好动者云电风灯 ① ,嗜寂者死灰槁木。须定云止水 ② 中,有鸢飞鱼跃气象,才是有道的心体 ③ 。
① 云电风灯:划破云层的闪电和风中摇曳的灯光。
② 定云止水:(看似)不动的云彩和静止的河水。
③ 有道的心体:整个句子都围绕动与寂展开陈述,所以此处的“有道的心体”就是对前述的一个总结,与道德二字无关。
A man fond of movement is like lightning fleeting through the clouds or an oil lamplight flickering in the wind, while a man fond of stillness is like dead ashes of fire or a withered tree bereft of vitality. It is only by acting like an eagle flying through the stationary clouds or fish leaping in the still water that one can come up to the point: movement harbors in stillness and stillness in movement.