
Word List 03



moisture [ˈmɔɪstʃə(r)]

n. 潮湿;湿度;水分

The plants thrived in the garden thanks to the rich soil and ample moisture . 由于土壤肥沃,水分充足,花园里的植物长得很茂盛。

the skin's natural moisture 皮肤的天然水分

Wood expands as it absorbs moisture from the air and is susceptible to pests. 木材在吸收空气中的水分时会膨胀,容易受到害虫的侵害。

advent [ˈædvent]

n. 出现,到来

The advent of the Internet revolutionized the way people communicate and access information. 互联网的出现彻底改变了人们交流和获取信息的方式。

the advent of new technology 新技术的出现

offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ]

n. 后代,子孙;产物

The female of this particular species of duck usually gives birth to at least ten offspring . 这种特殊物种的雌性鸭子通常会孕育至少十个后代。

the problems parents have with their teenage offspring 父母与青少年子女之间的问题

astray [əˈstreɪ]

adv. 离开正确的路(或方向),迷路

The lost hiker realized he had wandered astray from the marked trail. 迷路的徒步旅行者意识到他偏离了标记的路线。

lead him astray 把他引入歧途

chew [tʃuː]

v. / n. 咀嚼

You don't chew your food enough and that's why you get indigestion. 你没把食物嚼烂,这就是你消化不良的原因。

chew gum 嚼口香糖

diesel [ˈdiːzl]

n. 柴油;内燃机,柴油车

The truck ran on a powerful diesel engine, providing the necessary power for heavy-duty tasks. 这辆卡车由一台强大的柴油发动机驱动,为重型任务提供必要的动力。

diesel cars 柴油汽车

pastime [ˈpɑːstaɪm]

n. 娱乐,消遣

It's important that people have hobbies, interests and pastimes . 人们有爱好、兴趣和娱乐活动是很重要的。

his favourite pastime 他最喜欢的消遣

release [rɪˈliːs]

v. 释放;公开;发表 n. 释放;发布,发行

There was great anticipation before the release of the new model of smartphone. 在新型号的智能手机上市销售前,人们有很大的期待。

release a prisoner 释放囚犯 release further details about the accident 透露事故的更多细节 new products released onto the market 投放到市场的新产品

release aerosol sprays into the stratosphere 将喷雾剂释放到平流层

loop [luːp]

n. 环状物;回路;环线

The trail formed a loop , allowing hikers to return to the starting point without retracing their steps. 这条小路形成了一个环线,使徒步旅行者可以回到起点,而不用折返行走。

tie a loop of rope around his arm 在他的手臂上用绳子系一个圈

passive [ˈpæsɪv]

adj. 被动的;消极的

He is quite passive in meetings and doesn't give his opinions openly. 他在会议上很被动,从不公开发表意见。

passive acceptance 被动接受

active adj. 主动的;活跃的

passively adv. 被动地;消极地

precedent [ˈpresɪdənt]

n. 先例,前例

The judge's strict ruling and sentence set a precedent for similar, future cases. 法官的严厉裁定和判决为今后类似的案件开创了先例。

set an important precedent for dealing with similar cases 为处理类似案件开创重要先例

resilience [rɪˈzɪliəns]

n. 恢复力,复原力;弹性

Despite facing numerous challenges, her resilience helped her bounce back stronger than ever. 尽管面临许多挑战,但她的韧性使得她比以往任何时候都更坚强。

the misconception of resilience 对复原力的误解

resilient adj. 有承受力的,有复原力的

They help control problem insects and increase the health and resilience of the forest. 它们有助于控制问题昆虫以及增加森林的健康度和复原能力。

diagnose [ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz]

v. 诊断;判断

The test is designed to diagnose a range of similar diseases. 该测试旨在诊断一系列类似的疾病。

be used to diagnose a variety of diseases 被用于诊断多种疾病

diagnosis n. 诊断;判断

It is probable that many undiagnosed children exist in the education system with “invisible” disabilities. 也许有很多未确诊的 孩子带着“未知”的残疾接受教育

receptive [rɪˈseptɪv]

adj. 接受的;容纳的

He gave an impressive speech, and the audience was very receptive . 他发表了一次令人印象深刻的演讲,听众很接受他讲的内容。

always receptive to new ideas 总是愿意接受新观点

receive v. 接收;收到 reception n. 接待;接待处

ideal [aɪˈdiːəl]

adj. 理想的;完美的 n. 理想;典范

Her manager was impressed when she came up with an ideal solution to the problem. 当她想出一个解决问题的理想方案时,受到了经理的关注。

the ideal candidate for the job 这项工作的理想人选

idealism n. 理想主义

focus more on interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and impartiality 更加关注人际和道德规范,例如公正和公平

rely [rɪˈlaɪ]

v. 依靠;信赖

She was not very independent and often relied on help from her parents. 她不是很独立,经常依赖于父母的帮助。

rely on 依赖于

proper [ˈprɒpə(r)]

adj. 合适的,适当的

When learning to write in Chinese it's important to learn the proper order of the strokes. 学习写汉字时,学会正确的笔画顺序是很重要的。

follow the proper procedures for dealing with complaints 按正当手续处理投诉

appropriate adj. 合适的

improper adj. 不合适的

lateral [ˈlætərəl]

adj. 侧面的,横向的

You have to train yourself in lateral thinking to solve the kinds of puzzles in that reasoning test. 你必须训练自己的横向思维来解出推理测试中的各种题目。

lateral movement of the bridge 大桥的横向移动

impart [ɪmˈpɑːrt]

v. 传授,告知;赋予,给予

The wise teacher sought to impart valuable life lessons to her students. 这位明智的老师设法向学生传授宝贵的人生经验。

impart an Eastern flavour to the dish 给菜肴添加一种东方风味

Research suggests that when adopting a first-person viewpoint we focus on “the focal features of the environment” and when we adopt a third-person, “observer” viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and impartiality . 研究显示,当采用第一人称视角的时候,我们会专注于“此场景的焦点特征”;而当我们采取了一种第三人称的“观察者”视角时,我们会进行更广角的分析,会更多关注人际和道德规范,例如公正和公平。

sanitary [ˈsænətri]

adj. 卫生的,清洁的

The sanitary conditions in the new hospital are fantastic. 新建医院的卫生条件非常好。

sanitary facilities 卫生设施

Those who could afford to live in more pleasant surroundings moved out, and the area became one where the vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty, and suffered from appalling sanitary conditions. 那些能够负担起更好环境的人们搬走了,剩下的绝大多数人生活得极其贫困,并且忍受着极其恶劣的卫生条件。

fossil [ˈfɒsl]

n. 化石;老顽固,思想僵化的人

Some fossils are over a billion years old and are found in the rocks of cliffs by the seaside. 有些化石已经存在了超过10亿年,在海边悬崖的岩石中被发 现。

fossil fuels 矿物燃料

academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk]

adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的

The course is aimed at improving academic English for postgraduate study. 这门课程旨在提高研究生的学术英语水平。

academic qualifications 学术资历 a purely academic question 一个纯理论问题 an academic career 学术生涯

academy n. 学会;学院

texture [ˈtekstʃə(r)]

n. 质地,纹理

The fabric had a soft and smooth texture , pleasing to the touch. 这种织物质地柔软光滑,摸起来很舒服。

the soft texture of velvet 天鹅绒柔软的质地

era [ˈɪərə]

n. 时代,年代,纪元

The Renaissance era brought forth a remarkable flourishing of art, culture, and scientific advancements. 文艺复兴时期带来了艺术、文化和科学发展的显著繁荣。

the end of an era 一个时代的结束

Although the Renaissance is renowned as an era of incredible progress in art and architecture, it is rarely noted that the 15th century also marked the birth of urbanism as a true academic discipline. 虽然文艺复兴时期最为著名的是艺术和建筑领域令人惊叹的诸多进步,但很少有人注意到,15世纪同时也标志着城市研究作为一门真正的学术科目的诞生。

reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl]

adj. 可靠的;可信赖的

I just want a good, reliable car, nothing flashy or too expensive. 我只想要一辆不错的、可靠的车,不需要太花哨或者太贵。

a reliable friend 一个可信赖的朋友 a reliable witness 一位可信的目击证人

It is a more reliable source of energy than wind power. 这是一种比风能更为可靠的能源。

shrewd [ʃruːd]

adj. 精明的,机敏的

The shrewd businessman always made wise investment decisions. 精明的商人总是做出明智的投资决策。

a shrewd judge of character 看人看得很准

subtle adj. 机智的;敏锐的

grand [ɡrænd]

adj. 壮丽的;宏伟的

The grand mansion stood imposingly on top of the hill just outside the town. 那座宏伟的大厦雄伟地矗立在城外的山顶上。

a grand strategy 一项宏伟战略

magnificent adj. 壮丽的;宏伟的

administration [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]

n. 管理;行政;实施;行政机构

Human Resources is a key department in the administration of a big company, and deals with recruitment and employee management. 人力资源是大公司行政管理的关键部门,负责招聘和员工管 理。

administration costs 行政费用

administrate v. 管理;支配 administrator n. 管理者

drawback [ˈdrɔːbæk]

n. 缺点,不利条件

The main drawback of mobile phones is that they are very addictive for young people. 手机的主要缺点是很容易让年轻人上瘾。

a major drawback of the new system 新系统的一大弊端

disadvantage n. 缺点

complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]

v. 使复杂化

He always got flustered in stressful situations and then complicated things unnecessarily. 他在紧张的情境中总是很慌乱,并毫无必要地把事情复杂 化。

complicate the situation 使情况复杂化

complicated adj. 复杂的;混乱的

sphere [sfɪə(r)]

n. 范围,领域;球体,球形

The earth is not a perfect sphere but is slightly oval-shaped. 地球不是一个完美的球体,实际上它略微呈现椭圆形。

the sphere of international politics 国际政治领域

atmosphere n. 大气层 hemisphere n. 半球

surplus [ˈsɜːpləs]

n. 剩余;盈余;贸易顺差 adj. 剩余的;过剩的

It was an especially good harvest this year and there was a huge surplus of grain by the end of the season. 今年是收成特别好的一年,到季末都有大量粮食富余。

be in surplus 出现过剩 a surplus of teachers 教师过剩

deficit n. 赤字;亏损 shortage n. 短缺

trap [træp]

n. 陷阱;圈套;困境 v. 设陷阱;使陷入圈套

The skilled hunter set a trap in the forest to catch the elusive animal. 熟练的猎人在森林里设了一个陷阱来捕捉那只难以发现的动物。

a fox with its leg in a trap 一只被夹子夹住腿的狐狸

The device has a very simple filter to trap particles, and this can easily be shaken to remove them. 该设备有一个非常简单的过滤器用来过滤颗粒物,通过晃动过滤器就可以轻松去除颗粒物。

gravity [ˈɡrævəti]

n. 重力,地心引力;严重性

The section of the rocket will apparently be pulled down to earth by gravity and land in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 显然火箭的这一部分会被重力拉回地球,并在大西洋中部着 陆。

Newton's law of universal gravity 牛顿万有引力定律

seriousness n. 严重性

grave adj. 严重的,重大的 aggravate v. 使恶化,使变严重

cube [kjuːb]

n. 立方体;立方

The package contained a perfect cube of colourful building blocks. 包裹里装着一个完美的彩色积木立方体。

cold water with ice cubes in it 加冰块的冷水

This glass has five times the strength of standard glass, and when it does break it shatters into tiny cubes rather than large, razor-sharp shards. 这种玻璃的强度是普通玻璃的五倍,破碎时裂成细小颗粒而不是锋利的大块碎片。

conscience [ˈkɒnʃəns]

n. 道德心,良心

He had a guilty conscience about having cheated in the examination. 他因为在考试中作弊而感到内心愧疚。

trouble his conscience 使他良心不安

deduce [dɪˈdjuːs]

v. 推论,推断;演绎出

We can deduce from these figures that the business is declining this season. 我们可以从这些数字中推测这个季度业务会下滑。

deduce a lot from what people choose to buy 从人们选购的东西作出多方面推断

infer v. 推论,推断

comprehend [ˌkɒmprɪˈhend]

v. 理解,领悟

I find it difficult to comprehend the difficult formulas and equations in physics. 我发现理解物理学里那些很难的公式和方程是非常困难的。

unable to comprehend 无法理解

comprehension n. 理解,包含 comprehensive adj. 综合的,广泛的

make AI's decision-making process easier to comprehend 让人工智能的决策过程更容易理解

retreat [rɪˈtriːt]

v. 撤退;后退;隐退 n. 撤退;后退;僻静处;静修

The peaceful retreat offered meditation and relaxation sessions all the year round. 这个宁静的静修处一年四季都提供冥想和放松课程。

retreat from the room 从房间里退出来

ballet [ˈbæleɪ]

n. 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞

She dreamed of becoming a prima ballerina in a prestigious ballet company. 她梦想成为一家著名芭蕾舞团的首席芭蕾舞演员。

ballet shoes 芭蕾舞鞋

monster [ˈmɒnstə(r)]

n. 怪兽,怪物 adj. 庞大的,巨大的

In mythology, the dragon is often portrayed as a fearsome monster . 在神话中,龙经常被描绘成可怕的怪物。

a monster with three heads 一个三头怪兽 prehistoric monsters 史前怪物

erupt [ɪˈrʌpt]

v. 爆发;喷发

The volcano in The Canary Islands erupted last week, but caused no harm. 加那利群岛的这座火山上周喷发了,但没有造成伤害。

erupt from the crater 从火山口喷出

eruption n. 爆发;喷出

surround [səˈraʊnd]

v. 围绕;包围

He hated being surrounded by lots of other people when he was shopping or in a busy place. 当他在购物或者在人多的地方时,他讨厌被很多人围绕着。

tall trees surrounding the lake 环湖的大树

surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的

poll [pəʊl]

n. 投票;民意测验 v. 对……进行民意测验;获得(票数)

The poll showed that 80% of the population supported the policy proposal. 民意调查显示80%的人支持这项政策建议。

carry out a poll 进行民意测验 be ahead in the poll 票数领先

survey n. 调查 ballot n. 投票表决

frequent [ˈfriːkwənt]

adj. 频繁的;时常发生的

He made frequent visits to his grandmother in hospital when she was sick. 当他的祖母生病时,他经常去医院看望她。

frequent visitors to this country 经常来到该国的访客

frequency n. 频繁;频率 frequently adv. 频繁地

conversely [ˈkɒnvɜːsli]

adv. 相反地

We are not going to have enough onions to last the year, while potatoes, conversely , are in a major surplus. 我们将没有足够的洋葱维持一年,相反,土豆会有很大的富 余。

or conversely 或者相反地

converse adj. 相反的

forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst]

v. / n. 预测,预报

The weather is forecast to be dull and wet for the next fortnight, so they will probably delay their hiking trip. 天气预报说未来两周的天气将阴冷潮湿,所以他们可能会推迟徒步旅行。

sales forecasts 销售预测

predict v. 预测 foresee v. 预测

genius [ˈdʒiːniəs]

n. 天才;天赋

Einstein was most certainly a genius —his discoveries have formed the basis of most physics that we study in schools today. 爱因斯坦无疑是一个天才,他的发现构成了我们如今在学校学习的大多数物理学的基础。

a mathematical genius 一个数学天才

initial [ɪˈnɪʃl]

adj. 最初的,开始的;(字母)位于词首的

His initial attempts at the game were weak, but he quickly improved with practice. 他最初在比赛中表现不佳,但通过练习很快获得了进步。

in the initial stages 在最初阶段 my initial reaction 我的最初反应

initially adv. 开始,最初 initiate v. 开始;发起 initiative n. 措施,倡议;主动性

atom [ˈætəm]

n. 原子

Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合组成一个水分子。

the splitting of the atom 原子的分裂 two atoms of hydrogen 两个氢原子

atomic adj. 原子的

molecule n. 分子 neutron n. 中子 particle n. 微粒,颗粒;粒子 proton n. 质子

Exercise 03



_____ 1. moisture A. 娱乐

_____ 2. offspring B. 释放

_____ 3. diesel C. 后代

_____ 4. pastime D. 潮湿

_____ 5. release E. 柴油

_____ 6. resilience A. 质地

_____ 7. fossil B. 恢复力

_____ 8. texture C. 壮丽的

_____ 9. grand D. 化石

_____ 10. reliable E. 可靠的

_____ 11. surplus A. 芭蕾舞

_____ 12. trap B. 剩余

_____ 13. conscience C. 良心

_____ 14. cube D. 陷阱

_____ 15. ballet E. 立方体

_____ 16. initial A. 最初的

_____ 17. atom B. 围绕

_____ 18. erupt C. 相反地

_____ 19. surround D. 爆发

_____ 20. conversely E. 原子



_____ 1. loop A. a similar action or event that happened earlier

_____ 2. diagnose B. a shape like a curve or circle made by a line

_____ 3. precedent C. to say exactly what an illness is

_____ 4. impart D. to pass information or knowledge to other people

_____ 5. complicate E. to make sth. more difficult to understand or deal with

_____ 6. gravity A. to form an opinion based on the evidence available

_____ 7. deduce B. to move away from a place or an enemy

_____ 8. retreat C. a statement about what will happen in the future

_____ 9. forecast D. the force attracts objects in space towards each other

_____ 10. frequent E. happening or doing sth. often PPxU20udIeJTd4MxqYPD/JX2yYGGjGTbW8wStnWp2uLqYKZUSvGMhx17om2YYtp2

