






看看下面这份笔记,这是在一堂课刚开始时记录下来的,上课内容是从经济角度看专业运动。是什么让这份笔记更加容易看懂呢?把你自己的观察结果记录下来,参考答案见第 301 页。

Professionalism in sport: are footballers worth $X million per week?

Last 20 years sport: pastime big business – entertainment $

– ticket sales less important now?

e.g. Turkish football grounds – ads … one side of ground only cameras from other side

Free entry to Wednesday games Italy

– TV rights / Satellite TV subs

pay-per-view boxing

e.g. highlights on news? <25 seconds – goal / try only who has TV rights?

– corporate hospitality @sports stadium

– bar sales in pubs

beer / cigarette / junk food advertising $ v. important 4 sport

– advertising – at stadiums / on players / ad. breaks on TV / team – stad. naming rights e.g. v. warriors ~ t. clear dome

– shirt / scarf / accessory sales ( China – Crystal Palace shirts – 2 Chinese players

RESULT: Players $$$$$ celeb. culture fuel all sales. Commodity?

– transfer fees

– wages

– TV ad contracts – sports shoes / razors / after shave etc.

– bad ! autobiographies

– etc.

sports media – slaves to business? lack of critical comment on sport?

The man the brand. How much does he earn?

per game?

per goal?

per shirt?

per ad?

per razor sale?





例 3:康奈尔笔记系统。


下面这篇文本节选自一个有关如何记笔记的研讨会。首先,把每个部分的开始句标出来。第一部分已经作为例子用下划线标出来了。答案见第 302 页的参考答案。你可以对要点做一下笔记,试着用上面所讲的某种组织方式,多多采纳研讨会中提出的建议。

OK. Thank you all for coming. Today our seminar is about good note-taking practice. At the beginning of last year, I did a small study of the note-taking habits of successful students, looking at the techniques they use when taking notes in lectures, and then I asked them for their advice to students who wanted to improve their note-taking. I will present some of the fi ndings of this study and then at the end of this presentation, there will be an opportunity for you to talk about the note-taking strategies that you found the most effective. First of all, let’s look at what you should make notes on – I mean the paper – not the topics! Now lots of students use notebooks for their lecture notes. This is fi ne, but some students fi nd it easier to use a loose-leaf notebook – that means one that you can take the pages out of – rather than one with fi xed pages. This means that you can take the pages out and put them into a folder with your course notes. Then you can collect notes and course readings for each course in one place, in a separate notebook or section of a notebook – write name + date of lecture. Sometimes lecturers give out a handout with the main points from the lectures. You could fi nd it useful to make notes on the handout, in the margins – this will help you organize the notes you make. Also, some lecturers put their own notes on the course website after a lecture. You can print these out and put them in your folder next to your notes. The appearance of your notes is really important too because you will need to refer to them later. If you fi nd yourself making doodles or writing notes to your partner on your lecture notes, remember that not only is this manual activity stopping you from concentrating but it will be annoying and confusing when you look back at your notes – i.e. when you are using them to revise for an exam. It is worth losing a bit of speed in order to write legibly – this saves time in the long run. If you fi nd you don’t have time to write neatly, then you are probably writing too much. Note only key words, not every word – and think critically about what you write down. If it is not going to be useful later – don’t write! The other thing you can do if you can’t keep up is to leave gaps [ ] when the speaker is moving too fast. You can always check with a friend later if you see a gap in your notes. In fact, it’s a really good idea to review your notes as soon as possible. You could do this with another student. Read through and improve the organization as necessary. Looking at the layout of your notes, some students make the mistake of writing all their notes in the top quarter of the page. Leave space between points. Indent. Spread it out. Mark ideas which the lecturer emphasises, with an arrow or some special symbol. Put a box around assignments and suggested books so you can identify them quickly. In terms of developing your listening skills, pay attention to signals for the end of an idea and the beginning of another. If you hear these, they will help you follow the fl ow of a lecture and lay out your notes logically. Transitions such as ‘therefore’, ‘fi nally’, and ‘furthermore’ usually signal an important idea. Also, pay attention to the lecturer’s voice. The voice will often go down in pitch at the end of a section and then up at the start of a new section. As a fi nal point, often the most interesting and useful things you can gain from lectures are the examples, sketches and illustrations that the lecturer presents. Lecturers often talk about their research in relation to points they make, or tell stories from their experience. You can get the theory from a textbook, but often

this experience is unpublished and cannot be got from books. They are often the most interesting parts of lectures and you can use them in your assignments and exams – so although stories may seem off the point, they may be worth noting down.

OK. Now, I’d like you to look back over your notes and …






笔记一定要记好,这样当你以后再回过头来看笔记时,就能够知道当时这堂课究竟讲了什么内容。但这并不是说要记得多么完美,不要把时间都浪费在美化你的笔记上,因为只有你自己会用到它们。 fxps+LCxGI8euRRnKgjaONrAgEIlvm7X4/3WqLDJxGkF3h59CNOv7Y9CuMBGonPr
