

The20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,which attracted worldwide attention in October2022,clearly stated that" From this day forward,the central task of the Communist Party of China will be to lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a concerted effort to realize the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization." This means that the process of Chinese path to modernization has been accelerated in an all-round way,which constitutes the era background for accelerating the construction of a Multi - tiered Pension system with Chinese characteristics.At the same time,the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also clearly proposed to further improve the multi -tiered social security system that covers the entire population in urban and rural areas and see that it is fair,unified,reliable,well-regulated,and sustainable.Among them," fair and unified" is a new requirement,which is to further ensure that social achievements are shared by the whole people,the problem of imbalance and inadequacy are properly solved while rights and obligations between generations are reasonably handled in the process of promoting common prosperity,For the first time," reliable,well-regulated" have been regarded as an important goal for the construction of the social security system in the future,which has put forward higher requirements for the sharing of economic and social development achievements by the whole people and the construction of safety standards for the social security system.

Therefore,it can be clearly seen that the goal of common prosperity of all people pursued by a Chinese path to modernization determines that the pension system must play an important role in adjusting the pattern of social wealth distribution.On the other hand,the optimization of China's pension system must be compatible with the process of a Chinese path to modernization,and gradually play the role of ensuring people's livelihood and sharing of development.However,due to the huge population,it is more complex and difficult than western developed countries.

Additionally,the vulnerability of human individuals,the general trend of population aging and the market failure in human society determine that the multi-level pension system with the natural function of social " stabilizer" and economy" booster" has become a necessary means and important tool of state governance.At present,the profound changes unseen in a century together with the coronavirus epidemic in the 21st century have brought new challenges.In such an international macro environment,after building a moderate prosperity society in an all-round way,China has entered a new historical stage that needs to achieve the goals of economic growth and common prosperity for everyone at the same time while to help people to establish the confidence of the pension system is always in the center position.As an important means to avoid the survival crisis of social members and realize the redistribution of national income,the reform and innovation of the multi-level pension system is the key to breaking the constraints of economic growth and promoting common prosperity.It is also an important task to coordinate economic and social governance and further modernize the state governance system and capacity.In particular,under the triple pressure of shrinking demand,supply shock and weakening expectations,it is indispensable to strengthen overall planning and coordination,adhere to the system concept,grasp the bottom line of people's livelihood,comprehensively promote economic development and people's livelihood.

Since the establishment of China's pension system in the early 1950s and the reform and development of more than 70 years,especially after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the CPC Central Committee has placed the construction of the social security system in a more prominent position.In accordance with the principle of adhering to the bottom line,highlighting the key points,improving the policy and piloting expectations,the CPC Central Committee has repeatedly studied and considered the overall plan for reforming and improving the pension system and a relatively complete multi-level pension system framework has been formed.However,whether it is the sustainability of the multi - level pension system or insufficient interaction between the first,second and third levels as well as the slow overall development of the second and third level pension against the background of the deepening degree of population aging,still the economic and social governance on which the multi-level pension system relies as well as people's values,behavior patterns and cultural traditions,it is indispensable to look for the theoretical,historical logic and practical logic of realizing the modernization of state governance system and governance capacity and ultimately promoting common prosperity from the path of multi-level pension system optimization.

Therefore,based on the theoretical logic of the modernization of thestate governance system and governance capacity proposed by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,the book focuses on the economic governance and social governance that are most closely related to multi-level pension system,that is,the innovation of multi-level pension system should serve to promote high-quality economic development and improve the social governance system construction,cooperative governance,maintain social stability and maintain national security.Firstly,through combing and summarizing the relevant theories,the book theoretically analyzes the influence ways and its mechanism mode between multi -level pension security system reform and state governance capacity as well as system modernization.Secondly,the book combs the evolution process of the integration of the multi-level pension system into the state governance system,analyzes the internal logic of the integration of China's multi-level pension system into the state governance system,and summarizes the existing institutional characteristics of the multi - level pension system based on the main problems of China's social governance.In order to deeply analyze the internal mechanism of the impact of multi-level pension system innovation on the modernization level of state governance system and governance capacity,this book focuses on the " people-oriented " and " system construction" that have been emphasized in the 18th CPC National Congress by President Xi Jinping,and the"people-oriented " means " can bring tangible benefits to the citizens" while the " system construction" emphasizes " mature and lasting system" emphasized by the " system construction",therefore the innovation of the multi-level old-age security system is divided into two aspects:system efficiency and system sustainability,the modernization level of the state governance system and governance capacity is also visualized as the economic and social collaborative governance that is most closely related to the pension system.On this basis,using the method of econometric analysis and provincial panel data,this book demonstrates the internal logic of the effectiveness of the pension system on the ability of economic and social collaborative governance.At the same time,this book establishes a collaborative governance framework,deeply analyzes the internal structure of the multi- level pension system,analyzes the sustainability of the insurance fund,the interactive development of the first,second and third level pension,and the influence of parameter adjustment on pension sustainability through sensitivity analysis method.Finally,based on lessons from western countries,this book puts forward suggestions on policy innovation and path optimization of multi-level pension in China under the background of state governance modernization.The main contents and conclusions of this book are as follows.

Firstly,this book divides the modernization of state governance and the construction of a multi - level pension security system into five theoretical stages,namely,the relationship between the government and the market and the third road,public choice theory and welfare pluralism,social capital and national security theory,risk society and modern governance theory,social cooperative governance theory and people-centered and sustainable development theory,these five aspects show a progressive layer in the theoretical relationship.Then,on the basis of theoretical review,analysis and disassembly,this book puts forward a theoretical analysis framework that the state governance system and the multi -level pension system constitute a stable system of " internal coordination and external adaptation" and a relationship of " coupling and symbiosis" .

Secondly,this book discusses the evolution process,internal logic and institutional characteristics of the integration of China's multi -level pension system into the governance system.Using the methods of historical analysis and literature review,from the perspective of economic and social collaborative governance,this book reviews the process of China's multi-level pension system into the governance system,and on this basis,condenses the internal logic and institutional characteristics in theory.This book finds that the reform of China's multi-level pension system has played an important role in promoting the modernization of China's governance capacity and governance system,gradually moving from supporting state - owned enterprise reform to the center of state governance,complying with the systematic changes of the aging society with the spontaneous,progressive and induced nature,and has become an important policy tool for building a modern economic system.In the new era,we still need to continue to optimize the system in accordance with the principles of fairness in the legal system,long-term sustainability,equal rights and responsibilities,appropriate guarantees,national capacity and good governance.

Thirdly,based on the provincial panel data,this book uses the econometric model to empirically analyze the impact of the efficiency of China's multi-level pension system on the country's governance ability.By visualizing the level of state governance as the level of economic and social governance,the efficiency of the multi-level pension system is defined as the level of multi-level pension insurance,and the synergy between economic governance,social governance and multi-level pension insurance is also evaluated as a whole.In view of the reality of China,economic and social governance is divided into two dimensions:economic governance that highlights the concept of economic transformation and pays attention to the upgrading of industrial structure,and social governance that highlights the concept of social equity and pays attention to income distribution.Then a panel data regression model for the core explanatory variable multi -level endowment insurance system efficiency and the two explanatory variables(economic governance and social governance) is formulated,And the intermediary effect model is introduced to investigate the intermediary influence mechanism of human capital,innovation ability and resident savings respectively.Subsequently,the heterogeneity test is also carried out in view of the reality of regional imbalance in China.At the same time,in order to better characterize the policy efficiency of the multi-level endowment insurance system,this book uses the method of replacing variables to test the robustness of the model.Finally,this book further expands the vision of economic and social governance.In the process of economic governance,we pay attention not only to industrial structure but also to economic growth while in the process of social governance,we pay attention not only to the income gap between urban and rural residents,but also to disposable income.The research finds that in the field of economic governance,the improvement of the efficiency of the multi-level pension system has a significant positive effect on the economic transformation measured by the upgrading of industrial structure;In the field of social governance,the improvement of the efficiency of the multi -level pension insurance system has a significant positive effect on the social governance ability measured by the disposable income ratio of urban and rural residents,that is,the higher the level of multi-level pension protection,the smaller the disposable income ratio of urban and rural residents can be expected.In addition,human capital and innovation capacity have obvious intermediary effects on improving social governance capacity(among which human capital is the complete intermediary effect),innovation capacity has a shielding effect on improving economic governance capacity,and resident savings has a complete intermediary effect on improving economic governance capacity.In addition,the efficiency of the multi-level pension system and the level of overall economic and social governance have obvious regional characteristics throughout the country.

Fourthly,this book evaluates the sustainability of China' s multi - level pension system,analyzes its impact on state governance capacity,and clearly points out that the core issues of the current multi-level pension system are fund sustainability and coordinated development at all levels,and uses actuarial methods to evaluate the financial sustainability and coordinated development.The evaluation results show that the pension model of the first level will face a fund gap,which has become an unavoidable objective fact.The development of the second and third levels is slow and the interaction is insufficient,and whether the system is sustainable in the long term is crucial to improve the ability of economic and social collaborative governance.At the same time,the insufficient top-level design of the multi-level pension system will also have an impact on the sustainability of the system and the overall economic and social governance.

Fifthly,this book compares the western pension system as a means of economic and social collaborative governance,systematically combs the whole process of western multi-level pension system as an important policy tool to intervene in economic and social governance,as well as the mode and characteristics of the system,and seeks ways and means that can be used for the reform and innovation of China's multi-level pension system.This book believes that the multi-level pension system intervenes in economic and social governance,not only to solve the difficulties faced by social governance in a specific period or to break down the barriers to economic development,but also to produce far-reaching humanistic ideas and trigger people's inherent pursuit of social fairness and justice,and also with the change of the main social contradictions in China,the people's living standards continue to improve,the public 's expectation of the level and scope of the people's livelihood security system will be higher and higher,and people's understanding of social risks will be deeper and deeper.Therefore,in the period of profound changes in the internal and external environment and the period of frequent risks and challenges,we should speed up the innovation of China' s multi - level pension system,and meet the people ' s multi - level diversified needs in the background of the modernization of the state governance system and governance capacity.

The contributions and innovations of this book are as follows:

Firstly,the analysis perspective of the book is fresh and makes up for the weak link that the multi-level pension system is rarely included in the research framework of the modernization of state governance in China's academic circles.Starting from the macro background of the modernization of the state governance system and governance capacity,this book systematically studies the reform,innovation and path optimization of the multi-level pension system from the specific perspective of economic and social governance,enriching and expanding the field of vision of the optimization of China's pension system.How to promote the optimization of the multi-level pension system and enhance the sustainable development capacity of pension is a major problem faced by the reform of pension systems in various countries in the world.At present,most of the research on this issue is from the perspective of population aging,public policy,intergenerational resource allocation,etc.,while the research on modernization of state governance and specific economic and social governance is very scarce,the research of this book is a new and beneficial attempt.

Secondly,the research content of this book has important theoretical value and practical significance.At the theoretical level,the book systematically combs the relationship between the construction of the multi-level pension system and state governance,analyzes the essence and value pursuit of the multi-level pension system from the debate between the government and the market,and forms an analytical framework of " coupling and symbiosis " between the pension system and state governance under China' s specific circumstances.At the practical level,based on the new characteristics,new trends and new requirements of economic and social governance in the new era of China,this book systematically combs and summarizes the institutional change process of China's multi-level pension integrating into the overall situation of economic and social governance since the founding of the people's Republic of China,and explores a specific plan to optimize the multi-level pension system itself and help improve the country's governance capacity.

Thirdly,the book highlights the need to promote the optimization of the multi-level pension system in a coordinated,efficient and pragmatic manner.The book highlights the overall,systematic and dynamic research on the optimization of the old-age insurance system,focusing on combining the optimization of the multi-level pension system with economic and social governance,with multi -party participation in improving the quality of pension services and supplies,and strengthening the wealth foundation on which the pension system depends for survival,and with strengthening cultural construction to improve the elderly financial literacy of the people.At the same time,it also emphasizes the parameter optimization,dynamic adjustment and interaction between different levels of the multi-level pension system itself.

Fourthly,the book adopts measurement,actuarial and other methods to supplement and verify the previous normative research and finds new impact mechanisms.This book first examines the impact and mechanism of the effectiveness of the multi-level pension system on economic and social governance,and on the basis of assessing the sustainability of the pension system and found that the improvement of the efficiency of the multi-level endowment insurance system can effectively promote the economic transformation measured by the upgrading of industrial structure and the social governance ability measured by the disposable income ratio of urban and rural residents.Human capital,innovation ability and resident savings have obvious intermediary effects on improving social governance ability,in the whole country,the efficiency of the multi -level pension system and the level of overall economic and social governance show obvious regional characteristics.

Key Words:China's Multi-tiered Pension,Economic and Social Governance,Social Insurance Level,Fund Sustainability,System Optimization j7r4ksx+IA0emWnzBxFTQJ4FFosJpc//h4DTJwesatkpGSpJiibfB7zYOw9TfzRL
