

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an indigenous medical science of China, a treasure trove discovered and continuously enriched by our ancestors through their long-term life and production practices. In the annals of human civilization, the birth and decline of various medical and pharmaceutical disciplines has been documented. Only TCM, created by the Chinese nation, with a complete theoretical foundation and clinical system, has weathered thousands of years of challenges, grown deep roots, and made significant contributions to the prosperity and well-being of the Chinese nation while exerting a profound influence on the progress of world civilization. In today’s era of rapid scientific and technological advancement, an increasing number of medical experts recognize that the fundamental principles and methods of TCM are highly aligned with the future direction of medical development. The theoretical value and remarkable therapeutic effects of TCM are gaining increasing recognition on the international stage, sparking a “TCM fever” in many countries and regions.

Chen Kaixian
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, former Chairman of the Shanghai Association for Science
and Technology, and former President of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of ancient Chinese science and the key to unlocking the treasure trove of Chinese civilization. “ Inquiry into Medicinal Minerals ”sifts through and excavates the essence of classical Chinese medical literature, starting from the “What Do You Know about Medicinal Minerals.” Through easy-to-understand,simple, and interesting stories and examples, demonstrates the cultural connotations of the simplicity of traditional Chinese medicine and the spirit of great sincerity in medicine.It is hoped that readers can understand and appreciate the infinite charm of traditional Chinese medicine through this book. In the future, we expect that through more cultural exchanges and technological exchanges between China and the West, traditional Chinese medicine’s diverse values in health, economy, technology, culture, ecology, and other aspects can be fully realized. Let “the Chinese prescription” make greater contributions to human health and jointly build a global community of health for all.

Chen Yiqun
Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Government Information Office

A single blade of grass can change the world, a silver needle can bridge the East and West, a wisp of herbal fragrance can traverse the past and present... Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an indigenous medical science of our country. It is simple and unadorned, originating from the practical experiences of our ancestors. Over thousands of years, it has continuously drawn nourishment from the rich soil of our traditional culture,gradually accumulating profound wisdom and strength, safeguarding the prosperity and health of the Chinese nation.

Ni Minjing
Director of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

Chinese calligraphy and painting, along with traditional Chinese medicine, are both treasures of the Chinese nation, blending and complementing each other from ancient times to the present, each displaying its unique brilliance. The philosophy of“benevolence, harmony, refinement, and sincerity” in traditional Chinese medicine culture is an important part of China’s outstanding traditional culture and a rich treasure trove for artistic creation. Many Chinese medicinal herbs possess either splendid and elegant forms, profound and ancient imagery, or captivating and touching legends. I have previously created art and calligraphy inspired by Chinese herbal medicine. Between the strokes, whether swift or slow, and the rich and thick rendering, one can feel the vigorous vitality and steady weight of traditional Chinese medicine. I hope this book not only conveys medical knowledge but also conveys Chinese aesthetics.

Chen Jialing
Inaugural Research Fellow of the Chinese National Academy of Painting
