
Word List 02


assistant [əˈsɪstənt]

n. 助手,助理,助教 adj. 助理的,辅助的

You must fire that incompetent assistant of yours. 你必须解雇你那个不称职的助理。

clear [klɪə(r)]

adj. 明确的,清楚的;清晰的;晴朗的;畅通无阻的 v. 放晴;清除,扫清;澄清;偿清(债务);办完(手续)

The sky cleared up soon after the storm. 暴雨过后,天空很快放晴了。

clear up(天)放晴;澄清;make clear 表明,讲清楚;keep clear of 避开

clearance( n. 清除,清理;官方批准)

memory [ˈmeməri]

n. 记忆,记忆力;回忆,怀念;存储器


Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs' address at Stanford University that year, in which he talked about death, is also considered one of the best in recent memory . 那年,苹果公司的首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯在斯坦福大学发表了以死亡为主题的演讲,那次演讲也被认为是近年来人们记忆中最好的演讲之一。

memorable( adj. 值得纪念的;难忘的);memorial( n. 纪念碑;纪念物 adj. 纪念的)

solve [sɒlv]

v. 解决;解答,解释


The great advantage of this system is that it lets the apprentice see the practical problems before he sets to work learning how to solve them. 该体制最大的优点是它可以让学徒看到实践中的问题,之后再开始学习如何解决问题。

solve, resolve

unsolved( adj. 未解决的)

hire [ˈhaɪə(r)]

v. 租,雇 n. 租用;租金

She hired a lawyer to investigate, only to learn that Gabriel had removed her name from the deed. 她雇了律师去调查,结果发现加布里埃尔把她的名字从契约上划掉了。

manner [ˈmænə(r)]

n. 方式,方法;态度,举止;[pl.]礼貌,风度;规矩,习俗

The master, a red-faced man with a pleasant voice, was called Rice; he had a cheerful manner with boys, and the time passed quickly. 那个男老师名叫赖斯,他满脸红光,说起话来和蔼可亲;他跟男孩子们在一起时兴高采烈,(课堂上的)时间过得很快。

habit [ˈhæbɪt]

n. 习惯,习性

Much of our behaviour, for example, is guided by unconscious habits . 例如,我们的许多行为都是由无意识的习惯引导的。

develop/form/get into a habit(of)养成(…的)习惯;have a habit of 有…的习惯

device [dɪˈvaɪs]

n. 装置,器具,仪器;手段,策略;手法,技巧

leave to one's own devices 听任…自便,让…自行发展

refer [rɪˈfɜː(r)]

v. 谈到,提及;呈交,托付;查阅,参考;描述,涉及

The problems I refer to are the language obstacles between the strangers. 我所指的问题是陌生人之间的语言障碍。

refer to 提及;参考;描述

reference( n. 谈到;参照)

modern [ˈmɒdn]

adj. 现代的,近代的;时髦的

Neon lighting used in advertising has become part of the character of every modern city. 广告中使用的霓虹灯已经成为每个现代城市的特征的一部分。

beneath [bɪˈniːθ]

prep. 在…下方,在…下面

Volcanoes happen where the earth's crust is thin: lava, dust and gases burst out from beneath the earth. 火山发生在地壳较薄的地方:熔岩、灰尘和气体从地下喷出。

demand [dɪˈmɑːnd]

vt. / n. 要求;需要


The victims' families demanded an explanation for the plane crash. 遇难者家属要求知道空难的原因。

economic [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk; ˌekəˈnɒmɪk]

adj. 经济(上)的;经济学的;合算的,有利可图的


Nigeria's economic growth has averaged about 7.4% annually over the past decade, creating a wealthier Nigerian elite with a large spending power. 在过去十年中,尼日利亚经济的年平均增长率约为7.4%,这造就了一个更加富裕的、有很强消费能力的尼日利亚精英群体。

pause [pɔːz]

n. / v. 停顿,暂停,中止

After each question there will be a ten-second pause . 每个问题后都会有十秒钟的停顿。

rescue [ˈreskjuː]

n. / vt. 解救,挽救

The three law enforcement officers on the plane came to the rescue of a fellow passenger who was allegedly trying to kill herself. 飞机上的三名执法人员前来营救一名据称企图自杀的同行乘客。

benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt]

n. 利益,好处;优势;津贴,救济金 v. 有益于;得益


McDonald's could see a benefit if our production went up and prices went down, and no benefit if we went out of business. 如果我们增加产量并降低价格,麦当劳将有利可图;如果我们倒闭了,麦当劳也得不到好处。

beneficial( adj. 有益的,有好处的)

involve [ɪnˈvɒlv]

vt. 涉及;使参与,牵涉;包括,包含,需要


The job of a student accommodation officer involves a great many visits to landladies. 学生住宿管理员的工作包括经常拜访女房东们。

involved( adj. 参与的;有关的;投入的);involvement( n. 参与;卷入)

matter [ˈmætə(r)]

n. 问题,事情;物质,材料;重要性,重大关系 vi. 有关系,要紧

a matter of course 理所当然的事;as a matter of fact 事实上;no matter 不管…

unite [juˈnaɪt]

v. (使)联合;(使)统一;(使)团结


Carter called all the kids in town and told them to unite for truth. 卡特召集了城镇里所有的小孩,告诉他们要为了真相团结起来。

join, combine, connect, unite

professional [prəˈfeʃənl]

adj. 专业的,职业的;高水准的,内行的 n. 专业人员

Deal makers and other professionals still spend much of the day on the phone. 交易撮合者和其他专业人士仍然要在一天之中花大量时间打电话。

unprofessional[ adj. (行为)违反职业准则的;(工作等)未按专业水平做的]

interval [ˈɪntəvl]

n. 间隔,空隙,间歇;幕间休息


There are a few pubs at intervals along the coast road. 滨海公路两旁间隔一段距离就有些酒吧。

at intervals 不时;相隔一定的距离(或时间);at long intervals 间或;at short intervals 常常

feature [ˈfiːtʃə(r)]

n. 脸的一部分;[pl.]面貌;特征,特色;(电影)正片;(报纸等的)特写 vt. 以…为特色

With the tools of technology, man has altered many physical features of the earth. 人类运用科技工具,已经改变了地球的许多自然特征。

process [ˈprəʊses][prəˈses]

n. 步骤,过程;工序,制作法 vt. 加工,处理 v. 列队行进


We learned much knowledge in the process of the practice. 我们在实践的过程中学到了很多知识。

in the process of 在…过程中

appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət][əˈprəʊprieɪt]

adj. 适合的,适宜的 vt. 挪用


You should supply an appropriate title for your composition. 你应该给你的作文加个恰当的标题。

appropriateness( n. 适当,适合)

suppose [səˈpəʊz]

v. 认定,假定;推测,猜想;认为


Google's eyeglasses are supposed to function like memory. 谷歌的眼镜应该像存储器一样发挥作用。

suppose, presume, assume

attention [əˈtenʃn]

n. 注意,专心;立正


There is the danger that the high-speed connectivity of the Internet will reduce our attention span. 高速连接的互联网将缩短我们的注意力持续时间,这一点很危险。

attentive( adj. 注意的;关心的)

inattention( n. 不注意;疏忽)

conference [ˈkɒnfərəns]

n. (正式的)会议,讨论会;讨论,会谈


The employers prepared, with all due consideration, for a conference with the Trade Unions. 雇主们经过充分考虑,准备与工会开会。

force [fɔːs]

vt. 强迫;用力推动,用力打开 n. 暴力,武力;力,力气;影响力,效力

The trade embargo has been in force for a year. 贸易禁令已经实施一年了。

in force 已生效,在实施中;by force 强迫,靠武力

forceful( adj. 强有力的)

lift [lɪft]

n. 电梯,升降机;免费乘车;提,抬,举 v. 提起,举起;提高;解除(限制);使更愉快;(云等)消散

The spacecraft lifted off at noon. 宇宙飞船于中午发射升空。

lift off 升空,起飞

immigrant [ˈɪmɪɡrənt]

n. (外来的)移民,侨民

Life can be tough for immigrants in America. 对于美国移民而言,生活是艰辛的。

comment [ˈkɒment]

n. / v. 评价,评论


People are tired of seeing their acts of kindness and service pass without comment . 人们讨厌看到自己的善行和服务得不到他人的反馈。

make comments on/upon 对…做评论

commentary( n. 评语,评注;实况报道;批评);commentator( n. 解说者;实况转播评论员)

exist [ɪɡˈzɪst]

vi. 存在;生存,生活

Awards don't only exist for the arts. 奖项不只存在于艺术领域。

exist on 靠…生存;exist as 以…形态存在;exist in 存在…中

period [ˈpɪəriəd]

n. 一段时间;节,学时,课;(妇女)例假期;句号

the period of the Civil War 美国内战时期

periodical( n. 杂志 adj. 定期的);periodically( adv. 定期地)

determine [dɪˈtɜːmɪn]

v. 决心,决定;查明


Psychologists agree that I.Q. contributes only about 20 percent of the factors that determine success. 心理学家认为,智商在成功的决定因素中仅占大约20%。

determination( n. 毅力;决心;测定);determiner( n. 限定词);determinism( n. 决定论)

indifferent [ɪnˈdɪfrənt]

adj. 不感兴趣的,漠不关心的;平庸的;不偏不倚的


Sometimes I still can't believe my life's journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery. 有时我仍无法相信我的人生历程,从一个在底特律公立学校就读的失败的、平平无奇的学生走到现在这个位置——在世界各地教学和做重大外科手术。

indifference( n. 漠不关心)

actual [ˈæktʃuəl]

adj. 实际的;真实的


I'm not joking. Those were her actual words. 我没有开玩笑,那些都是她的原话。

actually( adv. 实际上;事实上)

common [ˈkɒmən]

adj. 普通的,常见的;共同的,共用的 n. [pl.]下议院

Although everyone hears music differently, there is a common ground from which all musical experiences grow. 尽管每个人听音乐的方式不同,但所有的音乐体验都有一个共同点。

in common 共同,共用

commonly( adv. 通常;经常地)

uncommon( adj. 罕见的,不平常的)

occasion [əˈkeɪʒn]

n. 场合,时刻;时机,机会;理由


She's worn his designs on countless occasions from red carpets to movie premieres. 从红毯到电影首映,她在无数场合都穿着他设计的服装。

on occasion(s)偶然,有时

occasional( adj. 偶尔的)

contact [ˈkɒntækt]

n. 接触,联系;交往 vt. 接触,联系


For those who are far away, keeping in contact with friends and family would be impossible without the Internet. 对于那些远在他乡的人来说,如果没有互联网,他们就没办法与朋友和家人保持联络了。

make contact with sb. 与某人联系

expert [ˈekspɜːt]

n. 专家;能手 adj. 熟练的,内行的,专家的

Experts say that exercise can reduce stress. 专家称锻炼能减压。

expert at/in …方面的专家

expertise[ n. 专门技能(或知识)]

least [liːst]

adj. / adv. 最小(的),最少(的)

at(the)least 至少;not in the least 一点也不;least of all 最不

achieve [əˈtʃiːv]

v. 取得(成绩等);达到(目的);完成

Many people did achieve material success. 许多人确实取得了物质上的成功。

achievement( n. 完成;成就)

vote [vəʊt]

n. 票,选票;投票;得票总数;投票权 v. 投票,表决;投票决定


The proposal was rejected by 22 votes to 8. 那项提议以22票比8票被否决了。

voter( n. 投票人)

bite [baɪt]

v. 咬;(刀剑)刺穿;(鱼)上钩 n. 一口;咬;咬伤;刺痛

He picked up the sandwich and took a bite . 他拿起三明治咬了一口。

infer [ɪnˈfɜː(r)]

v. 推断,推论,推测


I infer from his expression that he has not made up his mind yet. 我从他的表情推断出他还没下定决心。

infer sth. from sth. 从…推断出…

inference( n. 推论;推断结果)

infer, deduce, conclude
三个词都含有“推断”的意思。infer是由已知事实得出推论;deduce一般是由某依据或实验等推出,如:deduce from an experiment;conclude强调的是通过事实推出结论或结果,比较看重的是后面的推论。

keen [kiːn]

adj. 激烈的;热心的;渴望的;强烈的;敏锐的;锋利的

The man's keen eyes would discover all of your lies. 那人敏锐的目光会看穿你所有的谎言。

joint [dʒɔɪnt]

n. 连接处;关节;大块肉 adj. 联合的;共同的


The three ministers have issued a joint statement. 三位部长发布了一份联合声明。

out of joint 脱臼;混乱,无秩序

private [ˈpraɪvət]

adj. 私人的;私立的,私营的;私下的;幽僻的


Scientific research is now either funded by the government or by private companies. 现今,科学研究要么由政府资助,要么由私营公司资助。

personal, individual, private
这三个词都有“个人的”之意。personal主要指“自身的,亲自的”,如:personal affairs;individual强调个体,与collective相对;private侧重指隐私,或不便为外人所知的事。

available [əˈveɪləbl]

adj. 可用的,可得到的


There will be a computer and a data projector there available . 那里会有一台电脑和一台数据投影仪可用。

availability( n. 可用性)

unavailable( adj. 得不到的)

limit [ˈlɪmɪt]

n. 极限;限制;[pl.]边界,范围 vt. 限制,限定


People under 16 are off limits to the bar in this country. 在这个国家,16岁以下的人禁止进入酒吧。

off limits 禁止进入;within limits 适度地,在合理的范围内

limitation( n. 限制,限定);limited( adj. 有限的);limitless( adj. 无限的);unlimited( adj. 无限制的)

rise [raɪz]

n. (数量、价格等)增加,升高;兴起;上升 v. 升起;上升;增加;站起来;耸立

The floodwaters began to rise again. 洪水再次开始上涨。

rise up 升起;起身;起义;give rise to 引起,使发生

sign [saɪn]

n. 记号,符号;标识,标牌;迹象 v. 签名;做手势


Only a hundred years ago, in the United States, you were considered to be literate if you could sign your name to a piece of paper. 仅在一百年前的美国,如果你能在一张纸上签名,你就会被认为有文化。

sign the agreement 签署协议;sign the contract 签署合同;sign for 签收;sign up(for)报名参加

court [kɔːt]

n. 法院,法庭;球场

Many reporters had gathered outside the court . 许多记者聚集在法庭外。

aspect [ˈæspekt]

n. 方面;面貌,外表


Many people believe, however, that our progress depends on two different aspects of science. 然而,许多人认为,我们的进步取决于科学的两个不同方面。

reveal [rɪˈviːl]

vt. 展现,显露;揭露

Some narratives seem more like plays, heavy with dialogue by which writers allow their characters to reveal themselves. 一些记叙文看起来更像是戏剧,充斥大量的对话,作者让人物通过对话去展示他们自己。

revelation( n. 揭露;透露)

reveal, expose
两者都有“显示”之意。reveal意义较广,既可以表示“显示、透露某种情况”,又可以表示“显露感情”;expose侧重揭露不好的事情,如:expose a criminal。

intelligence [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns]

n. 智力,理解力,智慧;情报;情报人员,情报机构

Changing technology stimulates the brain and increases intelligence . 不断变化的技术刺激大脑,增强智力。

crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs]

n. [pl. crises]危机;危急存亡之际,决定性时刻;转折点

During the economic crisis , they had to cut back production and lay off workers. 经济危机期间,他们不得不削减生产量,解雇工人。

native [ˈneɪtɪv]

adj. 本地的,当地的;土著的;出生地的;与生俱来的;(动、植物)原产于某地的

n. 本地人;土著

We are passionate about our native tongue. 我们非常热爱自己的母语。

wear [weə(r)]

v. 穿,戴;面带(某种表情);蓄留(发、须等);耗损,磨损 n. 衣服;穿,戴;磨损,损耗;耐用性

She was wearing a new net blouse that she thought became her. 她穿着一件新的网眼衬衫,她认为那很适合她。

wear out 穿破;使筋疲力尽

weary( adj. 非常疲倦的);wearily( adv. 疲倦地);weariness( n. 疲倦)

general [ˈdʒenrəl]

adj. 一般的,普遍的;总的,全面的;大体的,笼统的 n. 将军


During wars, generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle. 在战争时期,将军们用振奋人心的讲话让军队做好作战准备。

in general 一般地,大体上

generally( adv. 一般地;普遍地)

general, normal, usual

medical [ˈmedɪkl]

adj. 医学的;疾病的;医疗的

medical services 医疗服务;medical history 病历

recognize [ˈrekəɡnaɪz]

v. 认出,辨认;承认,认可,公认


The emotion-refocusing techniques help you recognize how you are feeling and shift to a more positive emotional, mental and physical state. 重新聚焦情绪的方法可以帮助你辨别你当下的感受,并转向更积极的情绪、精神和身体状态。

recognition( n. 认出;承认)

shift [ʃɪft]

v. 移动,转移;变换;推卸(责任);清除(污渍);换(挡) n. 改变,变换;轮班,换班

ceremony [ˈserəməni]

n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪

When a group wins the MTV awards, the ceremony is seen by hundreds of thousands of people across the world. 当一个团体赢得MTV大奖时,全世界会有数十万人观看颁奖典礼。

ceremonial( adj. 礼仪上的 n. 仪式,典礼)

perfect [ˈpɜːfɪkt][pəˈfekt]

adj. 完美的;完全的,绝对的;最适合的 vt. 使完善,使完美

Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech. 即使是贝拉克·奥巴马也在努力完善每一次演讲。

perfection( n. 完善;完美)

imperfect( adj. 不完美的,有缺陷的)

colleague [ˈkɒliːɡ]

n. 同事;同僚


rate [reɪt]

n. 速度,速率;比率,率;规定的费用或价格;[pl.]地方税 vt. 评估,评价;划分等级


Teddy came to my assistance with a cheque of $200 to pay my room rate , after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen. 在我打电话告诉泰迪我的钱包被偷之后,他拿着一张200美元的支票来帮我付房租。

at any rate 无论如何;至少;总而言之

rating( n. 等级;收视率)

steal [stiːl]

v. 偷,窃取;偷偷地移动,悄悄地走;剽窃

Texting saves us time, but it steals from quiet reflection. 发短信可以为我们节省时间,但却占用了我们用于安静思考的时间。

stealthy( adj. 悄悄的,偷偷的)

match [mætʃ]

n. 比赛,竞赛;火柴;对手;相配的人(或物) v. 与…相配;与…相匹敌

John matched his skills against all of his opponents. 约翰把自己的技艺与所有的对手相匹敌。

technique [tekˈniːk]

n. 技术;技巧,技能


There are various techniques for dealing with pollution. 处理污染有很多不同的技术。

cultural [ˈkʌltʃərəl]

adj. 文化的,与文化有关的

To some thinkers, it is machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change. 在一些思想家看来,正是机器及其发展推动了经济和文化的变革。

culturally( adv. 从文化上)

particular [pəˈtɪkjələ(r)]

adj. 特别的,特殊的;挑剔的;详细的;特指的 n. 细节


In the background of the picture, a long way from this particular bare hill, there's another hill. 在画的背景处,距那座光秃秃的山很远的地方,还有另一座小山。

be particular about 对…挑剔

particularly( adv. 特别,尤其)

particular, special, peculiar, specific
四个词都有“特殊的,特别的”之意。particular指某物与众不同,常与in连用组成in particular,表示“特别”;special指某人或某物与其他人或物有区别而具备特殊的性质或特征,如:special dishes;peculiar强调罕见与异类,有“奇怪的”之意,常与to连用;specific与general相对,多作“具体的”讲,也有“独特的”之意,如:specific quality。

serve [sɜːv]

v. 服务,招待;为…效力;任职;端上(饭菜);对…有用;提供;可用作

It would be inappropriate to serve a steak or hamburgers on this special occasion. 在这个特殊的场合,上牛排或汉堡是不合适的。

serve as 作为;充当,担任

servant( n. 仆人);service( n. 服务)

standard [ˈstændəd]

n. 标准,基准;规格,规范 adj. 标准的;权威的;普通的,通用的

The association also said that the standards of training must be raised among flight crews and air traffic controllers as the sky has become ever more crowded. 该协会还表示,机组人员和空中交通管制员的培训标准必须提高,因为天空已经变得越来越拥挤了。

standardize/-ise[ vt. 使(某事物)标准化或符合规格]

positive [ˈpɒzətɪv]

adj. 积极乐观的;积极的,有效的;确定的;确信的;证据确凿的;正极的;阳性的


If you smile and have confidence, you will think in a more positive way. 如果你微笑并保持自信,你会以更加积极的方式来思考问题。

original [əˈrɪdʒənl]

adj. 最初的;有创造性的;原作的 n. 原版,原样

The food tastes better—it's fresher and organic—and the garden handily fulfills its original purpose: cost cutting. 食物的味道更好——更新鲜、有机——花园很容易地实现了其最初的目的:降低成本。

originally( adv. 原先,最初);orginality( n. 独创性;新颖)

collect [kəˈlekt]

v. 收集,采集;领取(信件等);收(租税、账等);堆积 adj. 由对方付费的


You need to leave the parcel open so that the driver can check the contents when he collects it. 你需要让包裹开着口,这样司机来取时便于检查里面装的是什么东西。

collection( n. 收藏品;收集;作品集;募捐);collective( adj. 集体的 n. 集体企业);collector( n. 收藏家;征收员)

repair [rɪˈpeə(r)]

vt. 修理,修补;纠正,补救 n. 修理,修补

I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about. 我挂断了电话,然后开车把我的电脑送到一个据说很友好的小维修点。

make repairs 修理,修补

add [æd]

v. 加;增加;补充说;增添

Specifically, AT&T will add 2,000 new cell sites and upgrade existing cell sites with three times more fiber links than it had in 2009. 需要特别指出的是,美国电话电报公司将增加2,000个新的蜂窝基站,并用比2009年多出三倍的光纤链路来对现有的蜂窝基站进行升级。

add up to 合计为;add...to 增加,增添

comfort [ˈkʌmfət]

n. 安慰;舒适,安逸 vt. 安慰;使…舒适


On a more personal level, a friend may be upset and need comforting . 从更私人的角度来看,朋友可能会感到不安,需要安慰。

comfortable( adj. 舒适的,自在的);uncomfortable( adj. 不舒服的,不自在的)

grit [ɡrɪt]

n. 砂,砂粒;坚毅,勇气 vt. 咬紧(牙关)

Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. 毅力就是对长期目标的热情和坚持。

material [məˈtɪəriəl]

n. 布料;材料;素材 adj. 物质的;客观存在的;重要的

Sound is the raw material of music. 声音是音乐的原始素材。

materialism( n. 唯物主义;物质主义);materialist( n. 唯物主义者)

handle [ˈhændl]

n. 柄,把手 v. 处理,负责,对待;触,拿;运用,操纵,驾驭;买卖


These will be the best years of your life if you can handle the stress of college life. 如果你能处理好大学生活的压力,这将会是你人生中最美好的时光。

get/have a handle on 理解,明白

handle, manipulate
两个词都有“操纵,控制”的意思。handle运用的范围比较广,暗指操纵的人具有驾驭能力;manipulate表示用技巧来操纵,有时还带有“使用不光明的手段”这种贬义色彩,如:manipulate the stock market。

rush [rʌʃ]

n. 冲;突袭;匆忙,急忙;高峰期,热潮 v. 冲,奔;仓促处理,匆忙地做;迅速运送

Cairo, a dusty city of 20 million people, is a place where time seems to both stand still and rush into utter chaos. 开罗是一座尘土飞扬的城市,拥有2,000万人口,在这里,时间似乎是静止的,同时又似乎陷入一片彻底的混乱。

ground [ɡraʊnd]

n. 地面;土壤;土地;场地;范围,领域;理由

By outsourcing, he'd hoped he could get the business off the ground without debt. 通过外包,他希望自己可以在没有债务的情况下让公司起步。

get(sth.)off the ground(使)顺利开始,开始发生;give/lose ground(to sb./sth.)退让,失利

negative [ˈneɡətɪv]

adj. 消极的;否定的;(电)负极的 n. 否定词,否定语;底片


When you regularly experience negative feelings and high amounts of stress, your brain recognizes this as your normal state. 当你经常经历负面情绪和高强度的压力时,你的大脑就会认定这个状态就是你的常态。

negatively( adv. 消极地;否定地)

protect [prəˈtekt]

vt. 保护;防护;维护

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight. 戴上太阳镜,以保护眼睛免受阳光的照射。

candidate [ˈkændɪdət]

n. 候选人;应试者,应考者


As often as not, employers do not choose the best candidate ; they choose the candidate who makes a good first impression on them. 雇主通常不会选择最优秀的求职者;他们选择给他们留下不错的第一印象的求职者。

discuss [dɪˈskʌs]

vt. 讨论,商讨

He refused to discuss the case publicly. 他拒绝公开讨论此案。

discussion( n. 讨论,商讨)

crime [kraɪm]

n. 罪,罪行;犯罪活动


We need to focus more on crime prevention. 我们需要更加注重预防犯罪。

criminal( n. 罪犯 adj. 犯罪的)

screen [skriːn]

n. 屏幕;银幕 v. 遮蔽,掩护;审查;(疾病)筛查;放映(影片);播放(节目)

For many parents in the digital age, battles with their kids over screen time and devices have become a depressing part of family life. 对于数字时代的许多父母来说,与孩子们在屏幕时间和(电子)设备上的争斗已经成为家庭生活中令人沮丧的一部分。

address [əˈdres]

n. 地址;演说 v. (在信封或包裹上)写姓名、地址;发表演说;称呼;处理

The envelope was addressed to a man named Raoul, who, I was relatively certain, did not live with us. 信封上的收件人名字是拉乌尔,我比较肯定,他不和我们住在一起。

progress [ˈprəʊɡres][prəˈɡres]

n. 进步,进展;前进,行进 vi. 进步,进展;前进


Scientific and technological progress was achieved and disseminated through writing. 科学和技术进步通过文字实现并得以传播。

in progress 在进行中

progressive[ adj. 先进的;(动词)进行式的 n. 进步人士]

weight [weɪt]

n. 重量;沉重之物;砝码,秤砣;价值,重要性;负担

The event added weight to our movement. 这次事件增加了我们这场运动的重要性。

put on weight 体重增加,长胖

notice [ˈnəʊtɪs]

n. 通知,告示;注意;短评 vt. 注意到;通知

He noticed that the driver of the truck had been watching the whole transaction. 他注意到那个卡车司机一直在关注整个交易过程。

evidence [ˈevɪdəns]

n. 证据,证明;证词;人证,物证

词根记忆:e+vid(看见)+ence →证实所看见的人或物→人证;证据

In some ways, material possessions are seen as evidence of people's abilities. 在某些方面,物质财富被视为人们能力的证明。

summary [ˈsʌməri]

n. 摘要,概要 adj. 简略的,概括的


in summary 总的来说

summarize/-ise( v. 概述)

accident [ˈæksɪdənt]

n. 意外事件;(交通)事故


The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident . 万一发生事故,这项新的措施将减少重伤的几率。

accidental( adj. 偶然的,意外的)

region [ˈriːdʒən]

n. 地区,区域;领域,范围


Each city in the region of this mountain will pay taxes for public transportation. 这一山脉附近的每座城市都将缴纳公共交通税。

regional( adj. 地区的,区域的)

occur [əˈkɜː(r)]

vi. 发生,出现


It occurred to me that we can go there by air to save time. 我突然想到为了节省时间我们可以坐飞机去那里。

occur to(念头)出现(在某人的脑子里),被想到

occurrence( n. 事件;发生,出现)

single [ˈsɪŋɡl]

adj. 单一的;(表示强调)单个的;未婚的;单人(用的)

singlehood( n. 单身,独身) lrSUeDPRNi3RhCQ7rHkrabSbeXm4jFEx1vVucln5zngx5uMT6/P6DRanlsdxe1/x
