
Section A
Focus Listening


Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with proper words.

D=doctor P=patient

D:What seems to be the problem at the moment?

P:I have dyspnea,chest pain and sometimes syncope.

D:Well,can you tell me how long you have had difficulty breathing?

P:It's a long story.Doctor,it has come and gone about two years.

D:When did the dyspnea attack,in the daytime or at night?

P:It often happens at night,doctor,but it's getting worse in the recent two weeks,you know,the dyspnea often wakes me up,and I have to sit upright and couldn't lie flat in bed.

D:Oh,_____ nocturnal dyspnea.And can you describe what the pain feels like?

P:Err...,it's just like pressure and heaviness on the chest.

D:Can you show me with your finger where the pain is?

P:Here,right behind the _____.

D:Is the pain just in that area or does it spread anywhere else?

P:It often radiates to right arm and little finger.

D:Does anything special bring it on?

P:It often occurs on physical exertion,excitement and _____ to cold,but eases after rest.

D:How long does the pain last each time?

P:It is often worse gradually,and lasts about 3-5 minutes and then disappears.

D:It is angina according to what you have described.And you said you had a _____?

P:Yes,syncope,it often occurs prior to or after exertion.

D:I need to listen to your chest,please undo your shirt.


D:Take a deep breath please,and hold on… a loud,rasping,crescendo- decrescendo systolic murmur along the right sternal border.

P:Please tell me what disease I got,doctor.

D:Don't worry about it,but you need to have _____ and ECG examination right away.

New Words & Expressions

dyspnea 呼吸困难     syncope 晕厥

paroxysmal 阵发性的      crescendo 声音渐强

nocturnal 夜间的     decrescendo 声音渐弱

sternum 胸骨      systolic 收缩期的

exertion 努力;费力      ultrasound 超声波

angina 心绞痛


Answer the questions after listening to the passage.

1.Which part of the heart is damaged due to the decreased blood supply?

A.Epicardium. B.Myocardium.

C.Endocardium. D.All of the above.

2.What does the term Angina refer to?

A.Abdominal pain. B.Body pain.

C.Pain in the heart. D.Pain in the head.

3.What is the name of the blood vessel that supply blood to the heart?

A.Hepatic artery. B.Renal artery.

C.Coronary artery. D.Cerebral artery.

4.What are the common risk factors for heart disease?

A.Healthy diet. B.Smoking.

C.Alcohol consumption. D.Both B and C.

5.What is the name of the substance in the blood that blocks blood vessels?

A.Fatty acid. B.Cholesterol.

C.Glucose. D.Proteins. 3w/cN60jCLz0X/j7XiBZ6vi9SEWAyQKZl3/58vaLSbExQ25dym9ctpLDzXB+CbKH
