
11 2023新高考全国1卷

On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have (41) the course earlier than she did. Her (42) came because she was carrying a (43) across the finish line.

As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her (44) when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She (45) to help her fellow runner, Danielle LeNoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with (46) . She couldn't. Bailey then (47) to let LeNoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where LeNoue could get (48) attention.

Once there, LeNoue was (49) and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme (50) to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey's help.

As for Bailey, she is more (51) about why her act is considered a big (52) . “She was just crying. I couldn't (53) her,” Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.”

Although the two young women were strangers before the (54) , they've since become friends. Neither won the race, but the (55) of human kindness won the day.

41. A. designed B. followed C. changed D. finished

42. A. delay B. chance C. trouble D. excuse

43. A. judge B. volunteer C. classmate D. competitor

44. A. race B. school C. town D. training

45. A. agreed B. returned C. stopped D. promised

46. A. courage B. aid C. patience D. advice

47. A. went away B. stood up C. stepped aside D. bent down

48. A. medical B. public C. constant D. equal

49. A. interrupted B. assessed C. identified D. appreciated

50. A. hunger B. pain C. cold D. tiredness

51. A. worried B. ashamed C. confused D. discouraged

52. A. game B. problem C. lesson D. deal

53. A. leave B. cure C. bother D. understand

54. A. ride B. test C. meet D. show

55. A. secret B. display C. benefit D. exchange


1. delay n. 耽搁;延误

2. judge n. 裁判

3. competitor n. 比赛者

4. race n. 比赛

5. fellow adj. 同伴的;同情况的

例: She received some letters of support from fellow sufferers, which gave her strength. 她收到了一些病友的来信支持,这给了她力量。

6. aid n. 帮助

7. patience n. 耐心

8. constant adj. 不断的

9. equal adj. 平等的

10. assess v. 评定;评估

11. identify v. 认出;发现

12. appreciate v. 感激;欣赏

13. checkpoint n. 检查站

14. confused adj. 困惑的

15. discouraged adj. 泄气的;心灰意冷的

16. secret n. 秘密

17. display n. 展现

18. benefit n. 好处

19. exchange n. 交换


1. in pain 疼痛;在苦恼中

例: She walked slowly along the road, clearly in great pain . 她沿路慢慢地走着,显然很痛苦。

2. promise to do sth. 允诺做某事

例: He promised not to reveal the secret, which made us very happy. 他承诺不泄露这个秘密,这使我们非常高兴。

3. with courage 勇敢地

例: It's an interesting and exciting book which tells us what ordinary people can do with courage and determination! 这是一本有趣且令人兴奋的书,它告诉我们普通人用勇气和决心能做些什么!

4. with patience 有耐心

例: His advantage over others is that he works with patience . 比起其他人,他的优势是工作有耐心。

5. go away 离开

例: He went away from home due to an argument with his parents, and afterwards he regretted it very much. 因为与父母吵架,他离家出走了,事后他非常后悔。

6. stand up 站起来

例: Too often, when you stand up to give a speech, you need a lot of courage. 很多时候,当你站起来发表演讲时,你需要很大勇气。

7. step aside 让开;走到一边

例: Would you mind stepping aside to let this old man get off the bus? 请您站开一点,让这位老人下车,好吗?

8. bend down 弯下身

例: [2014福建] The man then bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. 然后,这个男人弯下腰,把花递给了他的妻子,告诉她这是谁送的。

9. struggle with 与…斗争;与…搏斗

例: For years she struggled with the department to get her ideas accepted. 多年来,她一直跟部门斗争来让自己的想法被接受。

10. as for 至于

例: As for food, many people care about its taste rather than its impact on health. 至于食物,很多人在乎的是它的味道,而不是它对健康的影响。

11. win the day 得胜;占上风

例: Despite strong opposition, the ruling party won the day . 尽管遭到强烈反对,执政党还是获胜了。


As for Bailey, she is more (51) confused about why her act is considered a big (52) deal . “She was just crying. I couldn't (53) leave her,” Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.”

困惑: 易错题(52题)

分析: 本题的易错选项是B项,属于“语境理解有误”以及“词汇理解有误”的错误类型。A项的词义为“比赛”,B项的词义为“问题”,C项的词义为“课;教训”,D项的词义为“交易;待遇”。同学们会从后文的She was just crying判断,LeNoue都哭了,肯定受伤很严重,因此认为这是一个大问题,就会误选B项。但是要注意,a big deal的主语是her act,her指代的是Bailey,而不是受伤者LeNoue,因此B项错误。

其实本题考查的是单词的熟词生义,正确选项D项deal被a big修饰时,是常用搭配,表示“重要的事情”。口语中经常说的no big deal“没什么大不了的”也是同样的用法。很多同学会忽略deal,就是因为不理解该词的熟词生义。


10月11日,数百名跑步选手在明尼苏达州参加越野赛跑。梅兰妮·贝利本应该更早 (41) 完成 这场比赛的。她的 (42) 延误 是因为她正背着一名 (43) 参赛者 冲过终点线。

据当地一家报纸报道,贝利刚完成三分之二的 (44) 赛程 ,这时她前面的一个参赛者开始痛苦地哭泣。她 (45) 下来帮助和她一起比赛的跑步选手丹妮尔·勒努。贝利挽着她的胳膊,看她是否能在有人 (46) 帮助 的情况下向前走,但是勒努做不到。然后,贝利 (47) 弯下腰 ,让勒努爬到她的背上,一路背着她到达终点线,然后又走了300英尺,到达勒努可以接受 (48) 医疗 救治的地方。

一到那里,勒努就接受了 (49) 评估 ,后来被送往医院,在那里她得知自己的一个膝盖受了重伤。如果没有贝利的帮助,她会在极度 (50) 痛苦 中挣扎着到达援助检查站。

至于贝利,她更 (51) 困惑 的是,为什么她的行为被认为是一件大 (52) 。“她当时正在哭。我不能 (53) 离开 她,”贝利告诉记者,“我觉得我只是在做正确的事情。”

尽管这两位年轻女子在 (54) 比赛 前是陌生人,但自此她们成为朋友。两人都没有赢得比赛,但 (55) 展现 出来的人类的善良获胜了。 lPnj3bmu6ePqWAqN4C40CcrwlGFmq6AMVPO0Z+LsTEFJKMxbhrmESBd+y5HaYOOL
