
TPO 36

Task 1

Some people buy food that is already prepared.Other people buy fresh food and prepare meals themselves.Which do you prefer? Explain why, using details and examples in your answer.



I prefer to buy ingredients myself and cook for myself.First of all, cooking is fun and I am gonna exercise my cooking skills in the process.Choosing fresh vegetables, meats and dairy products from the supermarket is a great diversion for me after a long day's study, which is so relaxing; plus I really enjoy checking recipes online and learning to do great dishes myself, and I think taking good care of ourselves and eating properly is crucial.Second, it's more economical to cook at home.The ingredients are simply much cheaper than prepared food.We can learn to budget and save quite a lot of money.At the same time, the fresh food is much healthier and has more nutritional benefits.



Task 2

The man expresses his opinion of the proposal the student makes in the letter.State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


1.own [əʊn] v. 拥有

Though most of us own laptop computers.虽然我们大多数人都有笔记本电脑。

2.have…access 可以做……;获得……权利

direct [dəˈrekt] v. 指引

Since laptop computers have Internet access, professors could direct students to view Web sites...while lectures are going on.由于笔记本电脑可以上网,教授可以指导学生浏览网站……在讲课的时候。


1.too much of 太多

How so? 为何如此?

I think they'd be too much of a distraction.How so?(0∶13-0∶16)我觉得他们会分心太多。怎么会这样?

2.play around 玩耍

A lot of people would be too busy playing around with them instead.(0∶21-0∶26)很多人会忙着玩电脑。

3.surf the Internet 上网

that kind of stuff 等等

surfing the Internet, emailing friends, playing computer games, that kind of stuff.(0∶27-0∶31)上网,给朋友发邮件,玩电脑游戏等等。

4.follow along 跟随

Not everyone would be able to follow along.(0∶50-0∶52)不是每个人都能跟上。


The student proposes that the school should allow students to use laptops in class coz students can take notes faster on a computer so they pay more attention to the lectures.Also, professors could direct students to view websites with useful information.The man in the conversation disagrees with this proposal.Firstly, he points out that with laptop computers, students will in fact pay less attention to the professor's lecture, for example, they will surf the Internet, play computer games, or email people.Secondly, he says that not every student has a laptop computer, and not everyone could follow along.So laptops cannot be an effective teaching tool if only some of the students have it while others don't.

Task 3

Explain how the example from the lecture illustrates the suspension of disbelief.


1.put aside 搁置

doubt [daʊt] n. 怀疑

Temporarily put aside, or suspend, our doubt...暂时搁置或暂停我们的怀疑……

2.absorbed [əbˈzɔːrbd] adj. 被……吸引住

become absorbed in the play 全神贯注于这出戏


1.back when 回到……

back when I was in college(0∶08-0∶10)回到我上大学的时候

2.see...as... 把……视作……

But at first, I only saw him as my roommate dressed up to look like an older man.(0∶32-0∶38)但是一开始,我只把他看作是我的室友打扮得像个老人。

3.less as 较少作为

more as 更多作为

I began to think of him less as the guy I lived with and more as this older man who was a father.(0∶40-0∶49)我开始不把他看成是和我一起住的那个人,而更多的是一个父亲。

4.out of work 失业

The father gets sick, and so is out of work.(0∶55-0∶59)父亲生病了,所以失业了。

5.pay the bills 付清账单

And because of the father's long illness, the family was worried that they wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills.(1∶03-1∶09)因为父亲长期的疾病,家人都很担心他们没有钱去付清账单。

6.pitch in 投入;作出奉献

They all pitched in to help in the time of crisis...(1∶20-1∶24)他们都在危急时刻全力帮助……

7.rather [ˈræðər] adv. 相当地

recover from 从……恢复

The father recovers from his illness and this made me feel relieved and even rather happy.(1∶29-1∶36)父亲病愈了,这让我感到如释重负,甚至相当高兴。


The suspension of disbelief means the ability to temporarily put aside doubt and believe that the action of a play is real.The professor gives an example in the lecture for this concept; back in college, in a play, the professor's roommate Richard dressed up like an old man and walked slowly on stage.At first, the professor thought the old man was just his roommate.But, as the story went on, he gradually saw the old man less as his roommate and more as a father in the play.In the play, the father got sick and was out of work.The professor felt sad.The family in the play was worried about not having enough money to pay the bills.The professor felt worried too.In the end, the family all came together and everyone found jobs.And the family got by and the father recovered from his illness, so this made the professor feel relieved and happy.

Task 4

Using the examples from the professor's lecture, explain how snails survive in hot and dry climates.


1.cope with 应对

A snail is a good example of an animal that has developed certain strategies for coping with high temperatures and drought.(0∶32-0∶39)蜗牛是动物的一个很好的例子,它已经制定了一些应对高温和干旱的策略。

2.the shelter of... ……的庇护所

get out of 摆脱

into the shade 进入阴凉处

Snails move into the shelter of vegetation..., you know, plants or leaves, to get out of the sun and into the shade.(0∶42-0∶52)蜗牛进入植物的庇护所,你知道,植物或树叶,以避开阳光,进入阴凉处。

3.radiate heat 散发热量

move up 挪动

It absorbs and radiates heat, so snails will move up off the ground to places where it is cooler.(0∶56-1∶03)它吸收并散发热量,所以蜗牛会从地上爬到温度较低的地方。

4.attach to 附着在

They may attach themselves to a wall or a tree.(1∶04-1∶07)它们可以附着在墙上或树上。

5.due to 由于

They also need to avoid drying out due to lack of water.(1∶13-1∶18)它们还需要避免由于缺水而变干。

6.secrete substance 分泌物质

calcium [ˈkælsiəm] n.

cover [ˈkʌvər] v. 覆盖

Snails secrete a sticky, slimy substance made up of calcium and it covers the opening of their shell.(1∶24-1∶33)蜗牛分泌出一种很黏很滑的钙质物,然后它会覆盖壳的开口处。

7.open up 打开

When it rains and water is available again, the snail opens up its shell to get some.(2∶00-2∶06)当下雨并且再次有水可用时,蜗牛打开壳去取一些。


The professor explains how snails survive in hot and dry climates.The first strategy is to avoid heat.The snail would move into the shelter of vegetation in high temperatures to get out of the sun.Also, during a hot day, the ground can be very hot since it absorbs and radiates heat.So the snail would attach itself to a wall or tree where it is cooler than the ground.The second strategy is to avoid drying out due to lack of water.The snail would secrete a sticky slimy substance made up of calcium, which covers the opening of its shell and closes it up, so it could keep moisture inside it and stay inside the shell for several months without food as its body will slow down.Later, when it rains, the snail opens up its shell and gets the water it needs. qDBgbFAtprLUW+FZZS7ZhYdg7KaAWrMBdjBlENBs8PzMB18b9a6a2o/J3kCvZY0t
