研究人员发现有一些词(如“the”和“is”)在任何情况下都很常用。事实上,即使是学术文章,最基本的 1000 个单词也占到了 70%。因此,在学其他生词前,应确保认识这些最基本的单词(究竟哪些词属于这最基本的 1000 词,请见下文)。在这 1000个最基本的单词基础上,接下来的另外 1000 个单词出现的频率仅占到 5%,所以加起来的话,掌握这 2000 个单词,你就可以理解超过 3/4 的文章内容了。
正如你所预料的那样,学术单词在大学课本中非常常见,占到总数的 10%。这些单词有很多个意思,你肯定需要一一了解。然后你可以通过一些小练习来加强对这些单词的理解。
请阅读以下内容,它引自初级教科书Botany for Gardeners。首先请回答此问题:根据下面这段话,你知道植物是如何为储存水源而做出适应性改变的吗?
To obtain water, perennial species in arid regions either develop a long tap root to reach underground sources or, as is common among many species of cactus, spread horizontal mats of fi brous roots, just below the soil surface. Although shallow roots become parched and lifeless in the heat of summer, they quickly return to growth and full metabolic activity within hours after rain has soaked the soil. Having taken full advantage of infrequent and unpredictable water supplies, many desert plants survive periods of drought by using water stored in leaves or stems. The succulent leaves and stems of such genera as Mesembryanthemum, Sedum,Crassula, and Echeveria contain enlarged water-storage cells capable of supplying the plants’basic needs for many months. Stem succulents, such as cacti and cactus-like Euphorbias,sometimes store suffi cient moisture to last for years. As much as 95% of the total volume of succulent plants is devoted to water storage.
资料来源:B. Capon(1990). Botany for Gardeners: An Introduction and Guide. Portlan: Timber Press. P.107。
现在我们来看一下这段话中的单词。请对其中的词汇进行分类,每类请举三个例子。答案请见第 296 页。