
四 情景作文

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the proverb “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


There is a proverb that “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.” Smile is a wonderful thing because it helps people see the funny side of life and not take things too seriously. People wearing a smile tend to be happy ones who have the knack of infusing others with their happiness.

Life without a smile would be very dull and joyless. Pessimistic people usually have problems in social contact with others. They often worry about what might happen and only see the dark side of life. People without a smile always expect the worst to happen, whereas a person with a sweet smile will be optimistic and look for the best outcomes.

It is said that smiling is the best medicine and that is very true . Sometimes, when the weight of the world seems to be on a person's shoulders, the best way to relieve pressure is to share a smile with others and then reexamine the problems to see if they are really as serious as he or she once thought.






proverb 格言,名言

wonderful 美妙的

knack 本领,诀窍

infuse 使具有

happiness 快乐

dull 枯燥的

pessimistic 悲观的

social contact 社会交往

whereas 然而

optimistic 乐观的

outcome 结果

sometimes 有时

weight 重担

relieve 解除,减轻

pressure 压力

reexamine 重新审视




① Smile is a powerful antidote to this problem, which cannot only bridge the gap but also break down the barriers among people. 微笑是这个问题强有力的解药,它不但能弥合差距,也能打破人们之间的障碍。

② The high-pressure life of modern society makes people full of apartness and the relationship between humans becomes increasingly distant. 现代社会的高压生活使人们充满了隔阂,人与人之间的关系也变得日益疏远。

③ Smile is so effective a weapon that it could bring two distant hearts near; thus we should always bear in mind that wearing a smile and being friendly is the most desirable way to associate with others. 微笑是如此有效的武器,能使两颗彼此疏远的心靠得更近。因此我们应时刻牢记,面带微笑、与人为善是人际交往中最可取的方式。 Zh1sajlj1ldc8hPBBKVxE4J0tDmB34Ok5jW6ZKzl/Ehyid/IElEXVG2NmhWX2FU7
