
Word List 03


lock [lɒk]

n. 锁;水闸 vt. 锁住,关起来

The policeman locked the criminal up in a cell. 警察把罪犯关在囚室里。

locker[ n. (学校、体育馆等的)储物柜]

income [ˈɪnkʌm]

n. 收入,所得

Agricultural incomes depended on variable harvests and weather. 农业收入取决于不同的收成和天气。

similar [ˈsɪmələ(r)]

adj. 相似的,近似的


All the large banks have a network of branches across the country, and all offer similar services. 所有的大银行都有覆盖全国的分支网络,并且都提供类似的服务。

similar to 与…相似

similarity( n. 相似,类似);similarly( adv. 相似地;同样)

alike, similar

average [ˈævərɪdʒ]

n. 平均数,平均标准 adj. 普通的;平均的 v. 平均达到

On average , an American household receives twice as many pieces of mail a day as it did in the 1970's. 平均而言,一个美国家庭每天收到的邮件是20世纪70年代的两倍。

image [ˈɪmɪdʒ]

n. 影像,图像;画像,雕像;形象,印象;(个人、团体或组织的)形象;比喻,意象

I had a mental image of what he would look like. 我想象出他的大致模样。

treat [triːt]

v. 对待,处理;治疗;谈判,磋商;款待,招待 n. 难得的乐事;款待


treat sb. with drugs 用药物治疗某人

treatment( n. 待遇;处理;治疗);treaty( n. 条约;协商,谈判)

cell [sel]

n. 细胞;单人牢房;电池;(尤其指)政治小组,基层组织

pattern [ˈpætn]

n. 图案,花样;方式,模式

She liked the patterns on the skirts. 她喜欢那条裙子上的图案。

obvious [ˈɒbviəs]

adj. 明显的,显而易见的

The stored information includes some obvious items, like education and hobbies, and some not-so- obvious ones, like whether a person is the oldest child. 储存的信息既包括一些明显的信息,如受教育程度和个人爱好,也包括一些并不是很明显的信息,如某人是否是家中的长子或长女。

obviously( adv. 明显地)

vary [ˈveəri]

v. 相异,不同;有变化;改变,变更

Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much. 在地球表层附近发生的地震可能会在某个月多达100次,但年平均发生次数一般不会有太大的变化。

vary in(颜色、大小等)不同

variable( adj. 变化的,可变的 n. 变量);variation( n. 变化,变动);variety( n. 多样性;品种);various( adj. 各种各样的)

relate [rɪˈleɪt]

v. 使…有关联;与…有关;叙述,讲(故事)

Obesity is directly related to one's habit. 肥胖和个人习惯有直接关系。

unrelated( adj. 无关的)

apply [əˈplaɪ]

v. 申请,请求;应用;施用;适用


The new rules apply to only pilots of passenger airlines. 新规定仅适用于客机飞行员。

apply for 申请;apply to 适用于…

applicable( adj. 适用的;可应用的);applicant( n. 申请人);application( n. 申请;申请表;应用)

document [ˈdɒkjumənt]

n. 文件,证件

My boss ordered that the legal documents be sent to him before lunch. 我的老板要求我在午饭前把法律文件发给他。

documentary( adj. 书面的;纪实的 n. 纪录片);undocumented( adj. 未登记的;无书面证据的)

appearance [əˈpɪərəns]

n. 出现,露面;外观,外表


We shouldn't judge by appearances . 我们不该以貌取人。

engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]

v. (使)从事,(使)参加;使订婚;雇用;吸引(注意力、兴趣);占用;(齿轮)啮合

Mother and I are engaged in household chores at home. 我和妈妈在家忙于做家务。

engage in / engage sb. in(使某人)从事于,使忙于

engaged( adj. 已订婚的;忙的;被占用的);engagement( n. 约定;订婚)

medium [ˈmiːdiəm]

n. [pl. media]媒介,方法 adj. 中等的,适中的


Some experts considered that the Web remained an immature medium . 有些专家认为网络仍然是一种不成熟的媒介。

cash [kæʃ]

n. 现金,现款 vt. 把…兑现

The letter informed Mickey that the check, which he had tried to cash , had been cancelled. 这封信告知米奇,他努力想兑现的支票已经被注销了。

rank [ræŋk]

n. 排,列,行;军衔;地位,级别;[pl.]士兵;队列 v. 把…分等级;名列;把…排列整齐

Spain ranks second among leading tourism nations. 西班牙在主要的旅游国家中名列第二。

link [lɪŋk]

n. 联系,关联;链环,环节 v. 连接,结合

The new company linked with several older ones in self-protection. 那家新公司与几家成立时间较久的公司联合以求自保。

delight [dɪˈlaɪt]

n. 欣喜;乐趣 v. 喜欢,乐于;使快乐


Civic and business leaders were delighted at the decision to hold the national motor fair in the city. 市领导和商业领袖都对在本市举办全国汽车博览会的决定感到欣喜。

delight in 喜欢…,以…为乐

delightful( adj. 令人愉快的)

mystery [ˈmɪstri]

n. 神秘的事物,奥秘;推理小说

mysterious( adj. 神秘的;难以解释的)

encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ]

vt. 鼓励;怂恿;促进;赞助,支持


Teachers in this school were encouraged to use drama as an instrument of learning. 这所学校鼓励老师将戏剧作为一种学习工具。

encouragement( n. 鼓励,鼓舞)

project [ˈprɒdʒekt][prəˈdʒekt]

n. 方案,项目,规划 v. 规划;预测;投(影);伸出

I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. 我知道他想问一个我还没有完成的项目。

associate [əˈsəʊʃieɪt; əˈsəʊsieɪt][əˈsəʊʃiət; əˈsəʊsiət]

v. 结交,交往;使联合;联想;将…联系起来 n. 同事,同伴 adj. 副的


World-wide statistics show that literacy problems are associated with poverty and a lack of political power. 全世界的统计数据表明,读写能力问题与贫穷和政治权力缺失有关。

be associated with 与…有关联

association( n. 联合;协会,社团)

breathe [briːð]

v. 呼吸;低语;散发(某种感情或品质)

She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. 她语速很快,轻声祈祷着让寿命长一点。

fund [fʌnd]

n. [pl.]资金,现款;基金,专款;储备 vt. 为…提供资金,资助


The document will serve as a guideline for countries and donor states that fund health care and family planning programs. 对于为健康医疗事业和家庭计划项目提供资金的国家和捐赠州而言,这份文件将成为其指导方针。

communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt]

v. 沟通;传达(意见、消息等),传播;传染(疾病)

Many years ago, the word “literate” meant being able to communicate well in speaking, in other words what we now call “articulate”. 很多年前,“literate(识字的)”一词是指能够在谈话中顺利交流,也就是我们现在所说的“articulate(善于表达的)”之意。

communication( n. 交流;通信);communicative( adj. 健谈的;交际的)

various [ˈveəriəs]

adj. 各种各样的,不同的

There are various vases and utensils. 有各种各样的花瓶和器皿。

variety( n. 种类;多样化;品种)

sink [sɪŋk]

v. (使)下沉;沉没;下陷;变低,变弱;使受挫 n. 洗涤槽;污水池

The Russian cargo ship was sinking . 那艘俄罗斯货船即将沉没。

doubt [daʊt]

v. 怀疑;不能肯定,认为…不大可能 n. 怀疑,不信任

There is no doubt that the couple did the right thing in coming back home earlier than planned. 毋庸置疑的是,这对夫妇比计划的时间早回家是正确的。

There is no doubt(that...)毫无疑问;beyond doubt 无疑地

doubtful( adj. 不能肯定的;不大可能的);doubtless( adv. 无疑地;很可能地);doubtfully( adv. 怀疑地)

symbolize/-ise [ˈsɪmbəlaɪz]

vt. 作为…的符号或标志;象征,代表


The Olympic Games symbolize peace and friendship among the nations of the world. 奥运会象征着世界各国的和平和友谊。

symbolism( n. 象征主义)

compare [kəmˈpeə(r)]

v. 比较;比作;比得上


Compared with Brother A, Brother B was more positive towards the effect of the one-million-pound bank-note on a total stranger. 与哥哥A相比,弟弟B对于100万元的支票对一个完全陌生的人的影响持更加积极的态度。

compare A with B 把A与B做比较;compare A to B 将A比作B

desire [dɪˈzaɪə(r)]

v. 意欲,渴望;要求,请求 n. 愿望;欲望

I desired to escape from this miserable life. 我渴望摆脱这种痛苦的生活。

at one's desire 应某人的要求

desirous( adj. 希望的,渴望的);desirable( adj. 理想的;值得拥有的)

individual [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]

n. 个人,个体 adj. 单独的,个别的,个人的;特有的,独特的

Individual freedom is probably the most basic of all American values. 个人自由可能是美国所有价值观中最基本的观念。

individualism( n. 个人主义);individuality( n. 个性,个人特征)

calendar [ˈkælɪndə(r)]

n. 日历,月历;历法

The calendars were handed out free to customers. 这些日历是免费分发给顾客的。

smart [smɑːt]

adj. 机灵的;时髦的;敏捷的;光鲜的;智能的

She was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. 她比我们这些男孩当时所了解的要聪明和机灵得多。

client [ˈklaɪənt]

n. 委托人,(律师的)当事人;(私人医生的)病人;(商店的)顾客

A final advertising medium is direct mail, which uses mailings to consumers to communicate a clien t 's message. 最后一种广告媒介是直邮广告,它通过给消费者寄送信件来传达(广告)客户的信息。

source [sɔːs]

n. 河源,水源;来源,出处;[pl.]原始资料,原始文件;根源

The olive tree has always been a valuable source of food and oil. 橄榄树一直是食物和食用油的宝贵来源。

depend [dɪˈpend]

vi. 取决于,视…而定;信赖;确信


The amount of tax private car owners would have to pay would depend on the emission levels, i.e. engine or vehicle size. 私家车车主必须支付的税额将取决于汽车的排放量,即发动机或车型的大小。

depend on/upon 依靠…;取决于…;确信…

dependant( n. 受抚养者);dependent( adj. 依赖的;有瘾的 n. 受抚养者);dependence( n. 依赖,依靠);independence( n. 独立);interdependent( adj. 互相依赖的)

economy [ɪˈkɒnəmi]

n. 经济(体系);节约,节省;简练;经济体 adj. 经济的;二等的


Sprint Nextel has reconceived its Virgin Mobile brand to cater to heavy texters in a difficult economy . 斯普林特公司已经对旗下的维珍移动品牌进行重新定位,以在经济困难时期迎合大量使用短信的用户的需求。

economics( n. 经济学);economist( n. 经济学家)

violent [ˈvaɪələnt]

adj. 剧烈的,猛烈的;厉害的,极端的;(人)暴戾的;(感情、言语等)激昂的

Too long a sentence will take up costly space better used for the violent and unremorseful. 刑期太长会占据宝贵的空间,这些地方最好是用来关押暴力的、不知悔改的罪犯。

violence( n. 暴力,暴行)

respect [rɪˈspekt]

n. 尊敬;考虑,关心;方面,着眼点;关系 vt. 尊敬;遵守


They all became serious when they talked with respect to the fallen soldiers. 当谈到牺牲的战士时,他们都变得严肃起来。

with respect to 关于

respectable( adj. 值得尊敬的;相当好的);respectful( adj. 有礼貌的)

maintain [meɪnˈteɪn]

vt. 维修,保养;赡养,供养;保持;坚持认为,主张


The man wanted to maintain dignity though starved. 这个人尽管很饿,但仍想保持尊严。

maintenance( n. 维修;维持;赡养费)

retain, sustain, maintain
三个词都有“维持,保持”的意思。retain表示“保住,保留”,与keep意思相近;sustain表示“支撑,维持”,如:sustain life;maintain强调保持某种状态或保持完整,如:maintain friendship。

pressure [ˈpreʃə(r)]

n. 压力;气压;压迫感 vt. 对…施加压力,强迫


The pressures of work can make you ill. 工作的压力可能会让人生病。

promote [prəˈməʊt]

vt. 提升;促进;宣传,促销


The singer is promoting his new record. 这位歌手正在为自己的新唱片做宣传。

promotion( n. 提升;促进;宣传)

lower [ˈləʊə(r)]

v. 降低;放下 adj. 较低的;下面的

Exercise can lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. 锻炼可以降低血压,减少患心脏病的风险。

enable [ɪˈneɪbl]

vt. 使能够,使成为可能;使实现


Reading literary fiction also enables us to better understand others, and then take that into our daily lives. 阅读文学小说也能让我们更好地理解他人,并将其带入我们的日常生活中。

intelligent [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt]

adj. 聪明的,明智的;智能的


In a world run by intelligent machines, our lives could get a lot simpler. 在一个靠智能机器运行的世界里,我们的生活可以变得简单许多。

unintelligent( adj. 不聪明的)

prevent [prɪˈvent]

v. 阻止,防止


The medicine would prevent the flu from reaching you. 这种药会防止你得流感。

prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

prevention( n. 阻止,防止;预防)

prevent, refrain, resist, restrain
四个词都有“阻止,抑制”的意思。prevent强调预先阻止,常用句式为prevent sb. from doing sth.;refrain表示努力抑制,有制止的含义;resist侧重抵抗;restrain则表示限制或约束某人的行动,如:restrain one's curiosity。

manage [ˈmænɪdʒ]

v. 经营,管理;设法做到

Some very shy people manage to shine. 一些非常害羞的人设法成为出色的人。

manageable( adj. 易管理的);management( n. 经营,管理)

decline [dɪˈklaɪn]

v. 下降,减少;衰退;拒绝,婉辞 n. 下降,减少;衰退;衰落期


When invited to talk about his achievements, he refused to blow his own trumpet and declined to speak at the meeting. 当被邀请谈论自己的成就时,他拒绝自吹自擂,并谢绝在大会上发言。

conclude [kənˈkluːd]

v. 结束;推断出,断定;得出结论


The latest survey concludes that the extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the country. 最新的调查得出结论,医院教学的程度和类型在全国范围内存在很大差异。

conclusion( n. 结尾;结论);conclusive( adj. 结论性的)

adolescent [ˌædəˈlesnt]

adj. 青少年期的 n. 青少年

The healthy adolescent boy or girl likes to do the real things in life, to do the things that matter. 健康的青少年生活中喜欢做实实在在、有切实意义的事情。

adolescence( n. 青春期)

factor [ˈfæktə(r)]

n. 因素,要素


We liked both houses, but the price was the deciding factor . 这两栋房子我们都喜欢,但价格是决定因素。

tough [tʌf]

adj. 艰难的;(物体)坚韧的;(性格)坚强的;(身体)强壮的;严厉的;(工作等)费力的,棘手的

After discovering how resourceful she can be in tough times, Cindy is no longer easily discouraged. 自从发现在艰难时期自己也可以如此足智多谋后,辛迪再也不会轻易沮丧了。

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt]

adj. 光辉的,辉煌的;卓越的;聪颖的


For a brilliant speech, there are rules that you can put to good use. 对于一场精彩的演讲来说,有一些规律你可以很好地利用。

brilliance( n. 辉煌;聪颖);brilliantly( adv. 辉煌地)

artificial [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 人造的,人工的;假装的;不自然的


The product contains no artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives. 这款产品不含人工色素、香料或防腐剂。

artificial, false
artificial特指人工仿造物,如:artificial flowers;false通常指假造的代替品,如:false teeth。

prove [pruːv]

v. 证明,证实;证明是,表明是


The statistics prove that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times. 这些统计数据证明,最近一段时间这个地区的生活水平明显提高了。

status [ˈsteɪtəs]

n. 身份,地位;威望,名望;情形,状况


Material wealth became a value to the American people, and it also became an accepted measure of social status . 物质财富成为美国人的一种价值观,它也成为一种公认的社会地位的衡量标准。

marital status 婚姻状况

guide [ɡaɪd]

n. 向导,导游;手册,指南 vt. 为…领路;指导,指引

We are guided by a belief that good things will happen for us in the future if we take proper care of the present. 这样一种信念指引着我们:如果我们更好地把握当下,未来就会有好事发生。

guidance( n. 指导;引导)

salvage [ˈsælvɪdʒ]

n. 抢救;抢救出的财产 vt. 救助,营救


Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo. 潜水员希望能够抢救出船上的一些货物。

revenue [ˈrevənjuː]

n. 税收;(公司、组织的)收入;[pl.]收入总额;税务所,税务局


The company reinvested its revenue in real estate. 公司把其收入又投资了房地产。

ferry [ˈferi]

n. 渡船;渡口;摆渡 v. 渡运,摆渡


Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed. 许多人更希望渡船保持现有的速度。

environment [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]

n. 环境;周围状况

environmental( adj. 环境的);environmentalism( n. 环境论;环境保护主义);environmentalist( n. 环境保护工作者);environmentally( adv. 有关环境方面)

working environment 工作环境

gesture [ˈdʒestʃə(r)]

n. 姿势,手势;(外交等方面的)姿态 v. 用手势表示,用动作示意

My heart sank when the man at the immigration counter gestured to the back room. 当移民柜台的那个人示意我去后面的房间时,我的心一沉。

challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ]

n. 挑战;比赛邀请;异议,质疑 vt. 向…挑战;对…表示异议,怀疑

I wanted to challenge my elders and betters, and stir up my peers with amazing points of view. 我想要挑战前辈和上级,用令人惊叹的观点激励我的同龄人。

strategy [ˈstrætədʒi]

n. 战略(学),兵法;策略,谋略

Community involvement is an integral part of the company strategy . 参与社会活动是公司战略中必不可少的一部分。

risk [rɪsk]

n. 风险,危险 vt. 使…冒危险;冒…之险;冒险做

Smoking may increase the risk of developing heart disease. 吸烟可能会增加患心脏病的风险。

risky( adj. 危险的;冒险的)

program [ˈprəʊɡræm]

n. 节目;计划;课程;电脑程序 v. 计划,安排

The school is going the extra mile to create the next generation of sporting stars thanks to its unique development program . 由于其独特的发展计划,该校正在加倍努力培养下一代体育明星。

summarize/-ise [ˈsʌməraɪz]

v. 总结,概述


We may now summarize our analysis of desire and feeling. 我们现在可以概述一下对欲望与情感的分析。

hip [hɪp]

n. 臀部,股

From each of his hip pockets he fished a flask and laid them on the table before me. 他从屁股口袋里分别摸出一个酒壶,放在我面前的桌子上。

shake [ʃeɪk]

v. (使)摇动,(使)挥动,(使)震动;动摇,减弱;(指声音)颤抖

shake hands 握手;shake off 摆脱,避开

shaky( adj. 摇晃的,颤抖的)

relevance [ˈreləvəns]

n. 相关,切题

relevant( n. 有关的;切题的)

stick [stɪk]

v. 插入,刺,戳;(使)黏着,(使)粘贴 n. 小树枝;棍,棒;棒状物

I'm all for us English sticking together when we're abroad, if you understand what I mean. 我完全赞成我们英国人在国外时紧密团结在一起,不知你懂不懂我的意思。

stick out 突出;坚持到底;stick to 坚持;stick together 团结在一起

sticky( adj. 黏的,黏性的)

agency [ˈeɪdʒənsi]

n. 代理处;经办,代理;(尤指政府内的)机构


You can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday brochure. 你可以去旅行社要一本度假手册。

introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs]

vt. 介绍;引进;使初次了解;传入;引出;实施,采用;将(法案)提交讨论

These measures have only been recently introduced . 这些措施是最近才实施的。

introduce a bill 提出一项议案

bar [bɑː(r)]

n. 酒吧间;条,杆,棒;律师职业 v. 闩上;阻挡,拦住;禁止,阻止

A law passed in 1996 explicitly bars most immigrants, even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits. 1996年通过的一项法律明确规定,大部分移民,甚至是那些已获得合法身份的移民,不得享有几乎任何一种联邦福利。

bar sb. from(doing)sth. 禁止某人做某事

infect [ɪnˈfekt]

vt. 传染;感染;影响


Health experts say it is unlikely that sharing an elevator briefly with an infected person would be enough to pass the virus. 健康专家称,与被感染的病人短暂地同乘一部电梯并不足以传播病毒。

infection[ n. 传染(病);影响];infectious( adj. 传染性的)

battle [ˈbætl]

n. 战役;斗争 v. 搏斗;斗争;奋斗

Now it was spring and there was battle between him and Miriam, his girlfriend. 现在是春天,他和女友米里亚姆之间发生了争斗。

physical [ˈfɪzɪkl]

adj. 物质的,有形的;身体的;自然(界)的;物理的


He tends to avoid all physical contact. 他倾向于避免一切身体接触。

stock [stɒk]

n. 贮存,储备;存货,现货;股票

stock certificate 股票证书;stock dividend 红利,股息;stock exchange 证券交易所;stock market 股票市场

display [dɪˈspleɪ]

n. / vt. 陈列,展示,展览


After more than 200 hearings, Fisher agreed to donate 20% of his findings for public display , and so now there is a museum in Florida which displays hundreds of the objects which were salvaged from the Atocha . 在经历了200多场听证会之后,费舍尔同意将他找到的20%的宝藏捐出用于公共展览,因此现在佛罗里达有一座博物馆,里面展出了成百上千件从阿托卡夫人号中打捞出的物品。

affect [əˈfekt]

vt. 影响;感动,激起…的情绪;(疾病)侵袭;假装,装作


Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries. 尼古丁对心脏和动脉的功能有不利影响。

obtain [əbˈteɪn]

vt. 得到,获得


We obtain some satisfaction in listening to music. 我们在听音乐的过程中会获得一些满足感。

obtain, grasp, catch, make
四个词都有“得到,获得”的意思。obtain强调经过努力获得需要的东西或达到目的;grasp多指“抓住;把握,领会”;catch指经过追捕之后获取,强调获得前的行动;make表示通过工作等得到,如:make money。

literate [ˈlɪtərət]

adj. 有读写能力的;有文化的

We're both literate —we can read and write. 我们都有文化——我们能读会写。

literacy( n. 识字,读写能力)

volunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)]

n. 志愿者;志愿兵 v. 自愿效劳,自告奋勇;自动说出


West Mercia Police want more people to volunteer to work alongside local officers. 西麦西亚警局希望有更多的人能够自愿与当地警察一起工作。

primitive [ˈprɪmətɪv]

adj. 原始的;粗糙的 n. 原始人


People in primitive society needed to be able to react quickly to escape from dangerous animals. 原始社会的人必须能快速做出反应来躲避危险的动物。

account [əˈkaʊnt]

n. 账,账目,账户;报道,记载,叙述;理由 vt. 认为是,视为


The girl cannot come to school today on account of the flu. 那个女孩今天因为患流感不能来上学了。

on account of 因为,由于;take into account 考虑,重视;account for 是…的原因;(数量、比例)占

accountant( n. 会计师,会计)

routine [ruːˈtiːn]

n. 常规,惯例;例行公事,刻板的工作 adj. 例行的,惯常的;枯燥的


This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another, so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently. 这就意味着他刚习惯一套常规便不得不转向另一套,以致他很多时候既不能高效工作,也无法好好睡觉。

routinely( adv. 惯常地)

campaign [kæmˈpeɪn]

n. 有组织的活动;军事行动;竞选 vi. 参加运动,发起运动

They have been campaigning against discrimination for years. 他们多年来一直在参加反歧视运动。

campaign, champaign, champion, champagne

secretary [ˈsekrətri]

n. 秘书,书记;大臣,部长;干事,文书

the Foreign Secretary 外交部长

disaster [dɪˈzɑːstə(r)]

n. 灾难;彻底的失败;祸患


natural disaster 自然灾害

wake [weɪk]

v. 醒来,唤醒;唤起(记忆) n. (船只航行时的) 尾流

The company had to cut services and dismissed staff as its business has plunged in the wake of the crisis. 这次危机之后,公司由于生意急剧下滑不得不削减服务,裁减员工。

wake sb. up 唤醒某人,弄醒某人;in the wake of 随着…而来,紧跟…

familiar [fəˈmɪliə(r)]

adj. 熟悉的,通晓的;无拘束的,随便的,亲近的

As poultry farms in Europe face bird flu for the first time, Vietnamese farmers are only too familiar with the disease. 当欧洲的家禽农场首次遭遇禽流感时,越南的农民们对这种疾病已经再熟悉不过了。

be familiar to sb. 对某人来说是熟悉的

familiarity( n. 熟悉,知晓);familiarize/-ise( vt. 使熟悉,使通晓)

unfamiliar( adj. 不熟悉的)

branch [brɑːntʃ]

n. 树枝;分部,分店;分科,部门;支流,支线 v. 分支,分岔

Whatever the history, the olive branch is a part of many modern flags symbolizing peace and unity. 无论有什么样的历史,橄榄枝都是许多象征和平与团结的现代旗帜的一部分。

branch out 涉足(新工作),拓展(新业务)

empathy [ˈempəθi]

n. 同情,同感,共鸣

She had great empathy with people. 她对人很有同理心。

adopt [əˈdɒpt]

v. 采用,采取(态度等);收养;接受某种习俗;正式通过


Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude towards learning. 小学生应得到帮助,从而对学习采取积极的态度。

adoption( n. 收养;采用);adoptable( adj. 可采用的)

inform [ɪnˈfɔːm]

v. 通知,告知,使了解;告密,告发


Edward went to inform them of his decision. 爱德华去把自己的决定告诉了他们。

informed( adj. 有学识的);informer( n. 告密者)

organize/-ise [ˈɔːɡənaɪz]

v. 组织,安排;筹备,筹办

Students need to learn how to organize their lives. 学生要学会如何安排自己的生活。

organizer( n. 组织者);organization( n. 组织,团体,机构)

ordinary [ˈɔːdnri]

adj. 普通的,平常的

ordinarily( adv. 通常地);extraordinary( adj. 不平常的,不一般的)

bear [beə(r)]

vt. 承担,负荷;承受,忍受;结(果实),生育;有(某个名称) n. 熊;粗鲁的人,笨拙的人

I could hardly keep my wits together in the presence of that food, but as I was not asked to sample it, I had to bear my trouble as best I could. 在那些食物面前,我几乎无法集中精力,可是因为没人请我品尝,所以我必须尽力忍受这个苦恼。

advance [ədˈvɑːns]

v. 前进,向前移;发展,进步;推动,促进;提前 n. 前进;进步;预付款

The speaker questions about everybody's access to technological advances . 演讲者对每个人接触科技进步的机会提出了疑问。

in advance 提前,事先

impact [ˈɪmpækt][ɪmˈpækt]

n. 冲击(力),撞击;影响,效果 v. 造成影响;撞击

In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the printing press in Europe had a huge impact on civilization. 15世纪时,约翰内斯·古登堡在欧洲发明了印刷机,这对文明产生了巨大的影响。

bomb [bɒm]

n. 炸弹 vt. 轰炸

The city was heavily bombed in World War I. 这座城市在第一次世界大战中遭到猛烈轰炸。

Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.


——美国科学家 爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein, American scientist) J8gFd+rb7hLsfSfjSn6ETe7q/YpehH+Yr+gdSebZo/csRulTAuJNraHv522HoGdi
