疾风怒雨,禽鸟戚戚 ① ;霁日光风 ② ,草木欣欣。可见天地不可一日无和气,人心不可一日无喜神 ③ 。
① 戚戚:忧愁悲哀之状。
② 霁日光风:雨过天晴的明朗景象。
③ 喜神:喜悦的神态,欢快的心情。
When the wind rages and the rain pours down, even the birds and animals are caught in tragedy. But when the sun comes out shining and the wind turns mild, the very grasses and trees are all immersed in delightfulness. Thus it can be seen that in Nature — not a single day could pass peacefully if celestial and terrestrial forces fail to go in harmony; and in the world of men — not a single day could be spent well if people are deprived of happy mood.