


>> 实义动词的基本用法

考点24 实义动词的基本用法



【例1】 William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to______.

A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:威廉发现他阅读越来越吃力,因为他的视力开始下降了。damage作动词时是及物动词,后面要接名词作宾语,选项D应被排除;选项A指“消失”。选项B指“跌倒,落下”,都不符合题意;fail可以表示“衰退,变弱”,符合此处语境,因此选项C为最佳选项。

【例2】 As the story______, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.

A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops

【答案】 D

【解析】 四个选项都可以作不及物动词充当谓语,但是后面题干中的“is slowly discovered”意味着下划线处的动词应该和“真相慢慢被发现”这一延续的动作一致,选项A、B、C均不能表示延续性的动作,只有选项D能够表示“随着故事的展开”。

【例3】 The workers______the glasses and marked on each box“This Side Up”.

A. carried B. delivered C. pressed D. packed

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:工人们把玻璃制品包装好,然后在每个盒子上标明“此面朝上”。题干中的and连接前后两个动词,表示承接关系,and连接的两个动作是先后发生的两个动作。根据句意可知,第二个动作是在每一个盒子上标明“此面朝上”,因此在这一动作之前发出的动作应该是pack(打包),而不是carry(搬运)、deliver(递送)、press(按压),因此本题的最佳选项为D。

考点25 动词短语的基本用法

动词(通常是实义动词)加副词或介词等其他词汇构成的短语叫做动词短语。备考中应把动词短语当成新的词汇来掌握,而且要像掌握单个的实义动词那样关注动词短语是否及物,例如look for是及物的动词短语,look out则是不及物的动词短语: I am looking for my passport. 我在找我的护照。// Look out! This ice isn ' t safe! 当心!这儿的冰危险!

注意:一个动词短语可能有两种甚至多种义项,每个义项下是否及物不一定一致。例如take off表示“拿掉”时是及物的动词短语,表示“起飞”时则是不及物的动词短语。 He took off his hat. 他摘下他的帽子。// The plane took off at ten o ' clock. 这架飞机10点钟起飞了。



【例1】 It's surprising that your brother______Russian so quickly —he hasn't lived there very long.

A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up

【答案】 A

【解析】 题干句意为:令人惊奇的是,你的弟弟如此快就学会说俄语了——他在那儿生活的时间并不长。pick up意为“(无意之间、偶然地)学会”;look up意为“(在书籍中)查找”;put up意为“张贴;搭建”;make up意为“构成;编造”。四个选项中A最符合语境。

【例2】 Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can______almost every word her teacher says.

A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together

【答案】 B

【解析】 与句中的taking notes(记笔记)相呼应,下划线处的动词短语应表示“记下、写下”,能表示“写下、记下”的动词短语有put down、write down、take down、set down等。其他三个选项分别意为:“扑灭”“放好,收好”“放在一起”。

【例3】 If the firms failed to make enough money, they would______.

A. close down B. call off C. turn down D. set off

【答案】 A

【解析】 下划线处的动词短语没有后接宾语,应为不及物的动词短语。表示“取消”等含义的动词短语call off和表示“关小;拒绝”等含义的动词短语turn down后面必须接宾语,考生可以先排除选项B、C;set off表示“出发”。close down表示“停业,关门”。

【例4】 —OK, I've had enough of it. I give up.

—You can't______your responsibilities.

A. run off with B. run up against C. run out of D. run away from

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:——好了,我已受够了,我放弃。——你不能逃避你的责任。run off with意为“偷走;与……私奔”;run up against意为“偶遇”;run out of意为“用完,耗尽”;run away from意为“逃离,躲避”,选项D最符合语境。

>> 助动词的基本用法

考点26 助动词的基本用法



【例】 I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I______to Shanghai.

A. will be flying B. will fly C. have been flying D. have flown

【答案】 A

【解析】 根据at this time tomorrow morning的提示,下划线处应采用将来进行时的形式,A选项中的助动词will和be被用来表示时态。

>> 情态动词的基本用法

考点27 情态动词的基本用法


1. can和could的用法

(1)表示能力(本用法中could是can的过去式)。例如: He can play the piano quite well now. 他现在能把钢琴弹得很好。// She could speak English when she was six. 她六岁时就能讲英语。

(2)表示允许、告诫等语气(用could表示更客气、更委婉的语气)。例如: Can/Could I borrow your book? 我可以借你的书吗?


(3)表示推测。在否定句和疑问句中can和could都可以表示推测。can在否定句中表示把握性大的推测,用could时语气稍弱,例如: He can ' t / couldn ' t be in Beijing now. 他现在不可能在北京。

在疑问句中表推测,具有怀疑、惊讶等语气,例如: Can / Could it be true? 这会是真的吗?

could还可以在肯定句中表示不太确定的推测。例如: He could be on his way now. 他现在可能在路上了。

(4)“could + have + 过去分词”除了可以表示对过去情况的推测外,还可以表示与过去事实相反的情况,即“过去应该做某事而事实上却没做”,意思跟“should + have + 过去分词”相近但语气稍弱。


【例1】 We______the difficulty together, but why didn't you tell me?

A. should face B. might face C. could have faced D. must have faced

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:我们本来能够一起面对困难的,但你(那时)为什么不告诉我?but之后的内容为过去时,下划线处所表示的动作应与过去相关,选项A、B应先被排除;选项D表示对过去事实的肯定推测,与“didn't you tell me”不符,考生可以再排除选项D而选C。could have done表示过去本能做的事情却没有做。

【例2】 —Happy birthday!

—Thank you! It's the best present I______for.

A. should have wished B. must have wished C. need have wished D. could have wished

【答案】 D

【解析】 选项A意为“本应该希望而实际上并非如此”;选项B意为“一定希望”;选项C意为“需要希望而实际上并未如此”;选项D意为“可能希望”。四个选项中D最符合语境,表示“这是我所能期望的最好的礼物了”。

【例3】 Just be patient. You______expect the world to change so soon.

A. can't B. needn't C. may not D. will not

【答案】 A

【解析】 题干句意为:耐心一点儿,你不能期望世界立刻发生改变。四个选项分别表示“不能”“不必”“可能不”“不会”,所以选项A最合乎题意。注意:can't可以用于推测,表示“不可能”,也可以表示能力(意为“不能够”),还可以表示命令(意为“不允许”,语气比mustn't弱,具有劝慰之意),本题下划线处的can't用于表示劝慰。

2. may和might的用法

(1)表示许可(might为may的过去式,有时可用might代替may表示更客气、更委婉的语气;对“May I / we...?”的肯定性回答通常为“Yes, please. // Certainly.”;否定性回答通常为“Please don't. // No, you mustn't.”)。例如: You may take this if you like. 要是你喜欢这个,你可以拿去。 // Might I ask a question? 我可以提个问题吗? 注意:在现代英语中,除了正式的书面用语之外,can/could经常代替may/might表示许可。

(2)在肯定句或否定句中表示不太确定的推测(might和could在肯定句中表示推测时可互换,但might与may相比表示更加不确定的语气)。例如: It may/might/could rain this afternoon. 今天下午可能会下雨。// He might not be still waiting at the door now. 他现在大概不会还在门口等着。

(3)may可表示祝愿,例如: May you have a pleasant journey! 祝你旅途愉快!

【例4】 —______I take the book out?

—I'm afraid not.

A. Will B. May C. Must D. Need

【答案】 B

【解析】 下划线处引导一个征求意见、语气委婉的疑问句,四个选项中只有may是最符合题意的情态动词。

【例5】 The traffic is heavy these days; I______arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place?

A. can B. must C. need D. might

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:这几天道路很堵,我可能会迟到一会儿,你能帮我留个座位吗?此句表示的是仅仅具有些许的可能性的猜测,四个选项中might是最符合题意的情态动词。

【例6】 —I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.

—How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone______it.

A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen

【答案】 B

【解析】 题干的对话中第一个人说“我把包忘在火车上了,但幸运的是,有人把它交给了火车站的工作人员”,第二个人说“很难相信你的包能失而复得,我的意思是,它可能被偷走了”。A选项will have stolen表示到将来某个时间,某件事一定已发生;C选项should have stolen表示本该做某事而没做;D选项must have stolen表示一定做了某事,这些选项都不符合语境。B选项might have stolen表示说话者觉得包被遗忘在火车上后很有可能会被别人偷走。

3. must的用法

(1)在肯定句、疑问句中must表示义务或必要性。例如: You must be back before midnight. 你必须在午夜前赶回来。// We must think about it very seriously.我们一定要非常认真地考虑这件事情。

注意:对“Must...”的回答,肯定形式用must,但否定形式一般用needn't或者don't have to。

(2)在否定句中must表示禁止。例如:You mustn't talk during lessons. 禁止上课说话。

(3)在肯定句中must表示很有把握的推测(不太确定的情况下用may、might或could)。例如: It must be nearly three years since we met. 我们肯定差不多有三年没有见面了。// They must be having a very good time with their kids. 他们肯定跟孩子们玩得正开心。// You must have had a very good time in America. 你在美国一定过得很开心。 (这里的“must have done”结构表示针对过去发生的事情进行推测)

【例7】 Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it______be regular exercise.

A. can B. will C. must D. may

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:医生说锻炼对健康很重要,但必须是有规律的锻炼。can表示可能性或能力;will表示意愿;may表示许可或可能;must表示必须,可见must最符合整体的语境。

【例8】 —Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?

—She______in the classroom. I saw her there just now.

A. shall be B. should have been C. must be D. might have been

【答案】 C

【解析】 根据I saw her there just now的提示,下划线处应表示对现在情况有确切根据的推测,考生应该选择must,表示有把握的推测。

4. shall的用法

(1)在主语为第二、三人称的肯定句中,shall表示决心、许诺、命令等。例如: Whatever you may say, he shall go.不管你说什么,他都要去。 (表决心)// Nobody shall leave the classroom during the exam.考试期间谁都不能离开教室。 (表命令)

(2)在主语为第一、三人称的疑问句中,shall表示建议、征求对方的意见。例如: Shall we set off at seven tomorrow morning?(=Let ' s set off at seven tomorrow morning, shall we?)我们明早七点出发,好吗?

【例9】 One of our rules is that every student______wear school uniform while at school.

A. might B. could C. shall D. will

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:根据我们的一条校规,学生在校时都必须穿校服。与第二人称、第三人称连用的shall可以表示命令、警告或允诺等。

【例10】 —What does the sign over there read?

—No person______smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.

A. will B. may C. shall D. must

【答案】 C

【解析】 在陈述句中,shall可用于第二、第三人称之后,表示允诺、警告、命令、决心等口气。条约、规章、法令等文件当中的第三人称之后的shall往往表示强制性的义务(指“必须,应该”),例如:Intruders shall be punished. 非法闯入者将受处罚。 在本题四个选项中shall最适合与no person连用表示“命令的口气”。

5. should和ought to的用法

(1)should和ought to后接动词原形,指“应该”,表示命令、劝告或建议等。一般来说,should和ought to可以通用,但后者语气更强烈些。例如: You should do something to help her. 你应该帮她做点什么。// You ought to send her a note. 你应该给她传个便条。

ought to的疑问、否定形式比较特殊,应予以注意,例如: You ought not to tell her about it. 你不应该告诉她此事。// Ought he to see a heart specialist at once? 他应该马上去找心脏方面的专家看病吗?

(2)should和ought to的肯定形式后接动词的完成式,表示该做某事却未做;should和ought to 的否定形式后接动词的完成式,表示不该做某事却做了。例如: You should have asked my permission first. 你本应该首先征得我的同意。// You ought to have come to the party last night. 你昨天晚上本应该来参加晚会的。// She was so unhappy. You should not have hurt her feelings. 她很不高兴,你不应该伤害她的感情。// The house was not very old. It ought not to have been knocked down. 这个房子还不算很旧,不应该拆掉了。

【例11】 They______have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.

A. will B. can C. must D. should

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:他们本应该在午饭时到达,但是他们的航班延误了。下划线处应选用should与后面的have arrived连用,表示“本应该到达(而没到达)”。

【例12】 I______have watched that movie —it'll give me horrible dreams.

A. shouldn't B. needn't C. couldn't D. mustn't

【答案】 A

【解析】 题干中的“it'll give me horrible dreams”说明这部电影会使“我”做噩梦,“我”后悔看了那部电影,下划线处应采用shouldn't的形式与后面的have watched连用,表示做了本不该做的事——不该看那部电影。

6. will的用法

(1)表示意愿。例如: I will never talk about it again. 我不会再提此事。

(2)表示决心。例如: I will marry her although my parents strongly object to this marriage. 我一定要娶她为妻,尽管我父母强烈反对这桩婚事。

(3)表示请求。例如: Will you come into my office for a moment, please? 你到我办公室来一下好吗?

(4)表示能力。例如: The hall will seat 2,000 people. 大厅能容纳2000人。

【例13】 —Goodbye, John. Come back again sometime.


A. I did B. I do C. I shall D. I will

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:——再见,约翰。有空再过来吧。——当然,我会的。四个选项中I will最符合此处语境,表示意愿。

7. would的用法

(1)表示意愿、选择。例如: I would like a cup of tea. 我想要一杯茶。

在表示请求或征求对方的意见时,would比will更加委婉、客气,如固定搭配would like to do: Would you like to go with me? 我们一起走,好吗? 但在否定句中通常用will而不用would,因为won't you本身就是一种委婉语气,例如: Won ' t you sit down? 你坐下来好吗?

(2)表示过去习惯性的动作。例如: Every evening she would teach her daughter to read and write. 过去每天晚上她都教她女儿读书和写字。

在高考中与would此用法类似的词汇是used to,表示“过去的习惯动作或状态(现在已不如此)”时与动词原形连用,具有情态动词性质,其否定形式为used not to、usedn't to、didn't use to。would和used to都可以表示过去的、经常的、习惯性的动作,常可以换用,两者的区别在于:

used to强调过去与现在的对比,表示一个已经中断的习惯或状态,即这种习惯或状态现在已经不复存在。例如: He used to get up early. 过去他总早起。 (现在已不如此,如果现在还保持着过去早起的习惯,改用would来进行描述是更恰当的表达方式)

would表示过去习惯性的动作时只针对过去的行为,只能与表示动作的动词连用,而used to除了表示行为以外还可以表示状态,可以与表示状态的动词连用。例如: There used to be an apple tree in front of the building. 大楼前曾经有一棵苹果树。 本句表过去的某种状态,因此不可以用would。

【例14】 Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but______say where he was.

A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. wouldn't D. mightn't

【答案】 C

【解析】 题干句意为:几天后,我哥哥打电话说他一切很好,但不愿意说他在哪儿。mustn't意为“禁止”;shouldn't意为“不应该”;wouldn't意为“不愿意”;mightn't意为“或许不”,选项C最符合题意。

8. need和dare的用法

need的基本含义是“需要”,dare的基本含义是“敢”,它们多被用作实义动词(可出现在肯定句、否定句、疑问句中,存在时态和人称方面的变化)。need和dare在否定句和疑问句中还可以充当情态动词(含义没有变化,只是在形式上跟情态动词相近,也就是说,它们被用作情态动词时直接与动词原形连用,并且不存在时态和人称方面的变化)。dare作实义动词时其后的不定式可带to,也可不带to,属于特殊情况(与普通的实义动词一样,need作实义动词时后面的不定式必须带to)。注意体会以下例句: Study needed time and patience. 学习需要时间和耐心。// You do not need to do it. 你不需要做这件事。// Does she need to go to the club? 她必须去俱乐部吗?// He needn ' t worry about it.这件事他无需担心。// Need you go so soon? 你需要这么快就走吗?// He dares to go to Africa alone. 他敢独自去非洲。// She didn ' t dare say anything like that. 她不敢说那样的话。// If you dare breathe a word about it, I ' ll never speak to you again. 如果你敢说出去一个字,我就再不和你说话。// If he dares to show up at her house, I ' ll be surprised. 如果他敢出现在她的房子里,我会感到吃惊。// Do you dare to walk in the dark? 你敢走夜路吗?// He dare not jump from the top of the wall. 他不敢从墙上跳下来。// Dare you catch the little cat? 你敢抓小猫吗?

情态动词need的如下两个固定句型需要考生注意:①“need + have + done”表示本来需要做某事而事实上没有做(由于情态动词形式的need往往出现在否定句、疑问句中,所以本结构属于肯定句,本结构在实际中不常见),例如: He need have hurried to the station. In that case, he wouldn ' t have missed the train. 他本来需要快点去车站,那样的话,他就不会误了火车。 ②“needn't + have + done”表示过去不必做某事而实际已做了某事,强调“不必要”,例如: I needn ' t have bought so much wine —only five people came. 我本来没有必要买这么多酒,只来了五个人。

【例15】 I______use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comes by my house.

A. couldn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. needn't

【答案】 D

【解析】 题干句意为:我不必用闹钟叫醒自己,因为每天早上六点都有火车从我家附近经过。四个选项分别指“不能”“禁止”“不应该”“不必”,故选项D最符合题意。

9. had better的用法

had better表示“最好……”,后接动词原形,其否定形式为“had better not + 动词原形”。例如:

She'd better not play with fire. 她最好不要玩火。

10. would rather等词组的用法

表示“宁愿”,在肯定句中后面直接跟动词原形,其否定形式是“would rather not + 动词原形”。注意:had rather、would sooner、had sooner、would (just) as soon等都表示“宁愿”“宁可”,并且在用法上没有区别。例如: If I have a choice, I had rather not continue my studies at this school. 如果有选择的话, 我宁愿不继续在这所学校里学习。// I would rather stay here than go home. 我宁愿留在这里,也不愿回家。

>> 系动词的基本用法

考点28 系动词的基本用法



【例1】 Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what______nice.

A. looks B. smells C. feels D. tastes

【答案】 A

【解析】 与前面的“eat with their eyes”相对应,下划线处的最佳用词应该是表示“看”的系动词。

【例2】 Please remain______; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

A. seating B. seated C. to seat D. to be seated

【答案】 B

【解析】 题干中的remain为系动词,意为“保持,仍是,尚待”,而这里的seat是表示“让某人坐”的及物动词(常见用法是somebody be seated 或seat somebody/oneself),四个选项中seated最适合填入下划线处充当系动词remain的表语。


1. The angry boss______from the chair and went directly to him.

A. lifted B. raised C. rose D. carried

2. Although he______too fast, yet I knew that he was______the truth.

A. spoke; speaking B. spoke; saying C. said; telling D. spoke; telling

3. —What's this in English?

—Sorry. I can't______it in English.

A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak

4. The book______three yuan, but it only______me two yuan.

A. spends; take B. costs; spend C. costs; cost D. pays; cost

5. A new page of our human history will be______before we enter the 21st century.

A. turned over B. turned up C. turned out D. turned to

6.______your telephone number here so that we can keep in touch later on.

A. Look through B. Drop in C. Fill in D. Look up

7. All the children should be______to respect their parents.

A. brought about B. brought out C. brought through D. brought up

8. He left the room with the electricity______.

A. cut off B. being cut off C. cut down D. being cut down

9. Sherwood had to______the reference his friends sent to him because it is hard for him to understand.

A. put down B. put away C. put up D. put off

10. The police______the accident and found out the reason of it.

A. looked at B. looked through C. looked into D. looked up

11. —It's a good idea. But who's going to______the plan?

—I think Tom and Greg will.

A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through

12. No matter what you say, I shall______my opinion.

A. carry out B. keep up C. insist on D. stick to

13. Let's hurry. I'm afraid she______for us at home.

A. waits B. may be waiting C. must wait D. may wait

14. —I wonder why our teacher looks upset today.

—I'm not sure, but he______a small accident driving here.

A. might have B. might have had C. must have had D. could have

15. —Do you think he'll do me a favor?

—It's very unlikely, but he______be prepared to help you.

A. might B. can C. must D. need

16. Where______? She______to school, for it's Sunday today!

A. can she go; can't go B. can she have gone; can't have gone C. may she go; may not go D. can she go; can't have gone

17. I didn't see him in the meeting room this morning. He______at the meeting.

A. mustn't have spoken B. shouldn't have spoken C. needn't have spoken D. couldn't have spoken

18. She is in such deep sorrow at the sad news. We______her so soon.

A. shouldn't tell B. shouldn't have told C. mustn't tell D. mustn't have told

19. The exhibition was quite near. It was only 10 minutes' walk. They______.

A. mustn't have hurried B. needn't have hurried C. mustn't hurry D. needn't hurry

20. —Would you like to take a taxi?

—No, I______walk. It's such a lovely day.

A. am able to B. would rather C. had better D. ought to

21. —Don't make a noise, please; they are sleeping.

—______. I'll be as quiet as a mouse.

A. Yes, I won't B. No, I won't C. No, I will D. Yes, I will

22. It______that there is no way out of difficulty.

A. looks B. thinks C. believes D. seems

23. One of them has______engineer.

A. turned B. been C. become D. got into

24. The test is certainly not so difficult as it______.

A. shows B. appears C. expects D. happens

25. It is said that the weather will______hot for another three or four days.

A. look B. last C. stay D. get


1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. B 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. C gsF+noUdvnCg8wVMuXLcV70uAAHJWvWRKTCc4uRVhVA8kSJJmVhQsMSVcSKPikXW
