矜高倨傲,无非客气 ① ,降服得客气下,而后正气伸;情欲意识,尽属妄心 ② ,消杀得妄心尽,而后真心 ③ 现。
① 客气:客气是相对于后面的正气而言的,所以此处可理解为人的不良气性或不良习气。
② 妄心:妄念,非分或越轨的想法,虚妄之心。
③ 真心:真正的本心,善良的本性。即儒家所说的真性。
The reason why a man is arrogant is just because of the existence of undesirable dispositions in his heart; only when the undesirable dispositions are choked can the healthy ones prevail.
All the mundane intentions and desires in the mind are nothing but improper thoughts; only when the improper thoughts are dislodged can the true characters come out from within.