

2-12 简介

2-12A 可用作系动词的动词





2-12B 系动词与其他四类动词的区别


1. A. We can grow some flowers in the garden.我们可在院子里种些花。(单宾动词)

B. Her hair grows quickly.她的头发长得很快。(不及物动词)

C. We all grow older.我们都会变老。(系动词)

2. A. They turned and ran when they saw he had a gun.看见他有枪,他们转身就跑。(不及物动词)

B. He runs a language school.他经营一个语言学校。(单宾动词)

C. The tide was running strong.潮水涨得很猛。(系动词)

2-12C 不能划分系动词和表语的情况



(二)be able/about/apt/bound to/certain/liable/likely/prepared/sure/willing to do等。

1. We are about to start. 我们即将动身。

2. Their marriage is bound to be a failure. 他们的婚姻注定要失败。

3. Their situation is unlikely to improve in a short time. 他们的情况短时间内不会有改善。

4. He is apt to be quick-tempered. 他动不动就发脾气。

5. He is certain to win. 他肯定会赢。

2-13 系动词与形容词的固定搭配(1-2A句型2)


1. break: break even,break free。

2. come: come loose,come right,come true,come undone,come unstuck。

3. fall: fall asleep,fall due,fall ill,fall silent,fall vacant。

4. go: go bad,go bald,go bankrupt,go blind,go crazy,go deaf,go deep,go hungry,go lame,go mad,go sour,go wild,go wrong。

5. hold: hold good/true for sth。

6. lie: lie awake,lie fl at,lie idle,lie open,lie sprawled,lie thick。

7. rest: rest assured,rest easy。

8. ring: ring hollow,ring true。

9. run: run cold,run dry,run deep,run low,run rife,run short,run strong,run wild。

10. stay: stay late,stay single,stay awake。

2-14 主语+系动词+代词/名词(1-2A句型1)

2-14A 系动词+代词


2-14B 系动词+名词



1. She is a good driver. ←→ She drives well.

2. She is a very good singer. ←→ She sings very well.

3. He is a slow learner. ←→ He learns slowly.

4. He is a good football player. ←→ He plays football well.

5. She is a math teacher. ←→ She teaches math.

6. She is my math teacher. ←→ She teaches me math.

7. He is our story-teller. ←→ He tells us stories.


8. She became a doctor.

9. She sounds just the person we need for the job. 听起来她正是我们需要的人,适合做这事。

10. Despite what had happened,they remained friends. 尽管发生了这一切,他们依然是朋友。

11. She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师。

12. Will you stand godmother to the child? 你愿意做这个孩子的教母吗?

13. They stayed friends for years. 他们的友谊维持了多年。

14. It should stay a secret. 不应该打破这个秘密。

15. It has stayed a fairy tale. 这一直是个童话。

16. She fell an easy prey to his charm. 她一下子被他迷住了。

2-14C “主语+系动词+名词”与“主语+及物动词+名词”的区别


1. They sound the bell every hour. 这个钟他们每个小时敲一次。

(sound是单宾动词,该句可变成被动结构:The bell is sounded every hour. 那个钟每小时响一次。)

2. She sounds just the person we need for the job. 听起来她正是我们需要的人,适合做这个事。


2-15 主语+remain+unchanged(1-2A句型2)


1. Those ticklish questions still remain unaddressed/unsettled. 那些棘手的问题仍未得到解决。

2. Their love remains unchanged. 他们相爱依旧。

3. The money has remained unclaimed. 这笔钱还无人认领。

4. He still remains unemployed. 他依然失业。

5. His plays went unacted for many years. 他的剧本好多年未上演。

6. His warnings went unheeded. 他的警告被忽略了。

7. My contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged. 我对这项研究的贡献大都没获得承认。

8. The fi re continues unchecked. 大火继续蔓延。

9. The gale has continued unabated for 5 hours. 大风已刮了五个小时,势头丝毫未减。

2-16 主语+remain+to be done(1-2A句型6)

“remain+to be done”表示“有待于”。这是一个整体搭配,不能按系动词和表语划分。

1. Many problems remain to be solved. 许多问题有待解决。

2. It remains to be seen whether he can accept his new partners.

3. It remains to be seen who will be the winner in the competition.

4. It remains to be proved whether his dream will come true. 究竟他的梦想能否实现,还有待证明。

5. Much more still remains to be done. 还有更多的事情有待去做。

6. Little remains to be talked about. 没什么可谈的了。

7. The boundary dispute between the two countries still remains to be settled.

2-17 主语+系动词+形容词+


下列形容词与to do、that从句、介词短语搭配。有的与三项都搭配,有的只与其中的两项搭配。这类形容词有angry,ashamed,annoyed,astonished,aware,certain,confident,conscious,delighted,dismayed,disappointed,eager,excited,happy,unhappy,pleased,displeased,proud,sad,satisfi ed,dissatisfi ed,ready,relieved,shocked,sorry,sure,surprised,worried等。应将形容词与后面的to do、that从句或介词整体对待,不必按系动词和表语划分。


2-17A 主、从句主语一致时的转换


1. 他察觉到有人在监视自己。

A. He was conscious that he was being watched.

B. He was conscious of being watched.

2. 有这么好的丈夫,她很自豪。

A. She is proud that she has such a nice husband.

B. She is proud to have such a nice husband.

C. She is proud of having such a nice husband.

3. 我很遗憾,给你带来了这么多麻烦。

A. I am sorry that I have brought you so much trouble.

B. I am sorry to have brought you so much trouble.

C. I am sorry for having brought you so much trouble.

4. 这个间谍很吃惊,这么快就被发现了。

A. The spy was surprised that he was discovered so soon.

B. The spy was surprised at being discovered so soon.

5. 不让他们参加讨论,男孩们很失望。

A. The boys were disappointed that they were excluded from the discussion.

B. The boys were disappointed at being excluded from the discussion.

6. 一个比她孙女年龄还小的女孩子竟对她直呼其名,老太太很恼火。

A. The old lady felt annoyed that she was fi rst-named by a girl who is younger than her grand-daughter.

B. The old lady felt annoyed at being fi rst-named by a girl who is younger than her grand-daughter.

2-17B 主、从句主语不一致时的转换


1. 你拒绝接受他们的邀请,我很高兴。

A. I am happy that you rejected their invitation.

B. I am happy about your rejection of their invitation.

2. 他们对订单的迅速执行感到满意。

A. They are satisfi ed that their order was promptly executed.

B. They are satisfi ed with the prompt execution of their order.

3. 这些士兵的健康快速恢复,我们感到高兴。

A. We were pleased that the soldiers recovered quickly.

B. We were pleased with the quick recovery of the soldiers.

4. 他们对我的建议做出了反对的回应,我很遗憾。

A. I was sorry that they reacted negatively to my suggestion.

B. I was sorry about their negative reaction to my suggestion.

2-17C 不同的搭配是为了应对不同的语境



1. 他给你带来了这么多麻烦,我认为他应该感到抱歉。

A. I think that he should feel sorry that he has brought you so much trouble.

B. I think he should feel sorry that he has brought you so much trouble.

C. I think that he should feel sorry to have brought/for having brought you so much trouble.


2. 他就是那个从不为总是迟到而感到惭愧的男孩。

A. He is the boy who never feels sorry that he is always late for school.(三个主语)

B. He is the boy who never feels sorry to be always late for school.(两个主语)

3. 由于对上学迟到感到惭愧,汤姆向老师道了歉,并答应再不发生类似事情。

A. Tom who felt sorry that he was late for school,apologized to the teacher,promising that it would never happen again.(三个主语)

B. To m ,feeling sorry to be late for school,apologized to the teacher,promising that it would never happen again.(一个主语)

(三)如果需要省略某个宾语,应使用“介词+名词化”(参考2-31A例6、7):在一定的语境中,可通过使用名词化省略动词的宾语。在下面的对话中如果用 I am happy that you rejected it,就无法省略宾语it,因为及物动词必须跟宾语。

4. A: Did you accept their invitation?

B: No,I rejected it.

A: I am happy about your rejection.(rejection后省略了of their invitation。)


2-18 主语+系动词+副词/介词短语(1-2A句型4、5)

2-18A 副词


2-18B 代替瞬间动词表示延续


begin ←→ be on

come/go into force ←→ be in force

come/go into effect ←→ be in effect

come/go into operation ←→ be in operation

fall in love ←→ be in love

go on holiday/strike/a trip/business ←→ be on holiday/strike/a trip/business

get in touch with ←→ be in touch with

get into trouble ←→ be in trouble

get out of control ←→ be out of control

leave ←→ be away (from)

lose touch with ←→ be out of touch with


1. A. We have lost touch with each other for nearly a year.(×)

B. We have been out of touch with each other for nearly a year. 我们失联已近一年。

2. A. He left the offi ce for an hour yesterday. (×)

B. He was away from the offi ce for an hour yesterday. 昨天他离开了办公室一个小时。

3. A. He will leave the offi ce for an hour tomorrow. (×)

B. He will be away from the offi ce for an hour tomorrow. 明天他将离开办公室一小时。

4. A. He has left the offi ce for an hour. (×)

B. He has been away from the offi ce for an hour. 他已经离开办公室一小时。

5. A. The fi lm has begun for 5 minutes. (×)

B. The fi lm has been on for 5 minutes. 电影已开始五分钟。

6. A. The meeting has ended for half an hour. (×)

B. The meeting has been over for half an hour. 会议已结束半小时。

7. A. The law has come into force for a month.(×)

B. The law has been in force for a month. 该法律已生效一个月。

8. A. They have fallen in love for a year.(×)

B. They have been in love for a year. 他们恋爱已经有一年的时间。

9. A. He went on a trip for 2 weeks.(×)

B. He was on a trip for 2 weeks. 他旅行了两周。

2-18C 介词短语表被动(见3-20)

2-18D 介词短语表进行


1. Don t talk to him while he is at the wheel . (=is driving)

2. Children must learn to behave at table (=while having a meal)

3. He is at breakfast/lunch/supper now. (=is having breakfast/lunch/supper )

4. Don t bother him; he is at work . (=is working)

5. Christmas is around the corner . (=is coming)

6. He was then at grips with his illness. (=was then struggling with his illness)

7. The enemy had to abandon the warship in f lames . (=that was burning)

8. The project hasn’t been finished yet; it is still in progress . (=is still going on)

9. I have learnt that he is an excellent basketball player,but I have never seen him in action . (= I have learnt that he is an excellent basketball player,but I have never seen him playing.) 听说他是位篮球高手,但从来没实地见过。

10. I saw her in tears when she was reading the letter. (=I saw her crying when she was reading the letter.)

11. He is on holiday this week. (=is having a holiday)

12. The government’s popularity is on the wane. (=is coming down)

13. The number of robberies is on the decline / rise . (=is declining/rising)

14. The consumption of beer is on the increase / decrease . (=is increasing/decreasing)

15. He was on the telephone at the moment. (=was talking on the telephone)

16. By the 5th century,the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane . (=was waning/was becoming smaller and weaker)

17. The project is under way . (=The project has started and is making progress.)


under repair/construction/consideration/investigation/supervision,in use等表示being done,见3-20。

2-19 主语+系动词+to do/doing(1-2A句型6)

这个句型中的to do和doing用法有分工,to do偏重具体,doing偏重一般。

2-19A to do/doing

1. The best I can do is to reduce the price by 2%. 我顶多能降价2%。

2. What you must do is to stop smoking immediately. 你必须要做的事情是立即戒烟。

3. His failing is to fall in love with and then marry a small-minded,petulant and fl irtatious woman. 他的失误在于爱上了一个心胸狭窄、脾气恶劣又轻浮的女人,并娶其为妻。

4. The best way to get along with people is being honest. 与人相处的最佳方式是诚实。

5. His work is monitoring our performance and progress. 他的工作是监督我们的表现和进步。

6. His hobby is keeping pets. 他的爱好是养宠物。

2-19B to be done/being done

1. My wish is to be given a chance to try my method. 我的愿望是给我机会让我试试我的方法。

比较:My wish is to get a chance to try my method.

2. His dream is to be sent to work in China. 他的梦想是被派到中国工作。

比较:His dream is that the company will send him to work in China.

3. Her ambition is to be accepted by Peking University. 她的志向是被北大录取。

比较:Her ambition is that she will be accepted by Peking University.

4. What she loves is being invited to parties. 她喜欢的事情是别人邀请她参加社交聚会。

比较:What the pretty girl loves is that she is invited to parties/people invite her to parties.

5. What they hate is not being allowed to go home at weekends. 让他们讨厌的是不允许在周末回家。

比较:What they hate is that they are not allowed to go home at weekends.

2-19C sb’s doing作表语(例句见4-22)

2-20 主语+系动词+that/wh-从句(1-2A句型7、8)

见4-19B括号中的句子。 tP/hCPrdlIlwyK0Tm5PhC2Bl6yn+BGq+g7Mzofo/jxi3uND+9gSJim99SyTqw4TI
