
Word List 04


interplay [ˈɪntəpleɪ]

n. 相互影响,相互作用

Our personalities develop through a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. 我们的个性是在遗传和环境因素复杂的相互作用下形成的。

the subtle interplay of colours 色彩的相互掩映

the interplay of nature and nurture in determining our personalities, behavior, and vulnerability to disease 先天和后天在决定我们性格、行为和对疾病易感性方面的相互作用

lavatory [ˈlævətri]

n. 盥洗室,厕所

He knows that the nearest public lavatory is at the station. 他知道最近的公共厕所在车站。

a bathroom and a lavatory upstairs 楼上的浴室和卫生间

stable [ˈsteɪbl]

adj. 稳定的;牢固的;持久的

Some people believe that working in a big, established company is more stable than in a smaller one. 有些人认为在规模大的知名公司工作比在小公司工作稳定。

stable prices 稳定的价格

steady adj. 稳定的

stability n. 稳定;稳定性

breed [briːd]

v. 繁殖;养育,培养 n. 品种;类型

They decided to adopt a rescue dog rather than buy a specific breed from a breeder. 他们决定收养一只救援犬,而不是从饲养员那里购买特定的品 种。

a new breed of entrepreneurs 新型的企业家

drift [drɪft]

n. 漂流,漂移;流动;趋势 v. 漂流,漂移;漂泊

The boat raised its anchor and started to drift with the tide. 船起了锚,开始随着潮汐漂流。

a population drift away from rural areas 农村地区的人口外流

acrobat [ˈækrəbæt]

n. 杂技演员

The skilled acrobat amazed the audience with breathtaking stunts. 熟练的杂技演员以令人惊叹的特技使观众兴奋不已。

an acrobat in a circus 马戏团的一名杂技演员

lens [lenz]

n. 镜头;透镜,镜片

The photographer adjusted the camera lens to capture the perfect shot. 摄影师调整了镜头以捕捉完美的画面。

camera with an adjustable lens 带有可调节镜头的照相机

parcel [ˈpɑːsl]

n. 包裹;一批;一块土地 v. 包起来,打包

Her admirer delivered the small parcel and quietly left it in the reception room. 她的仰慕者送来了小包裹,悄悄地把它放在会客厅里。

a parcel and some letters for you 你的一个包裹和几封信

sensor [ˈsensə(r)]

n. 传感器

Cars almost all have sensors today so that the vehicle can warn you if you are too close to another car or an obstacle while parking. 如今,几乎所有的汽车都装有传感器,停车时,如果你离另一辆汽车或障碍物太近,汽车就会发出警告。

light sensor 光传感器 temperature sensor 温度传感器

susceptible [səˈseptəbl]

adj. 易受影响的;易感动的

Older people are more susceptible to infections than younger people. 老年人比年轻人更容易被感染。

the most susceptible to advertisements 最容易受广告影响

sanction [ˈsæŋkʃn]

v. / n. 制裁,处罚;许可,批准

The government imposed economic sanctions to pressure the neighbouring country. 政府实施经济制裁以向邻国施压。

trade sanctions 贸易制裁

praise [preɪz]

v. / n. 赞扬,称赞

It is important to give children praise for good work, so they remain motivated. 对孩子好的表现给予表扬是很重要的,这样他们可以保持积极 性。

full of praise for his progress 对他的进步进行夸赞

dissertation [ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]

n. 专题论文,学位论文

She dedicated months to research and writing to complete her doctoral dissertation . 为了完成博士论文,她花了几个月的时间进行研究和写作。

write a dissertation 写一篇论文

If I choose that option, I don't have to do a dissertation module. 如果我选择了那个选项,我就不必做论文模块了。

plank [plæŋk]

n. 木板;政策准则

The circus performer balanced skillfully on the wooden plank , showcasing his agility. 马戏演员熟练地在木板上保持平衡,展示了他的敏捷。

a wooden plank 一条木板

More recent archaeological hypotheses have them transporting the bluestones with supersized wicker baskets on a combination of ball bearings and long grooved planks , hauled by oxen. 更近期的考古学假设是:他们用超大号的藤条篮子盛放这些蓝灰砂岩,放在由球型轴承和有凹槽的长木板组合成的运输工具上,用牛群拖拽。

equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]

adj. 相等的;等价的 n. 等价物

She was a fantastic cook, and her dishes were equivalent in quality to those in some of the best restaurants. 她是一位出色的厨师,她做的菜的质量与一些最好餐馆里菜的质量相当。

be equivalent to 相当于,等同于

equivalence n. 均等;相等

According to its proponents, geo-engineering is the equivalent of a backup generator. 对于其支持者而言,地质工程就相当于一个备用的发电机。

particle [ˈpɑːtɪkl]

n. 微粒;粒子

There was not a particle of evidence to support his viewpoint. 没有一点证据支持他的观点。

a particle of hot metal 热金属微粒

The reader must remain a tantalized spectator rather than an involved participant, since the appropriate language for describing the details in much of science is mathematics, whether the subject is expanding universe, subatomic particles , or chromosomes. 读者只好全程做一个跃跃欲试而不得的旁观者,而不是加入其中的参与者,因为描述大部分科学领域中细节内容的恰当语言 是数学语言,无论话题是膨胀宇宙、亚原子粒子,还是染色 体。

statistics [stəˈtɪstɪks]

n. 统计;统计学;统计数字

The statistics come from a recent study by Oxford University research team. 这些数据来自牛津大学研究团队最近的一项研究。

official statistics 官方统计数字

interpersonal [ˌɪntəˈpɜːsənl]

adj. 人际的;人际关系的

Interpersonal relationships across cultures are key to developing sound global skills in today's world. 在当今世界,跨文化的人际交往能力是培养全球化技能的关 键。

interpersonal skills 人际交往技巧

valid [valid]

adj. 有效的;有根据的;合法的

Your passport must be valid for at least six months to apply for a visa. 你的护照必须有至少六个月的有效期才能申请签证。

valid passport 有效的护照

invalid adj. 无效的

validity n. 有效性,效度

hull [hʌl]

n. 船体;外壳

The hull of the ship had been severely damaged by the accident. 这艘船的船体在这次事故中被严重损坏。

wooden hull 木质船体 steel hull 钢质船体

chaos [ˈkeɪɒs]

n. 混沌;混乱

Without strict regulations and rules schools would fall into total chaos . 没有严格的规章制度,学校就会陷入一片混乱。

economic chaos 经济混乱

embody [ɪmˈbɒdi]

v. 体现;收录,包含

The actor's performance perfectly embodied the character's emotions. 演员的表演完美地体现了角色的情感。

embody the proposal in a draft resolution 将提议包含在一份决议草案中

incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv]

n. 激励,刺激

The company offered him an extra bonus as an incentive . 公司给他一笔额外奖金作为激励。

tax incentives 税收激励

motif [məʊˈtiːf]

n. 主题,主旨;装饰图案,装饰图形

The ancient rug was decorated with a beautiful flower motif . 这块古老的地毯上装饰着美丽的花朵图案。

wallpaper with a flower motif 有鲜花图案的墙纸

pharmacy [ˈfɑːməsi]

n. 药店,药房;药剂学

The pharmacy near his home was open 24 hours, which was convenient when he needed to buy medicine at night. 他家附近的药店24小时营业,这在晚上需要买药时很方便。

modern pharmacy 现代制药学

pharmaceutical adj. 制药的

grateful [ˈɡreɪtfl]

adj. 感谢的,感激的

She was incredibly grateful for all the wonderful gifts they had given her for her anniversary. 她非常感激他们送给自己的结婚纪念日礼物。

grateful for a chance to relax 庆幸有机会放松一下

adequate [ˈædɪkwət]

adj. 充足的;适当的

Adequate water intake is necessary for the body to function properly. 充足的水分摄入是身体正常运转所必需的。

an adequate supply of hot water 充足的热水供应

inadequate adj. 不足的;不充分的

adequately adv. 足够地

have adequate sanitation services 有充足的卫生服务

calcium [ˈkælsiəm]


Consuming foods rich in calcium is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. 食用富含钙的食物对于保持强壮健康的骨骼是必不可少的。

aid the absorption of calcium from food 帮助从食物中吸收钙

priority [praɪˈɒrəti]

n. 优先事项;优先级

His top priority for the new company was to improve staff motivation by organising team-building activities. 他在新公司的首要任务是通过组织团队建设活动来提高员工积极性。

top priority 最重要的事项 our first priority 我们最优先的事项

Fragile mountain forests should be given priority in research programs. 研究项目应当首先考虑脆弱的山地森林。

envisage [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ]

v. 设想,想象,展望

They could not envisage the challenges that lay ahead. 他们无法想象到出现在面前的挑战。

envisage working with him again 想象再与他一起工作

envision v. 想象;预想

efficiency [ɪˈfɪʃnsi]

n. 效率,效能;功率

The new manufacturing process improved efficiency , reducing production time and costs. 新的制造工艺提高了效率,减少了生产时间和成本。

improvements in efficiency at the factory 工厂效率的提高

efficient adj. 高效的 proficient adj. 熟练的

Engineers are tasked with changing how we travel round cities through urban design, but the engineering industry still works on the assumptions that led to the creation of the energy-consuming transport systems we have now: the emphasis placed solely on efficiency , speed, and quantitative data. 工程师们的任务是通过都市设计来改变我们在城市中的流动方式,然而工程建筑业仍然在这样的一些理念下运转,最终形成了我们目前所拥有的这些消耗能量的交通系统:重点全盘放在了效率、速度和量化数据上。

stitch [stɪtʃ]

n. 针脚,一针;缝线 v. 缝,缝补;缝合

The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair, and stitch up again. 外科医生会拿起器械进行探查、修复,然后再缝合。

keep the stitches small and straight 针脚尽量缝得小而直

appraisal [əˈpreɪzl]

n. 评价;估计

The end of year performance appraisals should be out some time in the middle of this month. 年终绩效评估应该会在本月中旬公布。

detailed critical appraisals of her work 对她作品的详细评论

appraise v. 评价;估价;估计

neural [ˈnjʊərəl]

adj. 神经的;神经系统的

They say that if you take vitamin B regularly, this improves the performance of the neural networks in your brain. 他们说,如果定期服用维生素B,这将改善你大脑中神经网络的状态。

neural pathways in the brain 大脑的神经通路

crown [kraʊn]

n. 王冠,冕;王位,王权

The king placed the jeweled crown on his head, symbolizing his authority. 国王把镶有宝石的王冠戴在头上,象征着他的权威。

a crown of flowers 一个花冠

He argues that tooth crowns and roots have a high genetic component, minimally affected by environmental and other factors. 他认为齿冠和齿根包含极高的遗传因素,受环境和其他因素影响最小。

pretend [prɪˈtend]

v. 假装,伪装

She was incredibly sad but she pretended to be happy so not to worry her family. 她非常伤心,但还是假装高兴,为了不让家人担心。

have to pretend all the time 总是需要假装

intend v. 想要,有意 attend v. 参加,出席

compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri]

adj. 强制的;义务的;必修的

Studying science and math at middle school level is compulsory in most countries. 在大多数国家,中学阶段的科学和数学都是必修课。

compulsory education 义务教育 compulsory redundancy 强制裁员

voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的

category [ˈkætəɡəri]

n. 种类,分类;范畴

There is a special category in the tax form for people who have part-time employment. 在税务清单上有一个特殊类别,是为那些有兼职工作的人准备 的。

three main categories 三大类

class n. 类别;阶层

prototype [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]

n. 原型;雏形

The final product was not yet complete, but the prototype had successfully performed during the trials. 最终产品尚未完成,但原型产品在试验期间成功运行。

the prototype of the bicycle 自行车的雏形

Prototypes of medical-diagnosis programs and speech recognition software appeared to be making progress. 医学诊断程序和语音识别软件的原型似乎正在取得进展。

milestone [ˈmaɪlstəʊn]

n. 里程碑;划时代事件

Finally getting his master's degree was an important milestone in his academic life. 最终取得硕士学位是他学术生涯中一个重要的里程碑。

a milestone in the history of cinema 电影史上的一个里程碑

eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli]

adv. 最后,终于

After a lot of effort and trial and error he eventually managed to solve the problem. 经过大量努力和反复尝试,他最终成功解决了问题。

arrive at the hotel eventually 最终到达了旅馆

initially adv. 最初地

eventual adj. 最终的,最后的

Eventually , Rome's navy became the largest and most powerful in the Mediterranean, and the Romans had control over what they therefore called Mare Nostrum meaning “our sea”. 最终,罗马海军成为地中海区域最大、最强的军队,罗马人征服了这片他们称为 Mare Nostrum 的海域,意为“我们的海”。

chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]

n. 室,腔;房间;会议厅

The courtroom was a large, dark chamber at the end of the hall. 法庭在大厅尽头,是一个很大的、光线暗的房间。

leave the council chamber 离开会议厅

the burial chamber of the tomb 陵墓的墓室

virtue [ˈvɜːtʃuː]

n. 美德;优点

It was a surprise to many that the Olympic athletes displayed such virtue in praising and encouraging their opponents. 令许多人吃惊的是,奥运会运动员在赞扬和鼓励他们的对手方面表现出了如此的善意。

the virtues of the Internet 互联网的好处

advantage n. 优点

inhale [ɪnˈheɪl]

v. 吸入;吸气

When doing yoga exercises it is important to control how you inhale and exhale. 做瑜伽练习时,控制你的吸气和呼气是很重要的。

inhale fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气

breathe in 吸气;吸入

exhale v. 呼气;发出

terrestrial [təˈrestriəl]

adj. 地球的;陆地的,陆生的

It is said that these terrestrial plants do not grow at all in water. 据说这些陆生植物完全无法在水中生长。

terrestrial life forms 地球上的生命形态

other large terrestrial mammals 其他大型陆生哺乳动物

accustom [əˈkʌstəm]

v. 使习惯,使适应

When one moves away from home, it takes time to accustom oneself to a new environment. 当一个人离开家后,使自己适应新环境是需要时间的。

accustom herself to the tight bandages 使她自己习惯那些紧绷的绷带

disguise [dɪsˈɡaɪz]

v. 伪装;掩饰 n. 伪装物;伪装

I love old detective stories where the secret agents wear all sorts of different disguises . 喜欢早期的侦探小说,里面的秘密特工会使用各种各样的伪 装。

disguise her surprise 掩饰她的惊奇

conceal v. 隐藏,隐瞒

define [dɪˈfaɪn]

v. 下定义;使明确;规定

It is difficult for people to really define what they mean by happiness. 人们很难真正定义他们所谓的幸福是什么。

be difficult to define 很难界定

Here is how some of today's “explorers” define the word. 以下是如今一些“探索者”对这个词的定义。

collision [kəˈlɪʒn]

n. 碰撞,相撞;冲突

There was a slight collision but my car was undamaged. 虽有轻微碰撞,但我的汽车没有损坏。

a collision between two trains 两列火车相撞事故

That would alleviate the need for many of the unnecessary manoeuvres that are carried out to avoid potential collisions . 那样就能减少许多不必要的为了避免碰撞而做出的躲避动作。

syndrome [ˈsɪndrəʊm]

n. 综合症状,综合征;并发症状

His anxiety syndrome was always something he struggled with after the conflict. 他总是在发生矛盾后受到焦虑症状的困扰。

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 中东呼吸综合征

Exercise 04



_____ 1. interplay A. 镜头

_____ 2. lavatory B. 盥洗室

_____ 3. stable C. 相互影响

_____ 4. drift D. 漂流

_____ 5. lens E. 稳定的

_____ 6. sensor A. 相等的

_____ 7. susceptible B. 颗粒

_____ 8. equivalent C. 统计

_____ 9. particle D. 传感器

_____ 10. statistics E. 易受影响的

_____ 11. hull A. 充足的

_____ 12. chaos B. 药店

_____ 13. pharmacy C. 混沌

_____ 14. adequate D.

_____ 15. calcium E. 船体

_____ 16. envisage A. 设想

_____ 17. neural B. 陆地的

_____ 18. virtue C. 综合症状

_____ 19. terrestrial D. 优点

_____ 20. syndrome E. 神经的



_____ 1. acrobat A. something that encourages you to do sth.

_____ 2. dissertation B. an entertainer who performs difficult acts at a circus

_____ 3. praise C. words that show approval of or admiration

_____ 4. incentive D. the quality of doing sth. well with no waste of time

_____ 5. efficiency E. a long piece of writing on a particular subject

_____ 6. priority A. the first design from which other forms are developed

_____ 7. category B. something that you think is more important than others

_____ 8. chamber C. a separated space in the body or in a machine

_____ 9. prototype D. a group of things with particular features in common

_____ 10. define E. to say or explain what the meaning is lEki6j4MSzder+CpRgSyv2gjyz5qdvczEJPnG6wr2rcZZhmv5hM5hoUQl4ykpZE1

