circus animals. 孩子们看到马戏团的动物时变得非常兴奋。

8. take off 起飞

例: After a brief delay due to bad weather, the plane finally took off and began its journey to the tropical island. 在恶劣天气导致飞机短暂延误后,飞机终于起飞了并开始飞往那座热带岛屿。

9. break in 破门而入

例: When the police arrived at Tom's house, they found that someone had already broken in and the window was smashed. 当警察到达汤姆家时,他们发现有人已经闯进去了,窗户被打破了。

10. chalk up...to... 把…归因于…

例: Many experts chalk up the company's success to its innovative marketing strategies. 许多专家把公司的成功归因于其创新的营销策略。

11. admit responsibility for 承认为…负责

例: He finally admitted responsibility for the mistake and apologized. 他最终承认自己应该为错误负责并道歉。

12. nose in the air 趾高气昂

例: As soon as he won the competition, he walked around with his nose in the air , acting as if he were better than everyone else. 他一赢得比赛,就趾高气昂地四处走动,表现得好像自己比其他人都要优秀。

13. hat in hand 卑躬屈膝地;毕恭毕敬地

例: After he was caught stealing, he came back to the store hat in hand to apologize. 在被当场抓到偷窃后,他卑躬屈膝地回到商店里道歉。

14. feet on the ground 脚踏实地

例: In order to be successful, you need to keep your feet on the ground and stay humble. 为了成功,你需要脚踏实地并保持谦虚。

15. be welcome to do sth.(欢迎)…随时做某事

例: You are welcome to stop by my office anytime if you have any questions. 如果你有任何问题,欢迎随时来我办公室找我。


The seagulls immediately went (52) wild . They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to (53) get out at the same time, and pepperoni—everywhere. The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down. It was a real (54) mess .

困惑: 易错题(53题、54题)

分析: 53题的易错选项是C项,属于“词汇理解有误”的错误类型。这道题并不难,做错题并不是英语水平的问题,很可能只是一念之差。53题C项take off的词义是“起飞”,做错的同学可能会觉得本来海鸥在吃辣香肠,伯奇尔先生一进来,那些海鸥就吓得赶紧起飞了。实际上,take off的主语一定得是飞行器,而不能是动物。因此,正确的语境应该是:伯奇尔先生一进来,那些海鸥吓得赶紧要从窗户飞出去,因此53题选B项get out。




伯奇尔出差的时候 (41) 这家酒店,并计划 (42) 拜访 这个地区的一些朋友。他们让他从东部 (43) 一些辣香肠来。于是他把一个手提箱 (44) 装满 了辣香肠。由于 (45) 担心 天气太暖和,所以他把手提箱 (46) 摊开 放在敞开的窗户边的桌子上。他以为他的辣香肠很 (47) 安全 ,也能很好地冷却,于是就 (48) 离开 了。

就在这时候 (49) 出问题 了。“我记得走过长长的 (50) 走廊 ,打开我的房门,然后发现了一大群海鸥,” 伯奇尔在一封最近写给这家四星级酒店的 (51) 道歉 信里如是说,“海鸥立刻就变得 (52) 狂躁 起来。它们冲向窗户,三四十只海鸥同时试图 (53) 飞出去 ,而辣香肠被弄得到处都是。窗帘掉下来了,灯也掉下来了。真的是一团 (54) 。”


“我已经 (55) 成熟 了,并且我承认对我的 (56) 行为 负有责任,”他在信中说,“我 (57) 毕恭毕敬地 来找你们,为我 (58) 间接 造成的损失道歉,请求你们 (59) 重新考虑 我被终身禁止入住贵酒店的决定。”

他的信 (60) 起作用 了。费尔蒙特酒店说,自2001年以来伯奇尔被禁止入住该酒店,现在欢迎他随时回到酒店(住宿)。 cnTdNR10YniIdb6aJtNb5gz4E7UbhJcmtYnxkD3jUPPaew6FjvRVu94YkSNVTWyh
