
六 情景作文

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on Albert Einstein's remark “ I have no special talents, but I am only passionately curious. ” You can give one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Complexities of human psychology are unlimited, and often difficult to comprehend. One characteristic of us human beings is that we are seldom satisfied with what we have and often want more or something different. Just as Albert Einstein put it , “I have no special talents, but I am only passionately curious.”

If there was no curiosity, we would still be living in the Stone Age. Most of us are driven by natural curiosity to do things in the most efficient way, which leads to experimentation and innovation. This is why we use refrigerators to preserve food instead of ice blocks and why we drive motorized cars instead of horse-drawn carriages. In order to satisfy the thirst for knowledge and meet the demands of life, humans explore all aspects of the tangible and intangible world by putting this nature to good use.

Generally speaking, most people tend to be curious about the outside world, but some do better in harnessing the curiosity. How we recognize and deal with this curiosity will dictate whether its outcome is constructive or destructive.






complexity 复杂

psychology 心理

unlimited 无限的

comprehend 理解

characteristic 特征

seldom 很少

talent 才能

passionately 狂热地

curious 好奇的

curiosity 好奇心

the Stone Age 石器时代

be driven to 为…所驱使

lead to 导致

experimentation 实验

innovation 创新

preserve 保存,保鲜

instead of 而不是

ice block 冰块

motorized car 汽车

horse-drawn carriage 马车

satisfy 满足

thirst 渴求

demand 需求

explore 探索

aspect 方面

tangible 有形的

intangible 无形的

generally speaking 总之

tend to 倾向于

harness 利用

recognize 认识

deal with 处理

dictate 决定

outcome 后果

constructive 建设性的

destructive 毁灭性的




① In today's world, the ability to express oneself is as important as technical competence and professional knowledge. 在今天的世界,表达自我的能力与技术能力和专业知识同等重要。

② The larger the organization you work for, and the fiercer the competition for promotion, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas. 你就职的公司越大,晋升的竞争越激烈,如何表达自己的思想并使他人信服就越发重要。

③ In today's workplace with increasing diverse standards of employee competency evaluation, professional knowledge only accounts for a part, one's personality and other abilities are equally important. 在当今的职场,员工能力的评价标准日益多样化,专业知识只占一部分,个人的性格和其他能力同等重要。 FEAxbuhMj95zS1EIqKz0FHW4H+/OOM7N4HpDOl3wdmm3Bzm2Jns3489WRMnA22/V
