
Section A
Focus Listening


Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with proper words.


(A young mother rushed into the emergency room,holding a kid in her arms)

M:Help,Doctor.My son almost can't breathe,hurry up please!

D:Take it easy! Madam,tell me what happened to your kid?

M:You see,my son has been in paroxysmal _____ with wheezing,difficulty in breathing,cough and chest tightness.

D:When did it begin?

M:About 2 hours ago,he told me he felt uncomfortable.Soon after,he opened his mouth to breathe laboriously,and got worse later.That's why I hurried to come here.

D:Does he cough seriously? Much _____? Or running a temperature?

M:Yes,he coughed up a lot of sputum,white and foamy.But he didn't run a temperature.

D:Did you notice a cyanosis on his lips?

M:Cyanosis? But I found his lips were blue and purple.

D:That is cyanosis.


D:OK.Let him sit upright,I'd like to examine his lung and heart.

M:Doctor,can you do something for my boy first?

D:Don't worry,I need several minutes to examine him before taking any measures.

M:OK,I see.

The doctor examined the lady's son.

D:There are extensive wheezing sounds in both lungs and trachea,prolonged _____ and the heart rate is 108 beats/min,I'm sure your son suffer from asthma,his symptoms will be relieved immediately after he is treated with nebulized salbutamol.

A few minutes later,the lady's son can breathe smoothly.

M:Thank you very much!

D:That's all right,but I need to know his history.

M:No problem!

D:Have these similar symptoms happened before?

M:No,never happened before.It's the first time,I was frightened!

D:Does anything special _____.For example,cold,special food,or pollen?

M:I have no idea,but my mother took him to Bayi Park this afternoon,you know lots of pigeons are there,it's spectacular! He has an episode of paroxysmal dyspnea now.Does it relate to the pigeons?

D:Possibly,you know the animal hair or mites are also asthma allergens.Please go to the pulmonary function examination room and clinical laboratory with these two test sheets.I'll assess the condition based on the test results.

About half an hour later,the mother and her son came back with test results.

M:Doctor,here are the results,is it serious?

D:Let me see,the examination reveals:FEV1 is diminished to 72% of the normal and diminished PEF,the arterial blood gas analysis reads:diminished PaO 2 ,both _____function examination and arterial blood gas analysis are in accordance with diagnosis of medium asthma.

M:I heard asthma was hard to be cured,will it affect my son's growth?

D:No,it doesn't,but I think you should pay attention to two points:Firstly,exposure to allergen should be averted.Secondly,exacerbation should be prevented from happening,your son should receive persistent treatment as early as possible in case of the acute asthma attack.

New Words & Expressions

wheezing 气喘   cyanosis 发绀

trachea 气管   nebulize 使……成雾状,使成喷雾状

salbutamol 沙丁胺醇   allergen 过敏原

FEV1 第1秒用力呼气容积   PEF 最大呼气流量


Answer the questions after listening to the passage.

1.What is the average body temperature?

A.105℉. B.98.6℉.

C.37.5℃. D.Both B and C.

2.What does the term Homeostasis refers to?

A.Constant internal environment.

B.Variable internal environment.

C.Changing external environment.

D.None of them.

3.What are the types of feedback in homeostasis?

A.Negative feedback. B.Positive feedback.

C.Feed-forward feedback. D.Both A and B.

4.Heat from the body is lost in the form of______.

A.sweating. B.shivering.

C.inhalation. D.defecation.

5.What happens to the body when there is failure in homeostasis?

A.No change. B.Development of disease.

C.Disappearance of disease. D.None of the above. 3Hmg4/rxLNYa9VxE7j2dLe8lLU+RuBuIRlX1x2s3JwP0I+e/Z8Eh6QXO/1OzGQH9

