进德修道,要个木石 ① 的念头,若一有欣羡,便趋欲境;济世经邦,要段云水 ② 的趣味,若一有贪著,便堕危机。
① 木石:喻坚定。
② 云水:禅林称行脚僧为云水,以四海为家,有如行云流水。此处含飘逸洒脱之意。
One determined to cultivate his moral character and temper his virtue should do so with a rock-firm will. Once laid in admiration for fame and gain, one would be snared by material desires.
One committing himself to serving his people and benefiting his country should do so with a natural temperament. Once becoming greedy for power and rank, one would fall into a crisis.