
7 2022新高考全国1卷

My husband, our children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.

Some of our (41) are funny, especially from the early years when our children were little. Once, we (42) along Chalk Creek. I was (43) that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek( 小溪 ). I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot. That lasted about ten minutes. He was (44) , and his crying let the whole campground know it. So (45) tying him up, I just kept a close eye on him. It (46) —he didn't end up in the creek. My three-year-old, however, did.

Another time, we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake. The sky was clear when we (47) , but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly (48) our peaceful morning trip. The (49) picked up and thunder rolled. My husband stopped fishing to (50) the motor. Nothing. He tried again. No (51) . We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor. As we all sat there (52) , a fisherman pulled up, threw us a rope and towed( )us back. We were (53) .

Now, every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage, we are filled with a sense of (54) , wondering what camping fun and (55) we will experience next.

41. A. ideas B. jokes C. memories D. discoveries

42. A. camped B. drove C. walked D. cycled

43. A. annoyed B. surprised C. disappointed D. worried

44. A. unhurt B. unfortunate C. uncomfortable D. unafraid

45. A. due to B. instead of C. apart from D. as for

46. A. worked B. happened C. mattered D. changed

47. A. signed up B. calmed down C. checked out D. headed off

48. A. arranged B. interrupted C. completed D. recorded

49. A. wind B. noise C. temperature D. speed

50. A. find B. hide C. start D. fix

51. A. luck B. answer C. wonder D. signal

52. A. patiently B. tirelessly C. doubtfully D. helplessly

53. A. sorry B. brave C. safe D. right

54. A. relief B. duty C. pride D. excitement

55. A. failure B. adventure C. performance D. conflict


1. joke n. 笑话

2. memory n. 记忆

3. camp v. 露营

4. cycle v. 骑自行车

例: We got out on the road, cycled until the wind and rain froze our hands. 我们来到公路上,骑车前行,直到风雨冻僵了我们的双手。

5. annoyed adj. 恼怒的

6. disappointed adj. 失望的

7. tie v.

8. spot n. 地点

9. last v. 持续

10. unhurt adj. 未受伤的

11. unfortunate adj. 不幸的

12. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的

13. campground n. 露营地

14. close adj. 密切的

15. work v. 起作用

例: The pills that a doctor gave me aren't working . 医生给我的药片不起作用。

16. rent v.

17. arrange v. 安排

18. interrupt v. 中断,打断

例: We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin. 我们暂停本节目,插播一条重要的新闻快报。

19. record v. 记录

20. temperature n. 温度

21. stuck adj. 卡住;陷入

22. patiently adv. 耐心地

23. tirelessly adv. 不知疲倦地

24. relief n. 救济 ;解脱;缓和

例: They have begun to send relief to the hurricane victims. 他们已经开始将救济物资送给飓风灾民。

25. pride n. 自豪

26. adventure n. 冒险

27. performance n. 表现

28. conflict n. 冲突


1. fall into 掉入

例: Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children. 父母经常陷入试图为孩子做一切事情的陷阱。

2. due to 由于

例: Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled. 遗憾的是,由于意外情况,今年的演出已被取消了。

3. instead of 而不是

例: Instead of rushing at life, I wanted to do something more meaningful. 我不想在生活中忙忙碌碌,而想做更有意义的事。

4. apart from 除了…

例: Apart from the cost, we need to think about how much time the job will take. 除了费用,我们需要思考这个工作会花费多少时间。

5. as for 至于

例: As for the organization itself, it declined a request for an interview. 至于该机构本身,它拒绝了采访的请求。

6. keep a close eye on 密切关注…

例: Keep a close eye on your budget now and avoid using your credit cards when possible. 现在要密切关注你的预算,尽量别刷信用卡。

7. end up 最后来到…;(以非预期的结果)结束,告终

例: She started as a secretary but ended up running the department. 她起初只是一个秘书,但最后管理起了整个部门。

8. sign up 报名

例: I'd like to sign up for some voluntary work with the environment council. 我想报名参加环境委员会的一些志愿工作。

9. calm down (使)冷静下来

例: What the government should do is to calm down the public whenever they are in panic. 政府应该做的是,在公众恐慌的时候让他们冷静下来。

10. check out 退房

例: Guests should check out of their rooms by noon. 客人应在中午以前办理退房手续。

11. head off 离开,启程

例: Many of them are heading off to college, but they will be staying in touch. 他们中的许多人就要上大学了,但他们会保持联系。

12. pick up 加速

例: I began to pick up speed, and suddenly I realized I had forgotten how to stop. 我逐渐开始加速,但我突然意识到我忘了该怎么停下来。

13. be stuck in 困于…;陷入…

例: The bus was stuck in the heavy snow and we had to walk the rest of the way. 公共汽车被大雪困住了,剩下的路我们只好步行。

14. pull up 慢慢停下来

例: It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house that we saw Lily in the passenger seat. 直到车停稳在我们家门前时,我们才看到莉莉坐在副驾驶座位上。


So (45) instead of tying him up, I just kept a close eye on him. It (46) worked —he didn't end up in the creek. My three-year-old, however, did.

困惑: 易错题(46题)

分析: 本题的易错选项是C项,属于“忽略上下文提示”的错误类型。A项worked的词义为“起作用”,B项happened的词义为“发生”,C项mattered的词义为“事关紧要”,D项changed的词义为“改变”。 同学们会发现,B、D项代入文章后均不符合文意,所以很多同学会选择C项,以为该句意为“这个方法很重要”。但是根据破折号后面的he didn't end up in the creek这个结果判断,这个方法应该是起作用了、奏效了,所以作者的小儿子没有掉进小溪里。所以排除C项而选A项。



我们的一些 (41) 记忆 很有趣,尤其是在我们的孩子很小的时候。有一次,我们沿着白垩溪 (42) 露营 。我 (43) 担心 我们15个月大的儿子会掉进小溪里。我在他的腰上系了一根绳子,让他靠近我们的位置。这只持续了大约十分钟。他很 (44) 不舒服 ,他的哭声让整个营地都知道了这一点。所以我 (45) 不是 把他绑起来,而只是密切关注着他。这个方法 (46) 起作用 了——他最终没有掉进小溪里。然而,我三岁的儿子却掉进去了。

还有一次,我们在瓦莱西托湖租了一艘船。我们 (47) 出发 时,天空还很晴朗,但山中的暴风雨来势汹汹,这次的暴风雨很快 (48) 打断 了我们早晨平静的旅行。(49) 刮起来,雷声滚滚。我丈夫停止钓鱼来 (50) 启动 马达。没有奏效。他又试了一次。没有获得 (51) 好运 。我们被困在湖中央,马达坏了。当我们 (52) 无助地 坐在那里时,一位渔夫停了下来,扔给我们一根绳子,把我们拖了回来。我们 (53) 安全 了。

现在,每年当我丈夫把露营车从车库里拉出来时,我们都会充满 (54) 兴奋 ,想知道接下来我们会经历什么样的露营乐趣和 (55) 冒险 ePoJO55DWu/MQqNBXNwGHYHmXgfzxhQ0A74Zrr9F1bXq0AGY09llqnLRlhgOYY8B
