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——. 1983“Muzička forma ganga-simbol tradicionalnog kulturnog zajedništva”(The Musical Form Ganga-Symbol of Traditional Cultural Cooperation), Slovo Gorčina , no. 11, Stolac. pp. 50–53.

Žganec, Vinko. 1951. Hrvatske narodne pjesme i plesovi (Croatian Folk Songs and Dances), Zagreb. Melodies with texts and commentaries in Croatian and English. Published in conjunction with the IFMC Conference.

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[1] Barbara Krader,“Slavic Folk Music: Forms of Singing and Self-Identity”, Ethnomusicology , Vol. 31, No.1 (1987), pp. 9–17.

[2] David Osmond-Smith, Luciano Berio. Two Interviews with Rossana Delmonte and Bálint András Varga , D. Osmond-Smith (trans. and ed.), New York, 1985, p. 93.

[3] Geografija SR Hrvatske, Vol. 4, Gorska Hrvatska , Zagreb, 1975, p.22.

[4] Vinko Žganec, Hrvatske narodne pjesme I plesovi (Croatian Folk Songs and Dances), Zagreb. Melodies with texts and commentaries in Croatian and English. Published in conjunction with the IFMC Conference, 1951, Note to #40.

[5] Jerko Bezić,“Muzički folklore Sinjske krajine”(Folk Music of the Sinj District), Narodna Umjetnost , 5–6, 1967–1968, Zagreb, pp. 175–275, German resume, 1968.

[6] Vlado Miloševic,“Seljačko pjevanje u banjalučkoj Vrhovini”, Razvitak , No. 11, Banja Luka, 1940, Reprinted in Putevi , No. 5, Banja Luka, 1976, pp. 489.

[7] 译注:原文并非英文,中文译文译自芭芭拉·克拉德的英文译文。

[8] Ankica Petrović,“Muzička forma ganga-simbol tradicionalnog kulturnog zajedništva”(The Musical Form Ganga-Symbol of Traditional Cultural Cooperation), Slovo Gorčina , No. 11, Stolac 1983, p. 52.

[9] Petrović,“Muzička forma ganga-simbol tradicionalnog kulturnog zajedništva”.

[10] Ankica Petrović,“Ganga, A Form of Traditional Rural Singing in Yugoslavia”, Dissertation for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Queen’s University of Belfast, 1977, p. 330.

[11] Petrović,“Ganga, A Form of Traditional Rural Singing in Yugoslavia”, pp. 331.

[12] 译注:中译本请参考[美]阿兰·帕·梅里亚姆:《音乐人类学》,穆谦译,人民音乐出版社2010版。

[13] 译注:中译本请参考[美]布鲁诺·内特尔:《民族音乐学研究:31个论题和概念》,汤亚汀译,上海音乐学院出版社,2012年。 hvFNZ4K8ZuRuT6UeP5xlkfLC8rSMF98bFyDc8h8t/JBgH0GmYxC6Rh7UHa8dKJbe
