
Part II Listening Comprehension



Section A

Conversation One

· 听力原文 ·

M: How's your dissertation going? I'm proofreading my first draft and will submit it to my professor tomorrow.

W: [1] Oh, I haven't even started writing mine yet. So I'm really worried about finishing by the end of next semester.

M: You mean you haven't even begun yours yet? The final draft is due in 5 months.

W: Of course I've started it. But I can't get to the writing yet, as I haven't found enough resources to use. So I'm still researching the topic.

M: Maybe the problem is the way you're doing your research. [2] I started by talking to my professor about where to look for information. And based on that, I've found books in the library and a lot of reputable journal articles on the Internet.

W: I've tried all that, but don't have enough to write the dissertation, as my department's minimum length is 70 pages. I think the problem is that my topic isn't viable. [3] And honestly, my professor did warn me at the beginning that I might not be able to find enough material, but I was so interested in the topic that I didn't let his advice deter me.

M: Well, I suggest you find a new topic. After all, our professors are here to guide us, so it's best to listen to them.

W: In retrospect, I wish I had listened to him, but I didn't. And now I don't want to give up my topic as I've already invested so much time and energy.

M: If you're committed to your current topic, maybe you could make some adjustments rather than abandoning it completely. What is your topic?

W: It's depictions of femininity in folklore from the south of the country.

M: That's pretty narrow. You could find more material if you made the topic broader, maybe by including other kinds of depictions.

W: [4] Broadening the topic is a great idea. I'll start by including folklore from other regions of the country.

· 答案详解 ·

1. What does the woman say about her dissertation? 关于她的论文,女士说了什么?





解析: 对话开头,男士问女士的论文进行得怎么样了,女士回答说她还没开始写。由此可知,A项为正确答案,选项中的hasn't started writing是原词复现。对话后面女士提到,她的教授一开始警告过她,说她可能找不到足够的材料来写论文,但她对这个主题很感兴趣,所以教授的建议没能阻止她。由此可知,女士已经确定了论文主题,B项与此不符,故排除。对话开头,男士在询问女士论文进度的时候,提到自己正在校对初稿,明天交给教授。由此可知,是男士而不是女士在校对自己的论文初稿,故排除C项。对话中,男士说女士搜集资料的方式可能有问题,并介绍了自己的研究方式,即一开始和教授讨论去哪里搜集信息,然后在图书馆里找到了一些书籍,还在互联网上找到了很多知名期刊文章。而女士说这些她都试过了,但还是没有足够的资料来写论文。由此可知,女士已经完成了找参考资料的工作,只是找到的资料对写论文来说还是不够,D项与此不符,故排除。

2. What does the man say about his professor? 关于他的教授,男士说了什么?





解析: 对话中,男士说他开始的时候就和自己的教授讨论了去哪里搜集信息。由此可知,男士的教授给男士提供了关于寻找资料的建议,故B项为正确答案,选项中的resource hunting是对原文中where to look for information的同义替换。对话中,男士说自己在和教授讨论完去哪里搜集信息后,到图书馆里找到了一些书籍。由此可知,并不是教授借给男士参考书,故排除A项。C项和D项分别是根据对话中的reputable journal articles和Internet设置的干扰,原文意思是男士在互联网上找到了很多知名期刊文章作为参考,C项和D项与此不符,故排除。

3. What does the woman say about her professor? 关于她的教授,女士说了什么?

A) 他认为她的论文 题不可行。




解析: 对话中,女士提到她的教授一开始警告过她,说她可能找不到足够的材料来写论文,但她对这个主题很感兴趣,所以没有被教授的建议阻止。由此可知,女士的教授认为她的论文主题不可行,故A项为正确答案。对话中,女士提到她们系的论文要求最少70页,所以论文的长度要求是明确的,D项与此不符,故排除。B项和C项在对话中没有提及,故均排除。

4. What do we learn the woman will do to complete her dissertation? 我们了解到女士为了完成论文将会做什么?





解析: 对话最后,男士说女士的论文主题范围太窄了,并建议她扩大范围,这样就能找到更多的材料,女士回应说拓宽主题范围是个好主意,她将从增加国内其他地区的民间传说开始。由此可知,女士决定听从男士的建议,扩大论文主题范围,故D项为正确答案,同时排除B项。A项和C项在对话中未提及,故均排除。

Conversation Two

· 听力原文 ·

W: Today on book talk, we are lucky enough to host John Robbins and discuss his new book—Why Americans Are Fat and How We Can Lose Weight. John isn't just a respected writer. He's also one of the rare celebrity authors writing about science today.

M: Thanks for having me, Rebecca. But I'm hardly a celebrity.

W: That's very modest of you to say, [5] considering that your four books have sold a total of 7 million copies worldwide, and they've been translated into 12 different languages. What makes people so fascinated with your work ?

M: [6] Well, people read my books because more than 60% of Americans are overweight or obese, and other countries are facing similar problems. Basically, we all want to know how to fix things.

W: We certainly do. I read your new book and it's fabulous, especially when it comes to the way you make difficult science easy for laymen to understand. That's no small achievement.

M: I'm glad to hear you find my work accessible, because I was worried when I wrote it that discussing the science might make the book more suited for a specialist audience. [6][7] My last book was written primarily for the medical community, but this time, I want to help ordinary people take control of their weight.

W: And how do you suggest they do that? Can you give us the basics of your advice for people who want to lose weight?

M: [8] Briefly, I argue that every person needs to consider their metabolism and eat what suits their body's needs. I don't advocate one single diet. Some people should eat more carbohydrates than others, and different people need different amounts of protein and fat.

W: But you do have some recommendations for everyone, including eating ten servings of vegetables and three of fruit a day. We'll talk about those recommendations next, but now we need to take a short break for a message from our sponsor.

· 答案详解 ·

5. What does the woman say about the man in her introduction? 关于男士,女士在她的介绍中说了什么?





解析: 对话开头,女士介绍男士的四本书在全球共售出700万册,并被翻译成12种不同的语言。由此可知,男士的书在全世界都很畅销,故C项为正确答案,选项中的sell well worldwide是对原文have sold a total of 7 million copies worldwide的概括。同时据此排除A项,是男士的书被翻译成12种不同的语言,而不是男士翻译了12本书。对话开头,女士介绍说男士不仅是一位受人尊敬的作家,也是当今少有的著名科普作家之一,B项与此不符,故排除。对话开头,女士只介绍说要讨论男士的新书《美国人为什么肥胖以及我们如何减肥》,并没有说男士的这本新书卖了多少册,故排除D项。

6. What has motivated the man to write his books? 男士写书的动机是什么?





解析: 对话中,女士询问人们对男士的书如此着迷的原因,男士解释说人们读他的书是因为超过60%的美国人超重或肥胖,其他国家也面临着类似的问题,后面男士又说自己写这本书是想帮助普通人控制他们的体重。由此可知,促使男士写书的原因是超过一半的美国人超重的事实,故C项为正确答案。A项和B项在对话中未提及,故均排除。对话中,女士说男士的新书把难懂的科学知识讲得连外行人都看得懂,这个成就可不小。男士回应自己在写的时候也担心讨论科学可能会让这本书更适合专业读者来看。由此可知,科学书籍难懂只是男士的一个担忧,并不是促使男士写书的原因,故排除D项。

7. Who does the man say his last book was mainly written for? 男士说他的上一本书主要是为谁写的?





解析: 对话中,男士说他上一本书主要是为医学界写的,但这一次,他想帮助普通人控制他们的体重。由此可知,D项为正确答案。同时可排除A、B、C三项,这三项中的人群是新书的目标读者,而不是上一本书的目标读者。

8. What does the man recommend people do? 男士建议人们做什么?





解析: 对话最后,女士问男士能给那些想减肥的人什么样的基本建议,男士回答说每个人都需要考虑自己的新陈代谢,吃适合自己身体需要的食物。由此可知,男士建议人们根据自身情况调整饮食,即遵循个性化的饮食,故B项为答案,选项中的a personalized diet是对对话中every person needs to consider their metabolism and eat what suits their body's needs的概括。对话中,男士说他不提倡单一的饮食,有些人应该比其他人吃更多的碳水化合物,不同的人需要不同量的蛋白质和脂肪。由此可知,A项和D项与此不符,故排除。C项在对话中未提及,也排除。

Section B

Passage One

· 听力原文 ·

Stress is often depicted as negative, but research shows that moderate amounts of it can be beneficial for your brain and your body. First, the benefits for the brain. Studies have shown that short periods of stress can actually bolster cognitive functioning. [9] Researchers discovered that placing rats in a stressful situation for just a few hours doubled the growth of new brain cells. The rats also did better on a memory test later on.

Scientists think the same thing happens in humans. But how does stress improve memory? It's simple. When your brain cells multiply, your memory can improve. Viewed from a biological perspective, this makes sense, [10] because animals that are better at remembering dangerous situations can avoid them in the future. If an animal encounters a predator and escapes, for example, it's important to remember where and when that encounter happened. [10] Experts assert that the same principle applies to humans.

Now, let's turn to how stress benefits the body. This may come as a surprise to laymen, but experts say that stress can keep you from getting sick. [11] Scientists concede that chronic stress can make you more prone to illness. But research shows that short periods of stress can actually provide some protection against getting sick, because it increases your immune functioning.

One study shows that rats that experience brief stress had a surge of immune cell response, which makes the immune system better prepared to fight illness. For humans there is even evidence that experiencing stress before getting vaccinated could help make vaccines more effective.

· 答案详解 ·

9. What did researchers discover about rats placed briefly in a stressful situation? 对于被短暂地置于压力环境中的老鼠,研究人员发现了什么?





解析: 文章开头在介绍完压力对大脑有好处之后,紧接着就提供了佐证:研究人员发现,将老鼠置于压力环境中短短几个小时的时间,新脑细胞的生长就会翻倍。题干中的rats placed briefly in a stressful situation是对原文placing rats in a stressful situation for just a few hours的同义转述,选项B中的growth of new brain cells和doubled都是文中的原词,故选项B正确。其他三项原文中均未提及,故均排除。

10. Why do people tend to have clearer memories of dangerous situations they have encountered? 为什么人们往往对自己遇到过的危险情况有更清晰的记忆?





解析: 文章中间部分开始探讨压力是如何提高记忆力的,并从生物学的角度给出了解释:因为那些更善于记住危险情况的动物可以在将来避开这些危险的处境,之后提供了专家的判断:同样的原则也适用于人类。故选项A正确,avoid them in the future是文中原词。本题需注意题干问的是为何人们能清晰记忆遇到过的险境,而文中首先讲的是动物,之后才介绍说动物这种情况也适用于人类。其他三项原文中均未提及,故均排除。

11. What do scientists believe chronic stress can do? 科学家认为长期压力会产成什么结果?





解析: 文章后半部分介绍了压力对于身体的好处,首先指出压力可以让你远离疾病。之后提出长期压力的后果:科学家承认,长期的压力会让你更容易生病。选项C中的more susceptible to illness是对文中more prone to illness的同义转述,故选项C正确。选项A的内容与选项C相反,故排除。文章指出,短期压力可以增强人的免疫功能,但并未提到长期压力会降低人的免疫力,故排除选项B。选项D是根据“短期的压力实际上可以提供一些预防疾病的保护”设置的干扰项,也排除。

Passage Two

· 听力原文 ·

[12] For many managers and people who work in leadership positions, dealing with emails is a dilemma. It's likely the unpredictable, uncontrollable, and ongoing nature of day-to-day email in terms of volume, importance, and urgency contributes to their levels of anxiety and to diminished leadership skills. That's because it's not unusual for many leaders to prioritize email management over people management. An obsession with managing their inbox prevents them from dealing with their employees. [13] As a result, they ignore the issues that might only be mild problems at first until unfortunately, they inevitably transform into a major problem or crisis by virtue of neglect. [14] As leaders, they are expected to motivate and inspire their team in pursuit of longer-term strategic goals, and also less ambitiously but more practically to monitor their daily output, to set clear expectations, and to give regular feedback.

When presented with the choice between the appeal of their inbox and other more important activities, many sacrifice the latter. Daily email demands have a negative impact on their goal progress. This is because leaders must divert resources from other tasks, to check, filter, and respond to emails. [15] The solution is cultivating self-control, which is like a muscle. It can be strengthened or improved over time through exercise. Some suggestions include: making space in your diary for the only periods during which you'll be checking emails, setting a timer for yourself so you don't become distracted by your inbox for too long, turning off email alerts, so you're not interrupted by them.

· 答案详解 ·

12. What does the speaker say is a common problem with managers? 讲话者说经理们普遍存在什么问题?





解析: 文章开头即指出:对于许多经理和在领导岗位上工作的人来说,处理电子邮件是一种困境。后面又提到他们沉迷于管理收件箱,没有时间与员工打交道。这都说明经理们普遍存在处理电子邮件时间太长的问题,因此选项D正确,其中,handling email是文中dealing with emails的同义转述,Spending too much time是对dilemma的展开解释。选项A、B文中均未提到,故均排除。文中提到经理们沉迷于管理收件箱,以至于没有时间与员工打交道,这不等同于他们缺乏与员工沟通的能力,故排除选项C。

13. What may happen when managers ignore minor problems? 当经理们忽视小问题时会发生什么?





解析: 文章提到,许多领导者沉迷于管理收件箱,没有时间进行人员管理,结果忽视了那些一开始可能只是轻微问题的问题,最后导致这些小问题因为没有得到及时处理而发展成重大问题。选项D是对文中transform into a major problem的同义转述,因此选项D正确。其他三项文章中未提及,故均排除。

14. What are leaders expected to do in pursuing their strategic goals? 在追求战略目标的过程中,人 们期待领导者做些什么?





解析: 文章中间部分提到,作为领导者,人们期待他们激励和鼓舞自己的团队追求更长远的战略目标。题干中的expected是文中原词,in pursuing their strategic goals是文中in pursuit of longer-term strategic goals的同义转述,选项B就是原文中的原话。因此,选项B正确。选项A中的“密切关注”、选项C中的“眼前的目标”和选项D中的“整体规划”原文均未提及,故排除这三项。

15. How can a manager best avoid being distracted by email? 经理如何才能最好地避免被电子邮件分心?





解析: 文章最后谈到很多人牺牲更重要的活动来处理电子邮件,电子邮件需求对他们的目标进度产生了负面影响,并提出了解决方案:培养自控力。选项A几乎是文中原词复现,故为答案。文中虽然提到了“过滤电子邮件”,但说的是领导者要从其他任务中抽出时间来过滤电子邮件,说的仍然是问题而不是解决方案,故排除选项B。文章最后的具体建议并没有提到下班后回复邮件和只在必要时查看邮箱,因此排除选项C、D。

Section C

Recording One

· 听力原文 ·

In last week's lecture, we talked about the problems caused by poor eating habits, focusing on how medical professionals are trying to solve these problems. Today, we'll continue with the topic, but focus on research from a different field—marketing.

[16] Now, what can marketing tell us about improving nutrition? Well, a team of marketing professors has studied the importance of the visual aspect of food and how that influences food choices. Those marketing experts assert that the impact of the appearance of food is greater than we might presume and might hold the key to encouraging better eating. So, how important is the appearance of food? Research shows that just seeing an appealing photograph of a hamburger in an advertisement, for example, can cause individuals to imagine the taste or smell of that hamburger. This can make them more likely to purchase and consume it. Of course, that's the point of advertisements. So, isn't that a good thing? Well, the marketing professors argue that this is actually a problem because the combination of pleasing aesthetics of and easy access to unhealthy foods such as hamburgers and pizza may be contributing to a worldwide health crisis.

In fact, statistics show that 39% of all adults in the world weigh too much, and another 13% are obese. [17] Now, as we discussed last time, medical professionals have tried to fight the obesity epidemic by focusing on the nutrients found in different foods, emphasizing things like hyper hydrate, fat, sugar and caloric content, but they've had limited success.

The marketing professors believe that the real solution to obesity is making food look appealing and focusing on the pleasure of both looking at and eating that food. That pleasure can be used as a tool to promote healthy food choices. In fact, the research done by the team showed that associating healthy food with pleasant images, experiences and emotions led to greater interest in purchasing or eating it. This is a better strategy they claim than reminding consumers that a certain food is good for them.

But are they right? Well, the researchers cited a marketing campaign designed to reverse the sales decline of carrots. The campaign didn't emphasize that carrots' healthy qualities, but embraced their beauty and the pleasure derived from eating them. For example, the ads focused on the bright, beautiful orange color and crisp texture of the carrots. The campaign led to an impressive increase in product sales of more than 10%. [18] The researchers believe that other companies could bolster sales of healthy foods with similar ads—depicting their products as attractive and a source of pleasure.

· 答案详解 ·

16. What does the speaker say a team of marketing professors has studied? 讲话者说一个市场营销学教授团队研究了什么?





解析: 在讲话开头,讲话者便提到了今天讨论的重点将放在市场营销上面。接着用一个问句引出了一个研究市场营销的教授团队研究的内容:食物外观方面的重要性以及它们是如何影响人们选择食物的。由此很容易得出正确答案为D。讲话中虽然提到了选项A中key(关键)这个单词,但原文描述的是鼓励更好饮食的关键,而非增加健康食品供应的关键,故排除选项A。讲话中并未提到改进市场营销学研究的最佳方式,故排除选项B。文中虽然提到广告对消费的影响,但这并不是该团队的研究对象,并非题干所问内容,故排除选项C。

17. How have medical professionals tried to fight obesity? 医疗专业人士是如何试图对抗肥胖的?





解析: 讲话者在讲话中间提到,现在医疗专业人士试图通过关注不同食物中的营养成分来对抗肥胖流行病。由此可知,正确答案选A。强调食物的多样性、赢得市场营销学教授的支持,讲话中均未提到,故选项B和选项D均排除。讲话中虽然提到,解决肥胖问题的真正办法是让食物看起来有吸引力,并专注于看和吃这些食物的愉悦感,但这是市场营销学教授的观点,并非医疗专业人士的做法,故选项C排除。

18. What can other companies learn from the example of the carrot promotion campaign? 其他公司可以从胡萝卜营销活动的例子中学到什么?





解析: 讲话者在讲话最后提到,该活动并没有强调胡萝卜的健康品质,而是重点围绕它们的美丽和食用它们所带来的愉悦。其他公司也可以学习这种做法。由此可知,选项B为正确答案,同时可直接排除选项A。讲话中没有提到向市场营销学教授寻求建议的内容,故排除选项C。讲话中虽然提到了广告,但这是很多公司都会使用的推广方式,而胡萝卜营销活动的成功之处在于其内容特点,故选项D排除。

Recording Two

· 听力原文 ·

The household cleaning products industry really began to take off in the 1950s. Prior to that, resourceful housewives who had grown up in a less prosperous era relied on substances that they used in their kitchens, such as vinegar, used to clean windows.

Today, the household cleaning products industry is worth billions of dollars a year and is dominated by large global companies. [19] In recent years, however, many countries have witnessed a surge in the number of small businesses and companies offering more environment-friendly cleaning products and they're doing good business too. One reason for this is that consumers are becoming more aware of environment and sustainability issues. They also want to make their home a safe place, free from toxic chemicals. The third reason is people's awareness of a knowledge about technology has never been greater.

[20] In the past, people might have been skeptical of a new product claim to be able to achieve amazing cleaning results, but they now have faith in technology's ability to do what was once thought impossible. There is perhaps no better example of this than a patented cloth sold by one company, which remarkably uses only water rather than traditional cleaning products. The company claims its cloth lifts, traps and removes dirt and bacteria. And considering that people don't see these products in shops or advertised on TV or in the press, it has been a pretty steep price. Many of the people behind these companies began testing the viability of their products by selling them at local markets. [21] Then in many cases, customers are doing the marketing for these products by leaving threads of comments on social media, praising their virtues.

There are also TV shows and books dedicated to maintaining home tidiness and cleanliness and the benefits of having a clean home. Having a safe and clean home might be one thing people feel they can control in an increasingly out-of-control world. And there are social media celebrities. One woman in Britain has become a social media sensation with more than two million followers for her cleaning tips page.

· 答案详解 ·

19. What does the speaker say about the cleaning products industry in recent years? 关于近年来的清洁产品行业,讲话者说了什么?





解析: 讲话开头部分提到,家用清洁用品行业于20世纪50年代开始腾飞,如今每年价值数十亿美元,主要由跨国公司主导。近年来,许多国家都见证了提供更环保的清洁产品的小企业和公司数量的激增。由此不难得出,选项C为正确答案。讲话中确实提到了surge(激增)一词,但原文说的是提供更环保的清洁产品的小企业和公司数量的激增,并非A选项中所说的需求激增,故选项A可排除。讲话中并未提到环保主义者的评价和跨国公司之间的竞争情况,故选项B、D均排除。

20. Why are newly developed cleaning products selling well? 为什么新开发的清洁产品销量很好?





解析: 讲话中提到,过去,人们可能会对声称能够达到惊人清洁效果的新产品持怀疑态度,但是现在他们对科技的能力有了信心,相信科技能够做到曾经被认为是不可能的事情,随后以一种专利清洁布为例进行解释说明。由此可知,新开发的清洁产品之所以销量很好,是因为消费者现在对科技了解得更多,故选项A为正确答案。选项B、C、D在讲话中均未提及,故均排除。

21. What are some customers doing to help promote non-traditional cleaning products? 一些顾客正在做什么以帮助推广非传统清洁产品?





解析: 讲话后半部分提到了专利清洁布这种非传统的清洁产品,人们并没有在商店里或电视广告等媒体上看到这些产品,于是公司背后有许多人开始通过在当地市场销售来测试其产品的可行性。接着,在许多情况下,客户通过在社交媒体上留下一系列的评论,夸赞这些产品的优点来为其做营销,选项B与原文表述相符,为正确答案。选项A、C均与原文不符,故排除。选项D是本题的易错项,虽然virtues一词是原文复现词,但宣传其优点的方式并不是口口相传,而是在社交媒体上进行评论,故排除选项D。

Recording Three

· 听力原文 ·

Throwing spare change into a fountain is a time-honored ritual: throw a penny into the water and your wish might come true. But all that money has to go somewhere. [22] Otherwise, the growing piles of pennies, quarters and euros could clog up the fountains' works. Today, I'm going to talk about where all the coins go. Well, the coins collected can go to all sorts of different places from fountain maintenance to charity, or public service. [23] In New York City, for example, coins collected from fountains and public parks often go towards the fountains' maintenance itself, though “entrepreneurs”who don't mind getting their hands wet often get to it first. There are over 50 beautiful decorative display fountains in New York City parks. They are cleaned by the park's staff every few weeks. But most of the coins have already been removed by “entrepreneurs” New Yorkers and there is not a significant amount left to be collected.

Other cities, though, can pull in a much more serious haul. Take for example Rome's famous Trevi Fountain: for hundreds of years, visitors have thrown coins over their shoulder into the fountain to ensure that they will return. So many tourists toss in coins that Roman officials have the fountain cleaned every night, reportedly getting as much as $4,000 in loose change from around the world each day. [24] Most of the money collected each night goes towards running a supermarket for the needy. And collecting that cash is serious business. Roman officials have been known to be tough on anyone caught skimming coins from the fountain. In one case in 2005, police arrested four fountain cleaners after they were spotted slipping coins into their own pockets after collecting them. [25] Authorities finally caught one notorious thief named Thomas Morgan, and banned him from the fountain after he fished out thousands of dollars in change over 34 years using a magnetic stick.

For the most part, money collected from privately-owned fountains in the United States also goes to charity. The fountain in New York City's Bryant Park is owned and operated by a not-for-profit corporation, which puts the cash collected by cleaners towards the fountain's own maintenance. Tens of thousands of dollars in coins removed from wishing wells, fountains and ponds in Florida's Walt Disney World are donated each year to support foster children living in the state. Whether or not your wish comes true after tossing a coin into a fountain, you can rest assured knowing that the change is likely going to someone who needs it.

· 答案详解 ·

22. What problem might be caused by the growing piles of coins in fountains? 喷泉里不断堆积的硬币可能会引发什么问题?





解析: 讲话开头部分提到,往喷泉里扔零钱是一个历史悠久的仪式,但所有这些钱总得有个去处。否则,越来越多的1分硬币、25美分硬币和欧元硬币可能会堵塞喷泉的装置,故选项B为正确答案,其中fountains' works为原词复现,block是clog up的同义替换。讲话中并未提到清洁工的工作量增加、扔硬币这种仪式会被打破、喷泉里的水会被污染,故其他三项均排除。

23. What does the speaker say about the coins collected from New York City's park fountains? 关于从纽约市的公园的喷泉里收集的硬币,讲话者说了什么?





解析: 讲话前半部分提到,在纽约市,从喷泉和公园收集的硬币通常会用于喷泉的自身维护工作,故选项C为正确答案,其中fountains' maintenance为原词复现。虽然硬币会被“企业家”抢先一步拿走,但他们并非是好奇的游客,故选项A排除。讲话中虽然提到了收集到的硬币可以用于各种不同的地方,从喷泉维护到慈善事业或公共服务,但这并非从纽约市的公园里收集到的喷泉硬币的特定用途,故选项B排除。选项D在讲话中并未提及,故可直接排除。

24. What do we learn about the money collected from Rome's Trevi Fountain? 关于从罗马特莱维喷泉里收集到的钱,我们了解到什么?





解析: 讲话者在讲话中间提到了罗马的特莱维喷泉,由于往喷泉里扔硬币的游客特别多,罗马官员每晚都得找人清理喷泉。据报道,他们每天从世界各地的游客那里获得的零钱多达4000美元。每天晚上收集到的大部分钱都用在了经营一家专为穷人设立的超市上,选项C与原文表述相符,为正确答案,其中a supermarket for the needy为原词复现。选项A、B、D均与原文不符,故均排除。

25. What does the speaker say about Thomas Morgan? 关于托马斯 · 摩根,讲话者说了什么?





解析: 讲话者在讲话中提到,罗马官员对任何被发现从喷泉中偷取硬币的人都很严厉。在2005年的一起案件中,警方逮捕了四名喷泉清洁工,因为他们被发现在收集硬币后将其塞进了自己的口袋。当局最终抓住了一个名为托马斯·摩根的臭名昭著的小偷,并禁止他靠近喷泉,因为他在34年的时间里用磁棒捞出了数千美元的零钱。选项D与原文表述相符,为正确答案。选项A、B均为张冠李戴,故排除。选项C讲话中并未提到,故可直接排除。 MXv61liyu/3qfFzJSGq64X3L2JKql6jGzlqjrZrosmpcZPElact6j7bhJhpjV8nC
