
Word List 06


elbow [ˈelbəʊ]

n. 肘,肘部;弯处

She accidentally bumped her elbow against the table, causing a momentary jolt of pain. 她不小心把胳膊肘撞在桌子上,引起一阵酸痛。

fracture his elbow 他肘部骨折

compact [ˈkɒmpækt]

adj. 小型的,袖珍的;简约的;紧凑的

It was a new design of suitcase for the frequent traveller, and was compact , stylish and very light to carry. 这是一种专为经常旅行的人设计的新手提箱,简约、时尚、携带轻便。

a compact camera 一台袖珍照相机

overlap [ˌəʊvəˈlæp] v. [ˈəʊvəlæp] n.

v. 部分重叠,交叠 n. 重叠部分

The tiles on the roof overlap one another to prevent water seeping into the house. 屋顶上的瓦片相互交叠以防止水渗到房子里。

considerable overlap between the two subjects 两门科目间相当多的共通之处

overview [ˈəʊvəvjuː]

n. 综述;概述

When trying to write a good task one response for IELTS writing, it's essential to write a concise, informative overview . 当你想写出一篇优秀的雅思写作Task 1文章时,写一个简洁且信息完整的概述是非常重要的。

a brief historical overview of transport 运输史的简要概述

orthodox [ˈɔːθədɒks]

adj. (观念、方法或行为)传统的,正统的

His methods of teaching were fairly orthodox and many younger students found his classes boring. 他的教学方法非常正统,很多年轻的学生认为他的课很无聊。

orthodox medicine 传统医学

traditional adj. 传统的

unorthodox adj. 非传统的;非正统的

adjoin [əˈdʒɔɪn]

v. 毗邻;连接

The main office building adjoins with the building next door, and connects through a corridor walkway. 主办公楼与隔壁的建筑相邻,并通过走廊过道连接。

an adjoining office 旁边的一间办公室

curve [kɜːv]

n. 曲线;弯曲 v. 使弯曲;沿曲线运动

The car went around the sharp curve in the road before slowing down. 车辆在经过急转弯之后才减速。

a pattern of straight lines and curves 一幅直线与曲线交织的图案

In order to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium and to amplify the sound, they are not straight, they are curved . 为了提升礼堂的声学特性并放大声音,它们没有被做成直的,而是被做成曲面的。

innovate [ˈɪnəveɪt]

v. 创新;改革

It's important to be able to innovate today in the tech industry—things are moving forward very fast and competition is high. 今在 科技领域,创新能力是非常重要的,事物发展迅速,竞争激烈。

innovate to ensure success in a growing market 创新以确保在不断扩大的市场中成功

innovation n. 创新;改革 innovative adj. 创新的;革新的 renovate v. 革新;更新 renovation n. 革新;更新

moderate [ˈmɒdərət]

adj. 温和的;适度的,中等的

He was an easygoing man of very moderate views about everything. 他是个随和的人,对一切都持温和的观点。

moderate views 温和的见解 a moderate approach 温和的方式

coral [ˈkɒrəl]

n. 珊瑚 adj. 珊瑚色的

Snorkelers were amazed by the vibrant colours and diverse marine life in the coral reef. 浮潜者为珊瑚礁中鲜艳的色彩和多样的海洋生物所惊叹。

coral reef 珊瑚礁 coral necklace 珊瑚项链

They inhabit the soil, air, rocks and water and are present within every form of life, from seaweed and coral to dogs and humans. 它们住在土壤、空气、岩石和水里,存在于每一种生命形式中,从海草和珊瑚到狗和人类无一例外。

vocation [vəʊˈkeɪʃn]

n. 职业;使命感

She struggled for years to find her true vocation in life, before going into teaching. 在从事教学工作前,她努力了多年来找寻自己毕生追求的事业。

find one's true vocation in life 找到毕生追寻的事业

vocational adj. 职业的

recede [rɪˈsiːd]

v. 逐渐远离,渐渐退去;逐渐减弱

The flood waters of the river usually recede during the summer months. 这条河的洪水通常在夏季几个月退去。

recede into the distance 在远处渐渐消失

recession n. 衰退

stir [stɜː(r)]

v. / n. 搅拌,搅和;激发

She used a wooden spoon to stir the soup in the metal pot on the stove. 她用木勺搅拌炉子上金属锅里的汤。

stir the soup for a few seconds 把汤搅动几秒钟

solicitor [səˈlɪsɪtə(r)]

n. 初级律师,事务律师;推销员

The solicitor provided legal advice and guidance to clients facing various legal matters. 该律师为面临各种法律问题的客户提供法律意见和指导。

solicitor fee 律师费

remark [rɪˈmɑːk]

n. 评论;意见;谈话 v. 评论;谈论

She was not happy with his offhand remark about her clothes, as she was very sensitive about her looks. 她对他随意评论自己的穿着感到很不高兴,因为她对自己的外表很敏感。

make a remark 发表评论

laundry [ˈlɔːndri]

n. 洗衣店;洗衣房;待洗(或正在洗涤、洗完)的衣物

Of all the domestic chores, she absolutely hated doing the laundry . 在所有家务中,她最讨厌洗衣服。

laundry room 洗衣间

forgive [fəˈɡɪv]

v. 原谅;免除

He found it very hard to forgive his parents for what they did to him. 他发现很难原谅父母对自己所做的事。

forgive me 请原谅我

explode [ɪkˈspləʊd]

v. 爆炸,爆发;激增

The bomb was defused successfully, so it did not explode , and everyone escaped safely. 炸弹被成功拆除,因此没有发生爆炸,人们安全撤离了。

explode the device 引爆这个装置

explosion n. 爆炸;爆发

random [ˈrændəm]

adj. 随机的;任意的

Police are conducting random breath tests on that bypass after many drunk drivers were found speeding along there. 发现许多醉 酒司机在那条路上超速行驶后,警方在那里进行随机呼气测试。

be processed in a random order 按随机顺序处理

reinforce [ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs]

v. 加强,加固;强化

The helmet was reinforced with a special material that made it more durable and resistant to shock on impact. 头盔用一种特殊材料加固,使其更耐用,减少撞击的影响。

reinforced steel 强化钢材 reinforce the country's economic decline 加速国家经济的衰退

verbal [ˈvɜːbl]

adj. 口头的;言语的;动词的

His verbal communication skills were excellent, but he was weak when it came to reading and writing in English. 他的口头沟通能力很好,但在涉及英语阅读和写作时表现很差。

non-verbal communication 非言语交流 verbal agreement 口头协议

verbalise v. 描述;用言语表达

impartial [ɪmˈpɑːʃl]

adj. 公平的,公正的

When choosing a career path it is important to seek impartial advice. 在选择职业道路时,获得不带偏见的建议是很重要的

an impartial observer 一位公正的观察者

partial adj. 不公平的,偏袒的

tenant [ˈtenənt]

n. 房客,租户

The landlord welcomed the new tenant to the rental property after signing the contract. 在签订合同后,房东欢迎新房客入住出租的房子。

for the benefit of the tenant 为了租户的利益

impulse [ˈɪmpʌls]

n. 冲动;心血来潮;刺激;推动力

He bought the bag on an impulse —he is a very impulsive buyer. 他一时冲动买了这个包,他是个很容易冲动的购物者。

resist the impulse to laugh 忍住不笑出来

absorb [əbˈzɔːb]

v. 吸收;吸引;使全神贯注

Plants thrive when they absorb plenty of nutrients from the soil. 当植物在土壤中吸收大量养分时,它们就会茁壮生长。

absorb oxygen 吸收氧气 absorb the influx of refugees 接纳涌入的难民

take in 吸入,吸收

Plants absorb CO2 from the air and transform it into sugars and other carbon-based substances. 植物吸收空气中的二氧化碳并将其转化为糖和其他含碳物质。

commercial [kəˈmɜːʃl]

adj. 商业的;商业化的

There were very few commercial flights going to that destination at that time of year. 每年的那个时候,前往那个目的地的商业航班很少。

a centre of industrial and commercial activity 工商业活动中心 the effect of commercial exploitation of forests 对森林进行商业开发所带来的影响

fresh food commercial manager 新鲜食品商业经理

headline [ˈhedlaɪn]

n. (报纸的)标题;新闻摘要

The headlines in the news usually tend to be quite dramatic in order to draw the attention of potential readers. 为了吸引潜在读者的注意力,新闻标题通常都很引人注目。

headline news 头条新闻

sense [sens]

n. 感觉;观念 v. 感觉到;检测出

Sitting in the hot springs gave him an enormous sense of relaxation and well-being. 坐在温泉里带给他极大放松和舒服的感觉。

the five senses 五种感觉 an overwhelming sense of loss 巨大的失落感

sensible adj. 明智的;能感觉到的 sensitive adj. 敏感的

Humans start developing a sense of humour as early as six weeks old, when babies begin to laugh and smile in response to stimuli. 人类早在六周大的时候就开始发展出了幽默感,此时的婴儿开始用大笑和微笑回应外界的刺激。

recycle [ˌriːˈsaɪkl]

v. / n. 回收利用,循环使用

If we are going to address environmental concerns it is important that individuals all recycle as much household waste as possible. 如果我们要解决环境问题,重要的是人们要回收尽可能多的家庭垃圾。

recycled paper 再生纸

shed [ʃed]

v. 去除,摆脱;射出,发出(光)

Psychotherapy helped him to shed some of his insecurity. 心理疗法帮助他摆脱了一些不安全感。

shed light on 阐明,解释

antenna [ænˈtenə]

n. 天线;触角,触须

There is an antenna on every roof for receiving television signals. 每个屋顶上都有接收电视信号的天线。

radio antennas 收音机天线

compendium [kəmˈpendiəm]

n. 纲要;概略;汇编

The encyclopedia is a comprehensive compendium of knowledge. 百科全书是一本全面的知识汇编。

issue a compendium 发布一份纲要

fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl]

adj. 基本的,根本的 n. 基本原理;基本原则

There was a fundamental difference between the two countries and their values and outlooks. 这两个国家存在根本性的差异,在价值观和世界观上也不相同。

fundamental difference 根本区别 fundamental particle 基本粒子

A millennium ago, stepwells were fundamental to life in the driest parts of India. 一千年前,在印度最干旱的地区,阶梯井是生活的基本保障。

enlarge [ɪnˈlɑːdʒ]

v. 扩大;增大;扩展

Sometimes an allergic reaction to something causes your glands to enlarge . 有时对某些东西的过敏反应会导致你的腺体增大。

enlarge your vocabulary 扩大词汇量

denounce [dɪˈnaʊns]

v. 谴责;告发;公然抨击

He stood up in disagreement and denounced the new policy. 他站起来反对并谴责了这项新政策。

be denounced as spies 被告发是间谍

announce v. 声明;宣布 pronounce v. 发音

mineral [ˈmɪnərəl]

n. 矿物;矿物质

The country has a big export market in mineral deposits. 该国在矿产方面有很大的出口市场。

mineral extraction 矿物开采 the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals 维生素和矿物质的建议摄入量

Tunnels were also built for mineral extraction. 还修建了用于开采矿产的隧道。

presume [prɪˈzjuːm]

v. 假定,假设;推测

I presume that after negotiations they will reach an agreement in the end. 我认为经过谈判他们会最终达成一致。

presume one's innocence 假定某人无罪

assume v. 假设,猜想 suppose v. 假设,猜想

resume v. 重新开始;恢复 presumably adv. 大概,可能

volume [ˈvɒljuːm]

n. 体积;卷;音量

The button on the side of the device is to increase or decrease the audio volume . 设备侧面的按钮可以用来增强或降低音量。

turn the volume up 把音量调大

thrive [θraɪv]

v. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长

After a period of slow economic growth in winter, the economy started to thrive in late spring. 在冬季经历了一段增长缓慢的时期后,经济在晚春开始繁荣。

a thriving industry 一个兴盛的行业

botany [ˈbɒtəni]

n. 植物学

I would like to study botany because I've always been interested in how plants and trees grow and how to look after them. 我想学习植物学,因为我一直对植物和树木如何生长以及如何照管它们很感兴趣。

senior lecturer in botany 植物学高级讲师

slash [slæʃ]

v. 砍,劈;削减,降低 n. 砍,劈;斜杠,斜线号

He used a sharp knife to slash through the thick underbrush in the jungle. 他用一把锋利的刀劈开丛林中茂密的灌木丛。

slash costs 降低成本

conviction [kənˈvɪkʃn]

n. 定罪;确信,深信

The prosecutor presented strong evidence to secure a conviction in the criminal trial. 检察官出示了强有力的证据,以确保在刑事审判中定罪。

strong moral convictions 坚定的道德信念

convict v. 定罪,宣判

Such conviction was, until recently, reflected in museum displays. 直到最近,这种信念还反映在博物馆的展览中。

boom [buːm]

n. 兴旺,繁荣;激增 v. 兴旺;快速发展

There was a boom in the amount of births in 1998, then the annual birth rate declined, and continues to do so. 在1998年时出现过新生儿数量的激增,之后年出生率开始持续下降。

a boom in car sales 汽车销售额的剧增 baby boom 婴儿潮 economic boom 经济繁荣

a booming demand 激增的需求

correlation [ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃn]

n. 相关;关联;相互关系

I believe there is a direct correlation between effort and the results students get in their assignments. 我相信努力与学生在作业中得到的成绩直接相关。

the correlation between smoking and disease 吸烟与疾病的联系

correlate v. 关联,联系

tremendous [trəˈmendəs]

adj. 极大的,巨大的;极好的

It was a tremendous performance at the gala, which everyone thought was incredibly professional. 晚会上的表演非常精彩,每个人都认为演出非常专业。

a tremendous explosion 一场巨大的爆炸

stereotype [ˈsteriətaɪp]

n. 陈腔滥调;模式化形象

There is a rather inaccurate stereotype that all English people are polite. 有一种相当不准确的刻板印象,认为所有英国人都彬彬有礼。

a ridiculous stereotype 荒谬的刻板印象

suspect [səˈspekt] v. [ˈsʌspekt] n.

v. 怀疑;觉得 n. 嫌疑分子,犯罪嫌疑人

I suspect that my keys are in the car, but I haven't checked there yet. 我怀疑钥匙在车里,但我还没有检查过。

a murder suspect 一个谋杀案犯罪嫌疑人

allergy [ˈælədʒi]

n. 过敏;过敏反应

In springtime it's fairly common that people suffer from pollen allergies , especially if the pollen count is very high. 在春天,人们出现花粉过敏是非常普遍的,尤其是在花粉浓度很高的时候。

an allergy to animal hair 对动物毛发过敏

allergic adj. 过敏的 an allergic reaction 过敏反应

subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi]

n. 补贴;津贴;补助金

During the drought the government gave farmers a subsidy to help them stay in business. 在干旱期间,政府给农民提供补贴,帮助他们维持生计。

agricultural subsidies 农业补贴 reduce the level of subsidy 降低补贴标准

subsidise v. 资助;补助

recession [rɪˈseʃn]

n. 衰退;不景气

It's quite normal that every few years the economy may fall into a recession , but we always come out of it in the end. 每隔几年,经济就可能陷入衰退,这是很正常的,但我们最终总会走出来。

in deep recession 正处于严重衰退中 the gradual recession of the floodwater 洪水的渐渐消退

recede v. 后退;减弱;衰退

For example, in one experiment that took place during the peak of a recent economic recession , graduating college seniors were asked to reflect on their job prospects. 例如,在最近经济衰退高峰期进 行的一项实验中,要求即将毕业的大学生思考他们的就业前景。

Exercise 06



_____ 1. elbow A. 搅拌

_____ 2. compact B. 紧凑的

_____ 3. curve C. 逐渐远离

_____ 4. recede D. 曲线

_____ 5. stir E. 肘部

_____ 6. coral A. 珊瑚

_____ 7. laundry B. 口头的

_____ 8. random C. 租户

_____ 9. verbal D. 随机的

_____ 10. tenant E. 洗衣店

_____ 11. headline A. 回收

_____ 12. recycle B. 矿物

_____ 13. antenna C. 触角

_____ 14. mineral D. 标题

_____ 15. botany E. 植物学

_____ 16. conviction A. 过敏

_____ 17. slash B.

_____ 18. allergy C. 衰退

_____ 19. subsidy D. 补贴

_____ 20. recession E. 确信



_____ 1. overlap A. to introduce new ideas or ways of doing sth.

_____ 2. orthodox B. part of one thing covers part of the other

_____ 3. innovate C. to stop feeling angry with sb. who annoys you

_____ 4. forgive D. to make a feeling or an idea stronger

_____ 5. reinforce E. following generally accepted beliefs

_____ 6. impulse A. a connection between two things

_____ 7. denounce B. to strongly criticize sb. that you think is wrong

_____ 8. volume C. a fixed idea that many people have of a person

_____ 9. correlation D. a sudden strong wish or need to do sth.

_____ 10. stereotype E. the amount of space that a substance fills ASi5twpsedNg2oI50FYNdGQ2iLfqJ/EH6Y8btH2lyef9jH0r+qh5w3+6n0oN7CGX
