


2-30 构成


1. make amendment to ←→ amend

2. make allowance for ←→ allow for

3. make an announcement of ←→ announce

4. make a change in ←→ change

5. make delivery of ←→ deliver

6. make mention of ←→ mention

7. make modifi cation to ←→ modify

8. make observations of ←→observe

9. make a plan for ←→ plan

10. make a promise of ←→ promise

11. make revision to ←→ revise

12. make sacrifi ce of ←→ sacrifi ce

13. make shipment of ←→ ship

14. make/issue/give a statement on ←→ state

15. make a study of ←→ study

16. make a suggestion of ←→ suggest sth

17. make a survey of ←→ survey

18. make use of ←→ use

19. carry out an investigation into ←→ investigate

20. cover insurance on ←→ insure

21. give/pay attention to ←→ attend to

22. give (sb) a description of sb/sth ←→ describe sb/sth to sb

23. give sb an assurance of ←→ assure sb of

24. give consideration to sth ←→ consider

25. fi nd a solution to ←→ solve

26. lay/put/place stress on ←→ stress

27. lay/put/place emphasis on ←→ emphasize

28. pay a visit to ←→ visit

29. place an order with sb for sth ←→ order sth from sb

30. reach a settlement of ←→ settle

31. reach an agreement on ←→ agree on

32. take a photograph/photographs of ←→ photograph


33. make an announcement that ←→ announce that

34. make a promise that ←→ promise that

35. make a proposal that ←→ propose that

36. make a suggestion that ←→ suggest that

一些“动词+to do”有相对应的名词化形式。

37. make a decision to do ←→ decide to do

38. make a plan to do ←→ plan to do

39. make a promise to do ←→ promise to do

40. make a proposal to do ←→ propose to do

41. make efforts to do ←→ try to do

42. make a resolution to do ←→ resolve to do


43. make an apology to sb for sth ←→ apologize to sb for sth

44. make arrangements with sb to do ←→ arrange with sb to do

45. make arrangements for sb to do ←→ arrange for sb to do

46. make a choice between A and B ←→ choose between A and B

47. make compromises with ←→ compromise with

48. make a comment on ←→ comment on

49. make preparations for ←→ prepare for

50. make progress in ←→ progress in

51. make/ give/ deliver a speech on ←→ speak on

2-31 与单个动词的比较



2-31A 在主动句中


1. 他对我的表现给予了好评。

A. He made a favorable comment on my performance.

B. He commented favorably on my performance.

2. 我们应该系统学习这个理论。

A. We should make a systematic study of this theory.

B. We should study this theory systematically.

3. 我们必须更改计划。

A. You must make changes in the plan.

B. You must change the plan.

4. 我们订购的东西他们迅速地交了货。

A. They made prompt delivery of our order.

B. They delivered our order promptly.

5. 我们在科技领域迅速进步。

A. We are making rapid progress in science and technology.

B. We are progressing rapidly in science and technology.


6. 他栩栩如生地描述了那个村庄。

A. He gave a vivid description of the beautiful village.

B. He vividly described the beautiful village. (A、B两句均有具体的宾语the beautiful village。)

C. He gave a vivid description.

D. He vividly described. (×)(去掉具体的宾语the beautiful village后,C依然成立,D是错句。)

7. 他们对合同进行了大幅度的修改。

A. They made considerable modifications to the contract .

B. They modified the contract considerably.

C. They made considerable modifi cations.

D. They modifi ed considerably. (×)

2-31B 在被动结构中



1. 电脑还没交货。

A. The computers haven’t been delivered.

B. Delivery hasn’t been made of the computers.

不同的开头结尾便于上下句的衔接。比较例1两个句子在例2、3中与上下句的衔接。以the computers开头的句子与上句衔接,以the computers结尾的句子与下句衔接。

2. 我们正在等待那些电脑,但至今还没交货。

A. We are waiting for the computers,but they haven’t been delivered so far.

B. We are waiting for the computers,which haven’t been delivered so far.

3. 十天前从那个公司订购的电脑至今还没交货。

A. So far delivery hasn’t been made of the computers. These computers were ordered from that company ten days ago.

B. So far delivery hasn’t been made of the computers which were ordered from that company ten days ago.


4. 我们的电脑他们已经交货。

A. They have made delivery of our computers.

B. They have delivered our computers .我们的电脑他们已经交货。

C. Delivery has been made. 已经交货。(在一定的语境中,交货人和具体交的是什么货都不必提及。)

5. 你得对该计划做大幅度修改。

A. You have to make considerable changes in the plan .

B. You have to change the plan considerably.

C. Considerable changes have to be made. 得做大幅度修改。(在一定的语境中,修改人和具体修改的内容都不必提及。)


6. 我们在科学技术领域正在取得持续进步。

A. We are making steady progress in science and technology.

被动句:Steady progress is being made in science and technology. 在科学技术领域正在取得持续进步。

B. We are progressing steadily in science and technology.(不能变成被动句。)

7. 座谈会上两个董事长将就促进两个公司之间的合作发表讲话。

A. At the forum the two presidents are going to deliver a speech on how to promote cooperation between the two companies.

被动句:At the forum a speech is going to be delivered on how to promote cooperation between the two companies. 座谈会上将就如何促进两个公司之间的合作发表一个讲话。

B. At the forum the two presidents are going to speak on how to further promote cooperation between the two companies. (不能变成被动句。)

2-31C 与修饰语的搭配

(一)名词化拥有更多细致的前置定语:一是名词化可与表示量化的词语(如a,every,all,a few,few,fi rst,second,little,more,no,some,many等)搭配,而动词不行,如例1。二是有些形容词可与名词化搭配,但没有相应的副词与动词搭配,如例2。

1. They made a few amendments to the law.他们对这个法律做了几处修改。

2. Some time ago,an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。(discovery可与interesting搭配,但discover不能与interestingly搭配。)

(二)名词化可跟后置修饰语:“及物动词+名词化+介词+sb/sth”中的及物动词和介词可变成名词化的后置修饰语,使名词化得到强调,如可将lay emphasis on sth转换成下面几种形式:

下面的句子只能使用“及物动词+名词化+介词/to do/that”,无法使用相对应的amend sth,speak on sth,decide to do sth和suggest that。

3. I am very pleased with the amendments they made to the documents. 我对他们对协议做的修改感到非常满意。(make amendments to sth)

4. The speech you made on religion is very thought-provoking. 你就宗教问题发表的讲话发人深省。(make a speech on sth)

5. The decision I made last night to quit my job was by no means a sudden impulse. 昨晚我做出了离职决定,这可绝不是心血来潮。(make a decision to do sth)

6. The suggestion he offered at the meeting that the tent should be put up on the ice was rejected as dangerous. 他在会上建议说,在冰上搭帐篷。该建议被认为太危险,没被采纳。(offer a suggestion that) bAfxWfO/71hiWGtIbxaZHN+/eHLbYS3StUnvBqfU7WMkrhrslq3QYLKDpzQ8fBQr
