
Word List 05

音 频

proposition [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn]

n. 提议,建议;主张;命题


The proposition appeals to political leaders and scholars as well. 这一提议也吸引了政治领导人和学者。

make sb. a proposition / make a proposition to sb. 向某人提出一个建议

frenzied [ˈfrenzid]

adj. 狂乱的,狂躁的,发狂的

Future-mindedness contributes to the disorder in American life, the obliviousness to history, the high rates of family breakdown, and the frenzied waste of natural resources. 未来意识导致了美国人生活的混乱、对历史的漠视、家庭破裂率高以及对自然资源的疯狂浪费。

frenzy( n. 极度的激动,狂热)

clatter [ˈklætə(r)]

v. 发出哗啦声;(使)发出碰撞声

The rusty sky darkened over New York buildings, the tall street lamps were lit, innumerable trucks, street cars and elevated trains clattered by. 深褐色的天空笼罩着纽约的高楼大厦,高高的路灯亮着,无数的卡车、电车和高架火车咔嗒咔嗒地驶过。

pungent [ˈpʌndʒənt]

adj. (气味等)浓烈的


The incense gradually filled the room with a thin smoke and a mildly pungent odor. 熏香慢慢地充满了这个房间,散发出一股淡淡的烟雾和轻微的刺鼻气味。

shrivel [ˈʃrɪvl]

v. (使某物)萎缩,(因热、冷)枯萎

With trade barriers in place, the horticulture industry in Kenya will shrivel as quickly as a discarded rose. 由于存在贸易壁垒,肯尼亚的园艺业将像一朵被丢弃的玫瑰一样迅速枯萎。

adept [əˈdept]

adj. 擅长的,熟练的,精通的


Sarah quickly became adept at predicting his moods. 萨拉很快就能熟练地预测他的情绪。

adept at/in 擅长…,精通…

relegate [ˈrelɪɡeɪt]

vt. 使降位,使降级


The football team was relegated to the second division. 这支足球队被降级到乙级联赛。

relegate to 降级到…

deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt]

vt. 放下,放置;使…沉淀;存储;寄存;预付(定金) n. 沉淀物;寄存物;存款;保证金,押金


The cheque was only deposited two days ago, so I don't know whether it has been cleared. 这张支票是两天前才存入的,所以我不知道是否已兑现。

deposition( n. 免职;沉淀物)

undersell [ˌʌndəˈsel]

vt. 以低于竞争者的价格出售(货物)


We just find that many companies are underselling us for that business. 我们只是发现许多公司在这项业务上的售价低于我们。

misbehave [ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv]

v. 行为不检,举止无礼


Kids misbehave every day. 孩子们每天都调皮捣蛋。

animosity [ˌænɪˈmɒsəti]

n. 仇恨,深恶痛绝

Open criticism usually arouses animosity among the public. 公开批评通常会引起公众的敌意。

nonchalant [ˈnɒnʃələnt]

adj. 冷淡的,漠不关心的


The attitude held by these people towards the matter is nonchalant . 这些人对这件事的态度是漠不关心的。

nonchalantly( adv. 冷淡地,漠不关心地)

novelty [ˈnɒvlti]

n. 新颖;新奇的事物;新颖而价廉的小物件


After several blocks of walking, in which the uproar of the streets and the novelty of the situation had time to wear away the effect of her first defeat, she again looked about. 走了几个街区后,街上的喧闹声和这种新奇的环境已经消磨掉第一次失败对她的影响,她再次环顾四周。

acclaim [əˈkleɪm]

vt. 欢呼,(为…)喝彩;称赞 n. (尤指对艺术成就的)称誉,高度评价


The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece. 该作品被誉为杰作。

repel [rɪˈpel]

vt. 逐退,驱逐;使厌恶,使反感


The soldiers repelled the enemy but with many losses. 士兵们击退了敌人,但损失惨重。

beguile [bɪˈɡaɪl]

vt. 使着迷,使陶醉;欺骗,诱骗


The magician beguiled the boy to go with him with pleasant stories. 魔术师用吸引人的故事诱骗男孩和他一起去。

beguile sb. into doing sth. 诱骗某人做某事

vista [ˈvɪstə]

n. (从两排树木、建筑物等中间望过去的)景色,远景;回顾(往事);展望(前景)


You turn a corner and see a vista , and your imagination bolts away. 你拐个弯,看到一片景色,你的想象力突然消失了。

emulate [ˈemjuleɪt]

vt. 赶超,与…竞争;效法


It's unwise that developing countries often try to emulate the experience of developed countries. 发展中国家经常试图效仿发达国家的经验是不明智的。

credentials [krəˈdenʃlz]

n. 资格证书;资历;(个人能力及信用的)证明书,证件


Job hopping becomes more difficult as employers seek solid credentials . 由于雇主要求求职者有扎实的资历,跳槽变得更加困难。

repress [rɪˈpres]

vt. 抑制,压制;镇压


He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury. 他冲了进来,毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。

repression( n. 约束;压制);repressive( adj. 抑制的;严厉的)

prowess [ˈpraʊəs]

n. 英勇;杰出的才能

In all deeds of prowess as well as in large schemes of war Richard shone. 在所有的英勇事迹以及大规模的战争计划中,理查德都大放异彩。

understudy [ˈʌndəstʌdi]

n. 候补演员,替手 vt. 充当…的替补演员,当…的替手


He spent many years as an understudy to that famous movie star. 他当了许多年那位著名影星的替身。

be an understudy to sb. 做某人的替身

inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]

vt. 抑制;阻碍,约束


Shyness inhibited John from speaking. 约翰羞怯地不敢说话。

inhibit sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

paralysis [pəˈræləsɪs]

n. 麻痹,瘫痪;瘫痪状态


There was a sudden apoplexy causing the paralysis of his two legs. 他突然中风,导致双腿瘫痪。

intrepid [ɪnˈtrepɪd]

adj. 无畏的,勇敢的,刚毅的


A group of intrepid adventurers are trying to make an unassisted hike to the South Pole. 一群勇敢的冒险家正试图独自徒步前往南极。

abide [əˈbaɪd]

v. 忍受,容忍


All the players have to abide by the referee's decision. 所有运动员都必须遵守裁判的裁定。

abide by 遵守(法律等),信守(诺言等)

implant [ɪmˈplɑːnt]

vt. 注入,灌输;植入


They tried to implant religious beliefs in children. 他们试图向儿童灌输宗教信仰。

sober [ˈsəʊbə(r)]

adj. 未醉的,清醒的;审慎的,镇定的;严肃的

Nancy is wise, and I respected her sober judgment. 南希很聪明,我尊重她冷静的判断。

hurdle [ˈhɜːdl]

n. 赛跑用的跨栏;障碍,困难 v. 进行跨栏赛;跳越(某物)

Talking with her is a good way to get perspective on those occasional hurdles that crop up in college. 和她交谈是一个很好的方式,可以让你了解大学里偶尔出现的困难。

substitution [ˌsʌbstɪˈtjuːʃn]

n. 代替;置换

It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. 这只不过是用一种废话代替另一种废话。

degree of substitution 饱和度;取代度

dwell [dwel]

vi. 居住,生活于,栖息


Almost everyone finds that his eyes are dwelling on Mary's beautiful face. 几乎每个人的目光都停留在玛丽美丽的脸上。

dwell on 停留,凝视

dwelling( n. 住处,居所)

ghastly [ˈɡɑːstli]

adj. 极坏的,糟透的;恐怖的,可怕的;面色苍白的;身体不适的

You cannot deny that the castle is a ghastly place indeed. 你不能否认这座城堡确实是个可怕的地方。

depress [dɪˈpres]

vt. 使消沉,使抑郁;使萧条;压下,按下;降低,减少


The atmosphere began to depress me. 气氛开始使我感到压抑。

depressed( adj. 抑郁的;萧条的);depressing( adj. 令人沮丧的);depression[ n. 抑郁;萧条(期)]

indiscriminate [ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnət]

adj. 任意的;不加分析的,不加鉴别的


Dictionaries should not be indiscriminate collections of word information. 词典不应该是不加区别地收集单词信息。

entwine [ɪnˈtwaɪn]

v. 盘绕,(使)缠绕,(使)交错;与…密切相关

As they become entwined with each other politically and economically, Europeans need a way to talk to one another and to the rest of the world. 随着欧洲人在政治和经济上与彼此紧密相连,他们需要一种与彼此以及世界其他地区交流的方式。

lateral [ˈlætərəl]

adj. 侧面的,横向的;旁支的


With only about half of the general public knowledgeable about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS), the Ice Bucket Challenge is making a profound difference. 由于只有大约一半的公众了解肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS),冰桶挑战正在产生深远的影响。

rove [rəʊv]

v. 漂泊,漫游;(指眼睛)环顾

Those drunken football fans were roving the suburbs. 那些醉醺醺的足球迷在郊区游荡。

rover( n. 流浪者,漂泊者)

tinge [tɪndʒ]

vt. 使某物稍染颜色;使某事物略受影响 n. 淡淡的色调或痕迹

The cyber-culture tinged the writer's recently published novel. 这位作家最近出版的小说带有网络文化的色彩。

bountiful [ˈbaʊntɪfl]

adj. 慷慨的,大方的;充足的,丰富的


The farmers got bountiful harvests due to the good weather this year. 由于今年天气好,农民们获得了大丰收。

cerebral [ˈserəbrəl]

adj. 脑的,大脑的;深思的;理智的


The patient died of cerebral haemorrhage. 病人死于脑溢血。

utter [ˈʌtə(r)]

adj. 完全的,彻底的;绝对的;无条件的 vt. 发出(声音等),说

He stays behind while his family gets away, rising to his feet and uttering a terrifying roar. 当他的家人离开时,他留在了后面,站起来发出一声可怕的咆哮。

strangle [ˈstræŋɡl]

vt. 扼死,勒死;抑制,扼杀

This project was strangled at birth due to the new restrictions. 由于新的限制,这个项目一开始就被扼杀了。

bizarre [bɪˈzɑː(r)]

adj. 古怪的,怪诞的

Mulder deals with those unbelievable, weird, often bizarre things and events. 穆德处理那些难以置信的、奇怪的,通常是怪诞的事情和事件。

suffice [səˈfaɪs]

vi. 足够,足够…之需

These facts should suffice to illustrate how social attitudes of people are changing. 这些事实足以说明人们的社会态度正在发生怎样的变化。

luxuriant [lʌɡˈʒʊəriənt]

adj. 繁密的,茂盛的


There was a thin strip of silver beach rising quickly to hills covered with luxuriant vegetation. 有一片狭长的银色沙滩迅速延伸至覆盖着茂密植被的小山。

faze [feɪz]

vt. 使惊慌失措,使困窘

The girl was fazed by the news that her mother would desert her. 这个女孩被她母亲要抛弃她的消息吓坏了。

loot [luːt]

n. 掠夺物,赃物 v. 掠夺;抢劫

Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. 也许他心里明白,人类已经征服了半个已知世界,洗劫了整个王国,却从未享受过如此奢侈的生活。

stark [stɑːk]

adj. 显而易见的;光秃秃的;阴郁的;完全的 adv. 完全地,十足地


Another survey gave climate conditions, homesickness, and “the stark appearance of the Australian countryside” as the main reasons for leaving. 另一项调查显示,气候条件、乡愁和“澳大利亚乡村的荒凉景象”是人们离开的主要原因。

innate [ɪˈneɪt]

adj. 天生的,固有的,天赋的


Professor Kieran Egan, in his seminal book “Teaching as Storytelling” warns us not to ignore this innate skill, for it is a remarkable tool for learning. 基兰·伊根教授在他的开创性著作《讲故事的教学》中警告我们不要忽视这种与生俱来的技能,因为它是一种非凡的学习工具。

strain [streɪn]

n. 拉紧,扯紧;需费神之事物;(身心的)紧张状态,操心;扭筋,脱臼 v. 拉紧,扯紧;尽量利用,尽全力;损伤,耗损


People will strain their eyes by reading in such poor light. 在这么弱的光线下看书会让眼睛疲劳。

qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ]

v. (使)合适,(使)具有资格;授予…权利;限制;使减轻


A membership card qualifies you for a discount on purchases. 会员卡使您有资格享受购物折扣。

qualify as 取得…资格;qualify for 有…资格;使能担任;qualify to do sth. 使有资格做某事

qualification( n. 限制;获得资格);qualified( adj. 有资格的,胜任的)

debit [ˈdebɪt]

n. (账簿中的)收方,借方 vt. 把…记入借方

The money will be debited from your account each month. 这笔钱将逐月记入你账户的借方。

vogue [vəʊɡ]

n. 流行,时尚

Molly told me that the long ringlets were in vogue . 莫莉告诉我长卷发很流行。

come into vogue 开始流行;go out of vogue 过时;in vogue 流行

blunder [ˈblʌndə(r)]

n. 愚蠢的错误 vi. 弄错,犯大错 vt. 笨拙地做;把…搞得一团糟

The manager admitted the company had blundered in its handling of the affair. 经理承认公司在处理这件事时犯了错误。

reckon [ˈrekən]

vt. 计算,算出;考虑,认为;料想,估计


The company reckoned on selling their products to foreign countries. 该公司考虑把产品销往国外。

reckon on 指望,依赖;reckon with 重视,认真处理

gallantry [ˈɡæləntri]

n. (在战场上的)勇敢;(男子对女子的)殷勤

For his gallantry , Blake was awarded a Victoria Cross. 由于他的英勇,布莱克被授予维多利亚十字勋章。

hype [haɪp]

n. 天花乱坠的宣传报道 vt. 言过其实地宣传

By winter, many of the new restaurants have worked out their kinks and, once the hype has died down, it is possible to see which restaurants are actually good and which are merely noisy and crowded. 到了冬天,许多新开的餐馆已经解决了他们的问题,一旦宣传平息,我们就有可能看到哪些餐厅确实很好,哪些餐厅只是嘈杂和拥挤。

afflict [əˈflɪkt]

vt. 使(身体、精神)受痛苦,折磨


The drought has afflicted some parts of the region for up to five years and other areas for as little as 10 months. 干旱已经使该地区的一些区域遭受了长达五年的痛苦,而其他区域则只遭受了短短十个月的痛苦。

intractable [ɪnˈtræktəbl]

adj. 倔强的;难对付的,难驾驭的;棘手的


Charles made significant progress on the most intractable financial issue in his company. 查尔斯在公司最棘手的财务问题上取得了重大进展。

banish [ˈbænɪʃ]

vt. 放逐,将…驱逐出境;驱除(想法等)


If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. 读书时如能抛开这些先入为主之见,便是极好的开端。

coherent [kəʊˈhɪərənt]

adj. (言语、思想等)有条理的,连贯的


Firstly, writing essays forces you to select what you find interesting in books and journals and to express your understanding in a coherent form. 首先,写论文迫使你选择你在书籍和期刊中发现的有趣的东西,然后以连贯的形式表达你的理解。

cater [ˈkeɪtə(r)]

v. 供应伙食,为(宴会等)供应酒菜;提供娱乐节目;迎合,投合


I did so without catering to my boss's opinions. 我没有听从老板的意见就这样做了。

cater for 为…供应伙食;满足…需要;cater to 设法满足,迎合

lax [læks]

adj. 马虎的;不严格的

Margaret was looked down upon by lots of people due to her lax morals. 玛格丽特因道德败坏而被许多人看不起。

pinch [pɪntʃ]

v. 捏,掐;夹痛;偷拿 n. 捏,掐;夹痛;少量;匮乏;紧要时刻

Larry loves pinching the baby's cheek playfully. 拉里喜欢调皮地捏婴儿的脸颊。

pinch off 掐掉;at a pinch 必要时

overtake [ˌəʊvəˈteɪk]

v. 超(车),超过;(不愉快的事)突然发生


Phillip Reeker urged the Palestinian authority to do all it can to put an end to such incidents, which he said, threaten to overtake the latest peace efforts. 菲利普·里克敦促巴勒斯坦当局尽其所能结束此类事件,他说,这些事件可能会威胁到最近为和平做出的努力。

mellow [ˈmeləʊ]

v. (使)成熟;(使)圆润,(使)柔和 adj. (水果)甜熟的,甘美的;(颜色)柔和的


We would come to gather fruit when it was sweet and mellow . 我们会在果实甜美醇厚的时候来采摘。

ominous [ˈɒmɪnəs]

adj. 预兆的;不祥的


He felt something ominous was coming. 他感到不祥的事情即将来临。

extract [ɪkˈstrækt][ˈekstrækt]

vt. (尤指费力地)拔出;设法得到;榨取,提取,吸取 n. 提取物


There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler's thumb. 厨房里有一台机器,只要管家的拇指按两百次小按钮,它就可以在半小时内榨取两百个橙子的汁。

extraction( n. 提取;开采;拔牙);extractor( n. 榨取者;榨汁机)

seethe [siːð]

vi. (液体)煮沸,沸腾;激动,骚动;拥挤

The water is going to seethe . 水要沸腾了。

flaunt [flɔːnt]

vt. 炫耀,夸示

Tina's very rich, but she doesn't like to flaunt her wealth or waste money. 蒂娜很有钱,但她不喜欢炫富或挥霍。

complementary [ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri]

adj. 补充的,补足的


Mason's personality is complementary to his friend so they get on very well with each other. 梅森的性格和他朋友互补,所以他们相处得很好。

discretion [dɪˈskreʃn]

n. 谨慎;自由裁夺权


They've asked for more discretion in picking students by giving more weight to such screening tools as essay writing or interviews. 他们要求在挑选学生时更加谨慎,更重视论文写作或面试等筛选工具。

at discretion 随意;at the discretion of 听凭…处置;with discretion 慎重地

insidious [ɪnˈsɪdiəs]

adj. 阴险的;潜伏的,潜在的


This loss of culture memory, as insidious as Alzheimer's disease, eats away at the soul of the nation, says Bertman, author of Hyperculture . 《超文化》一书的作者伯特曼说,这种文化记忆的丧失就像阿尔茨海默病一样阴险,侵蚀着一个民族的灵魂。

dull [dʌl]

adj. 不鲜明的,隐约的;钝的;愚钝的;麻木的;单调乏味的;阴郁的;不活跃的,呆滞的


She was a little woman, with brown, dull hair very elaborately arranged, and she had prominent blue eyes behind invisible pince-nez. 她是一个身材矮小的女人,淡棕色头发梳得很精致,在一副看不见的夹鼻眼镜后面,有一双蓝色的大眼睛。

(as)dull as ditch-water 非常沉闷乏味

rudimentary [ˌruːdɪˈmentri]

adj. 初步的,基本的;发展不完全的,未发育成熟的


In this rudimentary natural society men go out to hunt and fish and to fight off the tribe next door while women keep the fire going. 在这个原始的自然社会里,男人外出打猎、捕鱼,击退相邻部落,而女人则负责生火做饭。

harmonize/-ise [ˈhɑːmənaɪz]

v. (使)协调,(使)一致,融洽;用和声唱(演奏)


Color and pattern harmonize in the bedroom. 卧室里的颜色和图案很协调。

harmonize with sth. 和某事物协调

abuse [əˈbjuːz][əˈbjuːs]

vt. 辱骂;滥用;虐待 n. 辱骂;滥用;虐待


Pediatricians from the U.S. University have taken a look at one measure of children's well-being in Egypt, the Philippines and India—the extent to which children are subject to corporal punishment and abuse . 美国大学的儿科医生研究了埃及、菲律宾和印度儿童幸福感的一项衡量指标,即儿童遭受体罚和虐待的程度。

sleek [sliːk]

adj. 光滑而有光泽的;(指人)保养得好的;脑满肠肥的;时髦的

The new automobile is sleek , and looks fast and modern. 这辆新车很时尚,看起来既快捷又现代。

inquire [ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)]

v. 询问,打听;查究,调查


Clarissa kept inquiring about the prices of the bargains. 克拉丽莎一直在询问特价商品的价格。

inquire about 打听;inquire into 调查

inquiring( adj. 好问的,爱打听的);inquiry( n. 询问;调查)

debut [ˈdeɪbjuː]

n. 首次演出,初次露面


That year, Lincoln's likeness made its debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U. S. Secretary of the Treasury. 那一年,由于美国财政部长的批准,林肯的肖像首次出现在便士上。

directorial debut 导演处女作

mediate [ˈmiːdieɪt]

v. 调停,斡旋


Until now, if a person asked family elders, clergymen or the Ministry of Community Development to help get financial support from his children, the most they could do was to mediate . 到目前为止,如果有人向家中长辈、牧师或社区发展部求助,希望从子女那里获得经济支持,他们最多只能进行调解。

affiliate [əˈfɪlieɪt]

v. 加入(团体),(使)隶属,附属于


Its founders focused on getting it to work and did not worry much about threats because the network was affiliated with America's military. 其创始人专注于让它发挥作用,并不太担心威胁,因为该网络隶属于美国军方。

be affiliated with 隶属于,附属于;affiliate oneself with 加入,隶属于

culminate [ˈkʌlmɪneɪt]

vi. 达到顶点(或高潮);以…告终


The vocal concert culminated in the appearance of the famous singer. 演唱会以这位著名歌手的出现而画上句号。

culminate in/with 以…告终;结果为

pornography [pɔːˈnɒɡrəfi]

n. 色情描写;色情作品(或书刊、影片等)


A nationwide campaign against pornography began in March. 一场全国性的扫黄运动于今年三月开始。

pornographic( adj. 色情的)

lament [ləˈment]

n. 哀歌,挽歌 v. 为…悲痛,痛惜

These days politicians also lament the impact of 6,000 hand-pulled rickshaws on a modern city's traffic and, particularly, on its image. 如今,政客们也在哀叹6,000辆手拉人力车对现代城市交通的影响,尤其是对城市形象的影响。

martial [ˈmɑːʃl]

adj. 战争的,军事的;尚武的

The sound of martial drums awakened all the soldiers. 军鼓声吵醒了所有的士兵。

ensue [ɪnˈsjuː]

vi. 接着发生,随之而来

The scandal would do us enormous harm, in addition to the terrible financial panic which would ensue . 除了随之而来的可怕的金融恐慌之外,这起丑闻还会给我们带来巨大的伤害。

immaculate [ɪˈmækjələt]

adj. 整洁的,无瑕的;无误的,无过失的


He was always immaculate and very soberly dressed. 他总是一尘不染,穿着也很得体。

consign [kənˈsaɪn]

vt. 寄售(货品),托运;托付,委托;打发,发落


The goods were consigned to the company by air. 货物已空运给该公司。

consignment( n. 寄售的货物;寄售)

pant [pænt]

n. / v. 喘气,喘息

Wilhelm, laughing, panted a little; his teeth were small; his cheeks when he laughed and puffed grew round, and he looked much younger than his years. 威廉笑了,喘着粗气,他的牙齿很小。当他大笑和喘气时,他的脸颊变得圆圆的,看起来比实际年龄小得多。

pant out/forth 气喘吁吁地说出;pant for/after 渴望…

visualize/-ise [ˈvɪʒuəlaɪz]

vt. 想象,设想


Cognitive scientists are now trying to decode the human imagination, to understand how the brain visualizes , dreams and creates. 认知科学家现在正试图解码人类的想象力,以了解大脑是如何想象、做梦和创造的。

furl [fɜːl]

v. 卷紧,收拢,收叠

He shouted to the crew to furl the sails. 他大声叫船员收起船帆。

bequeath [bɪˈkwiːð]

vt. 把…遗赠给;把(知识等)流传给后世

He arranged his affairs, he divided his personal belongings among his friends or bequeathed them to charity. 他安排自己的事务,把自己的私人物品分给朋友,或者遗赠给慈善机构。

declare [dɪˈkleə(r)]

vt. 宣告,公告;表明,断言;申报(纳税品、收益等)


Some enterprisers do not declare all that they have earned. 有些企业家并没有申报他们所有的收入。

declaration( n. 宣告,宣言)

magnitude [ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd]

n. 巨大,庞大;重要性,重大;(恒星的)星等;震级


Although each earthquake has a unique magnitude , its effects will vary greatly according to distance, ground conditions, construction standards, and other factors. 尽管每次地震都有不同的震级,但其影响会因距离、地面条件、建筑标准和其他因素而有很大差异。

volatile [ˈvɒlətaɪl]

adj. (指液体)易挥发的;(指人)情绪(兴趣)多变的,无常性的;(指商情等)急剧波动的,不稳定的

There are a number of volatile compounds in the laboratory. 实验室里有许多挥发性化合物。

volatility[ n. (指液体)易挥发;(指人)轻浮]

exasperate [ɪɡˈzæspəreɪt]

vt. 激怒,使气恼


The fox really exasperated them both. 狐狸真的激怒了他们俩。

bewitch [bɪˈwɪtʃ]

vt. 施魔法于;使着迷


The audience were all bewitched by the graceful dance movements of the dancer. 观众都被那位舞者优美的舞蹈动作迷住了。

indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs]

adj. 本地的,土生土长的


Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue. 像盐沼羊肉这样的本土食物很流行。

unnerve [ˌʌnˈnɜːv]

vt. 使(某人)失去自制力(或信心、勇气)


I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter-conference of scholars to refute the earlier one. 我以记者的身份报道了这次会议,但真正让我感到不安的是学者们召开的反驳会议。

spite [spaɪt]

n. 怨恨,恶意 vt. 刁难;使恼怒

I did not mean to spite you. 我不是故意刁难你的。

in spite of 不管,不顾;in spite of oneself 不由自主地

spiteful( adj. 恶意的,怀恨的)

balmy [ˈbɑːmi]

adj. (气候)温和的,和煦的,宜人的

来自balm(n. 用以止痛的香膏;香油;芳香)

It's 7 pm on a balmy Saturday night in June, and I have just ordered my first beer in I Cervejaria, a restaurant in Zambujeira do Mar, one of the prettiest villages on Portugal's south-west coast. 在一个温和的六月的周六晚上七点,我刚刚在葡萄牙西南海岸最美丽的村庄之一赞布热拉德马尔的一家餐厅I Cervejaria点了第一杯啤酒。

transcend [trænˈsend]

vt. 超出…的范围;优于某人(或某物)


The desire for peace transcended political differences. 对和平的渴望超越了政治分歧。

transcendental( adj. 超凡的;超验的);transcendentalism( n. 先验论,先验论哲学)

sabotage [ˈsæbətɑːʒ]

n. / vt. 阴谋破坏


To add to the worries, there is also the risk of cyber- sabotage . 更令人担忧的是,还有网络破坏的风险。

saboteur( n. 搞阴谋破坏的人) KQT7ue9+ACEbVAItaBXUeya3AiYFVUqY4sZpmEHfpJDEYtM/jAR3aJmYlHLvLUH4
