
Part IV Translation


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2 .




杰出的 outstanding

船队 a fleet of ships

区域和平 regional peace

航海家 navigator

相互了解 the mutual understanding

做出巨大贡献 make great contributions

非凡的 extraordinary

经济和文化交流 economic and cultural exchanges

丰功伟绩 great achievements


Zheng He was the most outstanding navigator in Chinese history. He showed extraordinary wisdom and talent in many fields such as navigation, diplomacy and military affairs. He led a huge fleet of ships on seven long voyages and visited many countries and regions in the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean, deepening the mutual understanding between China and Southeast Asia and East Africa.

Zheng He's voyages to the western oceans played a very positive role in promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and also made great contributions to the maintenance of regional peace. In order to forever remember Zheng He and his great achievements, July 11, the day when Zheng He first set sail for a long voyage with his fleet of ships, was designated as China's Maritime Day.


1. 第一句: 本句较长,且逗号前后两个分句具有相对独立性,可以翻译成两个单独的句子。“在航海、外交、军事等诸多领域”翻译为in many fields such as navigation, diplomacy and military affairs,“表现出”翻译为showed,“非凡的智慧和卓越的才能”中“非凡的”和“卓越的”都可以用extraordinary一词来表示,故翻译为extraordinary wisdom and talent。

2. 第二句: 分析句子结构可知,前两个分句是句子的主体,为并列关系,可以处理为并列的谓宾结构,故翻译为He led a huge fleet of ships...and visited many countries and regions...;第三个分句表示补充说明,可处理为现在分词短语deepening the mutual understanding between China and Southeast Asia and East Africa,充当结果状语。

3. 第三句: 本句中“起到了十分积极的推进作用”和“做出了巨大贡献”为并列关系,可翻译为and连接的并列谓宾结构;“对中外的经济和文化交流起到了十分积极的推进作用”可理解为“在促进中外的经济和文化交流方面起到了积极的作用”,故翻译为played a very positive role in promoting...;“也为维护区域和平做出了巨大贡献”翻译为and also made great contributions to the maintenance of regional peace,其中“维护区域和平”为动宾短语,根据上下文语境和英文表达习惯,转译成名词短语the maintenance of regional peace。

4. 第四句: 分析句子结构可知,句子主体为“7月11日被定为中国的航海节”,翻译为July 11 was designated as China's Maritime Day;“为了永远铭记郑和及其丰功伟绩”表示目的,翻译为目的状语,即In order to forever remember Zheng He and his great achievements;“即郑和首次率船队远航启程的日子”是“7月11日”的同位语,故可将其翻译为the day when Zheng He first set sail for a long voyage with his fleet of ships。 LvZ9A2z8o5zJx2Kf9ip7c5mYkyaYoK1JBwde9bbAM5ttQ+5UilzZ4U6V2VK1SnCO
