耳中常闻逆耳之言,心中常有拂心之事 ① ,才是进德修行的砥石 ② 。若言言悦耳,事事快心,便把此生埋在鸩毒 ③ 中矣。
① 拂心之事:不顺心或不如意的事情。
② 砥石:磨刀石。此处指磨炼品德的逆耳之言和拂心之事。
③ 鸩毒:鸩,传说中的一种毒鸟。用鸩的羽毛制成的酒叫鸩毒,即饮即亡。
Constantly hearing words unpleasant to the ear and constantly meditating on things unpleasant to the mind are worth a whetstone, upon which we cultivate our moral characters and refine our temperaments. If we contemplate every word we hear being pleasant to the ear and everything we come into contact with pleasant to the mind, it would be no more than soaking ourselves in poisoned wine.