天地寂然不动,而气机 ① 无息稍停;日月昼夜奔驰,而贞明 ② 万古不易。故君子闲时要有吃紧的心思 ③ ,忙处要有悠闲的趣味。
① 气机:指天地有规律的内部运动。
② 贞明:谓日月能固守其运行规律而常明。
③ 心思:此处指精神或意识。
The heaven and earth seem to be motionless, but their vital energy within never stops breathing and moving. The sun and moon run in cycles day and night, emitting eternal, immutable beams. Similarly, the accomplished man should keep the sense of imminence while at leisure and maintain a leisurely mood when occupied.