

2-32 主语+及物动词+sb/sth(1-2A句型10)

2-32A 动词形态最多的句型


1. She speaks three languages.

2. We should do away with those bad habits.我们应该改掉那些坏习惯。

3. She couldn’t shake him off .她摆脱不了他。

4. The students took an active part in the discussion.学生们积极参加了这个讨论。

5. By working hard,he soon got ahead of his classmates.靠刻苦努力,他很快在班上名列前茅。

6. She gave a brief description of the places she had visited.她简要地描述了她参观过的地方。

7. The government is making an enquiry into the environmental effects of the proposed new road. 对于拟修建的道路,政府正在调查它对环境的影响。

2-32B 变化最复杂和使用最复杂的句型之一



2-32C 众多的固定搭配

如do a degree,keep a secret,make friends等“及物动词+sth”的固定搭配必须整体记忆。在阅读时既要注意观察动词与什么名词搭配,也要注意观察名词与什么动词搭配。必要时可查阅专门的英语搭配词典,如《英语搭配大词典》《牛津英语搭配词典》等。

2-33 主语+及物动词+wh-从句(1-2A句型11)

2-33A 参与该句型的动词


1. I like what you like.

2. I still remember how we loved going there in our childhood.

3. I don’t know where and when we will be able to meet again.

4. He explained why he was absent from school.

5. We don’t know whether we will be able to come.

6. We don’t know who will be able to come.

7. The twins are so much alike that we cannot tell which is which.

8. We should do away with (废止)what has been proved to be wrong.

9. Let’s go over what we learned yesterday. (=review)

10. We are making preparations for the final exam. (=are preparing for)

2-33B what/where/when/whom/which/how+to do

在一定的语境中含有should等的从句常可以转换成“疑问词+to do”。这样可减少一个主谓结构,使句子简洁。

1. I don’t know when to stop. (= I don’t know when I should stop.)

2. I don’t know where to go. (= I don’t know where I should go.)

3. I don’t know how to get there. (= I don’t know how I can get there.)

4. I don’t know whom to serve. (= I don’t know whom I should serve.)

5. I don’t know which to buy. (= I don’t know which I should buy.)

2-33C 被动结构


1. We don’t know yet who she will marry and when she will marry.

A. It is not known yet who she will marry and when she will marry.

B. Who she will marry and when she will marry is not known yet.

2. They haven’t decided when and where the race will be held.

A. When and where the race will be held hasn’t been decided.

B. It hasn’t been decided when and where the race will be held.


3. Is it known where he went? 有谁知道他去哪儿了吗?

4. Has it been announced when the race will begin? 已经宣布比赛什么时候开始了吗?

2-34 主语+及物动词+that从句(1-2A句型12)

2-34A 参与该句型的动词

参与该句型的动词有一百多个,常见的有acknowledge,admit,advise,announce,anticipate,argue,assert,assume,believe,claim,conclude,confess,confi rm,consider,declare,deny,desire,discover,doubt,ensure,expect,explain,feel,find,forget,guarantee,hear,hope,imagine,illustrate,imply,indicate,instruct,intend,judge,know,learn,notice,order,perceive,pledge,point out,pretend,presume,profess,promise,propose,prove,regret,remember,repeat,report,request,require,reveal,see,shout,show,state,suggest,suppose,swear,understand,vow,wish,whisper 等。

根据需要,announce,demonstrate,disclose,explain,mention,mutter,point out,repeat,report,reveal,rumor,say,shout,whisper 等在that前可加to sb。

1. He explained to me that he was late because of the traffi c jam. 他跟我解释说他是因为堵车而迟到了。

2. He mentioned to John that he had seen you. 他跟约翰说他见过你。

3. He revealed to the press that teachers were going on strike. 他向报界透露教师将罢教。

2-34B that的省略问题



1. I think you are right.


2. A. James is the only person. I think that he can help you out.

B. James is the only person who I think can help you out. 我认为詹姆斯是唯一能帮你摆脱困难的人。

2-34C 变化最复杂和使用最复杂的句型之一











2-34D 被动结构

2-34A近一半的动词可用于被动结构,主动变被动均采用 it 作形式主语的方式。变成被动结构后,宾语从句就成了主语从句,例句见4-61A。部分动词有两种被动结构,见4-26B和4-29B。

2-35 主语+及物动词+doing(1-2A句型13)

2-35A 参与该句型的动词



承认、否认、避开、错过:admit,confess to,deny,avoid,escape,miss,shirk等。

建议、倡导、考虑、打算:advise,advocate,recommend,suggest,consider,contemplate,think of等。

忘记、记得、完成、停止、放弃:recall,remember,forget,fi nish,quit,stop,give up等。

延迟、想象、允许:delay,defer,postpone,put off,fancy,imagine,picture,allow,permit等。


2-35B sb doing/sb’s doing作宾语


部分动词与sb doing/sb’s doing搭配,常见的有avoid,anticipate,appreciate,can’t bear,consider,depend on,dislike,dread,favor,forget,hate,imagine,mind,picture,recall,remember,resent,save,can’t stand,understand等。

sb doing/sb’s doing基本可以互换,但应注意两点:①有时使用宾格是为了避免与后面作定语的所有格重复,如例 2。②要看哪个读起来更顺口,如例 3、14。

1. We anticipated their making a complaint by writing a full report. 我们没等他们提出投诉而抢先写好了一份详尽的报告。

2. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. 谢谢你与我分享经验。(为了避免两个your重复,第一个应使用you。)

3. How can I avoid him doing that? 我怎样才能避免他那样做?(如果用his,读起来不如him顺口。)

4. He can’t bear people smoking while he is eating.他吃饭时无法忍受别人抽烟。

5. His parents are considering him/his studying abroad. 他父母正在考虑他留学的事。

6. You can never depend on him/his arriving on time. 决不可指望他能准时到达。

7. My mother dislikes our/us being together. 我妈妈不喜欢我们在一起。

8. She dreaded her parents fi nding out. 她担心父母会发现。

9. I cannot excuse her pretending to be ignorant. 我不能原谅她装糊涂。

10. The wind favored them/their sailing at dawn. 这风便于他们在黎明时航行。

11. My mother hates me/my staying out late. 我妈妈讨厌我在外面待得太晚。

12. Have you ever imagined him/his becoming a politician? 你料想到他竟当上政治家了?

13. I don’t mind their/them making fun of me. 我不介意他们取笑我。

14. I can’t picture him skiing. He’s so clumsy! 我无法想象他滑雪,他太笨了。(如果使用his,读起来不如him顺口。)

15. She resented him/his making all those decisions. 她恨他做出了那些决定。

16. I can’t stand him interrupting all the time. 他老是插嘴,真让我受不了。

17. I just can’t understand them/their taking the money. 我真无法理解他们为什么要偷钱。

18. Walking to work saves me/us spending money on bus fares. 步行上班可省我(们)公共汽车费。

2-35C being done作宾语

avoid,appreciate,can’t bear,dislike,dread,hate,insist on,imagine,mind,object to,recall,remember,resent,can’t stand可跟being done作宾语。

出现下列情况,应使用being done:①不必提及“主语+及物动词+sb+doing sth”中的sb,如例1~10。②既要将两个句子合并起来,又要防止因合并而导致句子的主干被修饰语远隔,如例11。

1. I appreciate being given this opportunity. 我感激给我这次机会。

比较:I appreciate Mr. Smith giving me this opportunity.

2. He tried to avoid being considered to be unwilling to help. 他尽量避免人家认为他不愿帮忙。

比较:He tried to avoid people considering him to be unwilling to help.

3. She dislikes being stared at that way. 她不喜欢别人那样看她。

比较:She dislikes people staring at her that way.

4. I hate being regarded as an outsider. 我讨厌把我视为一个局外人。

比较:I hate them regarding me as an outsider.

5. He insisted on being given every detail of the case. 他要求给他提供该案件的细节。

比较:He insisted on us giving him every detail of the case.

6. I am looking forward to being invited again. 我盼望再次得到邀请。

比较:I am looking forward to them inviting me again.

7. I don’t mind being given more homework. 我不介意多给我布置点作业。

比较:I don’t mind my teachers giving me more homework.

8. The workers objected to being paid on a monthly basis. 工人们反对按月支付工资。

比较:The workers objected to the company paying them on a monthly basis.

9. I resented being asked this question.我憎恶别人问我这个问题。

比较:I resent anyone asking me this question.

10. He can’t stand being kept waiting. 让他等着,他可不干。

比较:He can’t stand anyone keeping him waiting.

在一定的语境中,being done by便于句子的合并或上下衔接。在例11中只有将mind sb doing sth转换成mind being done by sb才能将A的两个句子合并成B。

11. 我不介意我们公司的头号美女凯茜误解我。她总有个幻觉,认为我帮她的目的不纯。

A. I don’t mind the belle of our company,Kathy misunderstanding me. She is always under the illusion that I am helping her with an ulterior motive.

B. I don’t mind being misunderstood by the belle of our company,Kathy,who is always under the illusion that I am helping her with an ulterior motive.

如果将who is always under the illusion that...放在A句Kathy的后面,mind和misunderstanding me就会被分隔得太远。句子的主干被远隔不符合英语的表达习惯,详见第五章。

2-35D there being作宾语

参考:there being作主语见4-21A。

有时用there being作宾语,但有些句子省略there being并不影响句子的意思。

1. They didn’t anticipate there being so much trouble. 他们没料到会有这么多的麻烦。

2. Jack relied on there being more interviews. 杰克指望有更多的面试机会。

2-35E 与that从句的转换(见4-23)

2-36 主语+及物动词+to do(1-2A句型14)

2-36A 参与该句型的动词

“动词+to do”中的一部分动词是不及物动词,不过在这个搭配中区分及物和不及物没有实际意义。根据意思这些动词分类如下:

想要、希望、期待、旨在:aim,ask,aspire,beg,demand,desire,expect,hope,intend,long,request,want,wish,would like,would love,would prefer等。




喜欢、讨厌、忍受、同意:like,hate,love,prefer,can’t bear,can’t stand,agree,consent等。


2-36B to be done作宾语

ask,can’t bear,desire,expect,hope,want,wish,would like,would love,would prefer可跟to be done作宾语。出现下列情况,应使用to be done:①不必提及“主语+及物动词+sb+to do sth”中的sb,如例1~10。②既要将两个句子合并起来,又要防止因合并而导致句子的主干被修饰语远隔,如例11。

1. The manager asks to be informed of everything that happens in the company. 经理要求公司发生的任何事情都随时向他报告。

比较:The manager asks me to inform him of everything that happens in the company.

2. She cannot bear to be laughed at. 她受不了别人取笑她。

3. He begged to be forgiven. 他请求宽恕。

比较: He begged his girlfriend to forgive him.

4. He expected to be appreciated. 他盼望获得欣赏。

比较:He expected his boss to appreciate him.

5. He hopes to get promoted. 他希望得到提拔。

比较:He hopes that his leader will promote him.

6. She likes to be treated like a child. 她喜欢把她当小孩。

比较:She likes her husband to treat her like a child.

7. She wants to be noticed,that’s why she dresses so strangely. 她想引人注目,那就是她穿着古怪的原因。

比较:She wants people to notice her.

8. I do not want to be talked about. 我可不愿意让人家谈论我。

比较:I don’t want people to talk about me.

9. She would love to be invited to parties. 她很喜欢受邀请参加聚会。

比较:She would love people to invite her to parties.

10. She couldn’t stand to be told what to do. 她不容别人指使她。

在一定的语境中,to be done by便于句子的合并或上下衔接。在例11中只有将want sb to do sth转换成want to be done by sb才能将A的两个句子合并成B。

11. 我可不想让爱丽丝蔑视我,她总是希望看到我惹上麻烦。

A. I don’t want Alice to despise me. She always hopes to see me get into trouble.

B. I don’t want to be despised by Alice,who always hopes to see me get into trouble.

如果将who always hopes to see me get into trouble 放在A句的Alice后面,want和to despise me就会被分隔得太远。句子的主干被远隔不符合英语的表达习惯,详见第五章。

2-36C there to be作宾语

跟there to be作宾语的动词有ask for,expect,hate,intend,like,mean,plan for,want,prefer。省略there to be不影响句子的意思。

1. People do not want there to be another war. 人们不想再有另一场战争。

2. He intended there to be another discussion about the issue. 他打算对这个问题再进行一次讨论。

3. We’d like there to be more choices. 我们希望有更多的选择。

4. They asked for there to be another meeting. 他们要求再开一次会。

5. They planned for there to be another meeting. 他们计划再开一次会。

2-36D 与that从句的转换(见4-31)

2-37 主语+及物动词+one’s way+副词/介词短语(1-2A句型15)


1. He elbowed his way through the crowd. 他用肘开路穿过人群。

2. There were too many people; she had to elbow her way forward. 人太多,她不得不用肘开路前进。

3. The policeman slowly edged his way forward. 警察慢慢地向前移动。

4. We fi ght our way in and try to buy our way out. 我们奋力打入围城,又不惜代价冲出围城。

5. With nobody helping him,he is fi ghting his way in the world. 没人帮他,他在自己闯天下。

6. Rivers fi nd their way to the sea. 江河流入大海。

7. You must fi nd your way in the world without props. 你必须不靠别人,自己来打天下。

8. Those dangerous ideas have found their way into the mind of the young people. 那些危险的思想已经侵入年轻人的脑子里了。

9. She wondered how the picture of her boyfriend has found its way in Susan’s pocket. 她纳闷她男朋友的照片怎么跑到苏珊的口袋里了。

10. We had to push our way through the crowd. 我们只好从人群中挤了过去。

11. He shouldered his way into/out of the room. 他用肩膀挤着进(出)了房间。

12. The stream snakes its way across the fi eld. 小溪蜿蜒曲折地流过田野。

13. We thrust our way through the crowd. 我们从人群中冲了出去。

14. He weaved his way through the crowd. 他曲折地穿过人群。

15. He worked his way up from junior clerk to managing director. 他从初级职员升到了总经理。

16. He worked his way through university. 他半工半读上完了大学。

17. I wormed my way into the crowded train. 我蠕动着身体挤进拥挤的火车。

18. Step by step,she wormed her way into his confi dence. 她逐渐赢得了他的信任。

19. He had to wriggle his way out. 他得扭着身子才钻了出来。

2-38 主语+及物动词+sb+on/in/by+the+身体部位(1-2A句型16)


1. He bashed the robber on the head with a club. 他用棍棒猛击那个强盗的头部。

2. He caught the thief by the arm/throat. 他抓住了贼的胳臂。(他掐住了贼的脖子。)

3. The policeman got the thief by the arm/throat/wrist. 警察抓住那个贼的胳膊(喉咙、手腕)。

4. He had him by the throat. 他卡住了他的喉咙。

5. The child held his father by the sleeve. 那孩子抓住了父亲的衣袖。

6. She hit /struck him on the head with a book. 她用书打他的头。

7. He looked me in the face and I felt very uncomfortable. 他直视着我,我感到很不自在。

8. She kissed him on the cheeks/lips. 她吻了吻他的双颊(双唇)。

9. He patted the child on the head and kissed him on both cheeks. 他拍了拍那孩子的头,亲了亲他的双颊。

10. I pulled/dragged my mother by the sleeve. 我拉住了母亲的衣袖。

11. He punched the man in the chest/on the nose. 他猛击那人的胸部(鼻子)。

12. He angrily seized the man by the collar. 他愤怒地抓住了那人的领子。

13. People slapped me on the back after I won the match. 我赢得比赛后,人们都拍拍我的背。

14. I will strike him across the face. 我将打他耳光。

15. You’ve touched me on a tender spot. 你触到了我的痛处。

16. The guard was wounded in the leg. 护卫员腿部受了伤。

2-39 主语+及物动词+sb/sth+for(1-2A句型17)


2-39A for表示“为得到某事物”

一类是表示“打扰、请求、督促、依靠、寻找、检测”意思的动词,如ask,beg,depend on,examine,pester,plead with,press,push,rely on,search,test,vet等。部分动词可用于被动结构。

其中ask,beg,depend on,pester,plead with,press,push,rely on可与不定式结构转换。

1. He asked his boss for a pay increase/to increase his pay. 他请求老板加薪。

2. I asked him for advice/to give me advice about buying a home. 我请他给我一些买住所的建议。

3. He begged her for forgiveness/to forgive him. 他请求她原谅。

4. He begged his wife for mercy/to show mercy. 他祈求妻子宽恕他。

5. Many people now depend/rely on the internet for information/to fi nd information. 现在许多人靠互联网获取信息。

6. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. 如今我们越来越依赖电脑的帮助。

7. They pestered the singer for a song/to sing a song. 他们缠着那个歌手要他(她)唱首歌。

8. They pressed the government for action/to take action. 他们敦促政府采取行动。

9. The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan/to repay the loan. 银行催我们偿还贷款。

10. He pressed us for a quick decision/to make a quick decision. 他敦促我们迅速做出决定。

11. The buyer pushed us for immediate delivery/to make delivery immediately. 买方敦促我们立即交货。

12. He pleaded with me for an understanding attitude/to understand him. 他求我多加谅解。

13. The weapon has been examined for fi ngerprints. 已对武器进行了检查,寻找指纹。

14. We are being pressed/pushed for repayment of the loan. 正在敦促我们偿还银行贷款。

to do与“for+名词”转换的其他例句见4-38。

2-39B for表示“原因”


2-40 主语+及物动词+sb/sth+from(1-2A句型18)


2-40A 表示“阻止、摆脱、拯救”意思的动词


1. My father discourages me from entering the fi eld. 我父亲劝我不要从事这个行当。

2. She couldn’t dissuade her son from marrying the girl. 她无法劝儿子不要和那个女孩结婚。

3. She extricated herself from an unhappy love affair. 她使自己摆脱了不快的爱情纠葛。


4. His abuse of drugs barred him from the contest. 他因滥用药物而被禁止参加比赛。

5. Failure deterred him from making another attempt. 他因失败而畏缩不前。

6. Heavy snow hindered/stopped/prevented the train from going any further. 由于大雪的阻碍,火车不能再前行了。

7. The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting. 恶劣的天气使我无法出席会议。

8. A prior engagement prohibited me from joining her in dinner. 因有约在先,我没能与她共进晚餐。


9. Failure didn’t deter him from making another attempt. 他虽然失败,但没有畏缩不前。(比较例2。)

10. The bad weather didn’t preclude me from attending the meeting. 天气虽然恶劣,但我仍然出席了会议。

2-40B 表示“隔离、分开、保护、庇护”意思的动词


1. The snow cut the village off from the outside world. 因为大雪这个村子与外界隔离。

2. I wish to dissociate myself from those views. 我想表明我本人是不赞成那些观点的。

3. You must withdraw her from taking religious lessons. 你必须让她退出宗教课程。

2-40C 表示“辨别、区分”意思的动词

常见的有differentiate,discriminate,distinguish,know,tell。其中,distinguish和differentiate可用于被动。differentiate/discriminate/distinguish A from B常可与differentiate/discriminate/distinguish between A and B转换。

1. 有些人分不清现实和梦幻。

A. Some people cannot distinguish/tell reality from dreams.

B. Some people cannot distinguish between reality and dreams.

2. 这对双胞胎长得很像,无人能分辨出谁是谁。

A. The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.

B. The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish between them.

3. 我们无法分辨他和他的兄弟,因为他们长得太像了。

A. We cannot distinguish/tell him from his brother because they look very much alike.

B. We cannot distinguish between the two brothers because they look very much alike.

4. 我们应该能够辨别美丑。

A. We should be able to differentiate the beautiful from the ugly.

B. We should be able to differentiate between the beautiful and the ugly.

5. One character is not clearly differentiated from another. 人物之间的区别没有明显刻画出来。

6. The man doesn’t know right from wrong. 那人分不清是非曲直。

2-40D 表示“隐瞒、遮盖”意思的动词

常见的有conceal,hide,keep,hold sth back。它们均可用于被动结构。

I conceal/hide/keep nothing from you. 我什么也不瞒你。

2-41 主语+及物动词+sb+into/out of(1-2A句型19)

这个句型的动词多是表示“欺骗、劝说、引诱、恐吓”意思的动词,常见的有awe,argue,beguile,blackmail,bribe,cheat,coerce,deceive,delude,entice,fool,force,frighten,intimidate,jolt,lure,lull,mislead,persuade,pressurize,provoke,prod,push,reason,scare,seduce,shame,shock,surprise,talk,tempt,trick,trap 等。它们均可用于被动结构。

1. She fooled the old man out of all his money. 她骗走了老人所有的钱。

2. I was fooled into believing their promises. 我受骗,信了他们的承诺。

3. I persuaded/talked my daughter out of studying abroad. 我劝说女儿不出国留学。

2-42 主语+及物动词+sb/sth+of (1-2A句型20)

有三类动词可与of 搭配。

2-42A of表示“关于”



1. 我已向他保证,我愿和他分享经验。

A. I have assured him of my willingness to share my experience with them.

B. I have assured him that I am willing to share my experience with them.

2. 我们已向他报告,工作稳步进展。

A. We have informed him of the steady progress of the work.

B. We have informed him that the work is progressing steadily.

3. 我怎么才能使她相信我是真心实意的呢?

A. How can I persuade/convince her of my sincerity and earnestness?

B. How can I persuade/convince her that I am sincere and earnest?

4. 他们怀疑钱是他偷的。

A. They suspected him of having taken the money.

B. They suspected that he had taken the money.

5. 我必须提醒你及时交货非常重要。

A. I have to remind you of the vital importance of punctual delivery.

B. I have to remind you that punctual delivery is vitally important.

6. 我告诫过他烟酒过度的危害性。

A. I warned him of the harm of excessive smoking and drinking.

B. I warned him that excessive smoking and drinking is harmful.

7. His boss accused him of laziness and carelessness. 老板指责他懒惰和粗心大意。

2-42B of表示“消除、去掉”


1. She broke her husband of bragging and boasting. 她改掉了她丈夫大吹大擂的毛病。

2. At last he cleared himself of this disagreeable roommate. 他终于摆脱了这个讨厌的室友。

3. The fact that people have left farm work has denuded many villages of their working populations. 人们丢弃了农活,很多村子没有了劳动力。

4. We are depleting the earth of its natural resources. 我们正在耗尽地球上的自然资源。

5. Nobody can deprive you of your right to go to school. 没有人能剥夺你上学的权利。

6. Light music can free us of tension. 轻松的音乐能够消除我们的紧张情绪。

7. His coming relieved me of the bother of writing a long letter. 他的到来省了我去写一封长信的麻烦。

8. They robbed me of my wallet. 他们抢了我的钱包。

9. The wind stripped the trees of all the leaves. 风把树上的叶子全吹掉了。

2-42C of表示“材料”


1. He made an ass/an exhibition/a fool/a show/a spectacle of himself at the party. 他在宴会上出了洋相。

2. He made no secret of his dislike for me. 他并不讳言他不喜欢我。

3. The man makes ducks and drakes of his money. 那人挥霍无度。

4. He makes a fetish of his work. 他把工作奉若神明。

5. She often makes a hero of her husband. 她常把她丈夫当成英雄,推崇备至。

2-43 主语+及物动词+sb/sth+on(1-2A句型21)


1. I complimented her on her skillful performance. 我钦佩她娴熟的技艺。

2. We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 我们必须致力于改进教育工作。

3. That terrible day is forever engraved on my mind. 那可怕的一天永远留在我的记忆中。

4. She fi xed her thoughts/attention on what she is doing. 她全神贯注地工作。

5. I have urged upon him the need for extreme secrecy. 我已经叮嘱他绝对要保密。

2-44 主语+及物动词+sb/sth+to(1-2A句型22)


2-44A 表示“唤醒、煽动、鼓动”意思的动词

常见的有awaken,excite,impel,incite,infl ame,inspire,propel,rouse,stimulate,stir等。它们均可用于被动结构。

1. We must awaken society to the dangers of drugs. 我们必须唤醒社会警惕毒品的危害。

2. Agitators excited the people to rebel against their rulers. 煽动者鼓动人民反抗统治者。

3. The story of their sufferings moved us to tears. 听了他们受苦的故事,我们都流泪了。

2-44B 表示“放纵、放弃、适应、限制”意思的动词

常见的有abandon,adapt,accustom,acclimate,adjust,condition,confi ne,limit,relinquish,restrict,surrender等,多数可用于被动结构。

1. He abandoned himself to despair. 他陷入绝望中。

2. The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature. 身体迅速自行调节以适应气温的变化。

3. It didn’t take me long to become conditioned to the new environment. 我不久就适应了新环境。

2-44C 表示“转移、提交”意思的动词


1. Please address all complaints to the manager. 一切意见均请向经理提出。

2. You should direct these remarks to the younger students. 这些话你应该对低年级的学生说。

3. We transmit knowledge from one generation to another. 我们把知识代代相传。

2-44D 表示“归于、委托”意思的动词


1. We accredit the invention of the electric light to Edison. 我们把电灯的发明归功于爱迪生。

2. He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他把失败归咎于运气不好。

3. I owe my success more to luck than to ability. 我认为我的成功是靠运气而非因为自己有能力。

2-44E 表示“使……遭受”意思的动词


1. They shouldn’t have exposed soldiers to unnecessary risks. 他们本不该使士兵冒不必要的危险。

2. Every day the black boy exposed himself to criticism,ridicule and mockery. 那个黑人孩子每天遭受批评﹑嘲笑和嘲弄。

3. She was repeatedly subjected to torture. 她不断地受到折磨。

2-44F 表示“致力于、捐献、贡献”意思的动词


1. She dedicated her fi rst book to her husband. 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。

2. She devoted herself full-time to her growing business. 她把全部时间花在了不断增长的业务上。

3. He donated large sums to relief organizations. 他向救济组织捐赠巨款。

2-45 主语+及物动词+sb/sth+with(1-2A句型23)

2-45A 表示“填充、提供、淹没”意思的动词

常见的有burden,charge,choke,clog,cover,cram,crowd,deluge,drench,equip,favor,fi ll,fi t,furnish,grace,inculcate,infuse,inspire,inundate,line,mask,load,pack,outfi t,present,provide,saturate,stuff,supply,throng,task等。主动句表动作,“be done with”表状态。

1. The professor crowded his shelves with books. 那教授在书架上摆满了书。

2. The professor’s shelves were crowded with books. 那教授的书架上摆满了书。

3. He lined the walls of the room with books. 他把室内四壁摆满了书。

4. I inculcate young people with a respect for the law. 我用尊重法制的思想反复教育年轻人。

2-45B 表示“联系、连接、混合”意思的动词


1. We associate the Great Wall with China. 我们想到长城就想起中国。

2. Blend the eggs with the milk. 把蛋搀到奶里。

2-45C 表示“污染、毒害、感染”意思的动词


1. They are contaminating the minds of our young people with dangerous ideas. 他们用这些危险的思想对我们的年轻人进行精神污染。

2. Many people were infected with the bacteria. 许多人受到了这种细菌的感染。

3. He polluted the minds of the young with foul propaganda. 他宣传不良事物腐蚀青年人的思想。

2-45D 其他

accredit,credit,entrust,favor,grace,infl ame,pester,reward,touch,trust等。

1. Will you favor us with a song? 您愿为我们唱首歌吗?

2. The Queen is gracing us with her presence. 女王莅临使我们不胜荣幸。

3. She rewarded him with a smile. 她向他报之以一笑。 o6SRfn5owP2WmlvjStsEKmLR5Y1V56NNwK4sIJJw5/F4cZDTF46fm5F1Hdz5LdP+
