彼富我仁,彼爵我义,君子固不为君相 ① 所牢笼;人定胜天,志一动气 ② ,君子亦不受造化之陶铸 ③ 。
① 君相:国君的大臣。此处喻高官厚禄。
② 志一动气:意志专注才能形成强大的力量。
③ 陶铸:范土曰陶,熔金曰铸。比喻造就,培养。
Others have riches while I cherish benevolence. Others have official titles while I value righteousness. He that is noble-minded will never be restrained by the high position and its advantages.
The feat that human efforts prevail over heaven’s will can only be achieved through the constancy of a concentrated mind. He that is strong-willed will never be constrained by the Creator.