
Section C
Vocabulary (Terminology)

1.心 heart,cor

2.心房 atrium

3.心室 ventricle

4.瓣膜 valve

5.vessel 血管

6.动脉 artery

7.静脉 vein

8.主动脉 aorta


10.脉 pulse

11.血 blood

12.脂肪变性,动脉粥样硬化 athero-

13.臂 arm

14.胆固醇 cholesterol

15.蓝,青紫 cyan/o

16.粘液 myx/o

17.氧 oxygen,ox/o-

18.心包 pericardium

19.胸 stetho-


Match the following pathological condition or term with their meaning below.

stethoscope  cardiology  hypoxia  myxoma  cyanosis

hemolysis  capillarity  hematocrit  hypercholesterolemia

venipuncture  angioma  sphygmomanometer    thrombophlebitis

coronary  valvulitis  atheroma  atrioventricular  vasoconstriction

______1.The study of the heart and its action and diseases.

______2.The ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood as determined by separation of red blood cells from the plasma usually by centrifugation.

______3.Of,relating to,or located between an atrium and ventricle of the heart.

______4.The action by which the surface of a liquid where it is in contact with a solid (as in a capillary tube) is elevated or depressed depending on the relative attraction of the molecules of the liquid for each other and for those of the solid.

______5.The presence of excess cholesterol in the blood.

______6.A medical instrument for detecting sounds produced in the body that are conveyed to the ears of the listener through rubber tubing connected with a piece placed upon the area to be examined.

______7.A benign tumor derived from connective tissue,with cells embedded in soft mucoid stromal tissue,these tumors occur most frequently in the left atrium.

______8.Lysis of red blood cells with liberation of hemoglobin.

______9.An instrument for measuring blood pressure and especially arterial blood pressure.

______10.Fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries.

______11.Inflammation of a vein with formation of a thrombus.

______12.Narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.

______13.A tumor composed chiefly of blood vessels or lymph vessels.

______14.Inflammation of a valve especially of the heart.

______15.Surgical puncture of a vein especially for the withdrawal of blood or for intravenous medication.

______16.A bluish or purplish discoloration (as of skin) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood.

______17.A deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues of the body.

______18.Of,relating to,or being the coronary arteries or veins of the heart; broadly:of or relating to the heart.

Choose the term that best completes the meaning of the sentence.

1.A 55-year-old male presented with chest choking,fatigue and lightheadedness for 4 months.He stated that the syncope suddenly presented and 5 minutes later he regained the consciousness,the heart rate was 40 beats/min.So what's the most likely diagnosis in ECG?

A.Sinus bradycardia. B.Grade Ⅰ atrioventricular block.

C.Grade Ⅱ atrioventricular block. D.Grade Ⅲ atrioventricular block.

2.A 58-year-old female with a history of hypertension for 10 years complained of intermittent chest pain and choking for 2 years which was diagnosed as hypertension and atherosclerotic heart diseases.He stated he was treated by propranolol hydrochloride 10mg,t.i.d.However,he suddenly had chest choking,shortness of breath with foamy sputum.On physical examination:orthopnea,hear rate 110 beats/min,moist rales heard on the bottom of both lungs,edema not found in both limbs.What's the most likely diagnosis?

A.Acute bronchopneumonia. B.Acute left heart failure.

C.Heart failure. D.Acute myocardial infarction.

3.A 26-year-old unmarried female with a history of tuberculosis complained of distending pain in abdomen and fatigue,shortness of breath after exertion.On physical examination:BP:90/75mmHg,apical heart beats not easily palpable.Heart not enlarged,heart rate 120 beats/min with atrial fibrillation rhythm with engorgement of jugular veins which is distinct on inhalation,abdomen soft,the liver palpable 3cm below the coastal margin,shifting dullness positive,slight edema found in both lower limbs,chest fluoroscopy reveals no blood stasis found in both lungs with dilation of superior vena cava,small arch of aorta and normal cardiac shadow.ECG shows low voltage in QRS waves,depression of T wave and inverted T wave present.What's the major mechanism of clinical manifestations mentioned above?

A.Decreased cardiac contraction.

B.The blockage of ventricular filling due to pericardium stenosis.

C.Over-afterload of the heart.

D.Over-preload of the heart.

4.Ms.Hu,aged 45,complained of intermittent sudden onset of headache,dizziness,perspiration and dyspnea for 2 years,he stated that the blood pressure is 200/120 mmHg on episode,the symptoms spontaneous disappear in 2 hours,the blood decrease to normal limits.What's the most likely diagnosis?

A.Hypertensive crisis. B.Pheochromocytoma.

C.Renal artery stenosis. D.Hypertension.

5.A 65-year-old retired cadre with a history of recurrent chest choking and palpitation for 30 years was admitted to hospital complaining of sharp retrosternal pain 12 hours.He had previously been well,has a past medical history of hypercholesterolemia,and a 30-pack-month history of smoking.On examination,he appears uncomfortable and diaphoretic with a heart rate of 95 beats/min,a blood pressure of 166/102 mmHg,and a respiratory rate of 22 breaths/min with an oxygen saturation of 96% on room air,the jugular venous pressure appears normal.Auscultation of the chest reveals clear lung fields,and a regular heart rate with a S4 gallop and no murmur or rubs.A chest shows clear lungs and a normal cardiac silhouette.The ECG is shown in Figure 1.So,what's the most likely diagnosis?

Figure 1 Image of the patient's ECG

A.Hypertension. B.Acute myocardial infarction.

C.Aortic dissection. D.Acute pericarditis.

6.A 21-year-old female was admitted to hospital complaining of recurrent arthralgia for 5 years and palpitation and shortness of breath after exertion for 1 day.On physical examination:pear-shaped heart contours,heart rate 88 beats/min with regular rhythm,a rumbling diastolic murmur heard over apex,P2 accentuated,Hb 88g/L.What's the diagnosis?

A.Left atrial myxoma.


C.Coronary heart disease.

D.Rheumatic heart disease,mitral stenosis.

7.A 25-year-old male was admitted to hospital complaining of shortness of breath and edema of lower limbs for 2 months.On examination:heart enlarged,grade Ⅱ~Ⅲ blowing systolic murmur heard in apical region,trace moist rales heard in both lungs,the liver enlarged,edema of lower limbs.Ultrasound examination shows significantly enlarged both left atrium and ventricle.The probably diagnosis is _____.

A.coronary heart disease.

B.rheumatic heart disease with mitral incompetence.

C.acute viral myocarditis.

D.dilated cardiomyopathy.

8.A 24-year-old male presented your office complaining of tachypnea and distending abdomen for 2 months,on examination:BP 90/75mmHg,engorgement of jugular vein,the heart contours enlarged to both sides,heart rate 120 beats/min with regular rhythm,weak heart sound,the liver palpable 3 fingers below the coastal margin,ascites sign positive,edema in both lower limbs.What's the most likely diagnosis?

A.Liver cirrhosis.

B.Constrictive pericarditis.

C.Acute pericarditis with effusion.

D.Rheumatic heart disease,heart failure.

9.Ms.Peng,76-year-old,had recurrent episode of syncope with jerk for past 2 days.She denied having history of chest pain,shortness of breath,cyanosis and edema of lower limbs.On examination:BP 180/80mmHg,P 40/min with regular rhythm,fluctuated intensity of S1 heard in the apical region,grade Ⅱ ejection heart murmur heard in bottom of heart.What's the most possible cause resulting in recurrent syncope with jerk?

A.Hypertensive encephalopathy.

B.Sinus bradycardia with premature ventricular contraction.

C.Grade I atrioventricular block.

D.Complete atrioventricular block.

10.A 66-year-old male was admitted to hospital complaining persistent sharp chest pain with shortness of breath unable to lie down.On physical examination:the heart enlarged leftward,heart rate 140 beats/min with regular rhythm,decreased S1,fine moist rales and trace wheezing heard in both lungs,ECG shows:QR waves present in V1~V6,ST segment are significantly elevated.Which of the following medication is not proper?

A.Cedilanid drop. B.Nitroglycerin drop.

C.Morphine drop. D.Beta blockers. A64C3fRV+7EOA/uvwAQEbpRGBVt5vXtzBwHdg0ldPti0RAB5Rt6OIqTXELsVfbSm

