
Word List 07

音 频

compatible [kəmˈpætəbl]

adj. 可和谐共处的;相容的,兼容的


The printer is convenient to the users because it's compatible with most personal computers. 打印机对用户来说很方便,因为它与大多数个人电脑兼容。

procure [prəˈkjʊə(r)]

vt. 取得,获得


The teacher procured many cards and presents on Teachers' Day. 这位老师在教师节收到了许多卡片和礼物。

covet [ˈkʌvət]

vt. 垂涎,觊觎,贪图

Tony has coveted that position for a long time, but he never got the chance. 托尼觊觎这个职位已经很久了,但他一直没有机会。

robust [rəʊˈbʌst]

adj. 强健的,健康的;充满活力的

No matter how lucky and robust we are, we cannot avoid the aging process. 无论我们多么幸运和健壮,都无法避免衰老的过程。

eligible [ˈelɪdʒəbl]

adj. 有资格的,合格的;合适的,中意的


In aerospace and defence, for example, as much as 40% of the workforce in some companies will be eligible to retire within the next five years. 例如,在航空航天和国防领域,一些公司多达40%的员工将有资格在未来五年内退休。

obese [əʊˈbiːs]

adj. 肥胖的,过度肥胖的


The one who always steered the way was an obese and dreamy Greek. 一直领路的是一个肥胖的、心不在焉的希腊人。

anguish [ˈæŋɡwɪʃ]

n. (精神或身体上的)极度痛苦;烦恼


The anguish of not knowing the truth was unbearable to me. 我无法忍受不知道真相的痛苦。

illicit [ɪˈlɪsɪt]

adj. 违禁的,违法的;不正当的


It is an important measure of boosting education equality and building a harmonious society to eradicate illicit charges in compulsory education. 消除义务教育中的非法收费是促进教育公平、构建和谐社会的一项重要举措。

illicit trade 非法买卖

correlate [ˈkɒrələt][ˈkɒrəleɪt]

n. 有相互关系的东西,相关物 v. (使)有相互关系


The economists made the financial crisis correlate with the stock prices. 经济学家们把金融危机与股票价格联系起来。

correlate with 与…有关系

numb [nʌm]

adj. 失去知觉的,麻木的;惊呆的,发愣的 vt. 使麻木;使惊呆,使发愣

I back up against a window, numb and weary. 我背靠着一扇窗户,麻木而疲惫。

vicinity [vəˈsɪnəti]

n. 附近,邻近;附近地区


They were, at least, agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key. 至少,他们痛苦地意识到唾手可得的钱就在眼前,而且确信只要说对了几句话,这钱就是他们的了。

in the vicinity(of)在(…)附近

neurological [ˌnjʊərəˈlɒdʒɪkl]

adj. 神经病学的;神经系统的


Because many seniors suffer from poor balance(whether from neurological deficits or from the inner-ear problems that increase naturally with aging), it also helps to install grab bars and handrails in bathrooms and along hallways. 由于许多老年人的平衡能力差(无论是由于神经系统缺陷还是由于随着年龄的增长而自然增多的内耳问题),在浴室和沿着走廊安装抓握杆和扶手也是有帮助的。

protocol [ˈprəʊtəkɒl]

n. 礼仪,礼节;草案,议定书

The diplomat wrote a book about protocol of visits. 那位外交官写了一本关于访问礼仪的书。

ethic [ˈeθɪk]

n. 伦理,道德

The medical ethics forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient. 医德禁止医生与病人有私情。

ethical( adj. 伦理的;合乎道德的);ethics( n. 伦理学;道德准则)

scarcity [ˈskeəsəti]

n. 缺乏,稀少


The Dutch nonprofit has been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008. 这家荷兰非营利组织自2008年以来一直致力于提高人们对淡水短缺的认识。

versatility [ˌvɜːsəˈtɪləti]

n. 多才多艺;多功能


Jiang Qian and Guo Bingwen proposed a school running principle that advocated the balance between versatility and specialization, liberal arts and sciences. 蒋谦、郭秉文提出了通才与专才、文理并重的办学理念。

frenetic [frəˈnetɪk]

adj. 极度激动的,狂热的,狂乱的


In 2011, many shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer. 2011年,许多购物者选择避开狂热的人群,在电脑前舒适地进行假日购物。

spout [spaʊt]

n. 喷管,喷口;(急速喷出的水)流,水柱 v. 喷出,喷射;滔滔不绝地讲

My plans for the weekend seem to have gone up the spout due to the temporary meeting. 由于临时会议,我的周末计划似乎泡汤了。

be/go up the spout 弄错;出问题

mar [mɑː(r)]

vt. 破坏,毁坏,糟蹋

Fowler's handling of this unexpected accident could make or mar his performing career. 福勒对这起意外事故的处理可能成就也可能毁掉他的演艺事业。

audacious [ɔːˈdeɪʃəs]

adj. 大胆的;鲁莽的,愚勇的;大胆妄为的,厚颜无耻的

We decided to carry out the audacious proposal proposed by the employer. 我们决定执行雇主提出的大胆建议。

empower [ɪmˈpaʊə(r)]

vt. 授权于;增加(某人的)自主权


“In Africa, women till the land and produce the bulk of the food, yet they have no understanding about marketing,” Sadza said. “Agriculture is another area where we can empower women.” 萨扎说:“在非洲,妇女耕种土地,生产大部分粮食,但她们对营销一无所知。农业是我们可以赋予妇女权力的另一个领域。”

empower sb. to do sth. 授权某人做某事

abound [əˈbaʊnd]

vi. 大量存在,充满;富有,富于


She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvet here and there, and with steel buttons abounding . 她穿着一件蓝色的羊绒连衣裙,上面点缀着几处小块的天鹅绒,还有很多钢制纽扣。

abound in/with 盛产,充满

jubilant [ˈdʒuːbɪlənt]

adj. 欢欣的,欢腾的


The whole nation is jubilant for the successful launch of the space craft. 全国人民为宇宙飞船的成功发射而欢欣鼓舞。

vice [vaɪs]

n. 罪恶,堕落;缺点,毛病

Lying and cruelty are vices . 说谎和残暴都是罪恶。

vicious( adj. 恶毒的;凶残的);viciousness( n. 恶意,险恶)

scoop [skuːp]

n. 勺;勺状物;独家新闻 v. 舀出;抢先报道

Most impressive are the turbine's blades, which scoop the wind with each sweeping revolution. 最令人印象深刻的是涡轮机的叶片,每转一圈,它都能把风带走。

scoop out 舀出,挖出

flirt [flɜːt]

vi. 调情 n. 调情者

She flirted with the idea of becoming an actress when she was younger. 她年纪更小一些时曾闹着玩似地想过当演员。

flirt with sb. 与…调情;flirt with sth. 玩儿似地想做某事

adjoin [əˈdʒɔɪn]

vt. 贴近,毗连


It makes the children happy that the house adjoins the playing field. 房子毗邻运动场,这让孩子们很高兴。

impair [ɪmˈpeə(r)]

vt. 损害,削弱


The illness had impaired Carl's ability to think and concentrate. 疾病削弱了卡尔思考和集中注意力的能力。

exemplary [ɪɡˈzempləri]

adj. 可作楷模的,典范的

His behavior can be regarded as exemplary and for it he received our respect. 他的行为堪称楷模,他因此受到了我们的尊重。

languid [ˈlæŋɡwɪd]

adj. 倦怠的;软弱无力的;(市场)不景气的


Jenny's looks and movements were very languid . 珍妮的表情和动作都很慵懒。

authorize/-ise [ˈɔːθəraɪz]

vt. 授权,批准,允许


The charter authorizes reforms in UN bodies. 宪章授权对联合国机构进行改革。

be authorized to do sth. 被授权/允许做某事

authoritative( adj. 具有权威性的;命令式的);authority( n. 权力;[pl.] 当局;批准)

treacherous [ˈtretʃərəs]

adj. 背叛的,不忠的;危险的

来自treachery( n. 阴险;背叛)

Strong winds and heavy rain made driving conditions treacherous . 强风和大雨使驾驶条件变得危险。

panoramic [ˌpænəˈræmɪk]

adj. 全景的,全貌的


The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles. 这一地带的制高点可以看见洛杉矶的全景。

recurrent [rɪˈkʌrənt]

adj. 经常发生的,周期性的


Culture, in compelling but unspoken ways, dictates the proven, acceptable methods by which members of a group address recurrent problems. 文化以一种令人信服但又不言而喻的方式,规定出一些经过验证且可接受的方法,一个群体的成员用这些方法来解决反复出现的问题。

underwrite [ˌʌndəˈraɪt]

vt. 为…承担经济担保;同意资助(某事业)

The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans. 政府将不得不成立一个专门机构,为小企业贷款提供担保。

fleeting [ˈfliːtɪŋ]

adj. 短暂的,稍纵即逝的

Happiness and sorrow both seemed fleeting to me. 快乐和悲伤在我看来都是转瞬即逝的。

void [vɔɪd]

n. 空间,真空 adj. 空的,空虚的;无效的,作废的

The thief turned at the corner of the street and vanished into the void . 小偷在街角转了个身就消失得无影无踪了。

ardent [ˈɑːdnt]

adj. 热情的,炽热的


Restaurants are also caught in a fit of ardent hospitality, especially around Wall Street. 餐馆也陷入了热情好客的热潮,尤其是华尔街附近的餐馆。

meek [miːk]

adj. 温顺的;驯服的

Cathy was always so meek and mild. 凯茜总是那么温顺、和善。

symptom [ˈsɪmptəm]

n. 症状;征兆,征候

Structural reform is the preferred approach for reducing poverty because it eliminates the causes of poverty rather than just its symptoms . 结构性改革是减少贫困的首选方法,因为它可以消除贫困的根源,而不仅仅消除贫困的症状。

perish [ˈperɪʃ]

v. 枯萎,腐烂;死去;丧失,毁灭


Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn. 大多数蝴蝶在秋季初霜来临时死亡。

improvise [ˈɪmprəvaɪz]

v. (即兴、即席地)创作(音乐、台词、演讲词等)


Joy achieved local fame for improvising a solo. 乔伊因即兴独奏而在当地声名鹊起。

improviser[ n. 即兴诗人,即席演奏(或演唱)者]

outlandish [aʊtˈlændɪʃ]

adj. 奇异的,古怪的


The schooner gets ready to go off to some outlandish places to look for buried treasure. 这艘中型帆船准备出发去一些奇异的地方寻找被埋藏的宝藏。

lighten [ˈlaɪtn]

vt. 使明亮;减轻…负担;使愉快(或轻松起来)

The solution of the knotty problem lightened his mood. 解决了这个棘手的问题,他的心情轻松了起来。

drone [drəʊn]

vi. 发出嗡嗡声;以(低沉、单调的声调)谈(或唱、说) vt. 懒散地度过(时光) n. 嗡嗡声;沉闷单调的声音;雄蜂;懒汉;无人机

All is quiet except for the drone of cicadas and the tapping of light rain. 除了蝉的嗡嗡声和小雨的敲击声,一切都很安静。

drone on 唠唠叨叨地说

erratic [ɪˈrætɪk]

adj. 反复无常的,古怪的;不规则的,不稳定的


The company's erratic performance is a cause for some concern among people. 该公司不稳定的业绩引起了人们的一些担忧。

rectify [ˈrektɪfaɪ]

vt. 改正,纠正


Regional unemployment and regional recession are an economic loss to the whole nation and they will not rectify themselves on their own. 区域性失业和区域性衰退是整个国家的经济损失,它们不会自行纠正。

rectification( n. 改正,矫正)

forge [fɔːdʒ]

v. 稳步前进;伪造,假冒;锤炼,打制;使形成,努力缔造

The secretary forged her manager's signature on the cheque. 秘书在支票上伪造了经理的签名。

forgery[ n. (文件、签字等的)伪造;伪造罪]

unwind [ˌʌnˈwaɪnd]

v. (使某物)从卷状或团状等展开,解开(卷绕之物);(工作或紧张后)放松,松弛


The snake unwound when the prey was suffocated. 当猎物窒息时,蛇松开了。

extremity [ɪkˈstreməti]

n. 极端,极限;末端,尽头

In this extremity of grief and sorrow, she fell into a high fever. 在极度悲痛和哀伤中,她发高烧了。

prudent [ˈpruːdnt]

adj. 谨慎的,精明的


Before embarking on a sea voyage, the prudent navigator prepared a specific sea chart. 在开始海上航行之前,这位谨慎的航海家准备了一张特定的航海图。

gravitate [ˈɡrævɪteɪt]

vi. (逐渐地、不由自主地)移向;受…吸引


Many naturally gravitate towards the Italian or Greek communities which have grown up in cities such as Sydney and Melbourne. 许多人自然而然地被在悉尼和墨尔本等城市兴起并发展起来的意大利人或希腊人团体所吸引。

gravitate to/towards 被…吸引

gravitation( n. 重力,地心引力)

disposal [dɪˈspəʊzl]

n. 清除,销毁,丢掉;处置,处理;布置


Waste water is one of the biggest problems in liquid disposal of this factory. 废水是这家工厂在液体处理方面面临的最大问题之一。

at one's disposal 任…支配

disposable[ adj. 可(任意)处理的;一次性使用的]

exalt [ɪɡˈzɔːlt]

vt. 使升高;提高…的地位(或荣誉等);赞扬,歌颂;(使)喜悦


His poems were highly exalted by critics. 他的诗受到评论家的高度赞扬。

exaltation( n. 兴高采烈);exalted( adj. 高贵的;兴高采烈的)

fiscal [ˈfɪskl]

adj. 财务的,财政的,国库的,会计的


Upgrading the qualifications of personnel working in the fiscal system can lead to increased tax revenues which could be allocated for anti-poverty measures. 提高财政系统职员的任职要求可以增加税收,这些税收可以被划拨用于反贫困措施。

bluff [blʌf]

v. 以假象欺骗,愚弄;虚张声势,吓唬 n. 虚张声势,吓唬 adj. 坦率的

Our enemies were bluffed into believing we were not ready for the attack. 我们的敌人上当了,以为我们还没有做好进攻的准备。

bluff sb. into doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事;call one's bluff 要某人摊牌,揭穿某人的骗局

paradoxical [ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkl]

adj. 矛盾的


The Catalonians display paradoxical characteristics. 加泰罗尼亚人表现出自相矛盾的特点。

paradoxically( adv. 相矛盾地;诡辩地)

affinity [əˈfɪnəti]

n. 密切关系;喜爱,喜好;类同


Or they encourage “ affinity reunions” for groups of former cheerleaders, editors, fraternity members, musicians, members of military organizations on campus, and the like. 或者,他们鼓励前啦啦队队员、编辑、兄弟会成员、音乐家、校园军事组织成员等团体进行“亲密聚会”。

elicit [iˈlɪsɪt]

vt. 诱出,探出,引出(事实、反应等)


My students quickly see that the simplest way parents can elicit cooperation from children is to wield power tools. 我的学生们很快就意识到,父母能引起孩子们合作的最简单方法就是使用权力手段。

dismantle [dɪsˈmæntl]

vt. 拆开,拆卸


As a result of the agreement, the two countries' arsenals are to be dismantled partly later this year. 根据该协议,两国的军火库将在今年晚些时候被部分拆除。

impetuous [ɪmˈpetʃuəs]

adj. 轻率的,鲁莽的,冲动的


Although a man of blood and violence, Richard was too impetuous to be either treacherous or habitually cruel. 尽管理查德是一个血腥暴力的人,但他过于冲动,既不奸诈,也不习惯性残忍。

privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ]

n. 特权;特别给予的好处或待遇;优惠 v. 给予优惠,给予特权


Who gave you the privilege to intentionally inflict damage upon anything? 谁给了你故意破坏任何东西的特权?

special privilege 特权,特殊许可

resort [rɪˈzɔːt]

vi. 凭借;求助,诉诸;常去 n. 凭借,手段;常去之处;度假胜地

We may have to resort to using untrained staff. 我们也许只能使用未受过培训的员工了。

resort to 求助于,诉诸;依靠

doom [duːm]

n. 命运;厄运;判决 vt. 注定;使…的失败(或毁灭等)成为必然;判决


The transformation of the news business is unstoppable, and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure . 新闻业的转型势不可挡,而扭转这一局面的尝试注定会失败。

sth. be doomed to failure/defeat 某事注定失败;be doomed to do 注定要…

agile [ˈædʒaɪl]

adj. 敏捷的,灵活的


The robot is quite agile and able to duplicate most human motions. 这个机器人相当敏捷,能模仿人的大多数动作。

ubiquitous [juːˈbɪkwɪtəs]

adj. 普遍存在的,无处不在的


A ubiquitous woodland mix of lawn grasses and trees has found its way throughout Europe and the United States, and it's now spread to other cities around the world. 一种无处不在的草坪草和树木混合林地已经在欧洲和美国流行起来,现在已经蔓延到世界各地的其他城市。

innocent [ˈɪnəsnt]

adj. 清白的,无罪的;单纯的,率真的;无知的;无害的


I'd love it if our dog could fetch the morning paper and then read it to me over coffee, but I actually care much more about her loyal and innocent heart. 如果我们的狗能去取晨报,然后在我喝咖啡的时候读给我听,我会很高兴,但实际上我更在乎的是它那颗忠诚和纯真的心。

innocence( n. 无罪;天真)

venerate [ˈvenəreɪt]

vt. 敬重,崇敬


My father venerated the general. 我父亲十分敬仰那位将军。

venerable( adj. 德高望重的,令人景仰的)

invulnerable [ɪnˈvʌlnərəbl]

adj. 无法被伤害的,攻不破的,无懈可击的


They no longer feel invulnerable to attack. 他们不再觉得自己无懈可击。

invulnerable to 不受…的伤害、影响等

genial [ˈdʒiːniəl]

adj. 友好的,亲切的,和蔼可亲的


Students like staying with their professor because of his genial character. 学生们喜欢和他们的教授待在一起,因为他性格和蔼。

vie [vaɪ]

vi. 竞争

To vie with one another for the first place is their aim. 他们的目标是争夺第一名。

vie with 与…竞争;vie to do 争着做…

wary [ˈweəri]

adj. 谨慎的,小心的;警惕的,谨防的

Yule kept a wary eye on Lizzie while they talked. 他们谈话时,尤尔密切关注着莉齐。

be wary of 留意,谨防;keep a wary eye on 密切关注

devastate [ˈdevəsteɪt]

vt. 摧毁,破坏,毁灭


A long war devastated the city and the citizens lived in agony. 长期的战争摧毁了这座城市,市民们生活在痛苦之中。

majestic [məˈdʒestɪk]

adj. 壮丽的,威严的


I've been looking forward to seeing such a majestic ocean. 我一直期待着看到如此壮丽的海洋。

lurch [lɜːtʃ]

n. 突然向前(或向一侧)倾斜 vi. 蹒跚而行;突然倾斜

The wino lurched out of the pub and across the street. 酒鬼蹒跚地走出酒馆,穿过街道。

leave sb. in the lurch 在某人需要帮助时弃之不顾

overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk]

vt. 眺望,俯瞰;忽略,没注意到;(对不良现象等)不予理会

来自词组look over(从…上面看)

What areas do you think are being overlooked by the industry that could be game-changing opportunities in the future? 你认为哪些被业内忽略了的领域,在未来可能改变游戏规则?

supplant [səˈplɑːnt]

vt. 取代,代替


Some of private cars in this city have been supplanted by buses recently. 这个城市的一些私家车最近已被公共汽车所取代。

delicacy [ˈdelɪkəsi]

n. 精致,精美;脆弱;美味,佳肴;微妙;棘手


Snails are considered a delicacy in France. 蜗牛在法国被视为美味佳肴。

conspire [kənˈspaɪə(r)]

vi. 密谋;搞阴谋;共谋


George conspired with him against me. 乔治和他密谋反对我。

conspiracy( n. 阴谋,秘密策划)

trudge [trʌdʒ]

vi. 缓慢或吃力地走

It's tough for the pedestrians to trudge through the snow in the wind. 行人在风雪中行走很艰难。

bulky [ˈbʌlki]

adj. 庞大的,巨大的;笨重的

来自bulk( n. 大批)

The bulky generation born between 1946 and 1964 is heading towards retirement. 1946年至1964年间出生的庞大一代即将退休。

imprint [ˈɪmprɪnt][ɪmˈprɪnt]

n. 印痕,痕迹;深远的影响;出版商名称 vt. 使铭记;在 上盖印

Common fossils are shells, bones and molds and imprints . 常见的化石有贝壳、骨头、模具和印记。

imprint sth. on one's memory/mind 将某物铭记于心

clutter [ˈklʌtə(r)]

vt. 凌乱地塞满,把…弄得杂乱 n. 杂乱,杂乱的东西

与clatter( v. 发出哗啦声)一起记

There was a clutter of bottles and tubes on the shelf. 架子上胡乱堆满了瓶子和管子。

in a clutter 凌乱不堪

impotent [ˈɪmpətənt]

adj. 无能的,无力量的


Without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent . 没有主席的支持,委员会是无能为力的。

impotence( n. 无能为力;虚弱)

decry [dɪˈkraɪ]

vt. 责难,(公开)谴责


There's a chance that eventually we'll return all this kindness with the extravagant spending that was once decried but now everyone is hoping will restart the economy. 最终我们可能会用奢侈的消费来回报所有这些善意,这种消费曾经受到谴责,但现在每个人都希望它能重启经济。

juncture [ˈdʒʌŋktʃə(r)]

n. 关键时刻;连接,结合点;当口,重要关头


At this juncture in our nation's affairs, we need firm leadership. 当此国家危急之秋,我们需要坚定的领导。

at this juncture 此刻,在这个当口

entail [ɪnˈteɪl]

vt. 使必要;需要

The prospect is disturbing, but trying to stop it might entail even more hard choices. 这种前景令人不安,但试图阻止它可能需要做出更艰难的选择。

dormant [ˈdɔːmənt]

adj. 冬眠的;休眠的;潜伏期的


The huge dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting. 这座巨大的休眠火山最近出现了喷发的迹象。

ponder [ˈpɒndə(r)]

v. 仔细考虑,沉思


Once again, a proven program is worth pondering : national service. 再一次,一个行之有效的计划值得考虑:国民服务。

ponder on 对某事进行沉思或思考

nip [nɪp]

v. 夹住,轻捏,掐;阻碍,阻止;冻伤 n. 啃咬,掐;霜寒,严寒

I nipped my foot in the door. 我的脚被门夹住了。

premiere [ˈpremieə(r)]

n. / v. 初次演出(或放映)

Bright was just calling to ask if we want to attend the world premiere of his new film. 布莱特打电话来问我们要不要参加他的新影片全球首映式。

allure [əˈlʊə(r)]

vt. 引诱,诱惑 n. 诱惑力,引诱力


Will their hard-won brand luster be forever cheapened, especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced? 他们来之不易的品牌光环会永远贬值吗,尤其是那些靠荒谬定价吸引人的产品?

encumber [ɪnˈkʌmbə(r)]

vt. 妨碍,拖累


These young boys will be in custody for five days for encumbering police work. 这些小男孩因妨碍警察工作将被拘留五天。

addictive [əˈdɪktɪv]

adj. (使人)上瘾的,沉迷的

来自addict( n. 对…入迷的人)

Bargain-hunting can be addictive regardless of the state of the markets, and haggling is a low-risk, high-value contact sport. 不管市场状况如何,淘便宜货可能会让人上瘾,而讨价还价是一项低风险、高价值的接触式运动。

vet [vet]

n. 兽医 vt. 诊疗(动物);详细调查

Some staff are vetted for former education and work experiences before being employed. 一些员工在被聘用前要接受学历和工作经历的审查。

peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliə(r)]

adj. 奇怪的,怪癖的;独特的,特有的

He had seen me several times and had intended to call on me long before but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it. 他见过我好几次,早就打算来看我,但由于种种特殊的情况,他没能来。

peculiar to 是…所特有的

peculiarity( n. 特色,特性)

discrete [dɪˈskriːt]

adj. 个别的,分离的,不连续的


While speech and writing are often viewed as discrete modes, it is important for us to note that there is a continuum between speech and writing. 虽然说话和写作通常被视为独立的模式,但我们要注意到说话和写作之间的连续性,这很重要。

paramount [ˈpærəmaʊnt]

adj. 至高无上的;首要的;胜过…的,卓越的


The King claimed this treasure as lord paramount . 国王宣称这个宝藏是至高无上的。

(be)paramount to 高过,优于

stack [stæk]

n. 整齐的一叠 v. 把…叠成堆


They were busy stacking the shelves with goods. 他们正忙着摆货物上架。

a stack of / stacks of 一堆,大量

persist [pəˈsɪst]

vi. 坚持;持续存在


Inspired by the English and New England countrysides, early landscape architects of the 19th Century created an aesthetic for urban public and private open space that persists to this day. 受到英格兰和新英格兰乡村的启发,19世纪的早期景观建筑师为城市公共和私人开放空间创造了一种美学,这种美学一直延续到今天。

persist in(doing)sth. 坚持(做)某事

persistence/persistency( n. 坚持;持续存在)

glare [ɡleə(r)]

vi. 瞪眼,怒视;闪耀 n. 令人目眩的光,强烈的阳光;瞪眼,怒视

Light pollution is also when areas are over-lit, for example, or lighting is badly designed or badly positioned, which then creates excessive glare . 例如,光污染也是指区域照明过度,或者照明设计不当或位置不佳,从而产生过度眩光。

yank [jæŋk]

n. / v. 猛拉,猛拽

The old rope only needed a couple of yanks before it broke. 那根旧绳子只拉了几下就断了。

carnival [ˈkɑːnɪvl]

n. 狂欢节


Police in London are lining up a huge police operation for the Notting Hill Carnival . 伦敦警方正在为诺丁山狂欢节安排大规模的警力行动。

hono(u)r [ˈɒnə(r)]

n. 荣誉,信誉;正义感;崇敬,敬意 vt. 使得到荣誉;尊敬,对…表示敬意;信守,兑现

These needs can be fulfilled by achievement, promotion, honours , etc. 这些需求可以通过成就、晋升、荣誉等来满足。

in honor of 为向…表示敬意,为纪念;on one's word of honor / on one's honor 以某人的名誉担保;with honors 以优异的成绩;do honor to 给…增光

hono(u)rable[ adj. 荣誉的;(表示)尊敬的];honorary( adj. 名誉的,义务的)

incursion [ɪnˈkɜːʃn]

n. 侵入,侵犯;涌入;传入


The potential damage extends well beyond such commercial incursions . 潜在的损害远远超出这种商业入侵。 h+cs4a4ZrrksYs+32oVUhValmuOKcqLY7Ij5t4Oo/f0S87N7AGXIb2xonZ9tzese
