
三 情景作文:教育文化类(学习)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.”You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Lifelong learning is viewed as the process in which people develop their minds and gain knowledge through books, computers and evening courses rather than merely having a formal higher education. Just as an old saying goes, “Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.” I would agree that real education begins with lifelong learning.

Obviously, for the person who believes in lifelong education, learning never stops. To illustrate, Abraham Lincoln had very little schooling as did Thomas Edison, but yet these two men are not regarded as uneducated. They rose to the top of their fields in politics and science respectively, because they never stop learning. In fact, people who are really well-educated are not satisfied with the existing knowledge, so they will never stop their pursuit of knowledge.

In brief, lifelong learning means that one will never stop learning and be willing to find knowledge in all possibilities, which are also indispensable ways for self-education.






lifelong learning 终生学习

be viewed as 被视为

process 过程

gain knowledge 获取知识

evening course 晚间课程(引申为:夜校)

rather than 而不是

merely 仅仅

formal 正式的

higher education 高等教育

daily experience 日常经历

lifetime mission 终生使命

obviously 显而易见

schooling 学校教育

uneducated 未受过教育的

field 领域

politics 政治

respectively 分别

in fact 事实上

well-educated 受过良好教育的

satisfied 满足的

existing 现有的

pursuit 追求

in brief 总之,简言之

be willing to 愿意

possibility 可能

indispensable 不可或缺的

self-education 自我教育




① A thirst for knowledge and willing feet that will carry you to wherever that knowledge is found are essential. 对知识的渴求和愿意带你到任何地方去寻找知识的脚步是必不可少的。

② Regularly visiting the library or the bookshop, attending evening courses and researching topics of interest by using the Internet are ways in which people can be self-taught. 人们进行自学的方式有定期去图书馆或书店、参加夜校课程或利用网络研究自己感兴趣的课题。

③ Many famous peoplesuch as Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers never went to college. 诸如亨利·福特和怀特兄弟等很多名人都从未上过大学。 SEMxvcvg4+kR0Ei1ipTEpMh4CKRb//RiP4/EUTAWZDqKBUSR8YDO5FfiC2rN0Mf9
