
Word List 05


survey [səˈveɪ][ˈsɜːveɪ]

vt. 检查,鉴定;测量,勘测;调查 n. 调查;测量,勘测


From this survey , one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a teacher—and that contact may be as little as two hours a day. 从这份调查可以估算出来,与老师有过接触的孩子不足五分之一,就算有接触,时间也少到只有每天两小时而已。

unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl]

adj. 无法预料的;善变的

Natural disasters like volcanic eruptions are often unpredictable . 火山爆发等自然灾害往往是不可预测的。

superstition [ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn]

n. 迷信,迷信观念


There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most widely held is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder. 英国有很多种迷信,但其中流传最为广泛的就是从梯子下面走不吉利。

superstitious( adj. 迷信的)

remove [rɪˈmuːv]

vt. 去掉,移开;去除,消除;免职,开除;脱去(衣服等)

The pavers removed the big rock on the road. 铺路工人移走了路上的巨石。

removal( n. 移走;免职;去除);removable( adj. 可移动的;可拆卸的)

existence [ɪɡˈzɪstəns]

n. 存在;(尤指困境中的)生存(方式)


All music moves; and because it moves, it is associated with a fundamental truth of existence and experience. 所有的音乐都有律动,正因为这种律动,它与存在和体验的基本事实有了联系。

come into existence 出现,产生

existent( adj. 存在的;现存的)

satisfy [ˈsætɪsfaɪ]

vt. 使满意;满足;使确信


Maybe most people satisfy their need for stories and ideas with TV and, to tell the truth, it was all I needed for ten years. 也许大多数人通过电视来满足他们对故事和想法的需求,说实话,这就是我十年来所需要的一切。

be satisfied with 对…满意

satisfaction( n. 满意,满足);satisfied( adj. 满意的,满足的)

connect [kəˈnekt]

v. 连接,联结;把…联系起来;与…有联系

Nowadays we see reading and writing as being connected , but that wasn't so in the past. 现在,我们认为阅读和写作是相互联系的,但过去并非如此。

connection/connexion( n. 连接;联系);unconnected( adj. 无联系的);connectivity( n. 连接性能)

seek [siːk]

v. 试图;寻找;寻求

Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness. 大多数人寻求财富,所有人都追求幸福。

finance [ˈfaɪnæns; faɪˈnæns; fəˈnæns]

n. 财政,财务;资金;[pl.]财源,财力 vt. 为…提供资金(经费)

Sometimes awards can be good to give recognition to people who deserve it, or to help people who don't make much money carry on their work without worrying about finances . 有时奖项可以很好地表彰那些值得奖励的人,或者帮助薪资不高的人继续开展其研究工作,让他们可以不必担心资金问题。

financial( adj. 财政的,金融的);financially( adv. 财政上,金融上);financier( n. 财政家,金融家)

counter [ˈkaʊntə(r)]

n. 柜台;筹码 v. 反驳,反对;抵消,对抗

The argument is more difficult to counter . 这个论点更难反驳。

counterbalance( vt. 使平衡;抵消);counterattack( n. / v. 反攻,反击);counterintuitive( adj. 违反常理的)

plain [pleɪn]

adj. 朴素的;明白的;直率的;相貌平常的 n. 平原,旷野

His dreams had come true but finding and keeping the treasure wasn't all plain sailing. 他的梦想成真了,但寻找和保存宝藏并非一帆风顺。

replace [rɪˈpleɪs]

vt. 把…放回原处;代替,取代;替换,更换


Now many villagers replace coal by marsh gas as fuel. 现在很多村民用沼气代替煤做燃料。

replacement( n. 替换,更换)

contain [kənˈteɪn]

v. 包含;容纳;控制,抑制,遏制;防止…蔓延

In some languages, the phrases for greetings contain the word for peace. 在一些语言中,问候的话语包含和平的意思。

container( n. 容器;集装箱)

impose [ɪmˈpəʊz]

v. 强制实行;把…强加于;不合理地要求;使承受


He didn't want to impose his values on his family. 他不想把自己的价值观强加给家人。

impose...on/upon... 把…强加于…

imposing( adj. 宏伟的,壮观的);imposition( n. 征收;颁布)

canal [kəˈnæl]

n. 运河,水道;(体内的)管道

Amsterdam also has a good canal system. 阿姆斯特丹还拥有良好的运河系统。

intend [ɪnˈtend]

v. 想要,打算;意指


Tom intended to report his manager to the police. 汤姆打算向警方检举他的经理。

intended( adj. 打算的,预期的)

intend, mean, design

demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt]

v. 证明;示范;表现,表露;参加示威游行


Countless studies demonstrate that people can restructure their emotional state using emotion-refocusing techniques. 无数的研究表明,人们可以通过重新聚焦情绪的方法调整自己的情绪状态。

demonstration( n. 示范;示威游行)

sum [sʌm]

n. 总数,总计;金额,款项;全部;算术 v. 合计;总结

in sum 简言之;sum up 总结,概括

approve [əˈpruːv]

v. 批准,通过;赞成,同意;认可,核准


Members of the Parliament were poised to move ahead with a bill to approve construction of the oil pipeline. 国会议员准备通过一项法案,批准输油管道的建设。

approve of 赞成

approval( n. 赞成;批准);unapproved( adj. 未通过的)

approve, sanction
approve既可以表示个人的赞同,也可以指官方的认可;sanction语气更强,多指官方的同意或批准,如:These changes will require the sanction of the court.

insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns]

n. 保险;保险费;保险业;保障措施

We recommend that you buy travel insurance on all holidays. 我们建议你在所有假期都买旅游保险。

surface [ˈsɜːfɪs]

n. 表面;外表 vi. 浮出水面;显露

The road surface has started breaking up. 地面已开始开裂了。

romance [rəʊˈmæns]

n. 恋爱;爱情故事;传奇性,浪漫情调;浪漫史;传奇故事

romance novels 言情小说

previous [ˈpriːviəs]

adj. 前一个的;以前的

The machine would participate in interesting conversations that could continue from previous discussions. 机器会参与到有趣的对话中,这些对话还可以延续之前的讨论。

separate [ˈseprət][ˈsepəreɪt]

adj. 分开的;各自的;不同的 v. (使)分离;区分;分居


The English Channel separates Britain from Europe. 英吉利海峡把英国和欧洲分隔开。

separately( adv. 分别地);separation( n. 分开;分居);separatist( n. 分离主义者)

separate, divide, part
三个词都有“分开”的意思。separate指把原本在一起的东西分开,常用搭配是separate...from...;divide指把一个整体分成几部分,常见的搭配为divide...into...;part侧重指将亲密的人或物分开,如:Nothing can part us from each other.

precious [ˈpreʃəs]

adj. 珍贵的,宝贵的


deserve [dɪˈzɜːv]

v. 应得,应受,值得


There will always be some people who need help and some who deserve to be in jail. 总会有一些人是真的需要帮助,也总有些人理应被关进监狱。

spread [spred]

v. 展开,摊开;传播;扩散;伸展;分摊 n. 范围;传播;广泛,多样

The university also offers a monthly payment plan to spread out the cost of tuition. 该大学还提供按月分期支付计划,以分摊学费。

block [blɒk]

n. 大块;(时间的)一段;一栋楼房;街区;障碍物 vt. 阻塞;妨碍;拦阻


Your willpower is not like a dam that can block the torrent of self-indulgence. 你的意志力不像一座堤坝,可以阻挡自我放纵的洪流。

blockade( n. 封锁;堵塞物)

wage [weɪdʒ]

n. 工资 v. 进行,开展(斗争等)

Wage differences in the two areas are widening. 两个地区之间的工资差距正在拉大。

ultimately [ˈʌltɪmətli]

adv. 最后,终于;根本

Graduate unemployment is not, ultimately , a political problem ready to be solved. 毕业生失业问题根本不是一个随时可以解决的政治问题。

exact [ɪɡˈzækt]

adj. 确切的;正确的;严谨的;精密的 vt. 强迫,迫使;要求


I'll e-mail you the exact number because I haven't counted them yet. 我还没有计算出来,所以我会把确切的数字通过电子邮件发给你。

be more exact 更精密些;确切地说

exactly( adv. 精确地;恰好)

proportion [prəˈpɔːʃn]

n. 比例;相称,均衡;份额,部分;[pl.]规模,程度


If we encourage our young people to believe in the future, and give them solid evidence for believing, we'll find both crime and poverty shrinking to manageable proportions . 如果我们鼓励年轻人相信未来,并给他们提供确凿的证据让他们相信,那么我们将会发现犯罪和贫穷都会缩减到可控的范围内。

in proportion 成比例;out of proportion 不成比例

proportional( adj. 成比例的,相称的);disproportionate( adj. 不成比例的)

bound [baʊnd]

n. 界限;范围 v. 跳动;骤升 adj. 开往…的;一定会的;有义务的

It was reported that a 73-year-old man died on an Etihad flight bound to Germany from Abu Dhabi. 据报道,一名73岁的男子在从阿布扎比飞往德国的阿提哈德航班上死亡。

boundary( n. 界限,边界);boundless( adj. 无限的)

master [ˈmɑːstə(r)]

n. 主人;男教师;能手;硕士 vt. 掌握,精通;控制

The engineers had to master the art of fitting components. 工程师们必须掌握安装零部件的技术。

masterpiece( n. 杰作,代表作);mastery( n. 精通,掌握)

anxiety [æŋˈzaɪəti]

n. 忧虑,焦虑;担心;渴望

来自anxious( adj. 担忧的;渴望的)

In the sixties, that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome. 在六十年代,那是毕业后焦虑综合征的全部。

formality [fɔːˈmæləti]

n. 正式手续;礼节;例行公事

Mr. Kelada, doubtless to set me at my ease, used no such formality . 克拉达先生没有这样客套,无疑是为了不让我感到拘束。

announce [əˈnaʊns]

v. 宣布;通知;广播,播音;声称,宣称


The company announces that it has achieved its mission to create a local food economy that is adaptable to any environment. 该公司宣布,它已经完成了自己的使命,即创立一个可以适应任何环境的地方食品经济。

announcement( n. 宣布;通告);announcer( n. 广播员;报幕员)

ideal [aɪˈdiːəl]

adj. 理想的,完美的,想象的 n. 理想;完美的人(或事物)


politics [ˈpɒlətɪks]

n. 政治;权术;政治观点

political( adj. 政治的;政府的);politically( adv. 政治上);politician( n. 政治家)

regular [ˈreɡjələ(r)]

adj. 规则的;端正的;普通的;定期的;稳定的

In Dakar, psychiatric patients attend regular art therapy classes to help treat mental disorders. 在达喀尔,精神病人参加定期的艺术治疗课程以帮助治疗精神障碍。

underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə(r)]

adj. 水下的;水下使用的;水下发生的 adv. 在水下

underwater quake 水下地震

genuine [ˈdʒenjuɪn]

adj. 真正的,名副其实的;真诚的


The sofa is cheap because it is not made of genuine leather. 这个沙发很便宜,因为它不是用真皮制成的。

length [leŋθ]

n. 长度;篇幅;时间的长短

Jack got a headache if he had to read for any length of time. 杰克只要一读书就头疼。

at length 详尽地;最后,终于

lengthen( v. 延长,延伸)

potential [pəˈtenʃl]

n. 可能性,潜在性;潜力 adj. 潜在的,可能的


The Internet has the potential for good and bad. One can find well-organized, information-rich websites. At the same time, one can also find wasteful websites. 互联网可能很好,也可能很糟糕。你可能会找到布局精美、信息丰富的网站;同时你也可能发现一些毫无意义的网站。

virus [ˈvaɪrəs]

n. 病毒

The scientists have made an exhaustive study of the viruses that cause the disease. 科学家们对导致这种疾病的病毒进行了详尽的研究。

optimistic [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk]

adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的


She said that she was optimistic about the future of the company. 她说她对公司的未来抱有乐观的态度。

optimistic about 对…态度乐观

accurate [ˈækjərət]

adj. 准确的,精确的;正确无误的


The information must be clear, accurate , and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way. 信息必须清楚、准确,还要用一种有意义的、有趣的方式表达出来。

accuracy( n. 精确,准确)

inaccurate( adj. 不准确的)

recover [rɪˈkʌvə(r)]

v. 重新获得,赢回;恢复;复原;找回


Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but recovered slightly in the afternoon. 证券交易所的股价上午大幅跳水,但下午略有回升。

originate [əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt]

v. 发源;创立


The Olympic Games originated in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Greece. 奥林匹克运动会于公元前776年起源于希腊的一个小镇——奥林匹亚。

originate, stem, derive, descend
四个词都有“发源,产生”的意思。originate指发起、创办,强调其初始状态;stem强调起源于某事物,侧重滋生之意,如:stem from the past;derive强调衍变,有一定的变化;descend指“由…遗传下来”,一般来自祖先。

distance [ˈdɪstəns]

n. 距离;远处;差异;(时间)间隔;(关系)疏远 vt. 疏远,远离

at a distance 离一段距离;久远地;keep one's distance 保持距离;keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离

pound [paʊnd]

v. 连续猛击,猛打;捣碎;(心脏)怦怦地跳 n. 英镑

The boat was pounded to pieces against the rocks in the storm. 小船在暴风雨中被岩石撞得粉碎。

freeze [friːz]

v. 结冰,冻结;感到极冷;冷藏;冻死;惊呆,吓呆 n. 冻结;停止;冰冻期

He froze with horror. 他吓呆了。

freezer( n. 冰柜);freezing( adj. 极冷的;冰冻的)

convert [kənˈvɜːt][ˈkɒnvɜːt]

v. 改变,转变;改变…的信仰;兑换 n. 改变信仰的人,皈依者


The deserted building has been converted into a shopping mall. 那栋废弃的建筑物被改成了一家商场。

convert...into/to... 将…转化成…

conversion( n. 转变,改变;兑换)

convert, transform
convert主要用来表示某物为了起某种作用而发生的细节、属性上的变化,如:Iron is converted into steel.;transform表示形式、外表或本质的彻底改变,如:transform heat into power。

loan [ləʊn]

n. 贷款;借出 vt. 借出,贷与

private loan 私人贷款;college loan 大学贷款

tone [təʊn]

n. 声调,音调;语气;风格;色调 v. 使更健壮;与…协调

tone down 缓和;柔和

explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]

v. 探究,探索;勘探,考察

This book explores ways of achieving these objectives. 这本书探讨了达成这些目标的方法。

exploration( n. 勘查;探究);exploratory( adj. 勘探的,探索的);explorer( n. 探险者,勘探者)

fee [fiː]

n. 费,酬金;会费

charge a fee 收费

severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)]

adj. 严格的;(气候等)严酷的;(痛苦等)剧烈的;(状况等)严重的;(批评等)严厉的


A typhoon is a severe tropical cyclone which forms in the western Pacific Ocean. 台风是一种形成于西太平洋的强热带气旋。

range [reɪndʒ]

n. 一系列;射程;距离;山脉;范围;类,种 v. (在一定范围内)变化;徘徊


You can actually see the deer at close range while driving through that area. 实际上在开车经过那一地区时,你能够近距离地看到鹿。

at close range 在近距离;in/within range 在可及的范围内

admit [ədˈmɪt]

v. 允许…进入;承认;(指在某一范围内)可容纳(某人或某事);接收(加入)


Cindy admits that before the recession, she was a city girl with no interest in growing her own dinner. 辛迪承认,在经济衰退之前,她是一个对种菜吃不感兴趣的都市女孩。

admit of 容许有…;有…可能

admission( n. 进入许可;承认);admittedly( adv. 无可否认地)

scene [siːn]

n. (戏剧、电影等的)片段;地点,现场;场景;景色,风景

He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one. 他已经远离事故现场,甚至不知道发生过一起事故。

temper [ˈtempə(r)]

n. 心情;脾气,性情;怒气 vt. 使回火;使缓和

be in a bad temper 心情不好;be in a good temper 心情好;get into a temper 发怒;lose one's temper 发脾气

temperament( n. 气质,性情);temperamental( adj. 气质的,性情的)

version [ˈvɜːʃn]

n. 说法;译本;版本;变形,变体

the original version 原始版本,初本

household [ˈhaʊshəʊld]

n. 家庭,户 adj. 家庭的;家常的;家喻户晓的


From 2007 to 2010, American households lost $11 trillion in real estate, savings, and stocks. 从2007年到2010年,美国家庭在房地产、储蓄和股票方面损失了11万亿美元。

net [net]

adj. 净得的,实得的;净的 n. 网,网织品;网状系统 ;互联网 vt. 净赚;用网捕捉;捕获

surf the net 网上冲浪

deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]

v. 送交,投递;接生;生孩子;发表(演讲等);移交;履行诺言

Traditionally, local midwives would deliver all the babies in the area. 传统上,当地的产婆会给这个地区的所有婴儿接生。

deliverer( n. 护送者;交付者);delivery( n. 交付,投递;分娩)

theme [θiːm]

n. 话题,主题;主旋律,基调

theme park 主题公园

predict [prɪˈdɪkt]

v. 预言,预测


We tried to predict which students would stay in military training and which would drop out. 我们试图预测哪些学生将继续接受军事训练,哪些学生会退出。

It's predicted that... 预计…

prediction( n. 预言,预测);predictable( adj. 可预言的,可预报的)

religious [rɪˈlɪdʒəs]

adj. 宗教的;笃信宗教的,虔诚的

religious tradition 宗教传统;religious significance 宗教意义

fault [fɔːlt]

n. 缺点;错误;责任;过失;(地壳岩层的)断层


Lucy is continually finding fault with her younger sister. 露西老是找她妹妹的茬。

find fault with 责备,挑剔;fault line 断层线

faulty( adj. 有错误的;有缺陷的)

marketplace [ˈmɑːkɪtpleɪs]

n. 集市;市场竞争


define [dɪˈfaɪn]

vt. 解释,给…下定义;确定…的范围(或界限)


Some experts define literacy as having the reading and writing skills that you need to be independent in your everyday life. 一些专家把读写能力定义为“让你能够独立应对日常生活而需要的阅读和写作技能”。

psychology [saɪˈkɒlədʒi]

n. 心理学

cognitive psychology 认知心理学

simplify [ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ]

vt. 使简易,使简化


The company announced a restructuring drive in a bid to simplify its business to take on its rivals. 该公司宣布了重组方案,力争简化其业务,以与竞争对手一较高下。

simplification( n. 简化)

poverty [ˈpɒvəti]

n. 贫困;缺乏

Most people in Nigeria live in poverty . 尼日利亚大多数人生活在贫困之中。

gain [ɡeɪn]

v. 获得;赢得;增加;(钟表等)快;(经过努力)到达 n. 好处;利润;增加

Through technology, science improves the structure of society and helps man to gain increasing control over his environment. 通过技术,科学改善社会结构,帮助人类提高对生存环境的驾驭能力。

evil [ˈiːvl]

n. 邪恶;[常pl.]弊端 adj. 邪恶的;有害的;讨厌的

I long to alleviate the evil , but I cannot. 我渴望能够减少人世间的邪恶,可是力不从心。

victim [ˈvɪktɪm]

n. 祭品;牺牲者,受害者,受灾者;受骗者

The government has promised to do whatever lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area. 政府已承诺尽其所能减轻洪灾地区受害者的苦难。

myth [mɪθ]

n. 神话;神话式的人(或物);荒诞的说法

mythology( n. 神话)

election [ɪˈlekʃn]

n. 选举,推举;当选

The whole country was in suspense over the result of the elections . 整个国家都在焦急地等待选举的结果。

stare [steə(r)]

vi. 盯,凝视,目不转睛地看 n. 盯,凝视

We stare at our phone when we want to avoid eye contact. 当我们想避免目光接触时,我们会盯着手机。

amaze [əˈmeɪz]

v. 令(人)惊愕,使(人)惊叹

The fact that they went back home amazes me. 他们已经回家的事实让我感到惊讶。

amazing( adj. 使人惊叹的);amazement( n. 惊异)

possess [pəˈzes]

vt. 拥有;(感情或思想等)控制(某人);掌握(技能)

The applicant didn't possess the necessary skills to do the job well. 该申请者不具备做好这项工作所必需的技能。

possession( n. 拥有;所有权;所有物)

possess, own
两个词都有“拥有”的意思。possess强调拥有某种品质或掌握某种技能,比较正式,如:possess courage;own比较通俗,多指拥有某种财产,可指长期占有,如:own a house。

boost [buːst]

vt. 推动,促进,激励 n. 推动力;增长

Reading award-winning literature may boost your ability to read other people, a new study suggests. 一项新的研究表明,阅读获奖文学作品可能会提高你读懂他人的能力。

defend [dɪˈfend]

v. 防御,保卫;为…辩护


Our ape-men forefathers could not even defend themselves by running swiftly like the horses, zebras or small animals. 我们人类的祖先甚至无法像马、斑马或其他小动物一样依靠快速奔跑来保护自己。

defendant( n. 被告);defender( n. 保卫者;后卫)

defend, guard, shield
三个词都有“保护,保卫”的意思。defend一般指采取某种措施来抵御进攻或保卫自我;guard表示用高度警觉的状态防备危险,如:The President is always guarded by soldiers.;shield主要指用抵抗的方式来保护,侧重防止迫在眉睫的攻击或伤害。

instance [ˈɪnstəns]

n. 例子,实例

for instance 例如;in the first instance 首先,第一

worth [wɜːθ]

adj. 值…钱;值得 n. 价值

In Britain alone, about HK$3,000,000's worth of goods are stolen from shops every week. 仅在英国,每周就有价值300万港元的商品从商店被盗。

worthless( adj. 无价值的,没用的);worthwhile( adj. 值得做的)

merit, value, virtue, worth

adverbial [ædˈvɜːbiəl]

adj. 副词的,状语的 n. 状语


permit [ˈpɜːmɪt][pəˈmɪt]

n. 执照,许可证 v. 允许,许可;使有可能


The supervisor also performs some of the carpentry duties if time permits . 如果时间允许,(木匠)监工也要做些木匠的活儿。

permission( n. 许可,同意)

permit, allow, let
三个词都有“允许”的意思。permit比较正式,表示主动地同意、许可,如:I won't permit pets in the house.;allow通常指消极不加反对,有时含听任或默许之意;let最为口语化,有时含有“难以阻止”的意思,如:Let him go.

element [ˈelɪmənt]

n. 要素,成分;元素;自然环境;[pl.](学科的)基本原则,原理,基础

Several other elements have names that come from mythology. 其他几种元素的名称来源于神话。

in one's element 很适应,得心应手;out of one's element 不适应,不得其所

elementary( adj. 基本的,初级的)

identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]

v. 确认,识别,鉴定;认同;发现;显示,说明身份


The banks would be required, if necessary, to identify the origin of foreign funds. 如果必要的话,银行将被要求确认外资的来源。

identify...with... 认为…等同于…;把…视为…

identification( n. 确认;身份证明)

inspire [ɪnˈspaɪə(r)]

vt. 鼓舞,激发;鼓动,驱使;激起灵感


The beautiful scene inspired the poet to write. 美丽的景色激发了诗人的创作灵感。

inspiration[ n. 鼓舞人心的人(物);灵感];inspiring( adj. 鼓舞人心的)

respond [rɪˈspɒnd]

v. 作答,回答;反应,回应


Hundreds of people from all over the world responded with their view on the state of hitchhiking. 全世界数百人回复了他们对搭便车状况的看法。

respond to 对…答复;对…作出反应

respondent( n. 调查对象;被告)

tantalize/-ise [ˈtæntəlaɪz]

vt. 逗弄,招惹

The girl would come into the room and tantalize the dog with her feed. 女孩走进房间,用她的饲料逗弄那条狗。

convey [kənˈveɪ]

vt. 传达,传递;运输,运送


A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us. 一场传达知识、加强理解的演讲可以让我们获得信息。

calculate [ˈkælkjuleɪt]

vt. 计算,核算;预测,推测

They were trying to calculate the number of days in a century. 他们试图去计算一个世纪有多少天。

calculation( n. 计算;推断);calculator( n. 计算器)

vehicle [ˈviːəkl]

n. 运载工具,车辆;媒介物,手段


examine [ɪɡˈzæmɪn]

vt. 检查,考查,审视;对… 进行测验

It is essential that he examine all the facts first. 他必须得先核查所有的事实。

examination( n. 考试;检验;考查)

suit [suːt]

n. 一套衣服;套,副,组;诉讼,控告 vt. 适合;使满意;相配

Perhaps you could pick up the book at my flat at some time that suited you? 也许你可以在合适的时候到我的公寓取这本书?

follow suit(纸牌游戏)跟牌;仿效某人,照着做

A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.


——美国演员 巴里穆尔(J. Barrymore, American actor) 2Poj3x28nMeOylp9bB9Im89BRc9SUxIzj2S7Dsizw+k8OE3PDLwJiGLc+HoxnPqp
