

■1.Viewing & Listening

Watch the video clip and listen carefully.

■2.Checking your listening

Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks.

See, these are the moments that define us.Not the day you get the (1) ____, not the day you win Teacher of the Year, but the times that force you to claw and (2)____and fight just to get through the day,the moments when you get (3)____and you’re wondering whether it’s even worth it to get back up.See, those are the times when you’ve got to ask yourself, “who am I going to be?” And I want to be clear.This isn’t just some (4 )_____platitude about building carrot character.In recent years, we’ve actually been seeing a growing body of research that shows that skills like (5)____and conscientiousness can be just as important to your (6)____as your (6)____or even your IQ.For instance,West Point cadets who scored high on things like grit and (7) ____were more likely to (8)____basic training than those who ranked high on things like class rank, SAT scores and physical fitness.


Listen to the model dialogue and talk about the questions followed with your partner.

A: What was your childhood dream?

B: When I was in high school, I really wanted to become someone who worked for the United Nations.

A: Why would you want to work for the U.N.?

B: I thought it was a really cool job because you get to travel around the world and help the local community.

A: Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

B: Well, I guess not.Because now I am nowhere near being someone who works for the U.N.,I guess I just gave it up in the middle.

A: What is your dream job?

B: My dream job is to work as a wildlife photographer.I have a passion for nature, animals and using visual media to tell impactful stories.

A: How did you take the first step to get your dream job?

B: I bought a camera last year and practice photographing every day.And I have posted some works on the Internet, which received good response.

A: Do you think you are an ambitious person?

B: Well, I am ambitious when inspired but also believe life is meant to be enjoyed.So, while I set high goals at times, my ultimate dream is to lead a meaningful life surrounded by people I care about.

Question 1: What is your dream?

Question 2: Why is it important to have goals and dreams in life? 4NjDBPCvFUx0xqxMaV4ZB/qKtBU3OlVGI6dCv7j5uNoY901K2GH92M+XWai8AwoX
