

对于我创造的社会发展指数,我最想说的是,它既反映了对社会进化论的批判,也反映了社会进化论者的贡献。自斯宾塞最初的文章发表以来, 社会进化论的批评者就辩称,社会进化论者试图解释一切,却最终往往什么也没有解释清楚。








在《西方将主宰多久》一书中, [21] 我将下面这个问题称为“彭慕兰问题”:彭慕兰注意到,认为欧洲在工业革命以前就已经比中国发达的历史学者,经常试图以一种不相称的比较来证明自己的论点,即以欧洲一小块发达的核心地区(通常包括英国和低地国家)与整个中国相比较。彭慕兰指出,更相称的比较,应当是将英国与长江三角洲比较,或者将整个中国与整个欧洲相比较。 [22]



[1] 最好的讨论仍然是:Geoffrey Elton and Robert Fogel, Which Road to the Past? (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983)。

[2] Mahbub ul Haq, Reflections on Human Development (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).

[3] See David Hastings, “Filling the Gaps in the Human Development Index,”联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会工作报告WP/09/02, 2009, http://www.unescap.org/publications/detail.asp?id=1308;Mark McGillivray, “The Human Development Index: Yet Another Redundant Composite Development Indicator?” World Development 19 (1991): 1461–68; Mark McGillivray and Howard White, “Measuring Development? The UNDP’s Human Development Index,” Journal of International Development 5 (2006): 183–92; Ambuj Sagara and Adil Najam, “The Human Development Index: A Critical Review,” Ecological Economics 25 (1998): 249–64; T.N. Srinivasan, “Human Development: A New Paradigm or Reinvention of the Wheel?” American Economic Review 84 (1994): 238–43; Hendrik Wolff et al., “Classifi cation,Detection and Consequences of Data Error: Evidence from the Human Development Index,” Economic Journal 121: 843–70.

[4] 我列举的这六项标准来自Gerring, Social Science Methodology , 但关于社会科学方法的其他作品往往也采用同样的准则。Raoul Naroll(“Preliminary Index,” 692)在他原创的社会发展指数中,列出了这六项中的五项,省略了第一项。

[5] Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel , 93–175.

[6] Norman Davies, Europe: A History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 25.

[7] Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel , 仍然是对这些结果最清晰的讨论。

[8] Morris, Why the West Rules , 114–19.

[9] Shennan, Genes , 129–34.

[10] Pomeranz, Great Divergence , 3–10.

[11] Bradford de Long and Andrei Schleifer, “Princes and Merchants: European City Growth Before the Industrial Revolution,” Journal of Law and Economics 36(1993): 671–702, 这是一个极好的例证。

[12] Walter Scheidel, “Germs for Rome,” in Catharine Edwards and Greg Woolf,eds., Rome the Cosmopolis (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003),158–76.

[13] See Richard Wrangham and Dale Petersen, Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence (New York: Mariner, 1996); Bowles and Gintis, Cooperative Species .

[14] 参见Philip Hoffman对此话题的探讨。Ian Morris对此进行了回顾: Why the West Rules — For Now , in Journal of Economic History 71 (2011): 545–47。

[15] 关于常态:Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice , 由Richard Nice译自1972年的法文原著(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1977)。关于结构化:Giddens, Constitution 。关于人口学和经济学的后现代转型:Nancy Ri ley and James McCarthy, Demography in the Age of Postmodernism (Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press, 2003);Deirdre McCloskey, Knowledge and Persuasion in Economics (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994)。

[16] Ian Morris, “Gift and Commodity in Archaic Greece,” Man 21 (1986): 1–17; Burial and Ancient Society: The Rise of the Greek City-State (Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press, 1987); “The Early Polis as City and State,” in John Rich and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, eds., City and Country in the Ancient World (London:Routledge, 1991), 24–57.

[17] Service, Primitive Social Organization ; Parsons, Societies ; Fried, Evolution of Political Society .

[18] Ian Morris, “An Archaeology of Equalities? The Greek City-States,” in Tom Charlton and Deborah Nichols, eds., The Archaeology of City-States (Washington, DC:Smithsonian Institution, 1997), 91–105; Archaeology as Cultural History: Words and Things in Iron Age Greece (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000).

[19] Morris, “Economic Growth in Ancient Greece”; “Archaeology, Standards of Living, and Greek Economic History,” in Manning and Morris, Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models , 91–126; “The Growth of Greek Cities in the First Millennium BC,” in Storey, Urbanism in the Preindustrial World , 27–51; “Early Iron Age Greece,”in Scheidel et al., Cambridge Economic History , 211–41; “Greater Athenian State”;Michael Smith et al., “Archaeology as a Social Science.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (2012): 7617–21.

[20] Morris, Why the West Rules , 625–26, and chapter 7.

[21] Morris, Why the West Rules , 40–41.

[22] Pomeranz, Great Divergence , 3–10. QgfhUnYLBcIECCqVZBqo9irMHakjnlSJnbAdiePCxO0fNABuQ/zawTpb1BCo9GMK
