

一 情景作文

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “The strongest man in the world is independent.” You can give one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Is it better to be self-reliant or, instead, to rely on those around us? In my opinion, while self-reliance is an essential quality that everyone should strive to develop, it is also crucial that we know how to enlist and accept the support of others.

In addition to fostering greater efficiency in our daily lives, self-dependence can also help to make life more meaningful. As an illustration , self-reliant individuals might teach themselves how to play the guitar, bake an apple pie, or grow a flower garden. Nevertheless, it would be difficult for us to survive without the assistance of others. For instance, a doctor might have to call a plumber to fix a leaking faucet; an engineer may need to ask an accountant to fill out his tax returns; and a lawyer with a sore tooth will have no choice but to consult a dentist.

In the final analysis, neither complete self-dependence nor excessive reliance on others is advisable or even feasible. We need to learn to stand on our own feet, but also know how to properly rely on others.






self-reliant 自立的

essential 基本的

crucial 重要的

enlist 争取,谋取

in addition to 除了

foster 养成

as an illustration 例如

individual 个人

nevertheless 然而

accountant 会计

tax return 纳税申报单

consult 咨询

excessive 过度的

feasible 可取的

stand on one's own feet 自立


国内各类考试的写作部分已经多次考查与“自立”相关的话题,如2003年考研写作“温室花朵经不起风雨”;2010年英语专业四级真题Should College Students Hire Cleaners(大学生是否可以请清洁工);2010年12月四级真题How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent(父母如何帮助孩子变得独立);2015年6月四级真题“父母在孩子成长中的作用”。


① One reason that self-dependence is a valuable attribute is that it can improve our efficiency and productivity. 自立是一种可贵的品质,原因之一在于它能提高我们的效率和生产力。

② In our everyday lives, there will always be occasions when we are unable to obtain outside assistance and have to depend on our own knowledge and problem-solving skills. 在我们的日常生活中,总会有一些场合,我们无法获得外部援助,只能依靠自己的知识和问题解决能力。

③ In contrast, those who trust their own power and judgment will find a creative solution to the problem at hand, enabling them to be more productive and successful. 相比之下,那些相信自己能力和判断的人,会找到一个创造性的解决方案来处理手头的问题,从而让他们更有效率,更成功。 LW9gknfrvJAc6+UJ1IUzIz8CUG4Z7jZDCGOCaKrMpTYAbyf5oa3QbLLOzesjtZUU
