
Word List 02


aggravate [ˈæɡrəveɪt]

v. 加重,加剧,恶化

The way his sister dealt with the problem did not help at all, but only aggravated the already difficult situation. 他姐姐处理问题的方式没有任何帮助,只是加剧了已经很困难的情况。

aggravate the conflict even further 使冲突加剧

worsen v. 加剧,变坏

speculate [ˈspekjuleɪt]

v. 推测,猜测

It's important to look at the scientific facts and not speculate too much based on random opinions found on social media. 重要的是要着眼于科学事实,而不是根据社交媒体上的随机观点进行过多推测。

speculate about the reasons for her resignation 推测她辞职的原因

speculation n. 推断

persist [pəˈsɪst]

v. 坚持;持续

If symptoms persist then it is advised that you see your doctor again for more tests. 如果症状持续,建议你再去看一下医生,做更细致的检查。

those who persist in their dreams 坚持梦想的人

persistence n. 坚持;持续

disperse [dɪˈspɜːs]

v. 分散;传播

As the smoke began to disperse on the stage, the band came on. 当舞台上的烟开始散去时,乐队登场了。

disperse quickly 很快散开

visual [ˈvɪʒuəl]

adj. 视觉的,视力的

He was a huge fan of the visual arts, and particularly liked dance and live performances. 他是视觉艺术的超级粉丝,尤其喜欢舞蹈和现场演出。

visual depiction of violence 对暴力的视觉描绘

visualise v. 使可见;想象

context [ˈkɒntekst]

n. 环境,背景;上下文,语境

It's important to learn about the historical context to understand events. 了解历史背景对理解事件是很重要的。

in the context of Britain in the 1960s 以20世纪60年代的英国为背景

contextual adj. 上下文的

Thus, by strategically displaying more dominant laughter when the context allows, low-status individuals may achieve higher status in the eyes of others. 因此,当情景允许的时候,通过策略性地展示出更多支配性笑声,身份地位低的人就有可能在其他人的眼中营造出更高的身份地位感。

plough [plaʊ]

v. 犁(田);耕(地) n.

The fields had been ploughed with a state-of-the-art modern tractor, and were ready for planting. 田地已经用最先进的现代拖拉机犁过,可以进行播种了。

a carefully ploughed field 一片仔细犁过的田地

entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː]

n. 企业家;主办者

An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker and a visionary business person. 企业家不仅仅是一个冒险者和一个有远见的商人。

entrepreneur spirit 企业家精神

consolation [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃn]

n. 安慰,慰藉

Her friends offered words of consolation and support during her time of grief. 在她悲伤的时候,她的朋友们纷纷表示安慰和支持。

a few words of consolation 几句安慰的话

alternative [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv]

adj. 可供替代的;另外的 n. 可供选择的事物

He felt he had no alternative but to confront her directly about the issue, in hope they could resolve it honestly. 他觉得自己别无选择,只能直接面对她,希望他们能有诚意地解决问题。

a vegetarian alternative on the menu 菜单上的素食者选择

alternate adj. 轮流的,交替的 v. 轮流,交替 alternation n. 轮流,交替

alternative explorations 其他的探索方法

explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt]

adj. 明确的,清楚的

He was highly explicit in detailing the needs and requirements of the project. 他非常明确地详细描述了项目的需求和要求。

very explicit directions on how to get there 清楚地说明了去那儿的路线

implicit adj. 含蓄的;不清楚的

algebra [ˈældʒɪbrə]

n. 代数;代数学

The algebra class focused on solving complex mathematical equations and expressions. 代数课的重点是解决复杂的数学方程和表达式。

difficult algebra questions 很难的代数题

ambiguity [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti]

n. 含糊,不明确,模棱两可

The poem's ambiguity made it difficult for me to understand the author's viewpoint. 这首诗模棱两可,使我很难理解作者的立场。

avoid ambiguity 避免含糊不清

vacant [ˈveɪkənt]

adj. 空的;空缺的;空闲的

The business closed down and they moved everything out, leaving the space vacant . 业务关停,他们搬走了所有物品,让这里空无一物。

vacant properties 未被占用的房产

vacancy n. 空白;空缺

tropic [ˈtrɒpɪk]

n. (the ~s)热带;回归线

The tropics located south of the equator are noted for heat and humidity almost the entire year round. 赤道以南的热带地区以几乎全年的炎热和潮湿而闻名。

protect tropic forests 保护热带雨林

subtropics n. 亚热带 subtropical adj. 亚热带的

devote [dɪˈvəʊt]

v. 致力于;奉献于

He was a great father and he devoted all his free time and energy into educating his daughter. 他是一位伟大的父亲,将所有的空闲时间和精力都投入到教育自己的女儿上。

devote herself to her career 全力倾注于她自己的事业

devotion n. 奉献;贡献

deadline [ˈdedlaɪn]

n. 截止日期,最终期限

The deadline was too tight and she worried she would not be able to meet it. 最后期限太紧张了,她担心自己无法完成。

meet the deadline 赶上最后期限

miss the deadline 错过截止日期

capital [ˈkæpɪtl]

n. 资金,资本;首都,省会;大写字母 adj. 首都的;大写的;可处死刑的

We don't really have enough capital to invest in new premises or expand the office. 我们确实没有足够的资金来投资新的办公场地或扩大办公区。

capital expenditure 资本投资 capital and labour 资方与劳方

Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure including value-added capital investment, employment and tax contributions. 从包括增值资本投资、就业和税收贡献在内的任何经济指标来看,旅游和旅游业几乎都是全世界最大的产业。

consensus [kənˈsensəs]

n. 一致,共识

Eventually, after multiple meetings, all sides reached a consensus . 最终,经过多次会议,各方都达成了共识。

a general consensus 普遍共识 an attempt to reach a consensus 一次达成共识的尝试

congestion [kənˈdʒestʃən]

n. 拥挤;拥塞

Traffic congestion is a major problem in my city, and leads to long commutes. 交通拥堵是我所在城市的一个主要问题,导致了长时间的通 勤。

traffic congestion and pollution 交通拥塞和污染

juvenile [ˈdʒuːvənaɪl]

adj. 青少年的 n. 青少年

His early psychology research focused mainly on juvenile delinquency. 他早期的心理学研究主要集中于青少年犯罪。

juvenile crime 青少年犯罪

Upon their release, the juvenile tortoises quickly spread out over their ancestral territory, investigating their new surroundings and feeding on the vegetation. 一经释放,这些幼龟马上在它们祖先的土地上四散开去,四处探索它们的新环境,品尝植被食粮。

provision [prəˈvɪʒn]

n. 提供;供给;规定;条款

The government places a high priority on the provision of effective public services for the elderly. 政府优先为老人们提供有效的公共服务。

housing provision 住房供应 the provision of specialist teachers 配备专业教师

provide v. 提供

motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt]

v. 刺激,使有动机,激发

It's very hard to motivate some young children to study, especially if they are strong-willed, creative and energetic. 鼓励一些儿童学习 非常困难,尤其是在他们想法坚定、喜欢创造且活力十足的时候。

a highly motivated student 一名学习积极性很高的学生

motivation n. 动机,动力

veracity [vəˈræsəti]

n. 真实,准确;诚实

The witness's testimony was questioned due to doubts about the veracity of their statements. 由于怀疑证人陈述的真实性,他们的证词受到了质疑。

the veracity of the story 故事的真实性

vanish [ˈvænɪʃ]

v. 消失

As the ship sailed off into the mist we watched its stern vanish into the night. 随着船只驶入雾中,我们看着船尾消失在夜色中。

the vanishing woodlands of Europe 即将消失的欧洲林地

disappear v. 消失

appear v. 出现

notion [ˈnəʊʃn]

n. 观念;想法,见解

Nobody had the faintest notion what the abstract painting was about. 没有人知道这幅抽象画是关于什么的。

a management system based on the notions of equality 建立在平等观念基础上的管理体系

An alternative to this notion of genetic programming is to see the teacher-subjects' actions as a result of the social environment under which the experiment was carried out. 与这种基因说不同的观点是将那些扮演教师的试验对象的行为看作是进行试验的社会环境所造成的。

commodity [kəˈmɒdəti]

n. 商品;货物;日用品

Crude oil is probably one of the world's most important commodities . 原油或许是世界上最重要的商品之一。

a drop in commodity prices 商品价格的下跌

It was named the Silk Road after its most precious commodity , which was considered to be worth more than gold. 之所以叫做“丝绸之路”,正是以其最珍贵的商品而得名,它被视为比黄金更贵重。

instil [ɪnˈstɪl]

v. 灌输,培养;滴注

The teacher sought to instill a love for learning in her students through engaging lessons. 老师试图通过引人入胜的课程向学生灌输对学习的热爱。

instil a winning attitude in the kids 给孩子们灌输胜利的心态

The second group—those who had been instilled with a “growth mindset”—were subsequently far more likely to put effort into future tasks. 第二组——那些被灌输了“成长性思维”的孩子——接下来会明显更乐意去为未来各种任务投入精力。

collocation [ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃn]

n. 搭配;组配;组合

It's very important to improve your knowledge of common collocations in English. 提高对英语中常用搭配的认识是非常重要的。

the basic notion of collocation 搭配的基本概念

creep [kriːp]

v. 爬行,匍匐;蔓延

The hunter stealthily crept through the undergrowth as he approached the deer. 猎人蹑手蹑脚地穿过矮树丛,走近那只鹿。

creep downstairs 小心地下楼

ecology [iˈkɒlədʒi]

n. 生态;生态学

Focussing on ecology should be a top priority for all countries today, if we are going to solve significant climate issues. 如果我们要解决重要的气候问题,关注生态应该是当今所有国家的首要任务。

human ecology 人类生态学

ecological adj. 生态的

opulent [ˈɒpjələnt]

adj. 豪华的;富有的;大量的

The luxurious palace displayed opulent decorations and furnishings. 这座豪华的宫殿拥有华丽的装饰和陈设。

add an opulent touch to a formal dinner party 给正式晚宴增加一种奢华感

adverse [ˈædvɜːs]

adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的

She had an adverse reaction to the medicine so the doctor recommended another. 她对这种药有不良反应,所以医生推荐了另一种药。

an adverse effect on our research programme 对我们研究方案的不利影响

adversity n. 逆境;不幸

emotion [ɪˈməʊʃn]

n. 情感;情绪

He was filled with emotion after watching the moving film. 看了这部感人的电影后,他感慨良多。

the split between reason and emotion 理智与情感分离

emotional adj. 情感的;有感染力的

a particular technique for learning based on emotions 一种基于情感的特殊学习方式

excursion [ɪkˈskɜːʃn]

n. 远足;旅行;游览;离题

Team-building excursions are a great way for people in the same company to get to know each other, and learn to work together better. 团队建设远足是一个很好的方式,可以让公司内的人互相了解,并学习更好地一起工作。

go on an excursion 去旅行

sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθi]

n. 同情;赞同

I don't have much sympathy for people who are always complaining all the time about problems that they cannot solve. 我不会太同情那些总是抱怨自己无法解决问题的人。

be in sympathy with 支持;与……意见一致 express sympathy for sb. 表达对某人的同情

sympathetic adj. 同情的;有同情心的

The person who deserves most sympathy is the French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil. 最值得同情的人是法国天文学家 Guillaume Le Gentil

upgrade [ˌʌpˈɡreɪd] v. [ˈʌpɡreɪd] n.

v. 升级;改善;上升 n. 升级;提升

It's important to upgrade your phone every few years or it starts to get slow and full of bugs. 每隔几年升级一下你的手机是很重要的,否则它就会变得反应慢,总是出问题。

upgrade the town's leisure facilities 改善镇里的休闲设施 upgrade the status of teachers 提升老师的地位

symphony [ˈsɪmfəni]

n. 交响乐;和声

I love listening to classic music, especially long, epic symphonies . 我喜欢听古典音乐,尤其是长篇史诗般的交响乐。

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony 贝多芬的第五交响曲

She usually plays with symphony orchestras, and apparently this is her first time with a jazz band. 她通常在交响乐团演出,显然这是她第一次在爵士乐队演出。

adolescent [ˌædəˈlesnt]

adj. 青春期的;青少年的 n. 青少年

Some say that the adolescent period of one's life is the most challenging, but fun. 有人说,人生的青春时期是最具挑战但也最有趣的时期。

adolescent experiences 青春期的经历

adolescence n. 青年期;青春期

stripe [straɪp]

n. 条纹,线条;类型

The zebra's black and white stripes are said to confuse predators in the wilderness. 据说斑马的黑白条纹可以在荒野中迷惑捕食者。

entrepreneurs of all stripes 各类企业家

Its most distinguishing feature was the 13–19 dark brown stripes over its back, beginning at the rear of the body and extending onto the tail. 它最显著的特征是背部有13到19条黑棕色条纹,从身体的背部一直延伸到尾巴。

cosmetic [kɒzˈmetɪk]

adj. 美容的;装点门面的 n. 化妆品;装饰品

The national health service cannot provide cosmetic surgery services. 国民保健服务不能提供整容手术服务。

the cosmetics industry 化妆品行业 a cosmetic company 一家化妆品公司

clay [kleɪ]

n. 黏土,陶土

The potter molded the clay into a beautiful vase, shaping it with skilled hands. 陶工用熟练的双手把黏土捏成了一个漂亮的花瓶。

a large piece of clay 一大块陶土

He did dozens of studies in clay for the sculpture, and these were cast in bronze and issued in editions of seven to nine copies each. 他为这组雕像做了几十次黏土研究,这些(雕像)都是用青铜铸成的,每个版本有7到9个副本。

current [ˈkʌrənt]

adj. 现在的;最近的;流通的 n. 水流;电流;趋势

The current climate for those interested in getting into engineering is a very positive one. 对于那些对工程学感兴趣的人而言,当前的形势是非常积极 的。

a budget for the current year 今年的预算 electrical current 电流

currency n. 货币;流行

the current unprecedented global warming 如今空前的全球变暖现象

element [ˈelɪmənt]

n. 元素;成分;自然环境

Customer relations is an important element of marketing job in the company. 客户关系是公司营销工作的重要元素。

a key element in our decision 我们决策时考虑的主要因素

He wants to preserve an element of uncertainty in his music, making our brains beg for the one chord he refuses to give us. 他想在音乐中保留不确定的元素,使我们的大脑渴望那些他没有使用的和弦。

anecdote [ˈænɪkdəʊt]

n. 轶事,奇闻,秘史

He began his presentation by telling a personal anecdote from his experiences overseas. 他用讲述自己海外经历中一件个人轶事的方式开始了自己的演 说。

amusing anecdotes about his brief career as an actor 关于他短暂演员生涯的趣闻逸事

tilt [tɪlt]

v. / n. 倾斜;倾侧

It was quite fashionable in the 1940s for women to wear their hats at a tilt . 在20世纪40年代,妇女歪戴着帽子是很时髦的。

the abrupt tilt of the hill 山势的陡峭

genuine [ˈdʒenjuɪn]

adj. 真实的,真正的;真诚的

He made genuine and sincere attempts to resolve the dispute. 他为解决争议作出了真挚而充满诚意的尝试。

genuine concern for others 对他人真诚的关心

authentic adj. 真实的;真正的

duplicate [ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt] v. [ˈdjuːplɪkət] adj.& n.

v. 复制;重复 n. 副本;复制品 adj. 复制的;二重的

He made a duplicate of the document so that he could keep one copy for himself, and give the other to HR. 他复印了文档,以便自己保留一份,另一份交给人力资源部。

a duplicated form 一份复制的表格

duplication n. 重复;复制

intimate [ˈɪntɪmət]

adj. 亲密的;私人的 n. 知己;至交

I only discuss private and personal issues with my intimate friends. 我只和自己亲密的朋友讨论私人问题。

on intimate terms 关系紧密

subsequent [ˈsʌbsɪkwənt]

adj. 随后的;后来的

The family skills in the trade were passed on to subsequent generations. 家族的贸易技能一代一代传了下来。

subsequent events 后来发生的事 subsequent experiments 随后的实验

Exercise 02



_____ 1. persist A. 另外的

_____ 2. visual B. 坚持

_____ 3. plough C. 视觉的

_____ 4. alternative D. 代数

_____ 5. algebra E.

_____ 6. vacant A. 空的

_____ 7. consensus B. 一致

_____ 8. juvenile C. 青少年的

_____ 9. motivate D. 准确

_____ 10. veracity E. 刺激

_____ 11. collocation A. 青春期的

_____ 12. creep B. 陶土

_____ 13. emotion C. 情感

_____ 14. adolescent D. 爬行

_____ 15. clay E. 搭配

_____ 16. element A. 元素

_____ 17. cosmetic B. 倾斜

_____ 18. tilt C. 美容的

_____ 19. intimate D. 亲密的

_____ 20. subsequent E. 后来的



_____ 1. speculate A. to form an opinion without knowing all the facts

_____ 2. disperse B. a person or thing that makes you feel better

_____ 3. consolation C. to move apart and go away in different directions

_____ 4. deadline D. a point in time by which sth. must be done

_____ 5. congestion E. the state of being crowded and full of traffic

_____ 6. vanish A. made or decorated using expensive materials

_____ 7. commodity B. a product or a raw material that can be bought

_____ 8. opulent C. the feeling of being sorry for sb.

_____ 9. sympathy D. to make an exact copy of sth.

_____ 10. duplicate E. to disappear suddenly in a way that you cannot explain SxT6rsfmTQfKmFdrR9H5DgWnhiWLebm9D/0U7nW52ILrm1OfzKSIyoAe+089EuIn
