



考点29 一般现在时的基本用法




【例1】 “Life is like walking in the snow”, Granny used to say,“because every step______.”

A. has shown B. is showing C. shows D. showed

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干中下划线处所在句子属于被引述的话,被引述部分明显是在阐述一个道理:人生如在雪地里行走,过而留痕,属于经常、习惯、事实、真理范畴的表述,用一般现在时最为适合。

【例2】 Planning so far ahead______no sense —so many things will have changed by next year.

A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:如此提前地计划并没有意义——到明年很多事情都会发生改变。动名词作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数。注意:题干中so far修饰ahead,表示“如此,那么”,而不是指“到目前为止”,下划线处应采用一般现在时对现在的情况进行客观描述。

考点30 一般现在时的特殊用法




【例】 If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you______fresh watermelon in the fall.

A. eat B. would eat C. have eaten D. will be eating

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干中的条件状语从句if you plant watermelon seeds in the spring(如果你在春天种下西瓜的种子)用一般现在时表示对将来情况的假设,主句中应用将来进行时表示“你将在秋天品尝新鲜的西瓜”这一具有可信度的结果。

考点31 一般过去时的用法


(1)表示在过去某一特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去的具体时间的状语连用(如yesterday, three days ago, a few minutes ago, last night, last Sunday, last year, the night before last, just now等)。例如: He was here just now. 他刚才在这里。// He was late for school this morning. 他今天早上上学迟到了。// I bought this computer two years ago. 我在两年前买了这台电脑。// Did you get up early this morning? 你今天早上起得早吗?// He didn ' t watch TV last night. 他昨晚没看电视。

(2)表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,可与时间状语often连用,也经常与used to或者would连用。例如: When I was a little girl, I often went to play in that park. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,我经常 去那个公园玩。// When Li Li was young, she would work on the farm. 李莉年轻的时候常常在农场干活。 // He used to smoke. 他过去常常吸烟。


【例1】 The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he______.

A. has started B. starts C. started D. will start

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:这位总统希望在他离任时,人民比他刚上任时更富有。(题干中when he quits用一般现在时表示将来的动作)根据句意可知,下划线处应表示总统开始上任这一过去发生的动作,用一般过去时最为合适。

【例2】 Peter had intended to take a job in business, but______that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.

A. had abandoned B. abandoned C. abandon D. will abandon

【答案】 B

【解析】 根据题干中but的提示可知,前后时态应保持一致,与had intended相呼应,下划线处应采用表示过去的时态,由此先排除选项C和D;intend的动作发生在abandon的动作之前,所以intend用过去完成时,abandon用一般过去时。

【例3】 He______football regularly for many years when he was young.

A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played

【答案】 B

【解析】 题干中的“for many years”容易让考生误选现在完成时的形式,但“when he was young”这个时间状语表明“他踢球”发生在过去并且未持续到现在,而且“regularly”表明“他过去经常踢球”,这是一种过去的习惯性的动作,因此表示一般过去时的选项B为最佳答案。

考点32 一般将来时的基本用法

一般将来时表示将来的动作,在高考中存在多种形式。一般将来时的标准形式是:“助动词will + 动词原形”(shall也常替代will用于第一人称)。例如 :I shall be back. 我将回来。// We ' ll go at six o ' clock tonight. 我们晚上六点走。// From now on, he ' ll love you. 从现在开始,他将爱你。// There ' ll be a holiday on Monday. 星期一将放假。


(1)“be going to + 动词原形”表示:

①按计划、安排要发生的事,或主观上已经决定、打算、准备要做的事。例如: I am going to buy a new car. 我打算买辆新车。

②某种迹象表明很可能发生的事。例如: Dark clouds are gathering. It is going to rain. 乌云密布,天要下雨了。

(2)“be to + 动词原形”表示:

①约定、计划或按职责、义务要求即将发生的动作。例如: We are to meet at the station at four this afternoon. 我们计划今天下午四点在车站碰面。// The sports meet is to take place on Sunday morning. 运动会将在周日上午举行。

②命令、禁止或可能性等,具有“必要”的强制性意义。例如: You are to stand here. Do you understand? 你就站这儿,明白吗?// Tell her (that) she is not to be back late. 告诉她别回来晚了。

(3)“be about to + 动词原形”,表示“不久就要……”“……即将发生”,但不能与tomorrow、next week 等表示确切的将来的时间状语连用。例如: The film is about to begin. 电影就要开始了。

(4)用go、come、leave、start、begin、give、take等动词的一般现在时或者现在进行时的形式表示即将发生的动作。例如: We start at six and arrive at the station at seven. 我们六点出发,七点到达车站。 // The train is leaving. 火车就要开了。// Our manager is giving a report this afternoon. 我们的经理今天下午要作报告。


【例1】 In the near future more advances in the robot technology______by scientists.

A. are making B. are made C. will make D. will be made

【答案】 D

【解析】 从题干给出的时间状语“in the near future”可以看出是谈论将来的情况,又由于机器人技术是被发展的对象,应采用被动语态,因此选项D最适合。

【例2】 “The moment______soon,”he thought to himself, waiting nervously.

A. came B. has come C. was coming D. is coming

【答案】 D

【解析】 下划线处所在句子的句意为:这一时刻很快就要到了。根据题干中表示“很快”的soon以及下划线处所在句子为直接引语,可以判定下划线处应采用一般将来时,由此选D。在这里,come的进行时的形式表示将来要发生的事情。

考点33 现在进行时的用法

现在进行时由“助动词be + 动词现在分词”构成,现在进行时在高考中的基本用法有两方面:

(1)表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,常与now、at the moment、for the time being、for the present等针对现在的时间状语连用。例如: Are the students dancing? 学生们正在跳舞吗?// The children are singing a fine song at the moment. 孩子们正在唱一首好听的歌。

(2)表示近段时间主要进行的动作(说话时不一定正在进行)。例如: They are learning Chinese in Beijing. 他们正在北京学习中文。// —What ' s he doing this week? ——他这周在做什么?—He ' s translating a book. ——他在翻译一本书。


【例】 —I hear you______in a pub. What's it like?

—Well, it's very hard work and I'm always tired, but I don't mind.

A. are working B. will work C. were working D. will be working

【答案】 A

【解析】 题干中没有给出具体的时间状语,需要联系语境进行合理推测。对话中,后一个人说“这是一份辛苦的工作,而且我一直很累,但我并不介意”,在这里采用了一般现在时描述目前的情况,下划线处的时态应与此相对应,考生应该排除对应于将来的选项B、D以及对应于过去的选项C,确定答案为A。本题下划线处采用的现在进行时描述了现阶段内一直在从事的活动。

考点34 过去进行时的用法

过去进行时由“助动词be (was/were) + 动词的现在分词”构成,过去进行时在高考中的基本用法有两方面:

(1)表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作(这一特定的过去时刻通常有时间状语或上下文的提示)。例如: He was watching TV when I came in. 当我进来的时候他正在看电视。// They were doing exercises at seven this morning. 他们今天早上七点钟正在做操。

(2)表示过去某一阶段内主要从事的活动。例如: I was writing a story last year. 我去年在写一本小说。 // They were digging a railway tunnel last week. 他们上周在挖一条铁路隧道。


【例1】 —Did you catch what I said?

—Sorry. I______a text message just now.

A. had answered B. have answered C. would answer D. was answering

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:——你听懂我所说的了吗?——对不起。我刚刚在回短信。根据题干句意以及时间状语just now可知,回短信的动作正好发生在问话人说话的那一时间点,即下划线处应表示过去某一时间点正在发生的动作,应采用过去进行时态。

【例2】 I wasn't sure if he was really interested or if he______polite.

A. was just being B. will just be C. had just been D. would just be

【答案】 A

【解析】 题干句意为:我不确定他是真的感兴趣还是只是出于礼貌。or连接了两个并列的成分,第一个if从句采用了一般过去时表示过去的动作,第二个if从句应采用相应的过去时态,考生可以先排除选项B;选项C表示动作发生在过去的过去,选项D立足于过去看当时的未来,都不符合整体语境,考生可以再排除选项C、D而选出A。选项A强调“当时(出于礼貌)”,采用了过去进行时的形式。

考点35 现在完成时的用法

现在完成时由“助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词”构成,在高考中的基本用法分两个方面:

(1)表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态(通常使用be、work、study、live 等延续性动词),常与表示时间长度的状语(如for ten minutes、since yesterday、all day 等)或表示“到目前为止”的时间状语(如so far、up to now、until now等)连用。例如: I have sat for hours in the classroom, reading a novel. 我已坐在教室里读了好几个小时小说了。// The weather has been cold so far this winter. 到目前为止,今年冬天天气非常冷。

(2)表示过去已经完成的某种动作对现在造成的结果或存在的影响(通常使用give、go、meet、see等非延续性动词),常与already、yet、just、ever、never等状语连用。例如: I haven ' t finished my homework yet. 我还没有完成我的作业。// He has just come. 他刚来。


【例1】 It is the most instructive lecture that I______since I came to this school.

A. attended B. had attended C. am attending D. have attended

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:这是我来到这所学校以来听过的最具启发意义的讲座。与since I came to this school相对应,下划线处应采用现在完成时。

【例2】 Up to now, the program______thousands of children who would otherwise have died.

A. would save B. saves C. had saved D. has saved

【答案】 D

【解析】 up to now表示“到目前为止”,与此相对应,下划线处应采用现在完成时。注意:题干中who would otherwise have died是包含虚拟语气的定语从句,表示“如果不是这个项目,成千上万的孩子将会死亡”。

考点36 过去完成时的用法

过去完成时由“助动词had + 动词的过去分词”构成,表示“过去的过去”,在高考中的基本用法可以分为两个方面:

(1)表示某动作或状态从过去的某一时间之前就已经开始,一直持续到过去的某一时间。这一用法通常用延续性动词表示,常与for、since、until等引导的时间段连用。例如: He had already had his own lab by the time he was ten. 到十岁时,他已经拥有了自己的实验室。// He had studied English for five years before he came here. 来这儿之前,他已经学过五年英语了。

(2)表示过去某一时间之前已经发生过的动作或存在的状态,这一用法通常用非延续性动词表示。例如: He had learned 1,500 English words by the end of last term. 到上期末他已学了1500个英语单词。 // When they went to the field, the football match had already started. 当他们去球场时,足球赛已经开始了。


【例】 She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the children______everything!

A. had been eating B. had eaten C. have eaten D. have been eating

【答案】 B

【解析】 题干句意为:她惊讶地发现冰箱空了,孩子们已经吃完了冰箱里所有的东西!下划线处的动作发生于“She was surprised”这一过去的动作之前,因此应采用过去完成时。

考点37 过去将来时的用法

过去将来时表示从过去某一时间开始将要发生的动作或存在的状态,通常被用于主句为过去时态的宾语从句中。“would/should + 动词原形”“was/were going to + 动词原形”“was/were to + 动词不定式”“was/were about to + 动词不定式”等都是过去将来时的构成形式,与一般将来时的构成形式相似(只是相关的助动词要用过去式)。例如: The students said they would go to visit the Great Wall the next day. 学生们说他们第二天要去参观长城。// He said that he was going to live in the countryside. 他说他要到农村去住。// They were to finish the task on Friday afternoon. 他们原计划星期五下午完成任务。

注意:“were/was to + 不定式”可以用来表示在过去的某一时刻所安排的将来要进行的动作,如果被安排的这个动作后来没有成为现实,有关的描述应该用“were/was to + have + 动词的过去分词”的形式来表示。例如: We were to have left at 10:00 last night. 我们本计划昨晚十点出发。 (该计划未成为现实) // She was to have passed the exam. 她本打算要通过考试。 (事实上并未通过)


【例1】 The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune______.

A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干中的a fortune和make之间是被动关系,考生可以先排除选项B、D;谓语动词led暗示下划线处表示的动作发生在过去,考生可以再排除选项A。be to do指“(注定)将要”,C选项中的was to be表示过去将来时。题干句意为:澳大利亚金矿的发现使得成百上千的人相信可以发财。

【例2】 The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers______.

A. will leave B. are leaving C. have left D. were leaving

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:当得知他信任的两名员工要离开时,经理很担忧。题干描述的整体情况针对过去,考生可以由此直接排除选项A、B、C而选出D。动词leave发生在过去,而且表达的是“即将离开、要离去”,下划线处应采用leave过去进行时的形式表示过去将要发生的动作。


1.______you've all had a wonderful vacation.

A. It would be good hurried B. It is good that C. It was good that D. It will be good that

2. It______every day when it is summer in this city.

A. rains B. has rained C. rained D. is raining

3. Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,______to go to university this coming autumn.

A. hope B. hoped C. hoping D. hopes

4. Look! There______an old man!

A. stands B. is standing C. stood D. has

5. Helen______to see you the moment she______her work.

A. will come; finishes B. comes; will finish C. has come; will finish D. has come; finished

6. —When______you return the dictionary to me?

—Only when I______you next Sunday.

A. will; see B. do; will see C. will; will see D. do; see

7. —When are you leaving?

—My plane______at six.

A. took off B. is about to take off C. takes off D. will take off

8. —I'm sorry I can't hand in my composition today.

—But you______me that day.

A. have promised B. promised C. had promised D. has promised

9. —What were you doing when he came to see you?

—I had just put on my overcoat and______to visit a friend of mine.

A. leaving B. was left C. left D. was leaving

10. —Why weren't you at the meeting?

—I______for a long-distance call from my aunt in America.

A. waited B. was waiting C. had been waiting D. had waited

11. That will be the second cigarette he______today.

A. smoked B. has smoked C. had smoked D. would smoke

12. I don't think Tom can help you, for he______to the market.

A. has gone B. has been C. goes D. went

13. The wonderful time they have been looking forward to______finally arrived.

A. had B. have C. has D. having

14. There______great changes in our country in the past ten years.

A. has been B. were C. was D. have been

15. The telephone______four times in the last hour, and each time it______for my roommate.

A. has rung; was B. has been ringing; is C. had rung; was D. rang; has been

16. She told me she had met you in Shanghai two years before.______you______her since?

A. Had; met B. Did; see C. Have; seen D. Would; meet

17. It______every day so far this month.

A. rains B. has rained C. rained D. is raining

18. By the time we got to the station, the train______.

A. left B. have left C. leave D. had left

19. I was tired when you saw me yesterday afternoon because I______.

A. had been running B. ran C. would run D. has run

20. —I took the TOEFL. It was really hard.

—______a lot?

A. Have you studied B. Did you study C. Had you studied D. Do you study


1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C Co4q7z3zGUv9ng0jgX9dU9gY09M3PzbGos0HeYiTbh4BxwCrL1ayaI7I3t+oUul9
