
Practice 2


I stopped to watch my little girl busy playing in her room: in one hand was 1. ___________ plastic phone; in the other a toy broom. And I'll never forget the words she said, 2. ___________ it was pretend.

She said, “Suzie's in the corner because she's not been very good. She didn't listen 3. ___________ a word I said or do the things she should.” In the corner I saw her baby doll 4. ___________ (good) dressed. It was obvious that she'd been put there 5. ___________ (sit) alone and think.

My daughter continued 6. ___________ “conversation”, as I sat down on the floor. She said, “I'm all fed 7. ___________, I just don't know what to do with her anymore. She never lets me do the things 8. ___________ I just have to do. I have a lot of work to do and a big house to keep clean. I don't have the time to sit and play—see what I mean?”

And that day I thought a lot about making some changes in my life. Now my attitude 9. ___________ (change), because, in my heart, I realize I've seen the world in a different light through my little darling's eyes. I'm going to fill the house with 10. ___________ (memorize) of a child and her mother... For we have only one childhood, and we will never get another.


The pain I experienced, one Sunday, was certainly the worst a person could ever feel. It was early morning 1. ___________ my cell phone suddenly awakened me. As usual, I expected to read morning messages from friends. However, as I read one message, I was shocked 2. ___________ horrified. The messages contained one same thing: My friend was dying.

My friend told me that our dear friend was hit by a jeep last night 3. ___________ her way home from a party. 4. ___________ (hear) those dreadful words, I became very angry. I was angry with the careless driver. I was mad at her friends who 5. ___________ (persuade) her to go to the party.

Everything seemed very distant to me. I didn't want to face the 6. ___________ (real). I was scared of the things to come. The truth then finally hit me. Moments later, I 7. ___________ (inform) that my dear friend didn't survive. The pain I felt was unbearable. It's just so difficult 8. ___________ (let) go of someone who means so much to you. But then I know that in time I have to let go, and need to forgive 9. ___________ (me). Forgiving others is 10. ___________ (easy) than forgiving ourselves.


If you live in the Northern hemisphere (半球), autumn is probably drawing to a close in your country. In the South of France, where I 1. ___________ (work) for my year abroad, we have been extremely lucky with the weather this year. As the days get shorter and colder and winter creeps up on us, I'd like to remind 2. ___________ (me) of the best things about my favourite season.

In September, October and November, the weather is 3. ___________ (cold) than usual, but I find it refreshing and crisp (凉爽的). I love running around outside to warm up, 4. ___________ by going for an afternoon jog or climbing all over piles of leaves like a child! These months are the last chance 5. ___________ (spend) a lot of time outside before winter comes, so I try to make the 6. ___________ of it.

I love the dishes that accompany cold weather: they are warming, filling and comforting. Autumn is 7. ___________ (pack) with the best holidays of the whole year! Most people know about Halloween, 8. ___________ is popular worldwide, but in England there are even more 9. ___________ (celebrate)!

Although I'm looking forward to winter, autumn is 10. ___________ a doubt my favourite season of all, so I'm already counting down the months to next September!


One night my daughter, Elizabeth, showed me a large container full of tadpoles (蝌蚪). She 1. ___________ (purchase) them for my grandchildren to watch them growing from tadpoles into frogs. Then I noticed there was a big rock in the container. When I asked 2. ___________ she put a rock right in the middle of the tadpoles' environment, Elizabeth told me 3. ___________ interesting story.

Elizabeth said when she went to the pet store 4. ___________ (buy) the tadpoles, the gentleman told her to be sure to put a big rock right in the container. This obstacle could give them the 5. ___________ (motivate) to climb up and thus split their little tails so that their legs can begin to develop. If they have no rock to climb up on, they 6. ___________ not learn how to hop. As a result, they will never turn into frogs.

I was 7. ___________ (amaze) and delighted to hear that story. 8. ___________ helped me begin to consider why there are obstacles and barriers in front of us. If we realize the obstacle we are facing is really a gift 9. ___________ is on our way to help us grow and mature, we will be more likely to face it 10. ___________ a positive manner.


Born into a poor family in India, Kalpana Saroj was treated badly at school. She was not even allowed 1. ___________ (take) part in some school activities. What was 2. ___________ (bad), she was forced into marriage at the age of 12. She was treated very badly by her husband's elder brother and his wife. When her father visited 3. ___________ in Mumbai, he was shocked. As 4. ___________ result he took her back home. Many villagers were suspicious (表示怀疑的) of her return, viewing Kalpana as a 5. ___________ (fail).

She tried to ignore the judgmental comments 6. ___________ (throw) at her, focusing instead on getting a job. She learnt tailoring 7. ___________ a way to make money. She began by earning less than 0.5 dollar a month. She took a government loan to open a furniture business 8. ___________ expand her tailoring work. Her reputation led to her being asked to take over a metal engineering company, Kamani Tubes. Now, Kamani Tubes is a growing business, 9. ___________ is worth more than $100m. Kalpana Saroj 10. ___________ (award) by the government in 2013. If you give your heart and soul to your job and never give up, things can happen for you.



Alibaba Group's communication app DingTalk or DingDing 1. ___________ (original) designed for China's white collar workers adapted to the virus outbreak by offering the service to help educate primary and middle school 2. ___________ (teenager). More than 12 million students from around 20,000 schools across China are now taking online courses via DingTalk. The sudden increase in demand last Monday even led 3. ___________ a temporary destruction of the software, 4. ___________ service was restored to its full by noon.

Last Sunday, in the Apple store for Chinese mainland users the average rating for DingTalk was 2.5 stars out of 5 stars, before that its rating 5. ___________ (drop) to as low as 1.3.

The primary reason was unexpected: Pupils. For some pupils they could have enjoyed an 6. ___________ (extend) holiday but have now narrowly missed that. DingTalk, as well as Tencent Meeting, 7. ___________ (be) among the apps used in live-streaming classes and that's why they got the low ratings.

“Thank you DingTalk. You made me see teachers on holiday again.” was one comment along with 8. ___________ 1-star rating.

“I'll give you a five-star rating. Here is the 9. ___________ (one) of the five.” is another.

Recently, a funny 10. ___________ (apologize) cartoon video has been released by DingTalk to re-win its clients' support. Here it comes!



Simon Wakefield travelled round Yunnan after leaving university. While in Yunnan, he was astonished by how 1. ___________ (vary) the landscape is. Down in the south, it's very tropical, but in the northwest, Lijiang, a half new and half old town is on the side of a mountain, its peak 2. ___________ (cover) with snow. Seen from above, the old town is a maze in which the 3. ___________ (tourist) get lost.

He went to the village where the Naxi ethnic group live. He found that it is the women 4. ___________ run Naxi society. They have the custom of playing cards in the middle of the street. He also found the Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still 5. ___________ use and that Naxi culture is 6. ___________ (particular) famous for its music. Passed from father to son, the music hasn't changed for centuries. He went to watch 7. ___________ performance in an old wooden hall, which 8. ___________ (play) by Naxi men, some of whom looked as if they were well over 100 years old.

At last he understood that it is the 9. ___________ (diverse) that makes Yunnan attractive. However different people may appear 10. ___________ (be) at first, we are all the same, all equal.



Passenger pigeons once 1. ___________ (fly) over much of the United States in unbelievable numbers. Written 2. ___________ (account) from the 18th and 19th centuries described flocks (群) so large that they darkened the sky for hours.

It 3. ___________ (calculate) that when its population reached its 4. ___________ (high) point, there were more than 3 billion passenger pigeons—a number equal to 24 to 40 percent of 5. ___________ total bird population in the United States, making it 6. ___________ (true) the most abundant bird in the world. However, the population decreased because of 7. ___________ (commerce) hunters who killed them by the thousands. Americans' need for wood scattered the flocks and forced the birds to go farther north, 8. ___________ cold temperatures and spring storms contributed to their decline.

In 1897, the state of Michigan tried to pass a law prohibiting the killing of passenger pigeons, only 9. ___________ (find) that by then, no sizable flocks had been seen in the state for 10 years. The last of them, known affectionately 10. ___________ Martha, died at the Cincinnati Zoological Garden on September 1, 1914.



“Nothing entertains us better than reading a book.” Bing Xin expressed this 1. ___________ (believe) in 1987. “Entertainment news has increased, which is fine, but I 2. ___________ (firm) believe the most pleasant thing about life is to read books,” she told Cao Zhengwen, editor of the Xinmin Evening News .

Cao's interview with Bing Xin 3. ___________ (take) place about two years after the book Amusing Ourselves to Death was published. It criticized televisions for 4. ___________ (weaken) rational thinking that was typical of books.

To encourage more people to read, Cao launched 5. ___________ “Joy of Reading” section in the Xinmin Evening News in 1986. During the 22 years 6. ___________ it survived and thrived (繁荣), he interviewed quite a few cultural figures and invited them 7. ___________ (write) for the newspaper. Cao later selected and edited the stories of their life into the book A Record of Interviews with Cultural Icons .

Thanks to Cao's effort, today's readers can have a rare glimpse into the 8. ___________ (spirit) world of typical Chinese intellectuals, a world of simplicity, sacrifice and selflessness.

The book tells us not only how joyful they were in reading, but also how just they were 9. ___________ difficult conditions. In other words, the book teaches us how to bring out the better part of 10. ___________ (we) as well as how and what to read.



Long, long ago, the King of the Skies had a lovely daughter, to whom he 1. _________ (make) many careful plans for her future. However, the pretty princess fell in love 2. _________ dancing. She would put on her shiny dress and dance her way into the night. While 3. _________ (watch) her beauty, many a star fell for her.

As the princess grew up, the King got more 4. _________ (worry) because he could not bear to see a princess dance for the common people. Finally, he asked the princess to make a 5. _________ (choose): either marry the Rainbow Prince, settle down and give up dancing, 6. _________ be put into prison for life at the North Pole of the earth.

The princess decided to dance. To this day, we can still catch her dancing in the northern hemisphere and see 7. _________ (star) falling. Not many people have experienced her beauty, but those who have are changed forever.

Those amazing light shows in 8. _________ sky of the arctic regions occur 9. _________ (frequent) between September and October and then occur again between March and April. They can also 10. _________ (see) sometimes in winter. 8Gh0FOKDd7HtdgwTzrqTypjj6YUFmohN+qGwUZMM2ghw7UeFMwsavfrjbL164RA/
