
Section C
Vocabulary (Terminology)

Brief introduction


pneumonia  肺炎

streptococcus  链球菌

arthritis  关节炎

mitral valve  二尖瓣

hemobilia  胆道出血

ejection murmur  喷射性杂音





1.通过将单词分解成不同组成成分来分析 我们学习医学英语时,不要简单地背单词,而是要借助单词分析工具,把一个复杂的单词分解成不同组成部分,如此我们就更容易理解复杂的医学术语。医学英语术语就像玩拼图游戏一样简单,因为医学英语术语是由不同的组成部分组成的具有独一无二的意思的单词。只要你掌握了不同词的组成部分,理解了它的意思,我们就很容易认识这些单词。如:hepatosplenomegaly。





2.把医学术语与人体结构、功能联系起来 术语的记忆应该成为医学生学习的首要任务。本部分的重要内容是如何在健康和疾病的背景下解释这些术语。在合适背景下解释清楚的术语也容易记在脑海里,不容易忘记。例如:hepatitis是肝的(hepat-)的炎症(-itis),记这个单词只要记两个部分,hepat是肝,itis是炎症,把这两个组成部分合在一起就成了肝炎hepatitis。这样学习单词就可以不需要太多的生物学、解剖学、生理病理学知识。

3.掌握拼写和发音 有些医学术语发音相似,但拼写不同,这主要是由这些术语的意思不同导致的。例如:ilium和ileum发音完全相同,但前者髂骨是骨盆的一部分,而后者是小肠的一部分。有时即使是拼写正确,因为发音错误也可能导致误会。例如:urethra(尿道)是从膀胱至体外的一条管道,但是ureter(输尿管)是连接肾和膀胱的管道。

Vocabulary (Terminology)

1.头 head

2.脸 face

3.颊 cheek

4.颏 chin

5.颈 neck,cervix

6.肢 limb,extremity

7.肩 shoulder

8.肘 elbow

9.腕 wrist

10.臂 arm

11.手 hand

12.手指 finger 趾 toe

13.髋 hip

14.股 thigh

15.膝 knee

16.踝 ankle

17.足 feet

18.足跟 heel,calx

19.胸 chest、thorax

20.乳房 breast

21.乳头 nipple,teat

22.膈 diaphragm

23.腹 abdomen,belly

24.内脏 viscera,internal organ

25.腹膜 peritoneum

26.脐 navel,umbilicus

27.腹股沟 groin

28.腰 loin,waist

29.骨盆 basin,pelvis

30.背 back

31.尾 tail


Please select the proper meaning from column II to match column I.

Ⅰ           Ⅱ

( ) 1.viscer/o   A.lower back

( ) 2.pelvi- B.breast

( ) 3.lumb/o-   C.optic disc(disk); nipple like

( ) 4.inguin/o- D.brain

( ) 5.papillo-   E.internal organ

( ) 6.ventr/o-   F.pelvis(hipbone)

( ) 7.encephalo-    G.belly side of the body

( ) 8.mamm/o   H.groin

( ) 9.bucco-      I.process on each side of the ankle

( ) 10.malleol/o    J.cheek

( ) 11.dactylo-   K.femur(thigh bone)

( ) 12.cervico-   L.umbilicus,navel

( ) 13.femor/o   M.fingers,toes

( ) 14.lapar/o   N.chest

( ) 15.carpo-   O.neck(of the body or of the uterus)

( ) 16.omphalo-    P.diaphragm

( ) 17.pector/o   R.extremities

( ) 18.phren/o   S.foot

( ) 19.acro-      T.wrist bone

( ) 20.ped/o   U.abdomen

Match the following pathological conditions or terms with their meaning below.

periumillical  bronchitis  mastectomy  atrophied  coccygeal

respiratory  strepotcoccemia pneumococcal  acromegaly  potsis

arthroscopy  inguinal hernia  cystocele  genupetoral  abdominal

1.Sally complained of pain surrounding her umbilicus,the doctor described the pain as _______________.

2.The _______________ cavity contains digestive organs.

3.Maria's coughing and sneezing was a result of an allergy to animal dander that affected her _______________ system.

4.Ms.Daley gave birth to nine children and complained to her doctor about her problems in urinating.After examining,the doctor found her bladder protruding into her vagina due to weakened support system of uterus and bladder and told her she got a _______________.

5.Suzy coughed constantly for a week.Her doctor told her that her chest X-ray showed pneumonia.Her sputum (material coughed up from her chest) demonstrated _______________ bacteria.

6.Mr.Manion complained to the doctor about that he couldn't keep his left upper eyelid from sagging.His doctor told him that he had a neurological problem called Horner syndrome,characterized by_______________ of his eyelid.

7.After 6 weeks in a cast to set her broken arm,Jill's arm muscles were smaller and weaker.They had _______________.Her physician recommended physical therapy to strengthen her arm.

8.Ms.Brody was diagnosed with breast cancer.The first phase of her treatment included a _______________ to remove her breast and the tumor.Following the surgery,her doctors recommended chemotherapy with drugs such as Adriamycin and Taxol.

9.At the age of 29,Kevin's facial features became coarser,his hands and tongue enlarged.After a head CT scan,doctor diagnosed him with _______________,a slowly progressive endocrine condition involving the pituitary gland.

10.Each winter,when cold and flu season started,Daisy used to develop ________ _______.Her doctor prescribed antibiotics and respiratory therapy to help her recover.

11.After _______________ on her knee,Ellen had swelling and inflammation near the small incisions.Dr.Nicholas assured her that this was a common side effect of the surgery that would resolve spontaneously.

12.David enjoyed lifting weights,but recently noticed a bulging in his right groin.He visited his doctor,who made the diagnosis of _______________ and recommended surgical repair.

13.Under the microscope,Dr.Vance could see grape-like clusters of bacteria called streptococci.He made the diagnosis of _______________ and antibiotics were started.

14.While ice skating,Natalie fell and landed on her buttocks.She had persistent _______________ pain for a few weeks but no broken bone on X-ray examination.

15.When a proctologist examines a patient's anus,the patients should be in _______________position. 2Ls2FQIkk19hs31kaR9AhvGSoc+DU4gzxq2xXs7z/O6gr6oDIEXjmn48iXehA/9j
